• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,468 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

  • ...

To Meet the Moon

I tear down the road as fast as I can, feeling as if the weight of the world has fallen off my shoulders. I want to shout and jump for the sheer joy of being free once more, of having the past three years finally be behind me. Ahead of me is a new life, one that I can shape in any way I want, free from the mistakes of my past.

I'm getting ahead of myself; got to calm down. The future is bright and full of promise, but I need to take things one step at a time. First step is to get to the train station; in their last letter, my parents said they would be waiting for me there. That's where I need to go!

Dust flies into the air as I run even faster.


It isn't long at all before I reach the enormous stone checkpoint separating Canterlot from the mountains; thankfully, the night watch has been alerted to my presence, and it only takes a moment for them to allow me through and into the city itself. Oh, to walk on city streets again! Lamps illuminate the night, guiding me as I trot down the cobblestone streets, all but skipping at seeing all the stores, the bars, the nightlife all around me. Everything feels so... so... alive! I want to spend all night running about and going to each and every one of these stores! But that can wait.

There are two ponies I've waited two years to see.

The streets of Canterlot pass by in a blur, and in no time at all I've reached the train station. There are few ponies out at this time of night, and no trains upon the tracks. The nearby schedule shows all the trains supposed to come in throughout the night, and there's only one listed: The midnight express from Saddle Lanka on platform ten.

I dash through the station's halls, counting platform numbers as they zip past. Platform six... seven... eight... there it is! I make a quick stop, turn right, and shoot through the doorway to platform ten. It's deserted; a glance down the tracks reveals no indication that the train's on its way.

For almost ten minutes I wait, fidgeting and anxious for something, anything to happen. An announcement that the train is on the way, a sign going up saying that it's been delayed, anything. At least I wouldn't be stuck waiting in limbo.

At long last, I faintly hear a train whistle in the distance. A massive engine car emerges from the darkness a minute later, coming to a stop with a heavy shudder. Doors open, and dozens of ponies pour onto the platform, immediately veiled by steam billowing from the engine. I can't make out anyone around me; are my parents even on this train? They had to be! They wouldn't miss this for anything, not even a summons from the princesses themselves!

The fog-like steam filling the platform finally dissipates. Most of the ponies have already moved off the platform, and only a few remain.


There they are.

My parents climb out of the last car, their old suitcases magically hovering beside them. They're tired, weary, and hurry onto the platform. They don't notice me, taking a moment to catch their bearings, both excited and anxious, having dreamed of this moment for so long. But then they look over to me, the only other pony on the station.

Our eyes meet.

Suitcases fall to the floor as my parents run to me. I run to them, and we finally hit, legs wrapping around each other, squeezing more tightly than ever before. We can't speak. We can't even talk. My mother doesn't even try as she practically smothers me with kisses. But I don't push her away. She's waited two years for this moment, and so have I. And so too, has Dad. Like most stallions, he isn't one to openly show displays of affection, but for a moment like this he doesn't care, and embraces me as hard as Mom.

“Oh Celestia, it's so good to see you again, Silverspeak.”

I can't stop smiling, nor can I stop the tears from falling. “It's good to see you too, Dad.”


"I'm so sorry we're late," Mom says as we head down the platform. "The train was delayed back in Saddle Lanka. Had some problems with the engine, and your father and I were worried sick that we weren't going to make it in time for-"

"Mom," I say with a laugh. "It's alright. You're here. That's all that matters." I smile. "You have no idea how long I've dreamed of this moment."

"Or how long we've dreamed of it," Dad says.

Heading up some stairs, my parents and I reach the station's main terminal, and then out into the city streets.

“Well Silverspeak, this is your first day of freedom,” Mom says. “What do you want to do first?”

I've had far too long to contemplate the question. “Let's head to the palace.”

“Palace? You mean, the Royal Palace?” Dad asks. “As in, the place where the princesses live?”

“The very same.” Grabbing one of Dad's suitcases, I trot down the street. “Remember that letter I wrote you? About how I have a job waiting for me? Why not spend our first night together in my new home?"

My parents glance at each other for a split second, then hurry after me. If there's one thing all ponies want, it's the chance to visit the home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And to have a private room of their own in the palace, even if only for a night, is an opportunity no one can pass up.

