• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 7,183 Views, 264 Comments

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle Play Minecraft - QuilliamPenn

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle decide to play Minecraft, everything was going great, until Minecraft and its inhabitants decide to come out of the computer,

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Chapter 5: Unexpected Swordplay

Chapter 5: Unexpected Swordplay

Button slowly stepped out of what used to be his parents room, taking one last look at the bedroom-turned-dungeon before stepping hoof out into the stone hallway, finding it empty and devoid of creatures with malign intent, save a bat that glared at them from its roost on the ceiling, annoyed its rest was disturbed.

“You see anything…?” Sweetie Belle asked softly, trying to look out into the hallway over Button’s shoulder.

“I think we’re good…come on, let’s go.” He motioned for Sweetie Belle to follow him with a hoof, sneaking out into the hallway and brandishing his iron sword; or rather, “ButtonBlade” as Sweetie Belle had named it.

Sweetie Belle did as told, creeping behind him in her own version of sneaking, looking rather comical rather than simply sneaky.

The bat that had been roosted on the ceiling gave out a squeak of annoyance and fluttered off down the hallway, disappearing down the stairs never to be seen again; The soft flapping of its wing getting fainter as it zipped off.

Sweetie Belle wasn’t expecting this little creature to carry out said actions, so she was rather surprised when they occurred; responding with a very predictable shriek.

“Sweetie Belle!” Button hissed, snapping his head back to her with a firm look in his eyes.

“Sorry! The Bat scared me; I didn’t even know Minecraft had bats!”

“Just…try to be quiet, ok? I don’t know if the monsters are attracted to sound or not.”


Now silent as the pixilated grave, the duo of young ponies made their way over to the staircase. They hadn’t exactly made a plan, they couldn’t have honestly. They had no idea what to expect, all they knew was there was most likely an angry Skeleton-pony and an Endermare somewhere down there.

It could be worse though, at least they had some sort of plan to reverse all of this; Turn off the computer this had all spouted from.

Granted, whether or not said plan would actually turn out to be successful was to be determined; still though, it was a goal and now that the two ponies had a more tangible goal to work towards, they had found themselves to be slightly more driven.

“Ooooh, creepy…” Sweetie Belle whispered, laying on the floor next to Button and peering down the staircase.

Creepy, indeed. The sound of bubbling lava was extremely faint, but it was there. It floated up through the impenetrable darkness and into the hallway, which coupled with the occasional squeak of some random bat as well as the fact everything else was totally silent, created a very spooky effect.

“You said it.” Button replied, peering into the inky blackness that lay only a few steps down the now stone staircase. “How many torches do you have left?” He asked in a whisper, turning his head over to Sweetie Belle; who had already opened her menu.

“Uhh…two.” She said after a moment, her previously tense body relaxing as she closed her menu.

“What? Two, Sweetie Belle, you didn’t grab the torches out of the dungeon?”

“You told me not to, so that monsters wouldn’t spawn in the dark!” She replied with a whisper of a whine.

Button groaned softly, he had indeed told Sweetie Belle that, unfortunately she was correct this time.

“Well, we aren’t going to get far with just two torches, what we need is some more coal…” He said softly, scratching his chin in thought.

“What about the coal in your room, we could always get that?” She suggested, motioning back down the hallway with a hoof.

Button hadn’t thought of this, it wasn’t even like it would take five minutes. It was just down the hallway, but in light of recent events a “simple trot down the hall.” Had seemed like such an ordeal.

“Oh…yeah, I guess we could do that…”Button said, crying a little bit inside as he remembered what the coal had been previously; his video game system.

With that Sweetie Belle gave a rather prideful nod and pushed herself up off the ground to return to Button’s room, however as the two young ponies would soon discover, they wouldn’t ever get there.

