• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,466 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

  • ...

Glasseye's Plan

A group of guards rush into the room before I can ask Glasseye about the rifle, checking the bodies and then calling out that it's clear. Medics rush inside and levitate me onto a stretcher, pulling the rifle from my hooves. I try to protest, to tell them that I need to contact Princess Luna, but Beakbreaker tells me that my wounds need to be treated as soon as possible.

No sooner am I in the hallway than Glasseye leaves as well, accompanied by his guards and carrying the rifle.

Once we reach the Monolith's medical wing, I'm taken to a room and looked over by the doctor on duty. His diagnosis isn't reassuring; I've sustained severe lacerations, a few broken bones, a cut tongue, internal bleeding, and numerous gashes from those knuckle-busters. Despite that, the doctor assures me that some surgery and healing spells should patch me up, but they'll have to keep me here overnight and start operating right away if I'm to avoid any permanent disfigurement. Not wanting to look like the phantom of the Canterlot Opera, I consent.

Once we're in surgery, the nurse puts a mask over my face and asks me to count backwards from a hundred. I do what she asks, wondering how long it'll take for the drowsiness to-


I blink. Wait, it's over already? What time is it? There's no light coming through some thick curtains to my left. I can't see any clocks on the walls. I'm in a small recovery room; where's the call button?

The door creeks open, the sudden light forcing me to squint my eyes shut.

“Silverspeak! You're awake!”

The light's turned on, and I have to squint my eyes shut again as Beakbreaker hurries over. “How long have I been out?” I ask.

“All of last night, and all of today.”


“The doctors had to work on you for several hours to fix all the damage. Even with spells, it wasn't easy.”

I've been asleep an entire day?! I try to get out of bed; I've got to get in touch with Luna!

“Hey, careful.” Beakbreaker firmly holds me against the mattress. “Your face needs several days to recover, and I don't want you to go stumbling around and bruising yourself up.” She gives me a mirror. I recognize the face in it, but not the numerous bumps, bruises, and black marks.

I shake my head. “I thought magic could cure wounds instantly.”

“The docs didn't want to risk making a mistake and disfiguring you, so we took our time. Besides, magic can only cure simple-”

“Wait, did you say, 'we'?”

“Well, they needed some extra help, and I couldn't just leave you alone in there. As I was saying, simple injuries can be healed in an instant, but big ones take time.”

Time... “What time is it?”

“Eight in the evening. Like I said, you've been sleeping all day.” She yawns, revealing deep bags under her eyes. “Anyway, how are you feeling? Any pain?”

“Just some soreness. How long am I going to have to stay here? Am I well enough to go?”

Beakbreaker yawns again. “I think so, but I'll check with the doc to make sure.”

Beakbreaker brings the doctor in. He gives me a look over and decides that I can leave, but he warns me to avoid bumping my face, lest I ruin hours of work. I promise, and after getting an ample supply of pain pills I head out with Beakbreaker. It isn't long before we're back at my penthouse; I need to get Luna's orb before confronting Glasseye. But as I look under the bed, Beakbreaker leans against the door to steady her wobbling legs. Poor thing... she needs to head back to her hotel and get some rest, but that's a lengthy flight from here, one that will be slowed by increased security after-

Wait... she doesn't have to go anywhere.

“Beakbreaker, why don't you spend the night here? I can sleep in the guest bedroom.”

Beakbreaker's so relieved she almost collapses. “Thank you, Silverspeak. That's really gen-”

I barely manage to catch Beakbreaker as she goes limp. She's already snoring as I stop her fall. My goodness, she must have been more tired than she let on. Carefully pulling off her glasses, I undo her tie and put her on the bed before pulling the comforter into place and tucking it around her as softly as I can.

Removing the box from under the bed, I slip outside, silently wishing her a good night's rest.


Even at this late hour, Glasseye's lobby is bustling with activity as the elevator ferries ponies to and from his office, all under the watchful eye of a dozen security guards. Judging by the fancy suits, these ponies are company officials trying to patch up whatever damage the Guardians caused. The secretary is barely able to keep her head up as I approach, probably wanting nothing more than to slip into peaceful oblivion instead of dealing with yet another pony wanting to see Glasseye. I'll keep this brief.

“I'd like to see Glasseye, please.”

She yawns. “Sorry, but only top executives are allowed in. No exceptions.”

“I remind you that I was sent here as a representative of the Princesses to do their work. That includes going anywhere I need to.”