For an hour my parents and I head up through Canterlot's many streets, passing buildings that grow steadily more elaborate and ornate, built from polished marble and other fine minerals. By the time we reach the final level, and the enormous staircase leading to the palace itself, Mom and Dad are having to stop more and more frequently to take short breaks.

“You two okay?” I ask, my jubilation tinged with the fear that our reunion is going to be interrupted with a visit to the hospital.

Mom chuckles. “Just a little bit of old age catching up to us.”

When Mom and Dad recover, the three of us continue on. It takes another ten minutes before we finally emerge onto the very top of Canterlot itself, roads and sidewalks giving way to grass and a flowing river fed by a towering waterfall. It's beautiful, but I'm focused on what lies before me, and I can barely keep myself from freaking out.

I never thought I'd see it, much less get so close I could almost reach out and touch it, but this is no dream... I'm standing before the gates of the Royal Palace.

Lit by the Luna's moon, the white walls of the palace seems to glow, as if barely containing the beauty that lies within its halls. The multiple towers and spires stretch high into the sky, banners and flags billowing in the gentle wind. I stare at it all, mesmerized, unable to take my eyes away.

Dad taps me on the shoulder. “You okay there, Silverspeak?”

“Oh, yes. Just... Oh, who am I kidding? This is amazing!" I pause, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself. “Now, they're probably expecting me, but not the two of you, so I should go first.”

Mom and Dad nod and get in line behind me. I make my way towards the drawbridge, which is watched over by three squads of Royal Guards. It's unnerving to see so many pairs of eyes lock onto me from beneath those helms, so I'm careful to go slow and keep my posture non-threatening. As we reach the bridge, one of the guards steps forward and holds out a hoof.

“Halt.” A unicorn in that ornate armor comes up to us. “State your business, please.”

“My name is Silverspeak, and I'm... well, I was just released from prison,” I say. “Two years ago, Princess Luna said that if I desired it, I could have a job as a writer for the court after I was released.”

The guard brings up a scroll and looks it over. “And who are these two?”

“My parents.”

He checks the list again. “You are allowed inside, Mr. Silverspeak, but your parents are not on this list. I'll have to ask them to wait here.”

Mom and Dad are disappointed, but they nod, understanding.

“I'll be back as soon as I can,” I say.

“Oh, don't rush things,” Mom says. “We're in no hurry.”

As another guard guides my parents to a bench, my guard starts across the bridge. I follow him, almost hopping up and down in excitement.

I'm one of the lucky ponies allowed to cross the bridge and enter the dwelling of divinity itself!


The palace's gates tower over me as I pass through into the cavernous lobby beyond. We pass through so many halls, rooms, and passages that I lose track of which way we've gone. If a pony weren't careful, and the directions mounted on the walls weren't present, they could easily get lost here, possibly for days. I'd get hopelessly lost too, if it weren't for the guard knowing where to go. I follow him as slowly as I can politely manage, admiring all the statues, draperies, and artwork that adorns the palace. Passing by dozens of Royal Guards, attendants, and all manner of other workers, I glance into every open door I can, catching sight of experiments, rooms packed with scrolls, and even spas. There are so many doors I want to go through, and so many chambers I want to explore! Who knows what kind of secrets and treasures are behind them?

But priceless works of art alone aren't what excite me the most. Each step is bringing me closer to the fabled throne room, and if I'm being led there, it would only be for one reason. I grin as my mind races, eagerly wondering what will happen when the princesses and I finally meet face to face... when I'll finally meet Celestia herself for the very first time.

It's a struggle not to implode with joy; after all, it wouldn't be proper for me to launch into fanboy mode at meeting the ruler of Equestria herself. I'm sure she's met countless ponies who have done exactly that, but I need to be proper, professional, and courteous; need to make a first impression after all, and once I've had the pleasure of her acquaintance, settled into my new role, and accepted my royal duties, I can finally ask for her autograph... and then see if I can get a picture of us together that I can put in a frame of the finest wood and post in my room to gaze longingly at for hours upon end, and-

I shake my head. I'm getting ahead of myself. Okay, okay, calm down. You can be excited, but remember that you're a professional writer, not a fanboy. You're not going to freak out. At least, I hope not. Being in Celestia's presence might make me act in ways even I can't predict, and... oh, who am I kidding? I have the right to be excited! I'm going to see the Princesses! Oh my gosh this is so amazing I can't wait I need to-

I slap myself.

