• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,095 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 26

Anypony who thought Pinkie Pie was dumb or crazy had clearly never planned a party with her. She was unique, that much was obvious, and she sometimes got caught up in her own enthusiasm, but she knew the exact pony to snack food ratio required for any kind of get together. She could also tell you who everypony in town was friends with, what all of their favorite foods and games were, and how best to arrange those at a party to minimize interaction between enemies or rivals.

She had literally developed an equation for becoming friends with strangers at parties. Cliff didn't understand it, but Twilight assured him that the math was sound.

What all this meant was that Pinkie was able to plan out a, 'Guaranteed to Make You All a Whole Bunch of Great New Friends,' party, almost as soon as they found her and asked.

“We'll hold it in two days.” Pinkie grinned. “Wednesday is a great day for friendship parties, because everypony is still tired from work, but they're looking forward to the weekend. A few relaxing games, some friendship food,” she pulled an extensive list out of nowhere, “and the right kind of music, and they'll be best friends in minutes!”

Cliff, Spike, and Twilight could only nod mutely and trust in her bizarre logic.

“Now Spike and Cliff, pass these out.” A stack of invitations materialized from behind her back. “Make sure you do it together. The party won't work right otherwise.”

The brothers exchanged a look and a shrug. Neither of them had anything else planned for the next few hours.

“Okay,” Cliff reached for the stack. “We'll meet you back at the palace once we finish.”


“So...” Cliff glanced sideways at his little brother as they walked. “Who's your date with tonight?” The younger dragon's entourage wasn't around at the moment. Come to think of it, Cliff hadn't seen them since the drake attack.

“Merry May,” Spike replied casually. “She's the green pegasus on the weather team.”

“A local then.”


“Doing anything fun?”

“Just dinner.”

When did it become so hard to talk to Spike? Cliff wondered. Since becoming an adult, the younger dragon had been going in such an opposite direction with his life that Cliff was rapidly running out of common ground with him.

“...You guys were awesome.”

“Huh?” Cliff turned to look at his brother.

“When you fought the drake. It was really cool.” Spike sighed. “I can see why you didn't want me around. I would've just gotten in your way.”

Cliff paused, unsure how to respond.

“I hate to admit it,” Spike continued, “but I can see why everypony is a bit scared. You all looked unstoppable out there, and then Fire Eyes threw that gem, and that huge monster was just suddenly... dead. I know that she had no choice,” he quickly added, “but it was still kind of freaky to realize what you could all do if you wanted to.”

Now Cliff was even more confused. Does Spike envy our fighting abilities, or is he intimidated by them? “What exactly are you trying to say?”

Spike was spared answering for a moment, as they arrived at the first house on their list. A gray stallion with a clover on his flank answered. “Hey, Lucky.”

“Hiya, Spike.” He gave them both a friendly smile. “You too, Cliff Runner. What can I do for you?”

“We're just out delivering invitations for a Pinkie Party at Sugarcube Corner this Wednesday.” Spike gave him the envelope. “Think you can make it?”

“As if I'd miss a Pinkie Party.” The stallion grinned. “I'll see you both there?”

Spike nodded. “Yup, see ya later.”

“You too.” He closed his door as the two dragons walked away.

“...Well?” Cliff asked after a moment.

“I'm just saying sorry that I couldn't help, and that you shouldn't be too hard on everypony. It really did look like she killed that drake for no reason.”

The older dragon sighed. “I know how it looked. The part that makes me angry is that everypony jumped to the worst possible conclusion about it. Twilight is probably more powerful than all of us combined. Stars, you once stabbed a giant cockatrice in the neck with a trident, in front of half of Canterlot even. But because we're outsiders, a display of power is threatening and killing a monster makes us all evil.”

Spike was silent for a moment. “I guess we have been kind of hypocritical that way.”

“Yeah,” Cliff looked around, “I mean, this is the second time wyrms have fought to protect Ponyville, and look at how they've treated us because of it.”

The younger dragon didn't respond.

“...I'm sorry.” Cliff bit down his anger. “I've just never seen Fire Eyes so upset, but I shouldn't be taking it out on you.”

Spike shook his head. “No, you're right. I was reacting like everypony else.” He didn't speak again until they had visited several more houses. “...Do you think Fire Eyes will forgive me?”