Sleep-deprived as she is, the secretary can tell I'm not fooling around. “Fine. But don't gripe to me if he snaps at you. He's been up since late last night without a break.”

I'm in Glasseye's quarters in less than thirty seconds, which is now filled with dozens of guards and executives. Beyond the glass walls, numerous zeppelins and airships take off into the night. Not three days ago their passengers couldn't wait to get here. Now they can't wait to leave.

I head to the top of the pyramid, where Glasseye struggles to keep his eyes open as advisers and attendants give him statistics about the effect all this will have on publicity, the necessary damage control they'll need to do, and reassurances, and perhaps showing off new security measures to the public. But as soon as he spots me, Glasseye perks up.

“All of you, leave us,” he says.

“Sir,” one of the attendants says, “this can't wait-”

“Unless someone is about to die, or our city is falling from the sky, it can. Now, leave. We'll pick this up tomorrow morning.”

The executives, advisers, and guards depart, most giving me unsavory looks for interrupting their business. Only when the room is empty does Glasseye rise from his desk. “How is your face, Silverspeak?”


“Good... You're here about the rifle, I take it.”

I nod.

“And I presume Princess Luna wishes to have a friendly chat about it.”

I nod again.

Glasseye sighs. “Well, no use in putting it off. Where will we do it?”

“In your bedroom.”

“Come again?”

“It's easier if I just show you.”

Glasseye trudges down the steps to his room and collapses on the bed. It takes everything he has not to fall asleep as I take the orb from the box.

“What's this?”

“It allows me to communicate with the princess. Take your hoof and rub it three times.”

Resigned to whatever's coming, Glasseye does so. He's out in a second, his exhausted body limp against the silk sheets. Glancing out the doors to ensure we're not being watched, I do the same. The world goes blurry, and once again I'm back in the Astral Plane. Glasseye stands beside me, confused as to what's going on.

“Silverspeak, what happened? Why is everything blurry?”

“You're dreaming,” I say.

“Really?” He looks at his body. “Wait, is that-”


“Then how am I-”

“It's probably best not to think about it.”

I sense Luna's approach. The ether ripples, and then parts as she emerges from a tunnel of shimmering energy. She... wait. Something's wrong. She looks like she'd rather be anywhere than here.

“Your Highness,” I ask, “is something wrong?”

“Why did you summon me here?” Luna demands.

Better get to the point. “Luna, I'd like you to meet-

“Glasseye. Yes, I know you.”

Glasseye cringes.

“Your Highness,” I continue, “There was an attack on Genesis last night by the-”

“Guardians of Tradition. Yes, my messengers informed me. Is that why you called me here?”

“No,” I say, wanting to keep things on track. “Glasseye saved my life, and Beakbreaker's life, but not with magic. He did it with a gun.”

It's silent for a few moments as Luna ponders my words.

"Both of you, come with me."

We follow the Princess of the Night down the swirling passage, eventually emerging into a beautiful garden filled with all manner of brightly colored flowers. There's a gazebo nearby, one covered in a blanket of vines, leaves, and ivy, all beneath a bright, mid-morning sun. This was where Luna demonstrated her ability to alter the Astral Plane.

“Where are we now?” Glasseye asks.

Luna doesn't answer as she walks into the gazebo and takes a seat at a marble table. Glasseye and I follow and follow her example, all of us bathed in filtered green light.

“The rifle,” Luna tells Glasseye. “Picture it in your mind.”

Glasseye closes his eyes. A perfect replica of the weapon appears on the table.

“Is this what you saw, Silverspeak?”


Luna takes the rifle and looks it over. “Glasseye, explain this.”

“Where do you want me to start?” Glasseye asks, resigned to whatever fate Luna has in store for him. “Shall I talk about the weapon, or the reasons I made it in the first place?”

“The weapon itself.”

Glasseye motions for the rifle. Luna gives it to him. “This is the TI Class A assault rifle, designed to take on most enemies a soldier would encounter in battle. Bullets are designed to pierce through most body armor and the hides of wild beasts.” He flips the gun. “Lightweight design and construction make it easy to transport and assemble, as well as modify with various attachments and multiple ammo types. In short, it's the most advanced firearm ever created.”

Luna's not impressed. “And why was it built?”

“It was a special order from the nations next to ours, Your Highness. Lately there have been musings of aggressive actions by various dragons tribes, and they wanted a firearm they could use to defend themselves.”

“I fail to see how rifles would deter angry dragons.”

