• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 7,852 Views, 430 Comments

The Weight of Responsibility - Calm Wind

Responsibility can be heavy, and accepting it can be tough. But even those used to it are not free of fault.

  • ...

Chapter 7

The Weight of Responsibility
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 7:

“Fell and hit the porch swing?” Thunderlane blinked and stared dumbly at Applejack as they followed the rest of the ponies. “That was the best you could come up with?”

“Seemed valid to me.” Applejack shrugged.

“And they bought it?” Thunderlane snickered.

“Maybe? I hope.” Applejack wasn’t so sure.

The air was cool for summer day. It felt like a cold front was coming in. Applejack wasn’t very aware of the weather schedule so hopefully it just meant gentle rain at some point. She made a mental note to ask Rainbow Dash, but she doubted Dash paid attention in her last weather meeting.

“I should change that bandage when we get to the barn.” Thunderlane suggested. Applejack perked up and quickly shook her head.

“No! We can’t let the rest see… uh…” She blurted out before thinking it through. Thunderlane just tipped his head to the side.

“See what?” Here she goes again. Keeping him confused about everything that’s on her mind. She bit her lip and looked down.

“Sorry. You’re right. You can change it for me.” She agreed while hiding her face with her hat. Thunderlane was beginning to despise that hat. It was a never ending shield that kept him from reading her facial expressions.

“What are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” Thunderlane scrunched his face.

“No! Not at all, I just…”

“What the heck are you two going on about back here anyway?” Rainbow Dash’s voice suddenly came from behind them. Thunderlane slightly jumped in surprise, but Applejack screamed right into Thunderlane’s ear.

“YEOW!” He shivered, fell down, and covered his ears with his wings. Dash keeled over laughing. She and Soarin had flown in behind them all. “Applejack, I think I’m partially deaf now, thanks.” Thunderlane said sarcastically. He glanced up and could actually see below her hat. She had a raging blush across her face.

“I think you broke her.” Soarin joked while ruffling Dash’s mane with his wing.

“What have I told you about doing that?!” Dash growled and pounced on Soarin. He kept walking casually as Dash clung to his back and bit his ear. Before Thunderlane could say anything else, Applejack started trotting away at a much quicker pace.

“Great.” Thunderlane said to himself. “Nice to know I embarrass her.” He continued. He was still gonna help her change the bandage though, whether she liked it or not.

When they reached the barn, Applejack and Thunderlane went over to the first aid kit to get some new bandages. As Thunderlane rummaged through the small box, Applejack seemed to very slowly and subtly move behind the carts out of sight of the others. At least she thought it was subtle. Thunderlane saw it clear as day. He purposely didn’t say anything at first.

Applejack stayed silent as he carefully unwrapped her arm and examined it. It looked like it was already healing pretty well. He tossed the old bandages aside and unrolled some new ones. Now she was stuck. She couldn’t run away while he was wrapping up her arm.

“So why do I embarrass you?” He asked. He felt her flinch as he kept wrapping up his arm.

“W—What gave ya that idea?” As he expected, she reached up and pulled her hat down with her free hoof.

Time for the advantage of wings.

He reached a wing around and used it to push her hat back up, revealing her face for a second before she pulled her head back and pushed her hat back down. She was blushing again.

“I dunno, because you keep doing things like that? And you keep trying to avoid the others when you’re near me.” He pointed out as he purposely slowed down the wrapping process to extend the moment.

“It—It ain’t you.” She stuttered. He looked up at her (more specifically at her hat in front of her face) and lifted an eyebrow.

“So now it’s not me? I don’t get it.”

“Uh—I…” Applejack fought for answers. Thunderlane thought through everything, and suddenly, something dawned upon him.

“You don’t want them to see you vulnerable?” He used his wing again and pushed up her hat. She had a look of surprise on her face this time, with faint traces of a blush still there.

“Wow, am I that transparent?” Applejack couldn’t believe he put that together. After a brief thought, it was part of it. He hit the nail on the head.

“C’mon Applejack, you radiate it.” He chuckled as he let her hat fall back down. This time she pushed it up herself and stared at him. “You’re a tough talking, tough working pony,” he kept talking as he tied off the bandage, “and you try to do everything on your own. I mean hell, you’re not letting any of your family in on our secret work.” He lightly patted her arm to signal he was finished. “You’re the kind of pony that doesn’t like to show any weakness, I’ve known a few like you throughout my life.”

