• Published 29th Apr 2014
  • 17,478 Views, 695 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls - Golden Flare

Sora and Donald arrive at Canterlot High to search for a magical disturbance by the order of King Mickey, But when they get there, they get more than they bargained for.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Conflicts And Video Evidence

Sora and Donald immediately rejoined Twilight and Spike, panting heavily and dripping in sweat.

"Hey, where'd you guys go? And why do you look so tired?" Twilight asked.

Sora and Donald didn't want Twilight and Spike to worry about the Heartless invading the school, so they had to keep them in the dark for now and let them focus on their own problems.

"Uh, we went for a little jog around the building and, uh, forgot to bring something to drink. Heh-heh." Sora answered with a sheepish grin while scratching his cheek.

"Um... ok." Twilight replied.

Sora and Donald silently sighed of relief. Sora sat down with Twilight and picked up a book of his own, while Donald sat with Spike under the table, reading the same book.

"The library will be closing in five minutes." said a female voice on the loudspeaker.

Twilight closed she was reading and yawned in her hand, strangely Sora did the same. She perked up as she realized something, "I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight."

Spike and Donald looked up from their book at Twilight. Spike then trotted out from under the table with a smile on his face, "Way ahead of you."

Twilight and Sora raised an eyebrow in Spike's direction and turned to look at each other.


Twilight and Sora made to some of the higher levels of the library with a book in Twilight's arms and walked up to Spike with a tarp, concealing something. He reached one of his paws and removed the tarp with a cloud of dust filling the air, revealing a makeshift bed from a bunch of books, "It's a little *cough* dusty. But it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here."

Twilight sat on book bed and examined it, not finding any errors. She smiled and said, "It's perfect, Spike."

Spike stuck his tongue out like a dog should and Twilight scratched his head, and he fell to the floor from how good it felt.

Sora and Donald were whispering amongst themselves quietly enough to where the two other-worlders couldn't hear them.

"Can't we let them sleep in the Gummi Ship tonight?" Sora asked.

"No! We already told them about who we are, the last thing we need is to tell them how we got here!" Donald stated, sternly.

"C'mon Donald, look," Sora and Donald turned their attention back to Twilight and Spike and back to them, "she's sleeping on a pile of books. Can't we give them a real bed to sleep in?"

"Sora, what's more important? Giving a girl and her dog a place to sleep, or protecting a world that could be destroyed at the blink of an eye?!" Donald asked.

Sora slumped and sighed in defeat, "Fine." Donald smiled triumphantly at his victory. The two walked back to join Twilight and Spike.

"So, how did your research go?" Spike asked.

"I found this book. It's called a 'yearbook'." Twilight began, "It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school." Twilight flipped the pages until she found something familiar, "Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity."

Spike perked up and snatched the book out of Twilight's hands with his tail wagging, "There's a Rarity here?!" Spike soon caught on to his mistake and turned to give the book back to Twilight, "Uh, I mean, uh, interesting photo." Twilight just rolled her eyes at him.

"How do they know these girls? Isn't this their first time here?" Sora thought.

"It's interesting because they look like they're friends." Twilight said.

"They DO look like our friends. But I thought we figured that out already." Spike replied.

"I think I just got a headache." Sora thought to himself.

"No, I mean, they look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now." Twilight said as sat the book down and resting her head on her hand, looking depressed.

"Not so much." Spike added.

Twilight plopped down on her bed, "I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it." Twilight said as she put her hands behind her head.

"I wouldn't put it past her." Spike began as he pulled up the tarp as a blanket, "But she wanted your crown cause she's planning on doing something even worse. If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here. You can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore." Twilight looked at the photo once more and Spike began to yawn as he continued, "Even if they do remind you of your Ponyville friends."

"Ponyville?" Sora thought as he looked at Donald, who appeared to be thinking the same thing.

Twilight smiled, "You're right, Spike." she then sighed, "Eye on the prize." then she happened to think of something, "Hey, do you guys have a place to sleep?"