“We have other weapons in development designed specifically to take on dragons. Our neighbors wanted to modernize their army in case of armed conflict, and we determined they needed a standardized weapon.”

“And you kept it secret from us.”

“My lawyers assure me that developing and selling firearms is perfectly within the right of all companies and private citizens, Your Highness.”

“Yes, it is,” Luna admits. “But the purpose of guns runs contrary to our highest principles of friendship, trust, and compassion.”

“None of which matter if you have a dragon burning down your village. Or Diamond Dogs raiding a remote outpost. Or if sea serpents are taking down a ship and eating everyone on board. While I want the world to be a perfect place, Your Highness, I am not blind that there are many beings out there, animal and otherwise, who do not share our values.”

“Which I understand. But my sister and I have seen what happens when nations begin an arms race. Friendship inevitably gives way to mistrust, fear, and suspicion.” A darkness clouds Luna's eyes. “I have seen the results of such acts, Glasseye. Long before my sister and I came to Equestria, I watched this world burn in the flames of war, wars that began because paranoid nations misinterpreted innocent acts and ended up bathing the earth with the blood of countless ponies.”

It takes Glasseye everything he has not to back down. “Now see here, that's being unreasonable. I don't want a war. Far from it. And what if our neighbors are correct? What if the dragons are planning something?”

“Then we shall deal with them if they attack, but not before.”

“Would we be able to repel them if they do? I don't doubt the capabilities of our forces, but times are changing, Your Highness. Technology is growing and evolving by the day. Within a hundred years, magic may be outdated.” He puts the rifle on the table. “A bullet may become more valuable than any spell.”

I'd better step in and diffuse the tension. “Glasseye,” I ask, “did any of our neighbors know Chrysalis was planning an attack?”

"Chrysalis? What does she-"

"She is attempting to infiltrate all of Equestria to destroy it from within," Luna says, her temper running short. "We have not yet told the public for fear of causing a panic. Now, answer Silverspeak's question."

Shaken by this sudden revelation, Glasseye adjusts his glasses. "N... No. If anyone knew about it, they didn't tell me." He eyes the gun. "Though if she is attempting something, demand for personal protection will probably go up.”

“And give you extra profits.”

“Well, when you put it that way, of course it sounds evil.”

“Greed corrupts, Glasseye,” Luna growls. “But greed born on the misery of others is far worse.”

“Your Highness, I'm creating a means for both individuals and nations to defend themselves against threats! And the bits TechInc has received from these deals have allowed us to pursue peaceful projects that could benefit millions. Has Silverspeak told you of my artificial eye? Or the artificial body we unveiled yesterday? That was born from the bits we received for the firearms.”

“But you kept these military-grade weapons weapons a secret from us!”

“Because I feared you and your sister might overreact and shut us down, that's why!” Glasseye snaps.

“You'd still be able to pursue your medical projects,” Luna says. “Your research would have-”

“It would come too late!”

Luna pauses. “What do you mean?”

Glasseye takes a deep breath. “Four years ago, I was getting a routine checkup at the doctor,” he says quietly. “The only thing out of the ordinary was a black spot deep in my body. Tests confirmed that it was a rare kind of cancer, one highly resistant to treatment. They gave me... five, eight years at maximum.” He shakes his head. “I tried everything. Drugs, magic, herbs, nothing helped. I even went to Medicomp, but even with all their marvels and wonders they couldn't do a thing. The clock was ticking. I was staring death in the face with no way to hold it back.” Glasseye looks at me. “But then I saw how far you went to get what you wanted, Silverspeak, and I realized that if I was going to live, I'd have to follow your example.

“I pulled out every contact I had, every favor I was owed. I gathered all of my savings and created a company that would craft the finest wonders the world had ever seen, and create marvels that everyone would want. And when the profits rolled in, I would pour that money into our medical division and find a cure to the growth I carried.

“The funds we got allowed me to replace my failing eye, but it wasn't enough to create a body. All we could do was draw schematics and doodles on paper. But then came the request for guns, and it was like a blessing from heaven. All the money I could want to make my dreams come true. To buy life and cheat death from taking me before my time. That, Your Highness, is why I didn't tell you, or anyone else. Because even with the best of intentions, you would have shut down our projects, dried up our income, and killed me.”

Luna remains silent.

“But how did you keep it a secret?” I ask. “The rifle, I mean.”