“Gosh.” Applejack glanced down at her arm. Now on top of it all he understood her? What was happening to her? She glanced back at him briefly, then back at her arm. Quick! Complement him! He’s helping you and you just sit there? “Ya know yer pretty good with this first aid stuff.” She commented.

“Oh? Thanks. My little bro is a living hazard. He’s always doing something and getting himself hurt. I’ve had a lot of practice.” Thunderlane laughed as he recalled Rumble’s many accidents. Applejack smiled, a wave of satisfaction running through her when she made him laugh. This was not like her at all. This wasn’t right, what was Thunderlane DOING to her?

Thunderlane felt better. Applejack dropped her guard, even if it was for only a moment. Even after accepting his help, he still felt like there was this barrier she kept between them. It prevented him from plain interacting with her. If he was gonna spend so much time with her he at least wanted to be able to speak freely. The brief moment just now felt like a solid first step.

Although they were off to the side, Big Mac had watched the last bit from around the corner. He passed the string of wheat around his mouth a couple times before snorting and turning to hook up into his carts.

The day proceeded normally. Since they “somehow” had enough apples to sell yesterday, they went right back to harvesting. Only now with the addition of Thunderlane among the picking squad, everything was moving along a LOT faster.

“More incoming!” Thunderlane swooped over to where Braeburn was trying to keep up with both him and Soarin. The two pegasi were over-efficiently loaded up the baskets.

“Yikes! Slow down! Slow down!” Braeburn called out as he barely kept up. Thunderlane gave in and perched on top of an apple tree while Braeburn set more baskets out.

“Hey! Good to see a fellow pegasi back in the air!” Soarin suddenly hovered in next to him. Thunderlane stiffened slightly as A WONDERBOLT drew near him, but he forced himself to mostly “relax.”

“Uh, yeah haha.” His eyes darted around. He flinched as Soarin put an arm over his shoulder.

“How about we see what you’ve got. A little competition breeds hard work eh?” He suggested. Thunderlane gave him a flat look.

“Me against YOU?! Are you joking?”

“C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Soarin leaned back into a relaxed pose as he hovered.

“All set fella’s!” Braeburn called up to them.

“Here.” Soarin beckoned Thunderlane to follow as Braeburn left to help load up the incoming carts. “I’ll fill these.” He separated four baskets from the eight. “And you fill up the rest.”

“Uh, okay, I guess.” Thunderlane still didn’t know what Soarin was thinking. Him? Competition for an ace Wonderbolt? Well, Dash did say he preferred to be treated normally, so why not. He could humor Soarin at least. “Let’s do it.” He nodded.

“There we go!” Soarin grinned. “On three.” He set his hooves into the ground. Thunderlane did the same. “One, two, FOUR!” Soarin yelled. Thunderlane took a step, but stopped and fell face first. He picked his head up and glanced back at Soarin.

“That was…” Thunderlane glared.

“An asshole move, sorry.” Soarin chuckled. “For real this time, I promise.”

“Alright.” Thunderlane found himself smirking. He just got played, but by Wonderbolt. For some reason he found that more cool than annoying.

“One, two, THREE!” They fired in different directions and began gathering up the apples.

Applejack glanced over from the path as Braeburn loaded up her carts. Thunderlane and Soarin had just started up some sort of competition. Thunderlane didn’t stand a chance, but she was happy to see them having some fun with it.

“So how about a little wager?” Dash suddenly asked as she pulled up beside Applejack. This ought to be good.

“On what?” She asked.

“My stallion against yours, who will win?” Dash sneered at Applejack. Applejack hopped in her spot and her face was wrought with a mixture of confusion and alarm.

“What d’ya mean MY STALLION?!” She growled butted heads with Dash. Dash snickered,

“What, you’ll just let anypony get close to you and tend to you like that? You two weren’t hiding very well in the barn you know.” She bounced her eyebrows.

Red alert. Rainbow Dash saw Applejack in a moment of weakness. The two of them were always competing, and the biggest part of it was NEVER showing cracks in the armor.

“He was just—,” Applejack scowled, puffed out her cheeks, and turned away from Dash, “he was helpin’ me.”