Sora suddenly remembered his bed back at the Gummi Ship, "Actually-" Donald elbowed (if ducks have elbows) Sora's leg, earning his attention, Donald shook his head, knowing that if they knew they had a place to stay, they would follow them to the Gummi Ship for better sleeping conditions. Sora sighed and replied, "No."

"Maybe you could make bed from all the books." Spike suggested.

Sora shook his head, "I don't wanna keep you guys up while I'm making my own bed."

"Oh, well..." Twilight trailed off for a moment, "Maybe..." she blushed as she continued, "We could share mine?"

Surprised was an understatement to describe what Sora felt at that moment. Still, it was better than no bed at all.

"Uh... Sure." Sora answered while scratching the back of his head.

Sora walked up the book bed, but stopped when he looked at Spike. He gave him a glare that said, "don't try anything funny", Sora quickly got the message and approached the bed slower than before, uncertain as to what Spike would do if Sora made a bad move with Twilight. He climbed in the bed and pulled the tarp/blanket over him with Donald laying on his chest.

"You okay?" Twilight asked Sora.

"Yeah, I'm fine." but Sora wasn't so sure he was. He was blushing to no end.

"Sora..." Twilight began, "What's your world like?"

Sora was surprised that Twilight asked that question, but answered all the same, "I live on an island with my friends, Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, Riku... and Kairi." He suddenly remembered everything Kairi and him had been through, to where it first began up to the fight with Xemnas.

"How did you begin travelling to other worlds, Sora?" Twilight asked.

Sora saw that Donald was fast asleep and smiled, now Donald couldn't stop him, "Well, it's like this,"

Sora first explained about the storm that struck his island, how he received the Keyblade, fought the Heartless and a giant one called a Darkside. He also how he was soon whisked away from his home, including his friends, who he had to find. He said that he had to seal the keyholes of every world to prevent the Heartless from plunging them into darkness. Riku sided with Maleficent, an evil witch who was controlling the Heartless, and he was possessed by Ansem, who he defeated, and together they closed the Door to Darkness with Riku and King Mickey behind it. He then explained the events that took place afterwards, Organization XIII, the Nobodies, reopening the keyholes, finding more new worlds, making new friends, defeating Xemnas, the Door to the Light, and the Mark of Mastery exam, sleeping worlds and all. Well... except for Xehanort and the X-Blade. He didn't want Twilight to get involved with something so dangerous.

Twilight was amazed that Sora had saved the universe many times over and made new friends along the way, but she was also amazed that there were many other worlds beyond here and Equestria. She also noticed that Sora has gone through some hard times and couldn't help but feel bad for him. But she was glad that Sora had made a lot of friends in his journey, at least he wasn't alone. Spike had already fell asleep a little bit after Sora climbed in the bed, so Sora didn't worry as much as he did. Spike didn't think Twilight wouldn't notice the glare he was giving Sora, did he?

After Sora's finished his story, Twilight began to yawn.

"Tired?" Sora asked.

"Yeah." Twilight answered, "We should probably get some sleep."

"Yeah. Good night." Sora said.

"Good night." Twilight repeated.

As they both turned on their sides, Twilight began think to herself,

"Sora... how can someone so young accomplish so much in more than a year through a lot of dangerous situations? And yet... you survived it all."

Twilight almost lost herself in sleep before her words echoed in her head once more,

"You're so... amazing."

The Next Day...

Twilight began to stir, slowly waking from her sleep. She started to notice she was holding something, or someone. She blushed intensely when her vision finally came into focus...

She was cuddling Sora.

"AHH-" Twilight was silenced by Spike, who put his paw over her mouth.

He motioned her to get out of the bed and she nodded. She slowly let go of Sora and quietly got out of the bed, the blush never leaving her cheeks. When her body slumped to the floor, she was breathing quickly and heavily.

"I-I-I-" Twilight was having trouble trying to form a sentence.

"Shhh." Spike whispered, "You were asleep, you didn't know what you were doing, it's fine."

Twilight was still in shock.

