• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 8,536 Views, 867 Comments

Miss Sparkle, Psychopath - Adda le Blue

Twilight swears she had nothing to do with the love spell affecting Rainbow Dash, but ponies begin to question her honesty when more of her friends are found hoodwinked and brainwashed.

  • ...

Act II: Chapter 4

“What do we do now?”

It was empty. Zecora's home wasn't a home at all. Nothing remained of her stay in Ponyville but a discarded book, a broken candle, and a collection of traditional masks hanging from walls and burned-out torches.

“I don't know, Rainbow,” Twilight said faintly. “She didn't tell anypony she was leaving, did she?”

“Not that I heard,” her pegasus replied. She pressed her flank to Twilight's and watched the door. “You think she'd have left on her own?”

Twilight shook her head and walked slowly through the empty chamber, looking left and right at all that used to be. The center of the floor was dark and smooth where Zecora's cauldron had stood. The herbs she had hung from the ceiling to dry had left a spicy but not unpleasant aroma throughout the house, an aroma that stung the eyes with memory.

Twilight had no more tears to shed. “She must have drunk the potion,” she sighed. “Recently, judging by the lack of dust. I hope they only forced her to leave Ponyville.”

“Why leave all the masks, though?” Rainbow asked. “Weren't they supposed to be really important to her?”

“That is rather strange,” she agreed. A dozen masks in varying colors and expressions hung from the few leftover torch stands and the left side of the hut's circular wall.

“Do you think she left them on purpose?” Rainbow asked excitedly. “Zecora might have left us a clue!”

“But what kind of...”

Anger, grief... There wasn't a solemn or joyous mask among them. What's more, even those hanging from the torch stands were facing in the same direction, staring at a fixed point on the wall with their accusatory frowns.

The book on the floor was an amateur's guide to alchemy.

Twilight frowned.

“What's up, Miss Sparkle?” her friend asked anxiously. “Did you figure it out?”

Of course she had. “Come on, Rainbow Dash,” she sighed. “We have to leave before Applejack tells anypony we've gone.”

The pegasus lifted off and fluttered along beside her. “But where are we going?”

Twilight paused to look with the masks toward the far window. Her brow was furrowed in frustration. “South,” she muttered.

Rainbow smiled.


Rarity scowled with determination as she stormed out of her boutique, her back laden with saddlebags full of enough food and water to last her a few days. She heaved the front door upright and slammed it shut, making a mental note to fix that broken hinge when things weren't so hectic.

She marched forth beneath half-hearted decorations. Without Rarity's attention to detail the decorators had missed so many opportunities to brighten this and accentuate that. She grimaced at a particularly offensive cluster of red and pink and white. She imagined that if a signpost could vomit, it would look rather like the mess of thickly-grouped paper chains that hung loosely from one to the other. Still, the decorations were the least of her worries. For the moment, she had more important matters to attend to: a missing zebra, an empty house and a suspect on the run.

She forged through the gossiping crowds that had gathered outside of the town hall for a spontaneous press conference, in which the Mayor was hesitantly trying to explain away the situation that had awoken them the night before. Judging by the cries of her audience, she was only succeeding in convincing everypony that Twilight Sparkle was out to get them – and rightly so, in a certain somepony's opinion. It was time that Ponyville knew the truth of what might lurk in the shadows.

Rarity strode past the crowd and through the double doors behind the Mayor. Busy ponies stopped and stared as she passed them by, each with their own questions about her bags or her destination. Rarity ignored them all, her eyes locked on the one pony she could trust to help her.

“I'm leaving now, Applejack,” she said as she approached. “Are you sure you won't accompany me?”

The farmer didn't look up from the papers she'd been slumped over for the last hour. “You sure I can't change your mind?” she replied hopelessly.

“You can't.”

Applejack sighed. Her eyes traveled down a short list of missing ponies. Some of the names were familiar, some not; a few had been penciled in, a few crossed out. “As much as I want to keep you from sticking your hoof in a hornet's nest, I can't leave Ponyville right now,” she replied. “I've got to keep an eye on Spike and the girls, and on top of that Mayor Mare's gonna need help keeping a handle on things. Thanks to your little fight with Twilight last night, everypony's thinking that Nightmare Moon's come back, or worse!”

“Let them talk,” Rarity said brusquely. “They'll learn the truth when the Princesses arrive.”

“Are you sure you can't wait until the train comes?” she asked, eyes pleading. “The Mayor's putting four of her best ponies on it. We're gonna reach the Princesses this time.”

Rarity shook her head. “If I wait any longer I'll lose them.”

“Well, I'm sorry, Rare,” she said sadly. “If you're gonna do this, you'll have to find somepony else to watch your flank.”

Rarity shrugged and turned her back. “I don't need help.”

“Then what did you come to me for?”

A nervous flick of her tail gave Rarity away.

The crowd outside had disintigrated into clusters. A few ponies stood before the podium, shouting and pleading and denying. Others huddled together and cast nervous glances around the town. Most had split into pairs that held each other with whispered reassurances. She had no time for any of them. Rarity turned south and stepped onto the stone bridge between Ponyville and the wilderness.