“And you were hiding your face from him.” Dash poked her in the side and snickered, “First he falls and breaks a lot of shit, and then he makes YOU fall for—”

“SHUT UP!” Applejack snapped at her, blushing, but glaring. “I ain’t fallin’ fer this! Yer just tryin’ to git under mah skin again!”

“Oh, too late, my stallion already won.” Dash disregarded what Applejack said as she looked over and saw Soarin cheering and Thunderlane shrugging. With her carts full, Dash pulled away while laughing to herself.

“Dammit.” Applejack sighed and glanced towards Thunderlane. She shook her head and started up back towards the barn.

So Rainbow Dash saw them? Applejack didn’t know why she was so surprised. She tried to hide them while Thunderlane helped her with the bandages, but they were all in the barn. It’s not like they had lots of space to conceal it. Now she had Dash sneering and poking fun at her as if she was in love with that idiot or something. Okay maybe he wasn’t an idiot anymore. Okay maybe she liked him a little now. He clearly cared about her family. Maybe a little about her too. Maybe a…

“ARGH!” Applejack yelled out. She glanced to her left and saw Big Mac pulling his carts alongside her. He was looking at her wide eyed and surprised. She quickly tipped her hat down. “Sorry, just thinkin’ about… stuff.” She quickened her pace.

“Is it just me? Or is it a little chilly today?” Soarin suddenly commented as he sat down with Braeburn and Thunderlane for a quick break. They had overfilled the baskets AGAIN and were waiting for the others to return with the carts. It would probably be the last load. Lunch time was approaching. Braeburn glanced up.

“Now that ya mention it, those clouds comin’ near don’t look to friendly.” Braeburn pointed to the sky. A few weather team pegasi were flying about pushing dark clouds around.

“Is there a storm scheduled for today?” Soarin glanced at Thunderlane. Thunderlane shrugged.

“Don’t look at me. I’ve been here for two weeks.” He said as the carts all pulled up again.

Applejack looked up into the sky and rubbed her chin.

“Dash, what did the weather team have posted for today?” She finally asked as Thunderlane, Soarin, and Braeburn trotted over.

“Uhhhhh, haha.” Dash looked about. “I kinda slept through our last meeting.”

“Hello everypony.” A sudden quiet voice caught their attention. Fluttershy flew in holding a picnic basket. “Am I too early?” She asked as she went RIGHT to Big Mac’s side and gave him a nuzzle.

“For what?” Applejack asked her while lifting an eyebrow at the public display of affection.

“Oh, Macintosh invited me to have lunch with you all today.” She gave a weak smile. “He didn’t tell you?” They looked at Big Mac.

“Nnope.” He answered.

“He barely talks as is Fluttershy.” Braeburn chuckled. “But I think ya may need to delay that picnic.” As soon as he finished a small clap of thunder echoed throughout the farm. Fluttershy let out a high pitched squeak and rushed against Mac so fast he grunted at the quick but soft impact. The sky was darkening. “Scratch that, yer gonna have to delay it.”

“Well, c’mon then everypony, let’s get these apples back and get some shelter!” Applejack quickly spun her hoof in the air and they all worked quickly to beat the storm.

It was beginning to drizzle lightly when they reached the barn. Braeburn went ahead to the house to make sure Granny Smith was inside.

“That’s all of them.” Applejack nodded as Rainbow Dash and Soarin flew out the door. Thunderlane glanced outside. It looked like it was about to start pouring.

“Should we try and make a break for it?” He turned to Applejack.

“Well, we could stay in here, but…” She glanced across the barn.

Big Mac and Fluttershy had curled up together on a pile of hay. Fluttershy was known for being terrified of storms. She had her tiny body almost completely contorted into a yellow and pink ball. Mac encircled her with his large body and kept nuzzling her for comfort.

Applejack flattened her ears as she watched. Another boom of thunder rattled the barn. Fluttershy squeaked again, but Mac rest his chin on the top of her head to comfort her. She glanced up at him with watery eyes, but blushed as she stared into his. The two began closing the distance between them gently.

“No. We ain’t stayin’. Ain’t puttin’ up with this shit.” Applejack quickly turned towards the door. Thunderlane rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“Alright, alright.”