"C'mon Twilight, let's go." Spike said, still keeping his voice down.

"B-But what about..." Twilight tried to say.

"They'll be fine, they can catch up to us later. Besides, I don't think they're used to getting up as early as us. Just let them sleep." Spike concluded.

"O-Okay." Twilight said.

The two walked away from Sora and Donald, allowing them to sleep in while Twilight and Spike leave the library to gather votes from the other students.


Sora found himself in an empty grassy plain. All that was there were a few trees and a person standing atop a small hill.

"Huh?" Sora said.

You have no idea how I really feel about you.

Sora heard a voice echo in his mind. But it wasn't the same voice from all of his other dreams, it was different. it was... comforting.

Do you feel the same about me?

Sora was trying to narrow down the voice to everyone he knew, but only one came up in his mind...

A certain purple-haired girl...

Sora started to run towards the person on the hill, then the person slowly turned around. Sora stopped in his tracks when he got close enough to see who it was.

It was Twilight.

Sora was surprised to see Twilight in his dreams, especially hearing her voice echo in his mind.

"Sora..." she cooed with a smile.

"Twilight?" Sora asked.

"Sora, I know I just met you, but after you told me about all of your adventures that you've had... I can't help but feel happy around you."

Sora couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was no way Twilight would just open her heart to him after they just met. Twilight held her left hand out to Sora, the smile never leaving her face,

"Come back with me. To Equestria."

Sora stood slack-jawed at Twilight's words.

"We can be together... Forever." Twilight said lovingly.

Sora was having a hard time processing everything that Twilight said. This is just a dream. Twilight couldn't really feel that way about him. Could she?

Sora train of thought was cut off when he began to walk towards Twilight with his hand reaching for hers. Sora couldn't stop himself, he had no control over his body. It's almost like his heart is doing what his mind wouldn't. As Sora was about to grasp Twilight hand, another voice stopped him.

"Okay. Fun's over."

Sora saw everything plunge into darkness and him along with it, he screamed as he felt like he was thrown backwards. Sora woke up and found himself on a stained glass surface. But...

Something was wrong.

It wasn't the same one he was on last night. Sure Twilight and her friends were on there, but they look different. Their faces look... Conflicted. And then... The thing that scared Sora the most... Is that Sunset Shimmer was in the center.

Sora then felt angry, why was SHE invading his dreams?

"I can feel your anger and fear." the voice from before said.

Sora whipped his head around and saw a Corridor Of Darkness appear, and coming from it was the hooded man from his last dream.

"You!" Sora said as he summoned his Keyblade.

"I'm not your opponent." the hooded man said.

"What?" Sora asked, confused.

The hooded man pointed towards Sora, "She is."

Sora turned around to see someone he despised so much. He saw Sunset Shimmer. She just stared at him with an evil grin on her face, a grin that infuriated him more than ever. He gripped his Keyblade as tight as he possibly could.

"Yes, get angry. Let your anger take hold." the hooded man began as he disappeared in darkness, "For where there is anger... There is darkness."

The hooded man left without a trace. Sora prepared himself to attack, he didn't care if she didn't have anything to defend herself with, this is still a dream, so Sora's gonna take this chance to vent out some of his anger he has towards Sunset.

Sora wasted no time charging at Sunset. She sidestepped and tried to punch Sora, her grin never wavering, but he jumped out of the way and pointed his Keyblade in the air.

"Thunder!" Sora declared as he used his Thundaga spell.

The multiple lightning bolts created a dense smoke around the area. Once it cleared, Sora saw an unbelievable sight. Sunset blocked his Thundaga spell with a Keyblade of her own. It looked exactly like Sora's, but it was jet-black, except the bottom of the blade had a dark purple color to it.

This isn't a dream. It's a nightmare.