A sudden tug on her hindleg nearly made her jump into the river below. She twisted her body away from the intruder and had to spread her legs wide to avoid falling. “Angel!” she panted. “What have we told you about sneaking up on ponies?”

The bunny rolled his eyes and passed her a scroll of parchment as wide as he was tall.

She accepted it curiously. “Who gave this to you?” she asked.

He pointed a paw toward his chest.

“Oh. I'm sorry.” She spun the scroll in her magical grip and began to unroll it. “Well, let's see what we...” Her words trailed off.

Angel cocked an ear and extended a paw with its pad up.

A tear tracked Rarity's day-old mascara across her cheek. “How...” Her face crumpled, and so did the parchment in her grasp. “I said I was sorry!” she sobbed. The balled paper dropped lightly onto the stone as she raced away toward the outskirts of town.

Angel looked from the fleeing unicorn to his crumpled sketch with a frown. It had taken him six tries to get the wings just right, let alone his wavy mane. He raised both paws high in confusion and squeaked his vulgarities at her.


Twilight and Rainbow plodded onward through the marsh. Celestia's sun baked their backs and the morning dew chilled their hooves to numbness as spring peepers and the other little creatures serenaded them from afar.

Twilight strode forth with purpose and vigor, eyes set firmly on the horizon and a faint but determined grin – one that Rainbow knew well from their previous adventures – decorating her muzzle. Rainbow could almost hear the gears turning in her head, churning out theories and plans and who knew what else.

Rainbow Dash, however, found herself unable to focus. Her mind wandered farther with each step, and no matter how hard she tried to reign it in, it wandered over and over toward the same subject. She repeatedly caught herself looking at Miss Sparkle out of the corner of her eye, and more obviously on more than one occasion. Each time she realized her mistake she quickly averted her eyes to the shrubs around her.

But the thoughts kept coming back. She knew she loved Miss Sparkle more than anything in Equestria. No matter whether she'd been the one to fix her or not, Rainbow knew that she had been changed for the better. Miss Sparkle didn't seem to think so, though, so she was trying her hardest to be the mare her unicorn wanted her to be, but it was hard. Every instinct seemed to be the wrong one. Every word made Miss Sparkle angry. Sometimes the only thing that kept Rainbow from fleeing in her confusion was her mule-stubborn pride.

But then, few and far between, there were those moments of warmth: the time Miss Sparkle had thanked Rainbow for taking care of her when she'd been sick on the basement floor, or the time she'd cried in Rainbow's hooves and told her all about the lies Rarity was spreading. Most of all Rainbow appreciated the little things, like a quick thank-you when she fetched something for her or that little smile Miss Sparkle gave her when she said something smart... That simple smile changed everything about her. It stripped away anything cold or awkward or alien and replaced it with the warmth of innocence, a mother's compassion, and an endless capacity for love.

And then there was that one thing she'd done in her sleep...

Twilight cocked her head at her, and suddenly Rainbow Dash realized she'd been staring into her friend's eyes for a good while. She smiled crookedly and tore her eyes away.

“What's the matter, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

She tried to play it cool, but the words wouldn't come. “Um, Miss Sparkle?” she asked instead. “Do you know what day it is?” Twilight chewed her lip, and just like that Rainbow sensed a wall building between them. “It's Hearts and Hooves Day,” the pegasus continued.

Twilight's stance grew more guarded with each step she took. “So?”

“So, um...” She chuckled nervously. “I was hoping today would be less crazy.” Twilight grunted noncommittally. “I kinda thought we'd spend the day doing normal stuff, like going to Sugarcube Corner for some cupcakes, or... or flying around town...”

“I can't fly,” Twilight muttered darkly. She blushed as she realized how petulant the words made her sound.

“With me, I mean!” Rainbow said hurriedly. “Or we could stay in and read instead. I could get into that. You know, the two of us curled up on the couch with a good book...”

“We're not dating.”

Her friend's harsh tone made the pegasus stop in her tracks. “I... I know that,” she mumbled. “But I think it'd be fun anyway. We might not be special someponies, but we are really good friends, right?”

“Yes, Rainbow,” Twilight sighed. “We're really good friends.”

“And single friends do stuff together on Hearts and Hooves Day too.”

Twilight stopped to rub her forehead. “Rainbow Dash, I know what you're getting at and I have to stop you there. I don't feel for you what you feel for me, okay?”

The pegasus shrank back. “I know!” she whined.

“Then tell me what you want from me,” she ordered. “I can't love you like you want me to.”

Rainbow stammered as the words bounced around on her tongue. She didn't have the right words to explain what she wanted.

“Do you want me to take advantage of you?” she asked. “I can't do that either. I'd never forgive myself.”

All she had ever known was action.

“What do you want from me?”

Rainbow lunged forward on her hooftips like a nervous doe and planted a kiss on Miss Sparkle's lips.