The guard looks back.

“Bug,” I say.

Sighing, the guard turns into a small rotunda, and we enter what looks like an information center. At the center is an enormous, circular desk, similar to the information desk in the Manehattan library, but the pony here seems friendly enough, unlike the last librarian I met.

I'm escorted to the desk. The pony behind it looks up from something she's scribbling onto a piece of paper. “Name?”


The quill stops.

The pony looks me over, curious. “So this is the infamous Silverspeak, instigator of the Manehattan incident.”

I nod.

The pony studies me for a few moments longer, then looks at some papers before her, flipping through them. "Your timing is impeccable, Silverspeak. We were going to dispatch a messenger to bring you here, but you had already left by the time he had arrived."

"What do you mean?"

The pony indicates the hubub around us. "The princesses wanted to meet you as soon as possible."


"I'm not sure... there are rumors that something has happened on our borders, but nothing has been confirmed. Celestia and Luna will tell you themselves." She turns her attention to my escort. "Take Silverspeak to the Sanctuary."

Nodding, the guard hurries away, and I struggle to keep up, puzzled. Something happening on our border? An invasion of some kind maybe?

The guard leads the way deeper into the palace. We soon leave the fancy hallways and enter a series of smaller, more spartan halls made from gray stone. Though not cold or unpleasant to be in, it's clear this place isn't meant to be visited by the public.

We reach a door flanked by two guards. They check my escort's papers, scan both of us, and then unlock the door with their magic, and join us in heading down a steep staircase.

The door behind us swings shut and locks with a loud click.

The deep shaft stops at a locked door, one too ornate and elegant to lead into a squalid, moldy dungeon. It opens, revealing a golden elevator built into a shaft of polished stone. We get in, and it descends into the earth, the well-oiled gears and mechanisms gliding upon rails as we ride down for a good five minutes.

The elevator comes to a stop and opens up to reveal yet another hallway of sparkling stones, and a door built of reflective brass. The torches flicker as the guards take their positions on both sides of the door.

“We will wait for you here,” my escort says.

The guards' horns light up, and the doors glide open. It takes everything I have to keep from gasping; the passage beyond is formed from crystal. Golden crystals, to be precise, glowing from within as if lit by miniature suns.

I touch the wall, and light spreads away from my hoof. Oh, that is so amazing! I could spend hours in here, marveling at the beauty surrounding me. In any other situation I would, if not for another set of brass doors at the end. They soundlessly glide open at my approach, granting me access to the room beyond.

I thought nothing could top the beauty of the golden hall, but I was wrong.

The chamber before me isn't a room; it's a cathedral of blue and gold marble, softly lit by several chandeliers.

What is this? A place of worship? Something left over from Equestria's early days? Something else? I head to the back wall... well, 'wall' isn't exactly correct. Most of it is taken up by an ornate, circular window almost thirty feet in diameter. Beyond is a massive cavern filled with countless waterfalls that plunge into an abyss below me. Yet, the thunder of the roaring water is muted by the glass, making this the perfect place for those seeking respite from a busy and chaotic life... Perhaps this is a retreat for palace staff? No, that can't be it: The path down here is too well guarded.

If ordinary ponies are unlikely to come down here, then that means-

“Greetings, Silverspeak.”

I freeze.

It's her.

I turn, keeping my face to the ground. A hoof comes into my vision, the blue skin and crystal horseshoe matching the color of the carpet.

“You may rise.”

Taking a deep breath, I stand and look into the face of Princess Luna. She's just like I remember her, untouched by the passage of time.

I bow my head ever so slightly. “It's an honor to meet you again, your Highness,”

Luna smiles. “I am glad it is under more pleasant circumstances.”

I nod, pleased that I'm managing to keep myself together. Having met Luna before, it's easy not to freak out. But will I be able to do so if the other Princess arrives?

I glance about as tactfully as I can.

“If you are searching for my sister, I'm afraid she is not here.”

My heart sinks. “But I was told that-”

“I am afraid the palace staff have not been told everything that has happened these past few days." Luna's horn glows, and the massive doors silently close. “I apologize for bringing you down here, but we must speak without fear of being overheard.”

“If you don't mind me asking, your Highness, where exactly are we?”