Sunset charged at Sora, Keyblade in hand. Sora did the same. Their Keyblades clashed together with the two of them pushing each other back, one trying to best the other. Sunset kept her grin while Sora was gritting his teeth, that smirk of hers was infuriating. Soon they jumped backwards and charged again, slashing at each other with no success of hitting their opponent. After at least 10 slashes, Sunset began to sweat and was breathing heavily, but her grin never weakened. It's almost as if she had no other emotion but pure evil. Sora took this opportunity and charged once more, jumped, spun in midair, and horizontally swung his Keyblade with the strongest slash he can muster. Sunset didn't react fast enough and took a hit to the face. She flew across the platform and landed near the edge with her Keyblade disappearing.

Sora walked up to the defeated Sunset to see his progress, but he was shocked to see someone else has taken her place. He saw an upset Twilight Sparkle, looking up at him with crying eyes.

"W-W-Why, Sora? W-Why d-did you attack m-me?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight... I... I didn't mean... I thought..." Sora could hardly form a sentence, he was still in shock.

"W-What did I-I do w-wrong?" Twilight asked, desperately trying to understand why Sora would hurt her.

"You did nothing wrong... I just..." Sora tried to answer as best as he could.

Sora let his Keyblade dissipate into thin air and walked over to Twilight, kneeling down and giving her the most meaningful hug he could give.

"S-Sora?" Twilight was more confused than before.

More tears began to form in Twilight's eyes as she returned Sora's hug with her own, sobbing into his chest. Sora couldn't understand why Twilight was there in Sunset's place. Then the hooded man's voice rung in his head,

"Get angry."

"Let your anger take hold."

"For where there is anger... There is darkness."


Sora's eyes snapped open and saw the sun blinding him. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the change in lighting, when he did, he saw an impatient Donald glaring at him.

"SORA! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?!" Donald shouted.

"Sorry, ugh, guess I must've overslept." Sora said while wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"WE BOTH OVERSLEPT!! TWILIGHT AND SPIKE ARE GONE!!" Donald shoued even louder.

"What!?" Sora yelled.

He suddenly remembered his dream. Sora threw the blanket off of him and rushed to find the exit to the library with Donald following suit.


Sora slammed the double doors open, hoping to find Twilight and Spike somewhere around the school with Donald jumping into the backpack that Fluttershy gave him. As he was running through the halls, the other students stared at him with awe-like expressions and began to whisper amongst themselves,

"Look! It's the new guy from the video!"

"How did he take down that monster thing?"

"Isn't it weird that his pet can use some kind of magic?"

Sora slowed down to try and hear what the students were saying, "What are they talking about? I can hardly hear a-"

Sora's sentence was cut short by someone opening a door next to him, grabbing him, and pulling him into the room, "Whoa!"

"Hey! What'd you do that for-" Sora stopped mid-sentence when he saw who snatched him.

It was a girl with pure white skin, purple curly hair with a blue triple diamond resting at the front, she was wearing a light blue shirt, a light purple skirt with three blue diamonds, around her waist was a darker purple belt with a blue belt buckle, on both her arms were golden yellow bracelets, she was wearing long dark purple shoes with a lighter purple outline at the top and a blue diamond centerpiece on each shoe. She must really love diamonds.

Sora recognized her on the spot, "It's the girl from the glass platform in my dreams!" he whispered to himself.

She quickly approached him with a measuring tape, measured the length of his clothes, checked the size of his head, and examined his shoes.

"Um, what are you doing?" Sora asked, but got no answer.

The girl put her hand to her chin, pondering something. She put her finger in the air and smiled, as if she figured something out. She then rushed to her bag and bent down to dig inside. She threw aside a couple pieces of clothing and then she found what she was looking for.

"Perfect." she said.

Sora soon found himself wearing a yellow, white and blue jacket with a zip-up black shirt, a white fingerless glove on his left hand, a pair of dark blue pants with a black belt, and a pair of black, grey, blue, and white shoes with yellow laces, and the weirdest part is that he was wearing a long silver-haired wig. It's almost as if he looked exactly like his friend, Riku, except Sora has a tan, Riku's skin is somewhat pale.

"Ooohh yes! This is good. No one will recognize you." she said with a smile.