“Yes.” Cliff patted his brother on the shoulder. “Just ask her.”

“Good.” Spike cracked a smile. “Anyway, just you wait. After Twilight's seminar tonight, everypony will know the truth.” The alicorn princess had called yet another town meeting to set the residents of Ponyville at ease.

“Yeah, you're right.” Cliff managed a smile as well. “I don't think I've actually told you this yet, but you're really amazing, Spike. The Exchange Program would have been dead from the start without your help.”

Spike tried unsuccessfully to keep from grinning. “Hey, give Twilight, Autumn, and Rarity credit too. Besides, I haven't done anything too amazing. The whole reason I became an adult was to help with the next big monster attack,” the grin slid from his face, “and look how that turned out.”

“You aren't looking at yourself clearly.” Cliff paused long enough for them to hand out another invitation. “You've reached tier three magic, and Grandma tells me you're nearly a rank one warrior, and you've done it in just over two months.”

“I know that's kind of fast,” Spike shrugged, “but I still couldn't help when you needed me.”

“No, you don't understand. It took me eight years to finish my rank one training. At this rate, you'll do it in three months, while fighting against the mass media of an entire country. A fight that no other dragon I know would be able to handle, I'd like to point out.” He stopped to look his brother in the eyes. “Seriously, not only are you going to make a great fighter, but you've already saved us every time we've needed you in the political arena, and that's much more important than being able to slash at some monster.”

Spike's eyes watered up. “I... uh,” he grabbed the older dragon in a quick embrace before pulling back awkwardly. “T-thanks, Cliff. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” Cliff rolled his eyes. He had never understood why his little brother thought it was embarrassing to hug him in public.

They were slowly working their way through the main body of Ponyville, and towards the outskirts.

“By the way,” Spike said, clearing his throat. “How are things with Fluttershy?”

“Good.” She was waiting to see if her friends would accept the extra years before she made her own decision, which hurt Cliff more than he had been expecting, but they were still on to have dinner with her parents. According to Rainbow, this was a huge step for the timid mare. “What about your dating life?”

The younger dragon shrugged. “Some of the mares are fun. Others are annoying. A few just scare me. None of them are really memorable though.”

“And Rarity?”

“Rarity is...” Spike looked down. “I don't know. I think I can finally accept that she just wants to be friends, but it still hurts.”

Cliff gave his younger brother a hug. He had no compunctions about showing affection in front of others. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“...There isn't much to talk about. I'm just trying to move on. Find somepony else, I guess.”

The older dragon tousled his brother's head spikes. “Give your heart time. Remember, love isn't an emotion, it's a choice.”

It was a fairly obvious bit of wisdom for most wyrms. All meaningful relationships were built on memories first, and thoughts second, with emotions a distant third. Cliff's relationship with Fluttershy, for example, had little to do with his emotional state at any given moment. Rather, it was based in the thoughts and memories of time spent together. Even when he was confused or worried by her, it could never change the fact that he loved her, not unless he allowed negative thoughts to overwhelm his positive ones and poison his happy memories.

“I know,” Spike sighed, “and I'm trying to control my thoughts about her so that my feelings can die off naturally. I'm also hoping to fall for somepony else. Apparently that's supposed to help.”

They arrived at another house on the list, giving Cliff a few moments to think. I guess all those dates make more sense now. “Has anypony caught your eye?”

“Uh, sort of.” Spike cleared his throat. “It's complicated.”

Cliff arched an eyebrow. “Are you going to elaborate?”

“Well,” the younger dragon looked away, “no.”

Normally, Cliff liked to think of himself as a fairly patient wyrm. Recent events, however, had been wearing that patience thin. He decided to make use of both his grandmother's attitude and one of her favorite spells, and cut straight to the heart of the matter.

Empathy was one of the more draining spells in Cliff's growing repertoire. Stars in heaven, how can she maintain this all day? Shaking aside his amazement, he focused on the matter at claw. “You have a crush on one of these mares that are always taking you out?”

Denial, outrage, and amusement crossed Spike's heart. “What, no. I already told you that none of them stand out.”

“Just double checking,” Cliff said casually. “One of Twilight's other friends then?” He does get along pretty well with Rainbow...

“No.” The feelings were more neutral now, but definitely in the negative. “Can we talk about something else, please?”