“You are in the Alicorn Sanctuary. It is here that my sister and I have retreated for rejuvenation when we need it. It is our private space." Luna smiles again. "It is also a place that few have ever seen.”

If I could beam, I'd outshine every candle in Canterlot.

“Those who do come here, however, usually only do so in dark times... What I am about to tell you must not leave this room, Silverspeak. If it were to escape to the general population, the resulting panic would undermine our efforts to keep everyone safe.”

Luna's horn lights up, and several crystals embedded in the walls emit a faint glow. I recognize them; they're the same type Beakbreaker used to prevent eavesdropping after Mangus broke into Medicomp HQ, but these are bigger and more powerful.

Luna walks to a nearby pool, and I quickly fall in behind her. “The world has changed since you left Manehattan two years ago, Silverspeak. The limbs Medicomp produced set off a firestorm of controversy and competition. Other companies began their own attempts at limb replacement, but all of them failed for one reason or another... except one.” Her horn lights up, and a magical hologram of a skyscraper hovers over the water. It's big and fancy, no different from the other business towers in Manehattan, except for the strange, metallic decorations on the outside.

“The company is called TechInc, and is producing their own limbs with the most advanced technology available.”

“What about Medicomp?" I ask. "Are they out of business?”

“Medicomp is still operating, though they are no longer the dominant player in the field of medical prosthetics. They use genetics and organic tissue to create limbs and minor organs, but TechInc has focused on limbs of metal and steel.”

The image shifts, and the skyscraper is replaced with a pony's leg. But it's not like any leg I've ever seen: it's made of metal, with rods, pistons, and tightly coiled wire.

“At the moment, TechInc can only create legs, but it is only a matter of time before they begin research on other limbs. But that is not the only thing they can create; they are using their technology to craft all manner of devices, ones that do not require electricity or magic to work.”

A barrage of images shoot past me, showing all number of appliances, vehicles, and items I don't recognize.

“Our society is changing, Silverspeak. We are now entering an age of technology. It hasn't arrived yet, but you can see it on the horizon.”

The display vanishes. I want to see more of these fascinating devices, but Luna's clearly building up to something.

“Your Highness, what exactly does all this have to do with me?”

“Rumors have grown that TechInc is currently working on several secret projects,” Luna says. “Many believe they're working on wings and horns, but I believe they might be using their technology for a more dangerous purpose.”

“Why do you believe that?”

Luna sighs. “My sister and I have seen it before: Whenever a new company or a group comes up with a new technology, there will be those who want to use that technology for selfish reasons, and others are inevitably hurt. I do not like to believe the worst, but I fear TechInc will do the same thing. And that is where you come in: I want you to go to TechInc's headquarters and find out exactly what they're working on, and if the rumors have any merit.”

Luna's horn lights up once more, and a small display appears over the water, revealing... well, it looks like an enormous orb built of steel and glass flying through the sky, shoving clouds aside as it moves along.

“This is TechInc's headquarters, which they have dubbed, 'Genesis.' It houses their research facilities, factories, and living quarters for those who stay on board. You will be my eyes and ears, inspecting the city from top to bottom to see what TechInc is working on, and to ensure they're not hiding weapons or other foul things. And as an official envoy for my sister and I, you will have access to any and all areas that would otherwise be blocked off. Once you have completed your searches, you will report your findings to me.”

“That's it?”

Luna nods. “If there are weapons, I will dispatch the appropriate agents to deal with them. It is one thing to create tools for self-defense, but if they are building weapons that could harm thousands, they must be stopped.”

Hmmm... this sounds like an easy enough task, and considerably more interesting than writing speeches. But something doesn't feel right.

“Your Highness, why ask me to go? Why not someone else with more experience and diplomatic skills?”

Luna is silent for a moment. Her horn lights up once again, and the image of a tiny town appears between us. “Are you familiar with this place, Silverspeak?”

I study the image. “No, I'm not.”

“It is our most remote outpost on the Equestrian border. It was attacked by changelings a week ago.”

What? That can't be! Changelings have been our allies since-

"Before you ask, they are not allied with Thorax. We captured one of them, and learned that it's allied with Queen Chrysalis."

"Chrysalis? Then you mean..."

"Yes... she is moving against us once more. From what we've learned, she has raised a new army, one that is small in number, but is already infiltrating Equestria as we speak.”