They shut the barn door behind them to give the two quiet love birds privacy. The rain was still light, but they weren’t gonna wait for it. The house was a long shot. It was a good hundred meters away. They had other options along the path though. There was a smaller barn not too far off that was more for extra storage space, and a smaller tool shed about halfway between the main barn and the house.

“Quick, let’s get to the storage barn!” Applejack pointed. Thunderlane took off for it as Applejack ran behind. The rain was picking up, and soon the storm would be right on top of them. Thunderlane didn’t want to fly too long. Wet wings were a pain to get dry. He landed out front, the door already open. He looked back and beckoned Applejack towards it. They managed to get in right before the rain picked up.

Close one. It really started coming down. Now they’d just have to wait it out and—,

“Ooo, during a thunderstorm? I dunno why, but that sounds real sexy.”

Dash’s voice.

They both froze and slowly glanced up into the loft of the barn. Apparently Soarin and Dash had NOT gone back to the house. They stopped here.

“I like to think I can be a bit of a storm myself, if you catch my drift.” Soarin said back to her. Applejack and Thunderlane both furrowed their brows. They could just see them over the edge of the loft from below. They weren’t gonna—,

“You talk big,” Dash bit her lip, “come here and back it up!”

They were.

Dash leapt on Soarin and the two started kissing each other sloppily while moaning loudly.

Applejack grabbed Thunderlane and yanked him along with her out the door. Fluttershy and Big Mac being cute was one thing. Applejack WAS NOT gonna stick around and listen to sex.

Thunderlane didn’t resist at all, but now they had a problem. It was POURING outside.

“The tool shed!” Applejack yelled while tipping her hat forward to shield her eyes from the deluge. Thunderlane nodded and squinted as he ran. He stayed grounded and kept his wings folded to avoid them getting saturated, but he was being pelted by the heavy droplets. The two ran as fast as they could through the heavy downpour, a couple flashes of lightning lighting up the sky as they went. They made it to the shed, but not before being thoroughly soaked.

Applejack yanked the door open and the two dove inside. They both panted and wheezed from the sudden workout, Applejack finding time between breaths to close the door.

The tool shed was very small. It was eight by eight feet in dimensions and was mostly filled to the point where there was barely any room to move. Some of the tools hadn’t been used for years and most weren’t put away in the right place as if they had just been tossed in.

Despite the cramped quarters though, there was plenty of space for the two of them. They finally found shelter without any bonus activities off to the side. It was just the two of them and the loud pattering of heavy rain drops on the roof. Bright, but brief flashes of light shined in through the single small foggy window of the shed from time to time. Each one accompanied by a roll of thunder shortly after.

Applejack found a small oil lamp hanging on the wall near the door. She placed it on the ground in the middle of their small space and lit it, creating a soft glow that just barely reached the corners of the shed.

The two both exhaled and sat down on opposite sides of the lamp. They tried to shake themselves off, but it only did so much. It was like they had been drenched with full buckets of water.

“Well, we didn’t get out dry, but at least we can wait it out in here.” Thunderlane said as he unfolded his wings and shook them out. Applejack only nodded and stared at the lamp. Great, now she was stuck with him. Hopefully nothing would come up.

She looked up and watched Thunderlane as he began to preen his wings and shake small droplets off each feather. While he was working on one wing, the other had wrapped around his body. Applejack presumed this was a reflex most pegasi had for warmth. She had never actually been in a situation like this with Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy before. Maybe it was just his way. At least she wasn’t—,

A slight tingle ran down her spine. She WAS cold. It was already a little chilly from the cold front being pushed in. Combined with the facts that she was completely soaked and the tool shed had no means of heat, she was starting to shiver a little. She took a deep breath and refused to show it.

Enough weakness. She had already shown more than she ever would this day alone. Especially after the way Dash so easily got her angry. No more. None.

Who was she kidding? She was freezing. She groaned softly and wrapped her hooves around her body, rubbing herself for warmth that refused to come. There was nothing in the shed that would help. There were no blankets or anything. Then she saw Thunderlane staring at her. Oh no, no, no, no.

“I’m fine.” She said before he even spoke or moved. He tipped his head to the side and sighed.

“Didn’t even have to ask.” He chuckled and stood up. He looked around just like she had. “Are there any blankets in here?”