This was due to the rather imposing looking zombie-pony standing directly behind them; and as if that wasn’t bad enough, it had an iron sword in its mouth; it had most likely spawned in the very back of the hallway, where a torch they had placed in the hall couldn’t reach. It was slightly shorter than the first zombie they had encountered, it appeared to be a mare-zombie, its mane bore different shades of grey and white, milky eyes glaring and searching for prey.

Oh boy.

Sweetie Belle let out a scream and scrambled out of the way as the zombie-pony brought it’s sword down onto the stone where she had been, just barely missing her.

“You stay away from Sweetie Belle!” Button cried, instinctively jumping into action, drawing “ButtonBlade” out and charging the undead assailant. Unfortunately for Button, the zombie-pony saw this coming and swung its head around, slicing the sword into his side and sending him flying into the wall.

Button let out a cry of pain as he flew, letting out another cry as he slammed into the wall. No way was that a normal hit, that sword had to be enchanted or something, he winced and brought a hoof to his ribcage, momentarily panicking after being hit with a sword. His fears of his guts all over the floor were soon disproven though, as he found himself to be wholly intact.

The zombie-pony let out a guttural moan and shambled over towards Button, sword gripped tightly in its teeth and ready to strike.

Just barely avoiding the incoming strike, Button scrambled over to the side and swung his sword at the zombie-pony’s neck; it flashed red and stumbled over to the side, slightly dazed from being hit so close to its stinky, rotten head.

“Go, Button, Go! You get her…err…it!” Sweetie Belle called from the sidelines.

Button jumped back, narrowly avoiding an upwards swing from the zombie-pony that would have sent him flying down the hallway and then tumbling down the stairs.

The enchanted sword gave a “clang!” as it struck the stone floor, this gave button enough time to dish out another slice onto the zombie-pony’s neck; to which it seemed rather displeased, evident by its angry growling.

Button jumped back, putting some space between himself and the zombie. With a triumphant laugh, he tossed his sword up in the air and caught it with his hoof rather than his mouth, standing up on his hind legs and adopting a sort of “en garde” position, the tip of his sword pointed directly at the slightly dazed looking zombie-pony.

With an angry groan through its mouthful of sword handle, the zombie-pony charged straight at him.

Button dug his back hooves in and clutched his sword in both front hooves, waiting until the zombie-pony was just the right distance away before swinging his sword in a strong upwards arc, catching it in the chin and yet again causing it to stumble backwards.

“I’ve got you now…” Button said confidently to himself, charging towards the stunned zombie-pony and ready to dish out the killing blow. He brought the sword up above his head and swung it down as hard as he could, the blade whistling through the air as he brought it down.


Clang? Clang wasn’t the sound zombies made; clang wasn’t even really a Minecraft noise! What was this clang and who was responsible for it?


To his complete surprise, instead of hitting the zombie-pony directly in the head, he had hit his sword, and what surprised him even further was the fact that he hadn’t hit the sword by accident.

The zombie-pony had shifted to block his swing.

“Well…that’s new.” He said with a sheepish chuckle, staring back into the angry, glaring, milky eyes of the undead equine.

It growled and shoved Button back, it didn’t deal damage but it did serve to put some distance between the two sword-fighters.

Quickly as he could; yet also barely in time, Button regained his balance and swung at the oncoming enemy, only to be blocked yet again, the unpleasant clashing of metal ringing out through the stone hallway.

“Sweetie Belle!” He cried, barely parrying another incoming downwards swing.

“U-uh, yes?” She called, still sitting over against the stone wall and watching with horror.

“Yah!” Button shoved his sword towards the zombie, only for the blade to be slapped to the left by the sword of his combatant. “A little help?” He called, his breathing becoming labored from this unexpected need of physical exertion.

“OH!” Sweetie Belle perked her ears up, she had forgotten for a while she actually had armor and weapons now, and would actually be able to put up a decent fight.

With an ear splitting battle-scream that caused both Button and the Zombie-pony to flinch slightly, Sweetie Belle charged in at full speed, her diamond sword gleaming in the dim torch light.

