• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 1,217 Views, 4 Comments

Welcome To the Human World, Lyra - Mr Boston

Lyra, jealous of Twilight's adventures in the human world, comes to our world an meets fellow humans who think just like her. Now, they must work togeter to get her back to Equestria before everyone finds out who she is. All while having a littl

  • ...

A Very Awkward Encounter

Chapter 2 A Very Awkward Encounter

"See ya Bon-Bon! I'm off to realize my destiny!" she shouted. It was the last thing she said before she was swallowed by the white void. Humans here I come! Her body began to glow and she felt a warm sensation surround her body. It felt like she was being molded before being blinded by the light.
(Back in the human world)

"-then David is going to be fucking princess Twilight and a whole bunch of other random shit," Nick rants, "But let me tell you this, my friends, THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE STORIES!"

"NICK!" Eddie shouted, trying to get his attention.

Nick's head spun to look at Eddie. "WHAT?!"




The wall exploded in a blinding ray of light. Lyra fell out of the portal and landed hard on the ground, rubble and dust covering the ground around her.

"Owwwwwwwww..." she groaned in dull agony. "Note to self," she thought, her head still spinning from the explosion, When I get back, watch my landing. She laid on the ground. While in pain, she could hear the voice of what sounded like a furious man. Pony feathers, someone's in the room! I can't... See anything... She rubbed her eyes to help clear up her vision. While waiting she listened in to what the mysterious beings were saying. OK, at least they speak Equestrian. That's a good sign, She thought, hoping to get a glimpse of the humans.

"This is bad, this is very, very bad!" David exclaimed. Not only did they accidentally activate some ancient ritual, but there is a girl strikingly similar to one of the background ponies from My Little Pony right in front of them.

"Dude, calm down," Eddie reassured, "This… Probably isn't what it looks like."

"Yeah, hot girl just appears out of a fucking painting on a wall and it isn't what it looks like?!" David shot back.

As Eddie tried to calm down David, Nick approached the girl with caution. This is freaking weird… Nick turned his thoughts over in his head, trying to decide what to do. A girl show up through this painting in an old abandoned art room, right in the middle of my rant, that eerily looks like one of those ponies from the show. He crouched down to get a closer look at her. If this really who I think it is then… No it can't be…

As Lyra's vision slowly returned, her very first glimpse of the human world is herself face-to-face with a boy with black skin. She let out a piercing shriek that would have broken a wineglass. Nick screamed in surprise, backing off into a defensive stance with one arm protecting his neck the other ready to strike. David and Eddie looked over to see what the commotion is all about, and in turn Lyra looked at them and yelled even louder, which caused the two to join in on the fun and start screaming as well. Soon, it was just one giant scream party. Although the boy's scream was one of surprise and shock, Lyra's scream sounded a lot more like a fan-girl squeal.

Lyra immediately jumped off the ground and danced around the room excitedly. "I can't believe it! I made it here to the human world, and there are humans right here in front of me! And…" She looked down at herself and gasped in absolute shock, "I'm a human too! Oh man, this is awesome!" She continued to spurt off random sentences about the portal working and that there are humans in her field of vision. All the while, the boys gathered in a huddle trying to understand why, how, and what was happening.

"Guys, what the fuck is going on now?" Eddie asked.

"I wish I could tell you," Nick responded, just as confused as Eddie was.

"Dude, we are going to be in so much trouble if anyone finds out..." David said nervously, thinking of wringing his hands together just to stave off some of the jitters in his system.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN OR I'LL SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" Eddie yelled. Eddie's threat seemed to work as David shut up almost immediately. Nick nodded to Eddie and stated, "Okay, lets see what we know. We walked into an old room with a kick-ass painting on the wall that just so happened to be some sort of ritual ate that allowed a girl who surprisingly looks like that human loving pony from a particular cartoon to appear right in front of us." And then took a huge breath because that's a lot to say in one sentence.
Eddie nodded slowly. "... And what did you conclude from that?"

"I think its safe to say," Nick added, "that we had just saw something fuckin' awesome," He concluded, and saying more to himself than anyone else, "I can't believe that Lyra is actually real and in our world!"

David raised an eyebrow. "Yeah...but how do we know if that really is Lyra?"

The boys looked over at her and saw her waving at them, an ear-to-ear grin on her face like that of a small child just about to receive a unicorn, pardon the pun.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Nick shrugged.

"There has to be some way to see if that's the real Lyra, or some other person who looks like her," Eddie speculated as he tapped his fingers together.