One pair of eyes closed and another opened wide. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight squeaked, the words muffled by her friend's lips. Rainbow's muzzle parted to accept her words...

Twilight's hooves rose up and forcefully pushed the pegasus away. Rainbow barely caught herself before she hit the ground; when she looked up her ears lay flat against her scalp and self-loathing had turned her eyes to pinpricks.

Twilight stared down at her, eyes wild and mouth agape. “No!” she said roughly. “Bad!” Rainbow flinched as the unicorn raised a hoof to scrub away her friend's saliva. “By the Princess's mane...”

Rainbow danced a few steps away. “I'm sorry!” she whimpered. “I don't know how else to show you.”

Twilight threw her hooves wide, revealing her beet-red cheeks and nose. “How about 'do you want to be my special somepony?'” she exclaimed angrily. “How about 'hey, Twilight, let's make out!'”

Rainbow ducked her head. “I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle. I'm really sorry I did it. Please don't be mad.”

Twilight stalked away from her. “Come on,” she growled. “Let's keep going.”

Her pegasus darted after her.

The two mares walked in silence beneath Celestia's sun, but its heat was nothing compared to Rainbow's burning cheeks. The chill of the morning dew was warmer than Twilight's cold shoulder. The solitude of their journey was too much for Rainbow to take. “I'm really sorry, Miss Sparkle,” Rainbow muttered. “I really feathered up. I didn't mean to make you mad.”

Twilight watched the grass pass between her hooves. “It's fine.”

“I thought it would be okay,” she continued. “I thought you'd be into it.”

“I said it's fine,” she said gruffly.

“Then why aren't you?” she asked, embarrassed to even broach the subject. “Did I do it wrong?”

“I don't know,” Twilight muttered. “I've never done that before.”

“D'you only go for stallions?”

Twilight's frown took on an embarrassed twist. “I don't know!”

Rainbow bit back a growl of frustration. “Come on, Miss Sparkle, work with me!”

Twilight spun back to her friend. “I told you I don't feel that way about you!” she barked.

“But... But you feel something, don't you?” Rainbow pleaded.

Her cheeks flushed. “My feelings for you are entirely platonic,” she said firmly, but her voice trembled a little as she said it.

Rainbow knew what that meant. “I've seen it when you look at me,” she insisted. Her eyes were damp with longing. “I can hear it in your voice. Why won't you just give me a chance?”

“You never...” She clamped her teeth back and whatever she'd intended to say was swallowed back. “I, well, but you... You're imagining it.”

Rainbow pranced a few steps around Twilight. “Is it 'cause I'm not good enough?” she asked. “Is that it?”

Twilight hesitantly shook her head. “Rainbow Dash, you're one of my best friends and I love you very much,” she said soothingly. “I just... I never thought about you girls as anything more than friends until you started... you know, flirting with me in the library.”

“But what did you think then?” she asked hopefully. “Did you think it would be cool to think about me like that?”

“No,” Twilight said stiffly, turning her head to hide a blush. “It made me uncomfortable.”

Rainbow's shoulders slumped.

Twilight sighed. “It's not that you're not good enough...”

Head hanging low, Rainbow looked up hopelessly into Twilight's eyes. “Is it one of the other girls?”

“No!” Twilight exclaimed with a surprised laugh. “There isn't anypony else. It's just that I'm not really comfortable with the idea of trying to find a stable relationship just yet. I've been too busy studying to even consider the possibility of... dating.”

“Well, consider it,” Rainbow begged. “Please. My feelings are real!”

A sudden memory forestalled Twilight's argument and slowed her stride. “Applejack said you had a crush on me once,” she said. “Is that true?”

“Well... yeah,” she replied. “See? I kinda liked you even before you – somepony did this to me. I couldn't figure my feelings out on my own, is all.”

“'Kinda' isn't love,” Twilight argued. “Maybe you just had a passing crush.” It sounded even weirder when she said it out loud. “I'll never understand why.”

Rainbow's muzzle dropped open. “Why not?” she asked. “You're really sweet and smart and you're always pushing yourself and–”

“Anyway,” the unicorn said loudly, blushing furiously at her pegasus's praise, “I might have been tempted to give you a chance if it was really you asking, Rainbow Dash, but it's not. You're under a compulsion, do you understand?” she said firmly. “I'm not the one who did this to you. I don't want you to love me like this. I won't let you do something you might regret when this is over. I am definitely not going to kiss you. Okay?”

Rainbow sank lower and lower with every word, but there was no arguing with Miss Sparkle when she made a decision. She worked some moisture into her mouth. “Okay,” she said simply.

“Okay,” Twilight sighed. “Now that that's over with, we've got a lot of ground to cover if we're going to reach the other side of the bog before noon. We'd better get to it.”

Rainbow nodded, and the two of them proceeded south toward their unknown destination. Rainbow walked without protest beside the object of her desire, casting neither glance nor compliment in her direction. No matter what she felt, Rainbow was determined to see this through for Miss Sparkle's sake and her own.

But she wanted to fly so far away...