“Okay.” So not Rainbow. That's a shame. It would have been fun if they had hooked up. Wait, he said it was complicated. That couldn't mean... “So, how are you and Autumn doing since your breakup?”

“We're fine,” Spike replied, but a tangled mess of emotion belied his outer calm. Affection, confusion, friendship, awkwardness, admiration, fear, and longing.

Uh oh. Cliff fought the urge to wince. This wouldn't be an easy knot to untangle in his own heart, let alone in somedragon else. “That's good. We're lucky to have her helping us.”

Admiration and affection grew stronger within Spike. “Yeah, we are. She's tons better than the rest of us.”

“She's really nice too.”

More affection and some longing. “She is.”

“Why did you two break up in the first place?”

Embarrassment, more longing, and a fair amount of confusion. “We just decided that it wasn't going to work out.”

They paused long enough to deliver another invitation.

“You two still spend lots of time together,” Cliff pointed out.

Longing again, frustration, and growing confusion. “Yeah, but as friends.” Spike turned to him. “Why the sudden interest in Autumn?”

The older dragon was silent for a moment as he pondered his options. “...Because you still have romantic feelings for her.”

“Wha?” Spike's jaw dropped. “N-no I don't!” The blush in his cheeks said otherwise.

“Yes you do,” Cliff said evenly. “I'm using Grandma's Empathy spell.”

Spike covered his heart with one hand, as though that would somehow block the spell. “Cliff!”


They locked eyes for a moment before Spike looked away. “That's gotta count as an invasion of privacy,” he muttered.

As far as Cliff could tell, privacy was considered some kind of fundamental right among ponies. He wasn't in the mood for a discussion about cultural values, however, so he ignored the comment. “So you two broke up, but now you wish you were back together?”

Spike glared at him, but remained silent. He even embraced the Stillness, negating Cliff's spell.

“I'll sic Grandma on you if you don't tell me.”

The younger dragon's eye twitched. “Fine, but somepony really needs to teach you the basics of diplomacy.”

Cliff was a little surprised to realize how annoyed he was at that comment. “I know what diplomacy is,” he said, “and you don't seem to care that Grandma has this spell active all the time.”

“She isn't using it specifically to spy on my emotions.”

Fair point. A quick scan of his heart revealed that Cliff's frustration over the media and Fire Eyes was bleeding through to this conversation with Spike... again. “You're right. I should be more considerate. Will you please tell me about what's going on with Autumn? I want to help, but I can't if you won't trust me.”

“Reading my heart without telling me isn't a good way to inspire trust,” Spike retorted.

“Fine, I”m sorry, but what was I supposed to do? You've been avoiding this subject for weeks now.”

“It's just something personal, okay Cliff?”

“Spike, I'm your brother. It's my job to help and support you, especially with personal matters.”

“Then try supporting me in what I want for a change. I haven't been avoiding the subject, you've been bugging me about it for weeks. Why can't you just let me figure out what I want on my own before I ask for your help in getting it?”

“So you won't tell me what's going on?”

Spike let out a long, defeated sigh. “Give me time.”

“How much longer do you need?”

“I don't know. Just... more, okay?”

Cliff had to resist the urge to growl. “Fine.”

The rest of the invitations were delivered in silence.


The morning of the party brought an unexpected, and entirely unwelcome, surprise. Apparently not content with smearing Fire Eyes' name, the newspapers had decided to branch out. A Royal Affair, read one headline, just above one picture of Cliff and Fluttershy embracing, and another of Cliff and Twilight leaning towards each other, as though they were about to kiss.

Most of the papers were still focused on Fire Eyes and how 'dangerous' dragons could be, but a few had somehow decided that Cliff and the alicorn princess were romantically involved. Only two seemed to support the Cultural Exchange Program anymore; Canterlot Daily, where Autumn's reporter friends worked, and The Cloudsdale Press, which seemed focused on how useful wyrms would be in the military.

“What is wrong with these ponies?” Cliff moaned after his run with Rainbow Dash.

“You two have been living together,” Rainbow pointed out. “It was only a matter of time before somepony brought that up.”

“I stay in the guest bedroom,” Cliff growled in annoyance. “And apparently moving out now would make it look like we're ashamed of something, so we can't even do anything about it.”