“The changeling we captured has told us that others have been infiltrating every level of society, and have been doing so for months. My sister and I have already dispatched our best agents to find them, but it won't be easy. And for all we know, even more of Chryaslis' changelings are sneaking into Equestria every day. Worse still, the changeling heard that Chrysalis has been gathering allies sympathetic to her cause... dragons, even.”

My heart hammers away, and sweat forms on my brow. "Are you sure about this, Your Highness?" I ask. "Chrysalis' last attack was decades ago. She must be dead by now.”

“I would not be so sure. Changeling monarchs can live for hundreds of years, and time spent in hibernation would extend that even further. And if she has heard of TechInc, she might be trying to sneak in and acquire any weapons they're making. If she has, we must know.”

"But what about Thorax? Could he find her? Or his changelings?"

"I discussed the matter with him last night. To avoid any misunderstandings or us harming his subjects by mistake, he has called them all to his hive until the crisis has passed."

“And the Bearers?”

“They departed last night to seek out Chrysalis and stop her, with my sister accompanying them. But if they fail, it is my responsibility to ensure Equestria's safety, and to protect it from any threats.” She looks to me. “You, Silverspeak, know how far someone can go to accomplish a dream... and the danger such a quest can bring.”

A thought comes to me: Luna might want me for my experience in how individuals can be obsessed with getting what they want, but that wouldn't be the only reason.

“Your Highness... do you want me to use my talent? To persuade TechInc to tell me everything?”

Luna nods.

“With all due respect, your Highness, I've had my fill of manipulating ponies to get what I want. I don't want to go down that path again.”

“And I hope you don't have to,” Luna says. “But if you do not wish to become involved in this, I understand.”

But how could I not become involved? If Chrysalis and her brood are sneaking into cities and society itself, than she must be preparing for war. I can't risk having my parents become some of their victims. I have a chance to help stop a war before it begins, and if I don't help, the changelings will spread spread across Equestria, ruining countless lives and wreaking havoc amongst countless innocent ponies.

I have to do something. Celestia would do the same.

“I'll do it, your Highness.”

Luna smiles, relieved. “Excellent.” She heads towards the exit. “You will leave today; TechInc only allows guests in during their annual science convention. It begins tomorrow, and I want you to arrive before the vendors and guests."

“Your Highness? If I may ask, could I bring my parents with me? After what you just told me, I'd feel safer knowing that they're close to me so that I can keep an eye on them.”

Luna considers my question for a very long moment. “Very well. They may go. But they will not be able to join you on your investigations, nor are you to tell them anything I have revealed to you. Is that understood?”

I nod, but Luna's not done. “And with regards to your talent... while your gift is powerful, you are only to use it with my approval.” She glares at me. “Is that understood?”

I struggle not to shake as I nod. I've seen Luna face down Mangus Bluehorn without breaking a sweat, and I've seen her disappointed, but this... this unnerves me. “But how am I supposed to ask?” I say, trying to change the subject.

“You will be given a tool to help you accomplish that.” We head to the doors, and Luna swings them open. “Gather your parents. I will dispatch a carriage to take you to the airfield in ten minutes. Time is short, and we must move quickly.”

I nod and make my way into the hall.


I stop and turn. “Yes, your Highness?”

“Thank you for accepting this assignment. I know it may be uncomfortable for you, but... it gives us all a chance to have something good come from what happened in Manehattan.”

I nod and leave the sanctuary, making my way back to the elevator.


Luna's tone left no doubt that there was no time to waste, and I leave the palace as quickly as I can when I reach the main halls. It's tempting to linger and see all the beautiful things the palace has to offer, but there simply isn't time.

Reaching the main gates, I find my parents still waiting on the bench. They're tired and chilly, but perk up at seeing me approach.

"So, how'd it go?" Dad asks. "You got us our new apartment yet?"

"Not yet," I say. "We need to go."

“Go? Please don't tell me the Princesses threw you out-”

“No," I say. "They gave me a job, but I have to leave now, and I want the two of you to come with me."

Mom's horrified. “What?! But we just got here!”

“Trust me, it'll be worth it.”

Mom and Dad can't miss the chaos behind me as ponies run in and out of the palace entrance. “Silverspeak..." Dad asks, "If I didn't know better, I'd say something big's going on."

I nod. “Yes... you could say that.”