• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 12,735 Views, 642 Comments

The White Mare - Warren Hutch

Alternate Universe Celestia Exiles self to Everfree after banishing Luna meets Fluttershy after first rainboom

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Chapter 7

Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, and Zecora galloped out the back door of Fluttershy's cottage, gathering around the maple tree's base as the pegasus mares dove into the shaking, shivering canopy and set about extricating the pony that had suddenly appeared among the branches. They fended off a few disoriented, panicked kicks before she exhausted herself and fainted, allowing them to work her free and bring her down to the ground, where they laid her on the grass among the other's hooves.

Dash drew herself up and called out to her fellow ranger over by the chicken coop. "Soarin! Bring that lantern over here!"

The stallion flicked his tail and maintained his steady, stiff necked position as he spoke with a note of bitter chagrin on his voice. "No can do, Dash. My orders are to guard Artifact A. You know the regs."

She stomped a hoof and snarled in reply. "Artifact A can get bucked off a cloud! We've got a squaddie down over here and if you don't bring us that light so help me Hurricane I'll twist your tail off at the root and use it to floss out that wind tunnel between your ears."

Soarin dithered for a moment, before Fluttershy reared up and bellowed in a voice like thunder. "NOW!"

Galvanized into action, he ducked inside the henhouse and came galloping over, flapping his wings, with the lanterns handle clenched in his teeth.

They all let out a gasp as the light fell on the tattered, slightly charred ranger uniform the dazed mare was wearing. Dash glanced at the soot stained cutie mark on her ice blue flank and let out a gasp. "F-fleetfoot..."

Fluttershy wheeled and started galloping toward the cottage, calling over her shoulder. "I'm getting my first aid kit! Make sure she's comfortable but don't move her around too much, especially her neck and wings. I'll be back in a second!"

After a moment Zecora followed her. "I'll look through my bags to see if I've got anything that can help, it's worth a shot!"

Applejack rushed after them. "I'm gonna go get some water!"

Pinkie joined the race back toward the cottage, uncharacteristically galloping instead of her usual hopping gait. "I'll get some blankets!"

They were back in a trice, the others standing at the ready with their burdens as Fluttershy crouched down to examine the fallen ranger. At the pale yellow pegasus' direction, Twilight sparked her horn and gently levitated her off the ground on a cushion of magic, while Rarity used her magic to gingerly unbuckle Fleetfoot's blackened helmet and goggles and lift them away, followed shortly afterward by her steel barding and her jacket, carefully eased off over limp wings and sprawling limbs.

The pale blue coat of her face and the places her armor and uniform had covered contrasted sharply with the line of dark soot left by her helmet from across the bridge of her muzzle to her chin, and scratches and bruises marred her barrel and legs as well as a a greyish singeing of the hair where it was exposed. Several of her pinions were bent, it would be a while before she flew again. Otherwise, Fluttershy found no evidence of breakage or internal injuries or any other sort of serious harm as she gently probed the mare's sides and articulated her legs and wings.

Zecora crushed an anise seed pod from her bag beneath Fleetfoot's nose, bringing her rapidly back to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and stared into space as the faces of the ponies around her reflected in them in the dim firefly light.

Dash crouched down to meet her glazed, distant gaze as Soarin hovered on his hooves in the background. "Sergeant! Talk to me! Fleetfoot! What happened?"

A bit of focus returned to the stricken mare's grey green eyes. "R-rainbow Dash? Where am I?"

The chromatic pegasus fought back the urge to grab her comrade by her wing sockets and shake her. "You're back at Fluttershy's cottage. Tell me what happened!"

Fleetfoot's eyes became clearer, then welled with glistening tears as her face screwed up in anguish. "She... she dismissed us. Her... h-her h-h-highness just disbanded the guard."

Dash's wings flared as she whipped her head around to meet Soarin's equally disbelieving gaze. "WHAT?"

The weeping pegasus mare thrashed and rolled onto her flank, propping herself up with one foreleg as she brought the other to her eyes to wipe away the stinging tears. "We m-made it to her castle without a hitch and went in. We found her in the throne room, it was just where the old maps said it would be."