“Because only a few know about it. They're developed and manufactured in a small facility buried near the very bottom of Genesis, nestled among the engines that keep my city afloat. We kept the schematics inside that planning room... which is why I had to get them out before you toured it. I trust now you understand why.” He looks me right in the eye. “You must understand, Silverspeak, that I didn't want to deceive you. I really didn't. But how far would you go to save yourself, or Beakbreaker, if either of you had what I carry?”

I look him in the eyes. "To the very depths of Tartarus, if I had to."

Luna breaks her silence. “Glasseye, how advanced is this weapons facility of yours?”

“Advanced enough to have all these weapons in development.” He concentrates, and several weapons fall onto the table. “Explosives, guns that fire explosives, timed explosives, and even extra-powerful explosives that can punch through a dragon's hide.”

I want to hold some of these weapons and look them over, but Luna holds out a hoof for me to stop as she studies the weapons, eyes darting over every switch, notch, and trigger.

“If, say, Canterlot were to become a partner," Glasseye suggests, "we could work together to provide-”


I'm not sure how long we sit there while Luna studies the weapons. She speaks not a word, and utters not a sound as she thinks.

Glasseye and I wait.

When Luna speaks, her voice is slow and controlled. “Glasseye, how far along is your company in making these weapons?”

Glasseye's quick to answer. “The rifles are already being produced, and we're close to mass producing these explosives. We also have plans for energy weapons, and are working on modern body armor." He's conjures an image of gray pads that look more like football equipment than protective gear to be worn in battle. “It's still in the early stages, but offers a vast improvement over steel armor. It's lightweight, yet strong and flexible. Easily able to take claw hits and minor arms fire.”

Luna ponders the armor. So do I. It looks light enough to be flexible, and Glasseye probably isn't boasting about its capabilities to show off.

“This armor,” Luna says, “is it ready to be manufactured?”

“We're very close. We need just a few more days of R and D before it can go into production, but once it does we'll be able to churn out as many as needed.” He tries a smile. “We could even custom make a set for you, Your Highness. Top of the line, stronger, and more advanced than standard issue. Only the best for a princess.”

Luna isn't swayed. “Silverspeak has told me you have created a changeling detector. Is that correct?”

“Yes, but it's still in the testing phase.”

“Then all development must be focused on it.”

“Why? With all due respect, Your Highness, the rifles and armor are our best-”

“Queen Chrysalis launched another assault last night,” Luna says, and that impatience I saw back in Glasseye's room comes back in full force. “She sent changelings to assault Ponyville. We managed to save the residents, but not before most of the town was destroyed. She left this.”

A picture floats before us. It shows Twilight Sparkle's castle, now smoking and full of gouge marks from a heated battle. A crude, black banner flaps in the wind atop the tallest tower.

“In changeling society, planting a banner on your enemy's seat of power is both a challenge and a warning,” Luna explains. “It tells the ruler of the territory to ready for battle, because the changelings intend to take the land as their own. In short... it is a declaration of war.”

All is silent.

“What do we do?” I ask at last.

“Yesterday, I would have reproached you, Glasseye, for creating these weapons. But fate, it seems, has made its move, and we must respond in turn.” She takes the rifle. “I still do not want these weapons to exist. But I am not blind to the reality we now face. Queen Chrysalis has declared war.”

“But why?” I ask. “From what we know, her forces are tiny. We have fully-equipped armies. They wouldn't stand a chance against us.”

“In a straight fight, they wouldn't. But Chrysalis is smart. She will work to infiltrate our society, replace those in key positions, and weaken us from within. Then, when we are weakened, she will summon whatever dragons, monsters, and allies she has. We must arm ourselves now, before such a moment comes.”

“But what about your sister? And the Bearers?”

Luna struggles to keep herself together. “I have not heard from any of them in three days, and I cannot find them in the astral plane. At this point, I do not know if they are alive or dead.” She gulps. “As such, the responsibility falls to me for Equestria's defense. And as much as I wished to avoid it, I cannot ignore it any longer... Glasseye, we have need of your company and your services.”

Glasseye, still shaken from Luna's words, straightens in his chair. “What is mine is yours, Your Highness, and I will do everything in my power to assist you.”

"As will I," I say. That's what Celestia would do. If a war is declared, she would move quickly to end it, and help any way she could. So must I.

“Good. Silverspeak, Glasseye and I will discuss the nature of our arrangement and create a plan of attack with my advisers. You will stay in Genesis for now and act as an envoy between it and Canterlot.”

“Of course.”

“Very good. I will speak with you tomorrow.”

