• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

Deleted Scene: Stan goes to a strip club

Author's Note:

So, after looking back at the many mistakes I made in this story, I realized I had even more than I thought.
This deleted chapter, along with some others, are idea's I typed about during the time of writing this fic, but I knew they were far too stupid to upload, so I stopped writing them and threw them away,
but I decided that, with no ideas on how to end this fic yet, to just upload these while I think.
So...enjoy this very strange chapter, I'll upload more if you want.
btw, they ain't edited. I don't want them to be, they don't deserve it.

“So. Many. COLORS!”

Carl did his best to hold Stan back, but the alcohol in his body seemed to give him more strength than usual. “Stan...Y-you can’t GrrrGo in...There!”

Stan continued running in place, desperate to get where he wanted to go. “You don’t understand Carlz, those lights are calling to me, and there saying ‘come to the dark side! And together, we can rule with lampshades on our heads!’ So I must...Get...Over….GAH; what is wrong with my legs!”

Carl started to lose his grip on Stan’s tail, he was starting to think it would fall off at any moment. “I’ve had enough of clubs for one day, and this is is even worse than the other.”

Stan stopped running and faced Carl. “Why is it bad? Did it do something wrong? Clubs are misunderstood, Carl, they probably didn’t mean to be...mean.”

Carl groaned. “Stan, that ‘club’ is wrong in many ways, for starters, it is very...how do I put this…”

“You can put it in your pocket, cause I’M GOIN’ IN DRY!” Stan’s drunk strength kicked in as he finally got out of Carl’s grip and made a dash for the front doors to the building.

“Stan!” Carl put his wings to work as he tacked Stan to the ground, causing both of them to roll right through the front doors, without noticing his environment, Carl got on top of Stan and held him down. “You can not go in that club! That place is filled with things that shouldn’t even be in this story!”

“You mean like that.” Stan pointed down the hall, making Carl, not only realized he was inside, but also cringe at the sight.

“Oh dear Chrysie…” Carl looked away and tried to shield his eyes from the many posters on the wall, but that only made Stan get off him and stand on his wobbling legs.

“Alright Charles,” Stan said, making his way down the hall. “let's go see just whatz in store for-”


Stan stopped and tilted his head. “Weird, I feel like I heard that before.” Stan then felt his head turn to his right, looking right into the eyes of a very big and very strong stallion with sunglasses and a black shirt.

“You probably have heard it before.” The stallion said. “Because insects like you need to know that your real identity is your only identity. Not some other pony’s.”

Stan stepped back into a wall and smiled. “So, if I heard you correctly, then that means the third episode will be coming soon?”

Carl could already tell the guard was not in a good mood when it came to changelings, so he calmly walked in between them and said, “S-sorry...uh...My friend here can get a bit...jumpy, so...w-we’ll just find our way out the-”

“And where’s your ID?”

“M-My ID?” Carl stepped back and bumped into Stan. “I-I do have one, but I’m not going in that-”

“Then hoof it over.” The stallion extended his arm, making Carl flinch and Stan gaze in amazement.

“Whoa,” Stan said. “how’d you get your arm to be all big and stuff.”

“S’called getting a workout, bug, now will you please-”

“Workout?” Stan said. “How do you do that?”

Carl could see the glare through the pony’s glasses. “I rough up customers who don’t listen.” The stallion said with full annoyance in his voice. “Now will you-”

“Can you give me a demonstration?” Stan said, immediately making Carl reach for his and Stan’s pockets. Pulling out the ID’s that were given to them after the surrender.

“W-ehehe what he’s saying is that...uh...the ID’s are right here.” Carl laughed nervously and prayed to the queen that this pony would just let them go, and that Stan would just shut up for five more seconds.

The pony lifted up his glasses and inspected the cards while Stan leaned on Carl, “Caaaaaaaaaaaaraaalz.” Stan whispered. “Why’d you not let him give me demonstrations…”

Carl grinded his teeth. “Because, Stan! I don’t want to walk out this place with a broken bone and a bruised eye.”

Stan chuckled. “Silly Carlos, how can we break things we don’t have?”

Carl grabbed Stan by the throat. “Stan. I am going to lose it if you-”

“Alright, it checks out.” The pony put his glasses back on and sighed. “You two better not cause trouble, I know your kind is famous for that.”

Carl let go of Stan and put on a smile. “D-don’t worry, sir, me and my friend aren't even going to be-”

“Let’s go see lights with actions!” Stan grabbed his ID and ran down the hallway in a matter of seconds, making Carl only look back at the guard and laugh nervously.

“Uh...w-we’ll be sure not to.” He calmly took his ID back and ran after Stan while the pony shook his head.

“Psh...bugs...only good ones are the ones under my hoof.”


Carl panted heavily as he chased Stan, his mind intent on either tackling him or just hoping he would stop. “Stan….Wheh...will you just stop-”


“Stop what Carlilz?” Stan stood over his friend, his body still standing after Carl crashed right into him. “Cause if it involves not being able to see the fancy colors, then you can kiss the side of those string beads.” Stan pointed ahead at a doorway that’s blocked by red string beads.