“Chill, Cliff. Even Fluttershy is more calm about this than you right now.”

“I know.” In spite of his own frustrations, the young dragon felt a swell of pride for his marefriend. She had been embarrassed about it when she first showed up for breakfast, of course, but had confidently explained that she trusted him, and knew he wasn't cheating on her.

“Look, the Wonderbolts have to deal with stuff like this all the time. Just ignore it, and soon the papers will get bored and move on to something else.”

“That's what everypony said when the newspapers first started causing problems.”

“Yeah, but I'm not everypony. I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash!” The pegasus struck a heroic pose.

In spite of himself, Cliff smiled at the display. “Fair enough.”

“Look, Ponyville still has your back, so what does it matter if the rest of Equestria is buying all these lies?”

“You have a point.” Ponyville as a whole had accepted the truth at Twilight's seminar, and while the dragons still got strange looks around town, at least nopony seemed terrified of them anymore.

“Of course I do. Anyway, I've gotta get to work.” Rainbow took to the air. “I'll see you at the Pinkie Party tonight, assuming you can keep your claws off both Fluttershy and Twilight long enough to show up.” She bounced her eyebrows suggestively.

Cliff didn't dignify that with a response. “See you there, Rainbow.”

She laughed as she flew off.

Spike was off with Autumn somewhere, and so Cliff set about the household chores by himself. In a way, it was easier like this. Things had been awkward with his little brother ever since their disagreement the other day.


Cliff was a little reluctant to leave Fluttershy's cottage that evening, and not because he wanted to cuddle with his marefriend longer, (though that was definitely a part of it). Maybe it was because Spike would be there, or maybe it was because he still had no talent for making friends.

Fluttershy must have sensed his unease, because she draped a wing across him as they walked. The timid mare normally avoided public displays of affection. “Good luck, Cliff,” she whispered with an encouraging smile when they arrived at Sugarcube Corner.

“Thanks,” he gave her a quick hug, “I'm going to need it.”

They entered the party together, but split up almost immediately. Since the whole point of Pinkie's party was to let the dragons make new friends, he and Fluttershy had been gently encouraged to mingle with others, rather than hide in a corner together, like they usually did.

Cliff followed her with his eyes until she bumped into Spike.

The younger dragon casually invited her to join his group, which consisted of Autumn, the town veterinarian, and Rainbow Dash. Spike met Cliff's gaze, and nodded ever so slightly, as if to say, 'don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her.'

Cliff nodded back gratefully before returning his attention to the crowd. Just as Pinkie had promised, everypony seemed happy, friendly, and a little worn out. Unfortunately, Cliff still had no idea how to approach any of them. Instead, he satisfied himself with checking up on the other dragons.

River Wind and the rest of the Crusaders were caught up in a game of Pin the Tail on the Pony. A few foals that Cliff didn't recognize were playing as well, and they all seemed perfectly at ease together. The older dragon paused to smile at the scene before moving on.

His grandmother was talking with Derpy, or rather, she was talking to Derpy. The gray pegasus wasn't saying anything back, but her smile said that she was enjoying herself.

Cliff's grandfather was nearby, speaking with a brown earth pony stallion that everypony just called 'Doctor.' He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but the young dragon was sure that it would have gone straight over his head in any case.

A few minutes of searching later, Cliff frowned in annoyance. Fire Eyes wasn't here. Was she afraid of coming? That didn't sound like her at all. Maybe the newspapers are affecting her even more than I thought. He wove through the crowd to his grandmother.

“Evening, Cliff.” She smiled. “I was just telling our mutual friend here,” she gestured to Derpy, “about how you earned your name.”

“Oh, cool.” Cliff had learned the Spider Climb spell, and then used it. There really wasn't much of a story there. “It's nice to see you again, Derpy.”

The pegasus mare smiled widely but remained silent.

“Anyway,” Cliff continued, “have you seen Fire Eyes? I'm starting to worry about her.”

“She's helping Pinkie in the kitchen,” Fire Claws assured him. “Though your concern is touching.” Her eyes darted from Cliff to Derpy. “I'm told you two haven't yet had a conversation face to face.”

The dragon and pegasus both nodded a bit uncomfortably.

“Well then,” she patted each of them on the shoulder. “I'll go check on Fire Eyes and give you two a few minutes to rectify that.”