Her eyes became distant again as her voice faded to almost a whisper. "I... I saw her. Standing and staring at the moon. She... she was... I can't describe it. She was like a dream."

The icy blue pegasus began to tremble. "C-captain Spitfire stood p-proud and reported for duty while we all bowed to her highness. I couldn't help but peek up at her. The... the look on her face... Like we'd made a rain cloud out of her roof. The ground was smoking around her hooves, and her eyes were red around the edges and looked like they'd shoot lightning at you if you had the thermals to make eye contact."

Fluttershy edged forward, her ears laid back in consternation, and took the shaking mare into a hug. She'd never seen Celestia angry, and in fact was having trouble envisioning it. She wanted to say something, to comfort the stricken ranger, but she couldn't think of anything to say.

Fleetfoot hugged her back as if she were clinging to a bit of flotsam in a storm tossed sea. "She told us to go h-home. She said that if all of us went against the Nightmare we'd be like sparrows in a cyclone. Captain Spitfire begged her pardon, and said that it was our duty to serve her, and then she begged... I mean really begged, for her highness to let us protect her."

The ice blue pegasus clutched at Fluttershy tighter as her face clouded over and her voice cracked in despair. "Her highness stomped her hoof, and I wasn't sure if it was the ground or my knees shaking so much, and then she raises her voice in this shout that I can still feel ringing in my ears. She says by her command the Royal Guard is disbanded forever, and then she says 'Begone!' And then it's nothing but bright light and burning hot and then I'm tail over teakettle in a tree and it's all I can do to light up my distress flare."

Tears began to wash in streams down her cheeks and dribble out her nostrils. "A-and that's it. That's it for all of us. After a thousand years of watching and waiting, she... she just... tells us to b-buzz off." She wailed and buried her face in Fluttershy's shoulder as the gentle pegasus looked helplessly at her companions.

Dash ground her hooves in the grass as she stood with her wings flared and shaking, her eyes gleaming with an anger belied by her voice, which was cold as the wind at the edge of the stratosphere. "That's... that's not right. That's not right.That's not how it's supposed to be. How could she do that to us? Why would she do that to us?"

Applejack cleared her throat nervously and pawed at the ground. "I dunno, it kinda sounds like she doesn't want anypony gettin' hurt."

The rainbow maned ranger ground her teeth and stomped. "Too late for that! Waaay too loopty loopin' late for that!"

She jabbed a hoof toward Fleetfoot. "Look at her!"

Then she pointed at Zecora, who'd been wistfully staring toward the darkened outline of the forest against the starlit horizon. "Look at her!"

She turned again and pointed at Fluttershy, who was beginning to tear up as well. "Look at her, and tell me again how nopony's gettin' hurt!"

The pale yellow pegasus drew in a stuttering breath as Fleetfoot continued to tremble in her embrace while she gently rocked her and stroked her mane. "She... she must be trying to protect us. That must be it."

Dash reared up and stomped with both hooves. "But what about the ponies who want to protect her? Huh? What are we supposed to do, just sit here eating flippin' cake while the Nightmare just snuffs her out?"

Fluttershy's face hardened, and she gave a slow shake of her head. "No..."

She met her friends gaze, both newfound and old alike, and instead of being cowed or recoiling from the intensity in her eyes they were drawn in by them. "You're right, Rainbow. Celestia is my friend and my mentor too. Don't think for a minute she's not hurting deep inside over the things she thinks she's going to have to do tonight. And if there's anything I won't... I can't allow, is somepony hurting if I can do anything about it."

Rarity cleared her throat and took a step forward. "Well, it sounds like this Celestia person is willing to sacrifice herself on our behalf. It's the least we can do to give our all for her in return."

She gave Fluttershy a fond smile. "And even if we didn't believe in The White Mare, our generous hostess here has been so kind and patient with us, we owe it to her to back her up on this."