Lyra soon got bored with the boys, who didn't seem to do anything but talk. Ugh, the first humans in this world I meet, and they are about as fun as watching paint dry, she thought. Just then, Lyra heard other voices outside and headed over to the window. Looking out the glass pane, she saw many other humans of walking and talking, and just generally being human. Maybe I can find more fun with them out there than up here! Lyra skipped out the room and looked for an exit. The boys, oblivious to what had just transpired, continued coming up with a way to test her.

"No, just… No," Nick groaned, a look of slight disgust on his face.

"But-" Eddie tried to reply, but Nick cut him off.


"Aw, come on."

"We are NOT asking her to take off her skirt to see if there is a lyre on her butt!"
Eddie pouted and retorted, "Well, genius, I don't see you coming up with any other ideas!"

"... I think I got one," David mumbled.

"Ooooohhhh, the big baby has an idea," said Eddie, oozing sarcasm.

David gave him a death glare, muttering, "Shut the hell up, Ed."

Eddie's eyebrow twitched before he rolled his eyes, "Okay, fine. Let's hear it."

"Why don't we ask her questions based on the fandom?" offered David, "If she is who we think she is, then her answers will match up with what we know about the show."

"... That is… Actually an okay idea," Eddie reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you."

"Well… It's better that anything else I can come up with," Nick said as he shrugged.

"Okay, okay. We'll go with your idea." They look up to find that Lyra, much to their surprise, was no longer there. Instead, the door they entered in earlier was ajar.

"Goddammit!" Nick cursed as the three turned tail and began to chase after her.

Lyra dashed out of the building and into a park-like area. "So this is the human world," she pondered. She took a deep breath, savoring the feel, the taste, the smell of a new world to explore. This… is… AWESOME!

She saw a group of humans approach her: A man, a woman and a young child. "Hello, young woman," The man greeted. "You look a little lost. Can I help you?"

Ok, Lyra, get your act together. The former-pony reassured herself, It's your first real encounter with humans that actually want to talk to you. Just keep your cool and say 'hi'.

"H-hi!" Lyra had to fight from jumping around the park in happiness, but then she needed to kick herself for being so damn nervous. Come on, Lyra. You can do this.

"You look funny," the little girl said cutely, pointing to her green hair.

"Julie!" the mother scolded her, swiveling her head towards her little daughter to glare and quickly looking back to Lyra. "I'm sorry miss, sometimes she can be so rude."

"No problem," Lyra responded with a small smile. She really didn't see a problem. After all, didn't everypony have different colored hair? Why were the humans all brown-ish? They were the weird ones.

"I think I've seen you somewhere else before. Tell me dear, what's your name?" The woman asked politely.

"Oh, my name is Ly-."

"LISA!" Nick cut the very confused Lyra off and ran up behind her. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be helping us clean out the concession stand!"

"I... uh..." Lyra's eyes flicked back-and-forth from the family and Nick, at a loss for what to say.

"Come on, you can talk with your friends after you're done," Nick said as he dragged her off, leaving the family behind.

"Well, that was weird," the father finally said, after a minute of silence.

"Hey, what's the big deal?!" Lyra demanded, trying to rip herself from Nick's grip.

"Who the hell are you and where the hell did you come from?" Eddie interrogated.

"My name is Lyra! and I'm from Equestria," she stated

David sighed, "No, seriously, who the hell are you and where are you really from?"

"I'm telling you, I'm Lyra and I'm from Equestria."

"ARE YOU?!" he shouted.

"David, dude, relax," Nick says as he put his hand on David's shoulder. He wanted answers, but David was too hot-headed (not to mention in a state of heavy panic) to deal with this situation. On the bright side, they were now behind the concession stand, out of sight from everybody. The original crew that was supposed to be cleaning up left an hour ago, so there was no one there to catch them if they got too loud. "You're not helping the current situation with your temper. Stand back and let me and Eddie handle this." David reluctantly stepped back and let Nick and Eddie take over.

"We just want to ask you some questions, just to get an idea of who you are."

"Okay..." she answered annoyed.

"What is your name?" Nick asked

"Lyra Heartstrings."

"Where are you from?" Eddie asked

"Ponyville, Equestria."

"Who is your best friend?" Nick asked


"Do you really love humans or is that just an assumption?" David asked from a distance.

"Yes I do."

"What does your 'cutie mark' represent?" Eddie asked, using air quotes as emphasis.

"My skill of playing the lyre."

(5 Minutes later)

"What was the last major event in Ponyville of significance?"