Cliff sighed as his grandmother walked away. “Sorry,” he turned to Derpy, “she isn't known for her subtlety.”

The gray mare shrugged and smiled.

“Sorry I'm taking so long to respond to your latest letter.” He moved out of the way for a passing pony. “Things have been... difficult, ever since the drake attacked.”

Derpy worked her mouth noiselessly for a moment before giving up patting his shoulder sympathetically.

The young dragon smiled. “Thanks. By the way how is Dinky doing?”

She pointed to where her little sister was playing with a purple unicorn.

“Oh, is that Amethyst?” Cliff remembered hearing about the mare that Dinky had nearly adopted as a second older sister.

Derpy nodded. Based on her letter, she didn't fault Amethyst for being so nice to the little unicorn, but Cliff could see a hint of sadness in her eyes as she watched them together.

“Why don't you go join them?”

She shook her head.

“Why not?”

The pegasus sighed and mumbled, “I embarrass her.

Cliff blinked in surprise. He hadn't known that anypony other than Fluttershy could whisper so quietly. If it weren't for his magically enhanced hearing, he wouldn't have heard her at all. “Maybe,” he knelt down to meet her gaze, “but she still loves you.” He smiled gently, and was happy to see her smiling back. “I mean, Grandma embarrasses me nearly every time we're in public together, but I wouldn't change her for the world.”

Derpy mouthed 'thanks.'

“Why don't you speak more often?” Cliff asked as he rose back to his claws. “You have a nice voice.”

She smiled gratefully. “I say... silly things, sometimes.”

“That makes two of us.” The young dragon sighed.

Derpy looked curiously at him.

“I got in a disagreement with Spike recently,” he explained.

The mare wordlessly gave him a hug.

Cliff squeezed her back before letting go. “Thanks, but enough about me. Is that stallion you like here?”

She blushed.

It was all the response Cliff needed. “Where is he?”

“P-promise you won't do anything drastic?”

“I promise.”

Derpy took a deep breath, turned, and pointed.

“The Doctor,” Cliff said to himself. It made sense. According to his grandfather, the earth pony stallion was incredibly brilliant, insightful, and caring. He could also be a little eccentric. Much like with Pinkie Pie, the residents of Ponyville had learned not to ask questions where the Doctor was concerned. All in all, a perfect match for the compassionate and misunderstood pegasus. “Have you talked to him much?”

She nodded. “Yes, but... never about...” a faint blush spread across her cheeks, “anything other than work.”

“Well, maybe we could go over and say 'hi'?”

Derpy flushed even more, but she nodded. Her eyes made it difficult for her to judge distances, making their trip across the room a bit bumpy. In spite of that, however, they arrived without any major incidents.

“Hey, Grandpa.”

“Hello there, Cliff.” The older dragon turned to them. “Hello to you as well, Derpy.”

She gave her customary greeting of a smile and a nod, while trying to to be too obvious about sneaking glances at the Doctor.

If he noticed, the Doctor gave no sign. “Ah, Ditzy.” He took her hoof and gave it a kiss. “Enjoying the party?” The stallion had a slight accent. Canterlot, if Cliff had to guess.

“Mm-hmm.” Derpy tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle. She didn't seem to mind that the Doctor had a different name for her.

“Excellent. You've certainly earned the break.” The Doctor turned to Cliff. “And you must be Cliff Runner. I've heard a lot about you.”

“Likewise,” the young dragon shook his hoof. “Sorry that I've taken so long to introduce myself.”

“No need to be sorry,” the Doctor replied. “After all, better late than never.”

“So, are you two having fun?” Cliff asked.

“Well,” Burning Torch said, “we were just discussing the tendency of individuals to distrust outsiders, and whether the uncanny valley factors into that behavior. I consider that fun, though I doubt many others would agree.”

“The uncanny valley probably does have an impact,” the gray mare said suddenly. “Wyrms look and act enough like ponies that it makes your differences stand out more. If I didn't know you so well, it would make me uncomfortable too.”

The Doctor's eyes widened. “Ditzy, I never knew you were interested in social theory.”

“Oh, w-well,” she blushed. “I-it's just something I noticed is all. You know, like how everypony thinks I'm dumb because of my eyes and how clumsy I am.”