Pinkie gave a little hop and nodded toward the rainbow maned Sky Ranger. "I agree with all of you! Especially what Dashie said! I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but there's a time for cake, and there's a time to step up and help save Equestria from eternal night. Then time for cake can come after that, with a couple extra slices for being heroes! 'Cos heroes who save Equestria from eternal night definitely deserve an extra slice and I want in on some o' that action!"

Applejack flicked an ear as she looked into the faces of the assembled mares. "Okay, great. So what exactly are th' five of us gonna do against this Nightmare creep when she's s'posta be able to pulverize a whole friggin' unit of Sky Rangers and gives th' mare who hikes up th' sun every morning th' heebie jeebies?"

Twilight stepped forward, her eyes gleaming. "Correction. Six of us." She met Fluttershy's gaze. "Unless you still think this isn't any of my business..."

A slight smile played across the gentle pegasus' lips. "I think stopping eternal night from falling is everypony's business. It seems like for whatever reason, we're the one's who're in the right place and the right time to do something about it."

At this, Zecora spoke up, her brow furrowing with uncertainty. "But what can you do? You are all so few."

Twilight bobbed her horn toward the chicken coop. "Well, the Elements of Harmony were the weapon that the Celestia used to banish Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago. We should take them with us."

Applejack turned toward the henhouse, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "Yeh, but if the bowlin' balls are th' White Mare's ace in th' hole, why did she stick 'em under Miss Fluttershy's chickens instead of keepin' 'em up her own sleeve?"

A pensive silence fell over the group, leaving the sound of Fleetfoot softly sobbing within the little circle cast by the firefly lantern, and the chirping of crickets filling the darkness beyond.

Fluttershy finally raised her gentle voice to offer a thought. "Maybe... maybe she's afraid to use them. Celestia told me about banishing Nightmare Moon once, long ago. It broke her heart into a million pieces. It's why she gave up being a princess and went to live in the Everfree Forest. Maybe... Maybe it hurts too much for her to have to use them again, and so she left them with me so she wouldn't be tempted to."

Applejack's brow furrowed. "That's nuts! Nightmare Moon's nuthin' but bad news, why would she even bat an eye about puttin' that candy gobblin' jerk's lights out permanent-like."

Twilight chimed in, "Because Nightmare Moon used to be Princess Celestia's little sister."

This caused Rarity to bring a hoof to her mouth. "Oh dear... I... I understand. My little sister Sweetie Belle might be annoying sometimes, but I'd never, ever want to harm a single hair on her precious little head."

An uncharacteristically solemn look had settled on Pinkie's face. "Yeah. My sisters are about as dull as dishwater, but I love 'em to pieces and I could never banish 'em to the moon, even if they'd probably be totally thrilled about all the moon rocks they'd find up there."

Applejack pursed her lips. "Yeah, I'd fall t' pieces too if I had to send my little sister up th' river." Her eyes flashed as her expression hardened into a look of earnest resolution. "But I'd do what I had to do if she'd gone bad and decided to put th' big chill on everypony else. I love my family, but other ponies love their families too."

Dash met her gaze and gave a respectful nod. "Well said, Applejack. You would have made a good Royal Guard."

She turned to Fluttershy, whose expression had become pained at the thought of breaking Celestia's heart a second time, and laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Maybe we don't even have to use Artifact A on the Nightmare. She knows what they can do and what they did to her. Maybe if we just wave 'em at her she'll just turn tail and flit."

Appljack tapped her hoof impatiently and flicked her tail. "And what if she calls our bluff, huh? We gonna beat her with positive thinkin' n' rainbows?" She rolled her eyes. "Fugeddaboudit."

Dash sent a pouting glare at the blonde earth pony. "Hey. You got a better idea, freckles?"

The salespony shrugged. "Nope, but that ain't gonna stop me from pointin' out flaws in this one."

The ranger narrowed her eyes. "Y'know, there's a difference between bein' a realist, and just standin' there bellyachin'."

Applejack narrowed her own eyes right back. "Oh yeah? Well there's a difference between knowin' what yer doin', and just flappin' yer gums."