"Uh, what are you talking about-" Sora was cut off by the girl,

"And we'll need a disguise for your duck," she began while bopping his beak with her finger and scratching Donald's chin with both her hands, "which is too bad, he really is so adorable."

On the other side of the room, Donald caught glimpse of a girl with a light and dark green outfit and long blonde hair. What stood the most was the purple and green dog in her backpack, growling at Donald with a glare that could kill a Heartless with just one look. No doubt it was Twilight, wearing some strange getup, and her dog, Spike, who didn't look very happy.

Donald stared at Spike with uncertainty, "Uhhh-"

"You know, with a little work, I think I can make him look like a goose instead." the girl suggested, cutting off Donald.

"Wak!" Donald exclaimed as he fell out of Sora's backpack and hitting the floor with a "Thud!"

"A goose?" Sora asked, confused.

It was then a certain blonde cowgirl walked in the door, "Twilight! Sora! There y'all are!"

The purple, curly haired girl crossed her arms, "So much for the disguise."

"Ah've been lookin' all over for y'all." Applejack said.

Fluttershy then appeared just outside the door, "Me too."

Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared hanging above door with a smile on her face, surprising Fluttershy, "Me three!"

Twilight soon joined Sora when Pinkie rushed up to look them over, that smile of hers as bright as ever, "I like your new looks."

"I do have an eye for these sorts of things," the purple, curly haired girl commented, butting into conversation, "not that you seem to care."

"What?!" Pinkie exclaimed at that blunt remark.

"Why do you think she doesn't care?" Twilight asked, curiously.

Pinkie bit her lip in frustration, while Fluttershy put her hands over her mouth and Applejack desperately motioning to her not to ask.

"No, Never mind." Twilight said as she took off her wig, "Why were you all looking for me? What's going on?"

"Oh. She hasn't seen it yet." Fluttershy said.

"Seen what?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie pulled out her laptop and opened it, "Oh, it's really not that bad." she giggled nervously as she finished.

Sunset's voice spoke as Pinkie played a video from the internet, "Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Princess." as the video continued, it showed some embarrassing footage of Twilight, "But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this-" it showed an embarrassing freeze frame of Twilight with a book in her mouth, "such an important honor?" and one final freeze frame before the video ended.

Twilight gasped in shock at what she had just seen, "I..." she then closed the laptop.

"I take that back. It's pretty bad." Pinkie commented.

"But this all happened yesterday. At the library." Twilight suddenly became nervous as she turned to her friends, "Has everyone in the school seen this? Is that why they were all looking at me that way?"

"Mmmm..." the four girls hummed.

"Wait," Sora interrupted, "if this is about Twilight, then why am I wearing a disguise?" he then yanked the wig off his head.

"Well, since you were in the video, people would laugh at you for being friends with Twilight." the purple, curly haired girl answered, "Oh, my name is Rarity, by the way."

Sora rolled his eyes and went to sit in a different desk, away from the group. He laid his arms on the desk and rested his head, reminiscing about his recent dream.

"What am I gonna do? No one is going to vote for me after seeing this!" Twilight worriedly said, motioning to the laptop.

Fluttershy walked up to Twilight, "Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you."

Twilight slammed her head into her desk.

"You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday." Fluttershy added and suddenly blushed, "Especially you... S-Sora."

Sora didn't acknowledge her, he just kept his head on his desk.

"If you still wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help." Pinkie offered.

"Word of advice; don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously." Fluttershy advised bluntly.

Pinkie scoffed, "Why do you have to be so awful to me?!"

"Oh, pphht!!" Rarity remarked, brushing off what Pinkie said, "Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie. You're no better than she is." she finished while pointing at Fluttershy.

"And what is THAT supposed to mean?!" Pinkie asked in a raised voice.

"I am happy to offer up my assistance as well. To someone who would APPRECIATE what I have to offer!" Rarity countered.

Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity began to bicker amongst themselves. Spike panicked, jumped into Twilight's backpack, and zipped it up for good measure.