Unfortunately, Sweetie Belle’s little battle-cry alerted the zombie-pony to the oncoming attack from the side, giving it time to swing around and parry her attack. The force from this action knocked Sweetie from her hooves and onto the cold stone floor, the sound of her head smacking on the stone churned Button’s stomach.

“No!” He cried out, his vision turning red at the sight of this monster knocking his friend over.

The zombie-pony didn’t listen, its attention was on Sweetie Belle now and it had every intent of slaughtering the small filly.

With a speed he didn’t even know he had, Button charged at the zombie-pony and rammed his shoulder into it. The monster let out a guttural moan as it was knocked back a few blocks, dazed by the throbbing feeling beginning to start up in its head.

“Sweetie Belle, are you ok!” He cried, scrambling over to his companion and helping her up to her hooves.

“I hit my head…” She moaned softly, her eyes clutched tight as she sat down on her flank, rubbing her head with a hoof.

Button snapped his head over towards the zombie-pony; who was again shambling towards them for another attack. He wasn’t sure of he’d been this angry before, his vision was red and he could think of only one thing, one thought dominated his mind and body in that moment.

That thing screwed with Sweetie Belle.

With a battle-cry, no, a roar that would put even the most devoted and strong warriors to shame, Button charged straight at the zombie-pony.

He dove to the side just as the monster’s enchanted sword was brought down into the stone, missing him by a hair, and before the zombie-pony could react or even process that it had missed, there was a sword rammed up into its throat, protruding from the top of its neck in a manner that could only be described as gruesome.

The zombie-pony let out a groan and the sound of damage being dealt was heard, it flashed red and then toppled over to the side, sliding off of Button’s sword and disappearing in a poof of smoke before hitting the ground, the only remnants of the beast were the two pieces of rotten flesh it had dropped.

Not even concerning himself with the mob drop, Button scrambled back over to his friend and sat down in front of her, craning his neck in such a way that he could look up at her.

Sweetie Belle was clutching her head in her hooves and moaning softly, massaging the side of her head that had been hit and wincing softy each time she applied pressure.

“Sweetie Belle…?” He said softly, willing his sword away and placing a hoof on her shoulder; the thought of physical contact never even crossing his mind.

“I’m ok…” She whimpered, leaning into his hoof just slightly.

There was another groan, but it sounded louder, like there was more force behind it. It sounded like there was more than one of the creature it came from, and it chilled Button to his core.

Button turned his gaze back down the hallway, peering into the dark end of the hallway and trying to make out if there were actually more zombie-ponies or if the noises had come from elsewhere in the house.

Slowly, they emerged, like creatures of death from the evil and murky blackness, emerged three more zombie-ponies, and as if that wasn’t bad enough.

One of them wore leather armor.

“Oh crap…” Button breathed, the fear in his voice heavy and dominating.

“Button…”Sweetie Belle let out a whimper of both fear and pain, recognizing instantly what the noises were without even needing to look at them.

This was bad, Button knew full well he wouldn’t be able to take on all three alone, not when he was already damaged and fatigued. As if that wasn’t enough, these things actually put up a fight here, instead of just blindly shuffling towards you they would block attacks, they would fight back.

Then, an idea hit him.

It was risky, he might not even be able to carry out this plan before the undead reached them, but he had to try. Sweetie Belle’s life was depending on his success.

With a mixture of bravery, stupidity, and fear for both his life and Sweetie Belle’s, he charged at the zombies; however he had no intention of actually hurting them.

Button willed his dirt blocks out, the hallway wasn’t too wide, he should have enough to block it up, the only problem was would he have enough time?

Eight blocks away, they were eight blocks away and he had only started.

Six blocks away, one layer of dirt was up.

Four blocks away, three fourths finished.

Button placed the last block in the two block tall barricade just as the first zombie-pony prepared to jump through the gap.