Carl rubbed his head and stood back up. “Stan, so help me...if you go through those, I will end...you…” Carl sighed as he watched the beads sway back and forth in front of him, he could already guess what was behind them. “Oh boy...here we go…”

Carl took a deep breath and walked right through, seeing just what he had guessed. “Yep…it’s a strip club alright.” He looked away from the sight of fur against steel polls, bits on tables, music so loud it was making Shift’s and Lift’s music look quiet, and made his way over to a bar. “At least it has this…”

“Has what? A bar bee que?”

Carl nearly jumped when Stan came up behind him. “Stan! Will you-”

“Will I what?” Stan asked innocently. “Will I...’not’ drink at that stand.”

Carl had to think about that question. “Yes you...won’t...or...will...or...”

“Okay!” Stan wagged his tail and dashed over to the counter. Carl sighed again and dragged himself over to a stool next to Stan. “Ain’t this great, Carl!” Stan yelled through the music. “Just me, you, and this lovely thing called...uh...called...whuz this place called again?”

Carl rested his head on the counter and groaned, not wanting to answer. “I don’t even want to know where I am right now, Stan. Just leave me alone and try not to act like an idiot.”

Stan scratched his head and shrugged. “Okay, hey, miss lay day, can I have...whatever this liquid stuff is.”

Carl started zoning out after that, no longer caring about what was happening around him. “I just wanna go home.” He thought to himself “I should’ve listened to Stan at the very beginning, to just go home and not take part in what ponies do.” He raised his head and turned around, seeing the same sight he saw moments before, “especially this stuff.”

“Ya look lonely, sugar.”

Carl looked forward to see the bartender, who was a mare in a ‘suggestive’ waitress costume. “I’m not.” He answered as depressing as possible. “I’m just sick of all that’s been going on tonight.

The mare frowned. “Oooh, and wha’s that?” She asked in a voice that was far too southern for Carl to listen to.

He could already tell what the mare was trying to do. “Look, I don’t have any bits, so if you’re trying to get me to buy...whatever else you sell besides booze, then don’t expect me to do so.” Admittedly, Carl did have bits, but he wanted to keep them where the belong, in his pockets.

The mare smiled. “I’m just tryin’ tah cheer ya up, sugar. Seein’ as how you’re depressed’n all.”

Carl groaned. “I’m not a sweetener, and I am not depressed. I’m just very annoyed with what’s been going on tonight.” He rested his arm on the table and glared at the waitress. “I’ve been through a lot, from dealing with an idiot in games, to getting force fed, and even getting attacked by a monst-”

“Gettin’ force fed?” The mare put her arm next to his. “How’s that work?” She asked as seductive as possible.

Carl backed away from the table. “It involves things that I’m sure you’re familiar with.”

“Oh...what eva do you mean~?” Carl could tell she knew exactly what he was talking about.

Carl dragged his hooves across his face. “Can you just leave me alone.” He planted his forehead back on the table.

The mare merely patted the back of his head. “You changelings are always so...feisty.”

Carl looked up and rested his chin of the table. “What’s that supposed to mean.”

The mare placed her hooves on the side of his face. “It means that changelings, like you, need special” She lifted his face up to hers and whispered, “Attention~”

Carl shook his head away and growled. “I don’t want anymore ‘attention.’ I want to go home!”

“Door’s ova there, sugar,” She pointed at the strings of beads Carl had gone through minutes ago. “but you can stay here if ya want.”

“I’d rather face a monster again…” Carl grumbled.

“Why face ah monster, when you can face me.”

Carl started getting sick of the way this mare was acting. He rolled his eyes and looked toward the doorway. “I’m telling you I’m not….not...naaahot….”

“What’s tha matta, sugar?”

Carl looked away from the doorway and started shivering. “Uh...h-how about we….go and..uh...oh no…”

“What is it? It’s like ya saw a ghost ova there.” She pointed behind him. “When all it is is a group ah stallions.”

Carl looked back at said group of stallions, the group he knew all too well, and the group that was luckily making their way to the dancers. Carl could see the bruises and scars Stan left on him, he just hoped that they wouldn’t find… “W-wait...w-where’s Stan!?” He turned and looked around spasticity for his brother

“Who? Your friend?” Without Carl noticing, the mare walked around him, checking every part that the changeling had. “I think I saw em’ over by the dancers, he sure is ah playful one.”

“Well, I need to...what are you doing?” Carl stepped back, now seeing the mare look over the lower half of him.

“Just seeing what the ‘customer’ has before I-”

Carl stomped his hoof. “I am not paying you anything! So I suggest you-”

“EY! What are you doin’ here!?”

Carl froze, he knew that voice, the same voice that threatened him, and even almost killed him, at the other club he was at. He didn’t want to turn around, he was too scared to see the truth.

“I’m talkin’ to you, changeling!” Carl heard hoofsteps come his way, he decided that he might get out of this with at least a black eye and only one missing tooth, so he gulped and started turning around, only to be stopped by the mare.