Applejack finally spoke up, "Listen ta y'all carryin' on!"

All eyes were on Applejack.

"Git over it and move on!" Applejack said as she threw away an apple core, looking away with her eyes closed and her arms crossed.

"You mean like how YOU'VE gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?" Rarity accused.

Applejack's eyes snapped open, "She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bake sale, Ah tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of 'em shows up. She made a liar outta me. That's different."

"Is not!" Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity countered.

"Is too!" Applejack counter-countered.

The group continues their argument without showing any signs of stopping. Twilight was at her breaking point, she was about to intervene, but someone else beat her to it. As it turns out... With his last dream still playing in his mind...

...Sora was already beyond his limit.

"ENOUGH!!!" Sora exploded in pure anger with a wave of darkness pulsing through the room.

Everyone was surprised, shocked, and scared all at the same time. Sora just glared at them with an enraged scowl on his face. His expression soon softened as he just realized what he did and slumped in his desk.

"...Sora?" Twilight knew something was wrong.

"I... I'm sorry... I don't know what happened..." Sora tried to explain.

Sora walked over to Twilight's backpack and pulled out the yearbook that Twilight found. He sat down and opened the book to the photo of them.

"You guys were friends once." Sora said.

"The Freshman Fair. Y'all remember?" Applejack asked.

"Yes..." Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity sorrowfully agreed.

"But something happened..." Sora began, "...And I think that something was-" Sora hesitated for a moment, remembering who he fought in his dream, "Sunset Shimmer." he growled as he said that name.

"Well, it's a nice theory, darling, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it." Rarity replied.

Sora clenched his fists while gritting his teeth. Twilight saw Sora was really upset, then...

Something weird happened...

Sora turned into someone else...

A boy with light brown hair spiked in the front, wearing a white, red, and grey jacket with checkered lines on the arms and sides, just beneath the jacket was a black shirt with a spear-looking "X" for the zipper, on his left arm was a checkered bracelet and on his left hand was a black ring and a white ring on his first two fingers, he wore black pants with a tan colorization that went from his knees to his ankles, and on his feet were grey and white shoes with red straps. He also had Sora's sky blue eyes.

Somehow, Twilight's seeing Sora's other self...


"She's right." Fluttershy agreed, which made Roxas/Sora even madder, "Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing firworks and noisemakers. It was supposed to be a serious event and Pinkie Pie ruined it."

"What are you talking about? I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction, you wanted a BIG party!" Pinkie retorted, holding her phone out in front of her.

"I-I never sent you a text." Fluttershy replied.

"You didn't?" Pinkie asked.

"You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those emails, do you?" Rarity began, "Every time I volunteer to help with decorations at a school function, I get an email from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers. And then I find out she's done everything herself."

Roxas/Sora's expression softened to at least a furrowed brow as he thought curiously about these anonymous messages.

"I never sent you any emails." Pinkie Pie said as she turned her head from her phone to face Twilight and Roxas/Sora.

"Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale." Applejack suggested.

"Well, didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?" Roxas/Sora asked in Roxas' voice.

Twilight was really surprised now. Even his voice changed with him.

Applejack smiled nervously, but then became depressed, took off her hat, and held it in front of her, "Ah guess ah kinda stopped talkin' ta her at all after that."

Roxas/Sora smiled as he got up out of his desk and walked up to her, "You know..." Roxas/Sora took her hat and placed it back on her head, "Maybe now would be a good time to start."

Applejack blushed as she chuckled, "Thank you... Sora."

As soon as Roxas turned to face Twilight, he turned back into Sora, still wearing his disguise. Twilight was WAY beyond confused.

"Uh, Twilight? Are you ok?" Sora spoke with his normal voice, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Twilight snapped out of her stupor, "Oh, me? No, I'm fine." she answered as she smiled nervously.


"Ooh! Ooh! I got a text from... Vinyl Scratch!" Pinkie declared.

"What does it say?" Rarity asked.