“No. Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” She quickly lied. THAT was a full out lie. Element of honesty be damned. Thunderlane looked her over as she kept staring at the lamp. He shook his head and moved beside her, sitting down. Applejack’s eyes widened as she saw a wing extend past her shoulder opposite to him. It wrapped around her. It was warm, but…

“Hey!” She quickly leaned away from him and glared while blushing. “What the hell are ya doin’?!” She snapped. He quickly pulled his wing back.

“Sorry, I just… thought I’d help you stay warm.” He looked at her in frustration. She huffed and sat back down, gluing her eyes to the lamp again. He gave up and went to sit on the other side of the lamp.

As he moved, Applejack shivered again. She growled to herself and sighed.

“Actually…” Her voice made Thunderlane halt mid step. He turned back to her and saw her, of course, pulling her hat down. She was forcing herself. Why? Because she was stubborn.

He was just trying to help. He was just being kind again. Just being a gentlestallion. Why was it that every time he did something she liked she had to shove him away?

“Go ahead, that felt good, I don’t mind.”

Thunderlane blinked and kept still for a moment, making sure he had actually heard her correctly.

“Alright.” He said with a smile before walking back around to her, sitting down and draping his wing over her. She slowly stopped shivering and sighed.

She noticed that her hat was poking him in the face, so she removed it and set it down beside them. The only problem now was she was without her “hiding place” her hat provided her.

Thunderlane smiled as he gently rubbed his wing up and down her back to give warmth. She flinched as he did, but quickly relaxed and let him.

“This is a onetime thing, y’hear?” She suddenly said with her face completely red. Thunderlane rolled his eyes, but kept a smile on.

“I understand.” He said light heartedly. She picked up on his tone.

“I mean it, ain’t no other pony hears about this, got it?” She made clear. Thunderlane chuckled.

“I know, I know.” He replied, amused at her trying to keep tough.

“Thanks though.” She added quietly.

Applejack refused to look at him. She felt completely vulnerable and at his mercy. So why did she feel so comfortable? That was NOT how she was supposed to feel when her defenses had been completely brought down. Was it him? What else could it be, he was the only other THING in the tool shed.

Thunderlane was happy. Applejack was different from the pegasus sisters he always hung with. Yeah they were hot and he felt rather awesome always having two good looking mares hanging around him, but it ended there. There was nothing to care about with the sisters, they were just THERE. His whole experience on the farm had changed him. Not only did he find himself caring about the Apple family. He found himself caring about Applejack.

If this situation was him with the pegasus sisters, he would have given a sly smirk, opened his wings, and most likely said something like, “c’mere ladies,” followed by lots of antics. It was so much different with Applejack. Helping her felt different. It felt GOOD. Like he was actually accomplishing something. He felt content as they sat and listened to the pattering rain drops on the roof and rolls of thunder resonating with the walls.

Thunderlane jumped slightly when he felt something against him. Applejack was nestling herself into his body? A light blush crept onto his face as he looked down at her. She briefly glared up at him.

“Not. One. Word.” She repeated before getting herself comfortable.

“I get it, Applejack.” He tightened his grip on her. “You can rely on me.” He added instinctively.

Those words. They hit her deeply. Is that why she was drawn to him? There was no trait Applejack preferred more in a pony than dependability. His first week showed nothing of the sort, but the way his better traits came rushing out when the crisis hit had grabbed hold of her interest. He showcased it the past two days. He was dependable. And he cared, and was kind, and was now keeping her warm.

Applejack felt warm tingles in her body, just the opposite of the shivers from before.

“I’m glad I can.” She said while taking a deep breath.

Thunderlane was thinking on it himself. Why the sudden uncharacteristic affection? Could all the little incidents before hand, the avoiding and the running away, could they all be because she… liked him and was afraid to admit it? While he found the prospect to be slightly ridiculous, he also found himself liking the idea.

He HAD changed. He thought she was a straight up bitch by default at first. Now here he was contemplating possible feelings. He supposed that stranger things had happened.

“But, seriously,” Applejack chimed in, AGAIN “if you tell ONE pony…”

“Applejack,” he cut her off while chuckling, “Shut up.”

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

I'm having more fun than i should torturing these two with what's CLEARLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM haha ;)