“Wait your turn, boys, this bugs all mine.” With his back still to the ponies, Carl trembled as the mare wrapped an arm around his neck.

“This doesn’t concern you, lady, I recognize this bug anywhere.”

“Oh really?” The mare raised an eye. “Well, know him or not, you’ll have ta wait ya turn.”

Carl could hear the growls of the pony behind him, but that didn’t stop him from still looking away, no longer caring what would happen, as long as he made it out of her in one piece. “How much, lady, I’m sure some of us can double what this bug is payin’ for, that away you can leave him to us so we-”

“I’m sorry, boys, but this changeling called dibs, and ya can’t let a lady walk away, can’t ya?” Carl was starting to question the decisions that brought him here, and what this mare was trying to do.

“Look, doll, you’re a pretty thang, and I’d rather you not get involved with-”

“And I’d rather you not get involved with me, unless you want to...talk with the big guys ova there.” The mare pointed behind her. Carl followed the hoof to see that there were even more security around the walls, all of them looking way tougher than the group of ponies Carl met.

Carl decided that now would be a good time to turn around, just to see if his ears weren't deceiving him, and sure enough, they weren’t. He looked into the face of Charles, seeing a stare so cold that he could feel his body freeze.

But the pony stopped once he realized just how outnumbered, and out muscled, he and his friends were. So, he took one last look at the mare and said. “Fine, we’ll be by the bar…” The started walking past them, Charles glared at Carl and whispered, “We’ll be waitin’, luck bug.”

Carl’s could feel his heart pounding so hard it was starting to hurt, the mare put a hoof on his chest and pouted. “Aw, the little bugs so scared, ain’t he.”

Carl shook his head and stared at the mare, his breath still trying to catch up with him. “T-t-t-t-thank you….” He managed to say. “I-I-I-I thought f-f-f-f-for sure tha-”

The mare moved the hoof up to his mouth and shushed him. “Don’t worry, Sheila took care of it.”

Carl pushed the hoof away. “S-S-So that’s your name...hehe...uh...y-yeah.” He gulped.

Sheila closed the gap between her and him. “So, how’s about I help you...relax for ah bit.”

Carl knew it was either this or dealing with the group of murderous ponies. So, he nodded, but then thought of something. “B-b-b-but what about after, what if their still-”

Sheila leaned in, her chest against his, and shushed him again. “Don’t worry, sugar, Just follow me.” With that, she turned around and started walking.

Carl looked behind him, seeing each one of them looking back at him, Charles even held a bottle like a weapon, the pony nodded and smiled at him, a murderous glare coming over him. Carl yelped and ran right next to Sheila, not wanting to look back anymore. “Hopefully Stan’s okay, I wonder how he’s holding up.”


“Come on! Show me that back side that you call a flank, how’z I supposed learnz bout’ this kand of stuffs if ya don't even teach me!” Stan rested his legs on a table in front of him and took a swig of his bottle.

A stallion next to him raised an eye at him. “Uh, dude, you’re lookin’ a little tipsy there.”

Stan snickered. “Silly pony, only mares have those, and we guys can't do nothin but stare at them...right?” Stan leaned in and smiled, only for the pony to look away and back at the dancers. Stan rolled his eyes and leaned back again. “More eye pictures for me then. Now how’s about thataaaaAAAAAHH!”


Stan groaned and stood back up after he fell from his chair. “Dumb chair, not knowin’ where I need to sit!” He kicked it in frustration, gaining some attention around him.

One mare wearing striped socks on both her legs and arms tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and oogled at her. “Well halllooooooooooo miss stripez. Can I take your order?”

The mare crossed her hooves. “Sir, can you please not mess with the furniture, it’s not cheap.”

Stan stood back. “Well, I wish you were.”

“Excuse me?”

Stan rolled his eyes. “I said, I wish you were a chair so that you could like….do laps...or somethin.’” He scratched his head and leaned on her.

The mare backed up, making him fall on the ground. “First off, it’s the other way around, and I doubt you’re gettin’ any with that kind of attitude.”

Stan stood back up. “I’m just trying to have times that are good, and I am practicing for what I’m gonna be doin’ tonight.”

The mare glared at him. “what, getting on a lady’s nervers.”

“Lay day?” Stan tilted his head. “It’s tuesday, and I’m preparing for things with a white mare and tons of fun!” He ended with a smile, the mare didn’t smile back.

“Well, good luck with that.” She turned around and walked away. Stan whistled and raised his bottle in the air.

“There goes a mare with style!” He then tumbled back into another chair and sipped on his beer, he then noticed a shadow loom over him. “Oh good, a guy who lifts stuff, hey, can ya get me a...wait a minute, don’t I know you from somewhere?”


“I-I-I-I thought there was a n-n-no touching rule.”

“That only applies to the customer.”

I then decided that this was getting far too suggestive and that stopping now was a good idea, seeing as how typing what Carl would soon experience would put this at an even worse rating than it already was