"The Summer Sun Celebration. Now, are you done?" Lyra asked.

The boys are silent. They asked every possible question in their mind and she answered them as if she was actually there. A tense moment of silence passed as the boys try to figure out what to do next. "That didn't solve anything," David complained.

"And your ADD isn't helping us solve this any faster," Eddie replied.

"You're the one with ADD!" he shouted.

"Will you two SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Nick shouted. Both boys immediately silenced themselves. Nick breathed sigh of relief for a moment. Now they could focus on the situation at hand. This is getting us nowhere fast, I need to come up with a plan that David and Eddie won't screw up with their constant bickering Nick thought. "Alright guys, huddle up." As they huddled up, he glanced back at Lyra. "Stay… Right… There." She obeyed by taking a seat on the ground.

"So what do you suggest Nick?" Eddie asked

Nick took a moment to collect his thoughts. "I'm not sure about this but I think we just have to trust her for now."

Eddie gaped at him. "You not fucking serious are you."

"I know, I know, but because of the way we found her and how she acts, it's so bizarre that maybe, just maybe it is true."

"As much as I hate to say it…" David cut in, "He has a point. Since when do girls just appear out of nowhere that look and act like you-know-who."

"So we agree that until we have 100% proof of her not being who she says, we continue to act as if she is really her?"

"Agreed," Eddie and David said in unison.

"Now...where is she going to stay?" Both Nick and David stare at Eddie, who responded with, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He suddenly realized what they were implying. "No. She is not staying at my house."

"Come on! Look at it this way: Your parents are out-of-town for the weekend, so it's just you and her alone at the house for 3 days. Let her stay there just for the weekend."

"Remember, though, this is Eddie we are talking about.” David added Are you sure its okay to leave HIM alone with her?"

"I wasn't going to try anything."

"Yeah, and he knows if he does anything, Mrs. Sparky won't be too happy with that now would she?" David stated with a fiendish grin.

The images of her runs through Eddie's head. "...You know, she and you can be a bitch sometimes." he said, shuddering.

They turn back around, relieved that she is still sitting right where Nick told her. "Ok Lyra, if that is who you really are, until we find out more about why you're here, we will do our best help you understand our world and how to make you fit in. In the meantime for the next few nights you will be staying with my good friend here until we can find a more permanent place. Any questions?"

Lyra takes a moment to think about her situation I don't know... This could be a trick. They could be like the ones they say who will try to kill me in some form of sacrifice. Maybe they will all try to eat me like that one cartoon! But... If that was the case… Shouldn't they be ridiculously giant? I don't really trust them and I've only known them for 5 minutes… But… They are the only ones I've seen so far that want to help me.

"Is she OK? She's been thinking for a long time," David whispered to Eddie.

"Nope. I'm fine. No questions here!" Lyra suddenly exclaimed.

"None?" Nick asked. Lyra just shook her head. "Alright lets head home. It's about time we've got out of this hell hole." Nick began to walk toward the exit. Eddie and David soon followed behind. Nick realizes that Lyra is not behind him. "Aren't you coming with us?"

Lyra just sat on the ground. "I...uh...need your help."

"What's wrong, can't get up?" Nick asked. She nodded embarrassed. The running around in circles back in the A-Wing and lack of experience of walking normally have left her unable to use her newly acquired limbs to stand up on her own.

"Come on, let's help her up," Eddie goes back to help, but Nick grabs him by the shirt collar and drags him back.

"Me and David will go help. You stay here."

"Why can't I help?" He asked, upset that Nick is preventing him from helping their new friend out.

"Because we know where your hands will end up if you try."

As they walked out of the stadium (well, the boys walked, Lyra was getting a ride on Nick's back), Lyra took notice of her surroundings, getting a feel for the town. It was a small, cozy kind of town, reminding her, in a sense, of Ponyville, only instead of colorful unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, there were many humans, all seemed to have similar features. Suddenly, a thought came to her head.

"I'm sorry to ask but I never got your names," Lyra said

"David. David Corbin," David said.

"I'm Eduardo Pasco, but you can just call me Eddie," Eddie said.

"What about you?" Lyra said to Nick.

"Nick. Just Nick."

"No last name?" She asked.

Nick's expression soured. "... It's probably best if you don't know my last name."


"It's probably best if you don't know," he repeated with an evil glint in his eyes.

Eddie put a hand on her shoulder. "Lyra, probably best to just leave it alone."

"But... Bu-," She stuttered before groaning, "Fine..."

About 5 minutes of walking later they reached a familiar street corner.

"Well, this is my turn," David responded.