The tunnel appears outside the gazebo, a sign that it's time for me to leave. I make a quick exit; the astral plane turns fuzzy as I reach the tunnel's end, and in the blink of an eye I'm back in Glasseye's bedroom. After pushing Glasseye's drooling body into a respectable position on the bed, I leave him be and head back to my penthouse. Things are quiet; a peek into the bedroom reveals Beakbreaker still dozing on my bed. Best to leave her be... this might be the last untroubled night's sleep she'll get in a long time.

Storing the box inside the closet, I head to the guest room. After sleeping all day and night, I'm not tired, so I pull up a chair before the window and let my thoughts wander, focusing mostly on what Luna said. Even with her telling me that war has been declared, it just doesn't feel real. I've never seen a war before, and can't recall the last time such a thing happened. This probably won't be a war of armies, but of espionage, subterfuge, and agents from both sides trying to outdo each other. In such an environment, the paranoia Luna feared would quickly take shape, especially if Celestia and the Bearers are missing.

Celestia... there's no way she could be taken prisoner or killed by the enemy. It's not possible. Yes, she's been defeated in the past, but those were extraordinary circumstances. If she's traveling with the Bearers, there's no way she could have fallen. But in her absence, things could turn ugly very quickly without Celestia guiding and helping us. Luna will do her best, of that I have no doubt, but it won't be the same. Equestria would be slowly gripped by fear, though Genesis might be spared from the paranoia; Glasseye will no doubt install changeling detectors in every door, hatch, and gate. Such defenses might make this place a headquarters for Luna's operations. After all, it would be difficult for changelings to get up here, especially if the city is constantly on the move and monitored around the clock. If such a move does happen, I'll have to call in some favors and ensure that both Beakbreaker and my parents can stay here. They'd be safe, and I could keep an eye on them, freeing me to work at-

The phone rings, and I yank it off the hook. “Yes?”

“Mr. Silverspeak, this is Genesis' communication hub. You have a long distance call coming in from Saddle Lanka. Shall we patch it through?”

“Yes, of course.”

The phone crackles, and a familiar voice comes through. “Silverspeak?!”

“Dad! Are you alright? Is anything wrong?”

“Not with us, but what about you?! We heard that some of those Guardian nutjobs attacked Genesis! We've been trying to get through all day!”

“Don't worry, I'm fine.”

“Thank Celestia. Listen, Your mother and I want you to come home.”

“I wish I could, Dad, but... well, I'm still needed here.”

“What? Why?”

I can't tell him the truth. “They need me to help out with something TechInc is working on. I can't tell you anything more than that.”

“Well... just come back as soon as you can, okay?”

“I will. I promise.”

“And bring Beakbreaker with you. We want you both here.”

“If I can drag her along, I will.” I'm about to hang up when a thought occurs to me. “Oh, Dad? What's the password?”

“Your mom said you'd ask that. It's Quiverquill.”

I smile. “Thanks. Take care.”

“You too.”


"Silverspeak, you awake?”

Wha...wait, what's going on? I blink. Daylight streams through the window. I'm in the chair by the window. I must have fallen asleep sometime after the phone call.


“Coming.” I get to my hooves. The clock reads nine AM. Wiping my eyes, I open the door and find Beakbreaker waiting for me with nary a baggy eye to be seen.

“You look better,” I say.

“Thanks. Amazing that, despite all our medicines and tricks, a good night's sleep is still the best cure-all, isn't it?”

I nod. “No argument there.” I'm about to ask Beakbreaker how she's feeling, but realize that's not necessary, not when she looks so gloomy.

"Beakbreaker? What's wrong?"

Indicating for me to follow, Beakbreaker heads to the dining room, where a newspaper lies on the table. There's an article about the attack by the Guardians of Tradition, but it's small and tucked away in the corner. The top of the paper is dominated by an enormous headline about Chrysalis declaring war.

"Nasty way to start the day," Beakbreaker says.

I knew this was coming. I was perhaps the only individual in all of Genesis who knew about Chrysalis and her secret plans. But to see the headline, to know that the moment has finally arrived... it's...

“Doesn't seem real, does it?” Beakbreaker asks.

“It'll be over quickly,” I assure her. “What does she have? A handful of changelings. We have an army. She's in over her head.”

Beakbreaker takes a seat, half-heartily stirring some oatmeal. “I hope so.” Sighting, she tries to change the subject. “I want to thank you for letting me stay here last night." She blushes. "It was you who put me in bed, wasn't it?”