“Well that's their loss.” The Doctor smiled encouragingly. “You're a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them.”

“Agreed,” Burning Torch said. “As I recall, you listed beautiful among those things.”

“W-what?” the Doctor yelped as Derpy turned bright red.

“You called miss Doo here beautiful a few minutes ago.” The older dragon smiled. “Unless you would like to retract that statement now?”

The stallion glanced at Derpy. “No, I stand by it... but still,” he rounded on Burning Torch, “that's not the sort of thing to go spreading about.”

Behind him, the gray mare was failing to hide a goofy smile.

“Unless you're a wyrm,” Burning Torch returned. “Our culture tends to be more open about these sorts of things.” He paused. “Ah, there's my wife.”

Cliff followed his gaze. Fire Claws was indeed wandering the crowd nearby.

“As much as I'm enjoying this discussion, I believe I'll go talk with her, and let you two speak in private.” Burning Torch gave them both a friendly grin. “An easy topic of discussion might be how my kind is less than subtle.” With that, he nodded for Cliff to come along, and walked away.

“Or how my grandparents love to play matchmaker,” Cliff added before joining his grandfather.

“Great work, both of you.” Fire Claws smiled as they came up to her. “I was hoping you would get those two talking.”

“I take it you've evaluated him,” Cliff said. His grandmother could be a little protective, and wouldn't try to hook a friend up with somepony unless she was sure they were compatible.

“Low eighties,” Fire Claws confirmed. “So long as they're willing to put forth a bit of effort, they'll be very happy together.”

“Good.” Cliff nodded. “She deserves somepony special.”

“They both do,” Burning Torch said. “Let's hope they can be special for each other.”

“You know,” the younger dragon turned to his grandmother, “you never did tell me what my compatibility rating with Fluttershy is.”

Fire Claws shrugged. “I wasn't there for the start of your relationship, but I'd guess your initial rating was fairly low.” She patted Cliff's shoulder. “Don't take this the wrong way, but her feelings for you were probably sparked because you were the only male who paid any attention to her.”

He winced. “Ouch.”

“Things have improved since then,” she assured him. “As of right now, your compatibility is at seventy-eight.”

Anything above seventy-five made a successful long-term relationship fairly likely. Cliff was actually surprised that their rating was so low.

“The strength of your relationship, on the other claw, is extremely high.” Fire Claws smiled. “And we all know that time and effort mean more for a relationship than a compatibility rating ever could.”

Cliff smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Grandma. Any advice on how I could be better for her?”

“Ask her what she wants. Fluttershy isn't the type to voice her desires if she thinks it will inconvenience you.” The dragoness shrugged. “Other than that, pay attention to what she likes and make sure you let her enjoy it often. Every girl likes to be treated like royalty from time to time.”

What she likes... With a bit of guilt, Cliff realized that Fluttershy had really enjoyed their formal date with Spike and Autumn, and he still had yet to take her on another one.

“Yes,” Fire Claws said. “Whatever is making you feel guilty right now, rectify it soon.”

“Or your grandmother will beat you senseless,” Burning Torch added with an amused grin.

They talked for another few minutes before splitting up once more. Throwing a party to make new friends would be pointless if they didn't mingle.

Cliff had never been a terribly social creature, and so it was no surprise to him that he left the party with only a few new acquaintances. Most strange of the lot was a mint green unicorn that had been curious, bordering on obsessive, about his claws. He was honestly unsure what to make of her.

At least Fluttershy enjoyed herself with Spike. Whenever Cliff glanced their way, the yellow mare had been smiling or laughing. I need to thank Spike for that. It seemed like a good opportunity to clear the air and apologize as well.

Author's Note:

Having never met a long lost brother from a completely foreign culture myself, I can only imagine that it would make finding common ground a bit difficult. I am curious who you guys would side with in their disagreement. Granted, they've both used magic to spy on emotions before, so it's not like Spike has the moral high ground, but as Cliff mentioned way back in chapter 9, it's considered rude to do that to a friend without their permission.
Yeah, I'm a fan of Derpy and the Doctor. If anyone hasn't listened to Dr. Whooves and Assistant on Youtube, you should go fix that. It's basically a radio play, but it's really well done.
Next chapter, meet Fluttershy's parents.