Button fell backwards just as he placed the last block, the sight of the undead-equine suddenly up in his face had startled him quite a bit. Thankfully he had managed to get up a barricade before any of them had crawled through.

He sat there on his flank for a moment, breathing heavily and sweating just slightly. He collapsed onto the cool stone floor, chest heaving as he wiped his brow, turning his gaze over to Sweetie Belle, who had seemed to recover slightly, but was still rubbing her head with a pained expression on her face.

“S-sweetie Belle?” he breathed, looking over at her from his spot on the floor. Celestia help them if something decides to come up the darn stairs…

“I’m ok…” She said softly, looking over at him with an exhausted expression. “A-are you ok?” She asked, worry tainting her soft voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine…” Button waved a dismissive hoof, still panting heavily.

Slowly but surely, Sweetie Belle righted herself and trotted over to Button, slumping down next to him and against the wall. She let out a deep sigh and rubbed her eyes with her hooves before looking down at him.

“So…I guess we aren’t going back that way, huh?” She asked, glancing over at the dirt wall; the sound of agitated undead carrying through and over the top of it.

“Uh, that’d be a big, huge, whopping, no.” He breathed in response, slowly beginning to regain his breath.

“Sorry I wasn’t much help…” She said softly, frowning and turning her gaze away from him.

“You tried Sweetie Belle, this isn’t the computer anymore…these things are real, and big, you did your best.” Button said, his voice unintentionally reassuring as he sat up and tried to look Sweetie Belle in the eyes.

He was right and Sweetie Belle knew it, this wasn’t the computer anymore. These monstrosities were very real and very dangerous. The monsters wanted nothing more than to hurt them and they would carry that goal out blindly and without any sort of hesitation or restraint.

“Well…my best wasn’t helpful…”She grumbled, still refusing to make eye contact.

“We’re here, aren’t we?” Button said simply, placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder.

Sweetie Belle slowly looked up at him, surprised by the contact. Yet for some reason she found herself not quite minding it. Button was a clueless fool sometimes, dare she say even a full out doofus, but he was a good, caring pony when he wanted to be…and he was right, if she hadn’t done what she did that entire situation could have turned out differently.

If she hadn’t done what she did, Button could have died.

“I-I guess you’re right…” She said softly, looking back into his eyes with a small smile.

Button returned the gaze, smiling back sweetly.

Neither of them really realized exactly what they were doing until about five seconds later, when Button actually processed he was holding Sweetie Belle gently by the shoulder and gazing into her eyes.

His cheeks turned a burning red and he recoiled his hoof quickly, as if he had been burnt, Sweetie Belle’s cheeks turned a deep red and she looked away, embarrassed.

“A-anyway.” Button let out, trying to put the previous little moment behind them. “We should get moving…maybe we’ll find some coal or something downstairs…hopefully.”

“Right.” Sweetie Belle pushed up off the ground and stood on all four hooves, cheeks still a soft red as she watched Button trot over to the edge of the staircase, peering down into the inky darkness.

“Hey, Button…” She said softly, trotting up next to him and following his gaze down the stairs.

“Hmm?” He replied with a hum, still inspecting the darkness below for signs of trouble.

“Thank you for saving me.” She said, before doing something that caught Button even more off guard than the zombie-pony with mad sword-skills, or the trio of zombie-ponies that came after, or even more than this entire situation as a whole.

Sweetie Belle gave him a hug, and now he felt like he could take on this entire crazy world with nothing but his hooves, and with the power of that hug now fueling him with a new determination, he lead his companion down into the dark depths that was the downstairs of his house.

Author's Note:

Prepare for problems to escalate rapidly here pretty soon.

As always, thank you all for reading!

Apologies for this chapter being a bit short, but while I want each chapter to have a good amount of reading material to it, I also don't want to rush it or make it feel like I ended the chapter to early/late.

The following chapters will contain a larger quantity of reading material for all of my wonderful readers.

Thanks for reading and support!

Oh wait, I already said that.