It's hard not to smile. “It was nothing. Really.” Pulling up a bowl, I pour some oatmeal for myself. “Beakbreaker... do you have to head back to Manehattan any time soon? If there really is a war starting, a floating city would be much harder for changelings to invade than Manehattan, or anywhere on the ground, for that matter, and... well, I'd feel a lot better if you could stay here."

Beakbreaker stops stirring her oatmeal. “I'd like to. Heaven only knows I've been thinking about it. But I still have so much to do back in Manehattan. Projects to work on, reports to submit, that sort of thing.”

“I know, but... listen, Beakbreaker, I just don't want you to go back.”

“Well, maybe we could come up with a code or something," Beakbreaker suggests. "A little secret between us that nobody else knows to prove we're not changelings. Like a password, or something.”

Is this fate nudging me in the right direction? I'll take it as a yes. “Good idea. How about... 'Steel leg.' That's the first thing you originally made back in the day."

Beakbreaker chuckles. “Glad it comes...”

“Comes what?”

Beakbreaker doesn't answer.


She's looking behind me. I follow her gaze and realize why. Beyond Genesis' dome is an enormous zeppelin. And not a massive cargo ship or passenger liner, but something more regal and elegant, flanked by several, smaller airships. Even from this distance, I can see the gun turrets mounted in their sides.

“What's that?” Beakbreaker asked.

It isn't until the zeppelin turns that the insignias of the sun and moon become visible on the side.


The next hour is a flurry of activity as everyone rushes to figure out what's going on. I have to make a phone call to the Monolith's information center to learn that Princess Luna has come to Genesis. And things get really chaotic when the zeppelin docks, Luna making her way to the Monolith with an escort of numerous Royal Guards and TechInc police officers.

“Now that's a sight you don't see often,” Beakbreaker says as she watches the procession from my penthouse. From this high up we have to use binoculars to follow Luna's progress to the base of the Monolith. Once she's inside, I lead the way as we head upstairs to Glasseye's lobby. There's a new secretary at the desk, probably here to relieve the poor mare who was almost asleep the last time I was here.

“I'd like to talk to Glasseye, please,” I say.

“Sorry, sir, but he's not here. He's down at the conference room on the 50th floor.”

One elevator ride later, and Beakbreaker and I emerge into a hallway crammed with reporters carrying cameras and notepads. Beakbreaker stays close as I work my way through the crowd, using my pass to get through. There are many grumbles and angry looks, but I need to talk to Glasseye and find out what's going on. We pass into the conference room and find it even more packed as reporters set up their cameras and fight over the best seats. They can't get too close to the stage, though: Royal Guards have formed a line to ensure no one gets past to the princess and Glasseye, both of whom are conversing near the podium.

Then, their talk concluded, Luna heads to the podium. Excited whispers give way to silence as Luna reaches the podium and adjusts the microphone.

Red lights glow as the cameras focus on the princess.

“Citizens of Equestria,” Luna says, “Yesterday, Queen Chrysalis of the changelings attacked the town of Ponyville. While there were no injuries, this banner was placed atop the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Two guards hold the filthy thing up for the cameras to see.

“In changeling culture, planting a banner atop a building of power is a direct challenge.” Luna stops and takes another breath. “In short, it is a formal declaration of war.”

The room is silent.

“I must stress that this does means all changelings have declared war upon us. Thorax and his citizens are still our allies, and he has agreed to remove all his subjects from our borders until the crisis has passed. Our conflict is with Queen Chrysalis and her followers. And I am here today to assure every citizen of Equestria, pony or otherwise, that my sister and I will do everything in our power to protect the lives of everyone living within our borders. Part of this will be accomplished by joining forces with TechInc.” Luna indicates Glasseye. “With TechInc's technology, we will have a great advantage over Queen Chrysalis and the changelings that serve her.

“We have already begun our preparations for the conflict. Even as we speak, Canterlot has dispatched messengers with instructions to every city, town, and community as to how to defend themselves against Chrysalis and her minions. In the meantime, I ask that all of you to please continue your lives as usual. To give in to fear will only strengthen Chrysalis and her followers, and in this challenging time it is more important than ever that we work and stand together. That is all.”

The room explodes into a flurry of questions, but Luna apologizes and says that she and Glasseye have pressing matters to attend to, and they make a quick exit.

“You ever have the feeling of being present for something that's going to go down in the history books?” Beakbreaker asks.