"It says, 'check out the new video! Canterlot High Conspiracy Thoery' Weird." Pinkie said.

Pinkie went to her laptop, opened it, and typed in the name of the video. Luckily enough, it popped up right in front them. She clicked on it and it played.

"Thanks to a recent video uploaded by a user named, 'snailsrox126', we have found that a strange but dangerous creature was spotted in the Canterlot High Library." Sora and Donald were shocked that they were being spied on, but the video continued, "And the new guy, Sora and his duck named Donald were fighting the creature with some sort of key-shaped sword and something like a magic wand." Sora and Donald knew they were busted, so they tried to sneak away as the video kept playing, "Is Sora a friend? Or foe? We'll find out more as we gather intel. Good luck out there, fellow students."

The girls were completely astonished, more than Twilight and Spike. When they looked up from the laptop, they saw Sora and Donald tiptoeing to the door.


Until Applejack stopped them, "An' just where do ya think y'all are goin'?"

"Uh, we were just, uh, going out for some fresh air, heh." Sora half-truthfully answered with a nervous smile.

"Ah don't think so." Applejack replied while making him back up.

"Yeah! What was that thing you were fighting?!" Pinkie asked, following suit.

"I concur! What was that strange sword you were holding?!" Rarity asked, joining in.

"Um, could you please tell us what's going on, if you don't mind me asking, Sora." Fluttershy said, staying behind the others.

Sora's back was against the back wall of the classroom.

"Well, start talkin'!" Applejack ordered while glaring at Sora.

"Uh, I, uh..." Sora stammered.


"And that's my cue!" Sora declared as he yanked off the rest of his disguise, back to his usual clothes as he rushed out the classroom door.

"Wak!" Donald yelped as he jumped back into Sora's backpack.

"Sora, we're not done here!" Applejack yelled, "Ah'm gonna tell Big Macintosh on you!!"

Pinkie popped up in front of Applejack wearing a pith helmet and two thick lines of black face paint under both of her eyes, "C'mon! Let hunt 'em down!"

The girls ran after Sora with Twilight trying to catch up and Spike jumping into her backpack.

"Girls, slow down!" Twilight demanded.

"Hey Twilight," Spike began, "what was with that weird look you were giving Sora?"

"His body changed, Spike! His voice too!" Twilight answered as she ran.

"Changed? Sora's looked the same as he always has." Spike replied.

"What...?" Twilight couldn't believe her ears, he didn't see that other boy?

"You must be so stressed that you're becoming delusional." Spike suggested.

"But... I..." Twilight found it impossible to form a sentence.

"C'mon. Let's get to the others before they wring Sora's neck." Spike said.

"...Right." Twilight concluded.

Twilight kept running in silence, occupied by her own thoughts,

"Was I really... The only one who could see him?"


Meanwhile, in another hallway, Sunset was giving Snails the earful of his life.

"YOU IDIOT!!" Sunset yelled, "I told you to get some dirt on TWILIGHT, NOT SORA!!"

"Duh, sor-" Snails was cut off by a slap in the face from Sunset.

"Don't you 'sorry' me! Now Sora's the most popular guy in the school! HE might as well be running for Fall Formal Princess!"

It was then Sora was running in Sunset's direction.

"Hey, you!" Sunset called to Sora.

"Can't talk right now got lives to save bye!" Sora said quickly as he passed her.

Then Twilight's friends ran past her with Twilight following behind them.

"Hmm... Snails!" Sunset acknowledged.

"Duh, yes?" Snails asked.

"I think I know a way for you to redeem yourself." Sunset answered and ran after the group, "Follow me! And call Snips! We'll need him too!"

"Duh, yes ma'am!" Snails replied as he followed suit.

Sunset smiled sinisterly as she thought to herself, "You better hope whatever you're chasing gets to you before I do... Sora."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Stained Glass: Sunset Shimmer Vector was made by Akili-Amethyst

Kingdom Key Infinite was made by Talk: Falcon (I think.)

Sorry this took me so long, had a lot of chores to take of.

More coming soon!