Pinkie was suddenly between them with her forelegs around their necks, smooshing their faces to her chest. "Aaand there's a difference between hot sauce and whipped cream, but they both make great dessert toppings and they both wind up the same place eventually. So lets quit with the quibbling and quarreling, climb that big mountain of ice cream, and make the best sun day we can."

Dash and Applejack stiffened, then both hung their heads and exchanged a wan gaze as they groaned at the pink earth pony's heinous pun. Detente arrived with a mutual nod of understanding as they extracted themselves from her grasp.

Fluttershy got to her hooves and helped Fleetfoot unsteadily to hers as well. She turned to the zebra mare, who stood among the small herd of ponies with a frightened bunch to her withers. "Zecora, can you stay here and take care of this pegasus, as well as look after my other little friends? I'd really appreciate it if you could."

The striped mare stepped forward and took charge of the despondent ranger with a halting nod, allowing her to lean against her with a wing draped over her back. She cast a wan gaze at the chicken coop and bird, bat, and squirrel houses standing on posts and hanging from all the nearby trees. "Animal care is not my forté, but I can look after them while you're away."

Dash reached up and ruffled Fleetfoot's mane. "Just sit tight and let the reserves tag in for ya, Sergeant."

With that she wheeled toward the chicken coop. "Okay, lets get the rocks and get rolling!"

She balked as Lieutenant Soarin stepped forward and threw up an interposing wing. "Uh... I can't let you take them without authorization, Ranger Dash."

The rainbow maned pegasus let out a snort of annoyance and reached up, tapping on his steel helmet with a hoof and producing a loud clanging that made the sky blue stallion wince. "Hel-LO! Did you leave your brain in your hoof locker so you could cram in a couple more slices of pie up there? The Guard is disbanded, any orders are null and void, and we are all currently A.W.O.L. from our official posts."

Soarin's wings drooped as his lower lip quivered for a moment, but he rallied back with a defiant look in his eye. "Well if that's the case, why are you bothering to try to help the princess when she clearly doesn't want it?"

Fluttershy stepped up at her side, her head held high. "Because a pony's got to do what a pony's got to do." She caught his full attention with a level gaze. "And you've got something else much more important to do right now."

He pawed at the ground, hunkering down a little between her intensely earnest expression and Dash's angry glare. "What might that be, citizen?"

The pale yellow mare turned and waved a hoof at the flickering amber flares hanging over the perimeter of the Everfree Forest. "Your fellow guards are in trouble. You need to go find them and help them." She gave him a solemn nod. "It's what Celestia would really want you to do."

Soarin pursed his lips. "Well, after tonight I'm not sure I give a bucket of sleet what her highness wants, but I owe it to my team to help 'em out." His expression softened as he met her eyes with a rueful smile. "Do you mind if I borrow your first aid kit? Judging from Fleetfoot here I'm probably gonna need it."

She gave him a gentle smile in return and picked the satchel up in her teeth, passing it to him with a nod. "Of course."

He slung it across his back and gave them all a salute, then took to the air, heading for the nearest distress signal splitting the velvety dark night with a streak of amber alongside the rising moon.

Twilight Sparkle stiffened as she watched him recede, and let out a small gasp as her eyes went wide. "Girls? We really should get a move on!" She pointed urgently with a fore hoof at the moon. "Look at that!"

They all looked where she was indicating, with cocked heads and flicking ears and bemused expressions.

Dash ruffled her wings with a relieved chortle. "You had me going for a minute, Twilight. I expected the Mare in the Moon to suddenly be gone."

The lavender unicorn shook her head and pointed more emphatically. "No, not the moon! Those four stars! Do you see them? 'The stars shall aid in her escape!' One of them is going to cross over the top of that flare in a second! Do you see it moving?"

The assembled ponies gave a chorus of gasps, echoing Twilight's, as they saw what she was talking about. A quartet of unusually bright stars were sliding toward the moon from between the four points of the compass at an ominous, languid pace.

A frantic expression settled on Twilight's face as the slightest twitch of growing stress pulled at her right eyelid. "The clock is ticking!"