"Mine too," Nick said. He turned his attention to Lyra, who was still riding on his back. "You think you can walk to E's house from here or do I need to carry you there too?" he asked her with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, I think I'll be fine." she hopped off, glad to be able to walk on her own again.

"We still meeting for coffee in the morning?"

"Yeah, same place we always go every Saturday," David stated. Nick and David turned the corner and walked away from Lyra and Eddie. "Bye! It was nice meeting you Lyra," he exclaimed as he ran to catch up with Nick. Meanwhile, Eddie and Lyra began walking in the other direction to Eddie's house. As David caught up to Nick, he noticed a fiendish smile spread across his face. "Dude, what's with the smile?"

Nick looks back at David with the smile now bigger than before. "Because I got a feeling that tomorrow is going to be very, very interesting."

Eventually, the arrived at Eddie's house. On the outside it looked small compared to the other houses on the block, but its warm color gave it a comfortable, welcoming feel to it. As they entered, Lyra took notice of the silence as a sign that no one was here.

"Where are your parents?" she asked.

"They went away for a convention and won't be back till Monday night," Eddie stated.

"Sooo, you have this house all to yourself?" Lyra asked, surprised.

"Pretty much," Eddie goes upstairs to arrange his bed. Lyra just looked around the room and took notice of the family picture on the table. Eddie came back down to see her with the picture in hand.

"So these are your parents?" Lyra asked

"Yeah, and that's my grandmother."

"Did she go with them to this convention?"

"…No... She passed away when I started high school..." Lyra suddenly felt stupid for asking. "I'm sorry."

"No don't worry," he said joyfully, almost like it didn't bother him. "Follow me, I'll show you where you're sleeping tonight."

Eddie escorted her down the hall to his room. As they entered, Lyra took notice of the many posters on his wall. Most of them were of famous rock stars. Others were of scantily clad women on cars. Despite this, the room was relatively clean save for one messy desk in the corner of the room. However, Lyra saw there is only one bed in the room. Wait, is this his bed? she thought.

"I'll be back with your pajamas," Eddie said.

Lyra suddenly stopped him. "Wait, where are you going to sleep?"

"I'm going to sleep downstairs on the couch."

"You sure? I could tak-"

"No, no its fine. You're my guest I insist."

"Are you s-?"

"Look, regardless of who you are or where you came from, you're a guest in my house and will be treated as such as long as you're here."

"... Thanks," Lyra said, surprised at his nobility.

Eddie leaves the room to grab her some PJ's, leaving Lyra alone in his room. Heheh... I guess some of those books were wrong. Not all humans a sexually-crazed jerks, at least he seems very nice...

Eddie came back into the room holding her sleepwear. "Bathroom is the first door on the right, call me if you need anything," he said Lyra took the clothes and headed straight for the bathroom.

Lyra, unlike her pony friends, totally understood clothes. They covered up most parts of the human body that humans didn't want to show. Ponies didn't exactly have an aversion to being naked all the time, though it was still not exactly a "filly topic".
As she undressed, down to only her underwear and bra, she took a look in the mirror, out of curiosity. She flexed out her hands in front of the mirror, taking note of the shape of her right hand, then her left, mesmerized by the way the fingers moved independent of each other, even if their movement was a bit restricted. Her hands fueled her sudden amazement with her feet and toes. They worked much like her hooves had, toes moving in a wave and crunching into the soles of her feet, and being able to flex out. She shifted on her feet, even dancing around a little before stumbling and realizing that the room was too small to be prancing around in. The way they moved was so smooth. But then she came to a sudden halt as she look down on her chest.

Two round ovals bounced around on her chest, covered by what the humans called a "bra". She, of course, knew what these were. They were human teats, but they were much higher up than a pony's teats. Without hesitation, she looked into the mirror and unhooked the latch that held the bra straps to her shoulders, and stared.

She stared without shame. It was, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating and alien things she had seen today. The nipples were indeed on the oval flesh-bulbs, although that's an awfully unflattering word for something that the humans liked so much.

Woah… Lyra blinked, This is exactly like my textbooks…

She stared, acknowledging every detail about her pale chest before she was startled by three knocks, followed by Eddie's voice.

"Lyra… You almost done in there?" His voice was slightly muffled through the wood of the door.

"Oh! Yeah… Almost done…" Quickly, she began to dress again and pried her eyes off of the mirror.

"Do you need anything before you go to sleep?" Eddie asked.

"No I'm fine," Lyra responded.

"Well, then good night."

"Good night."

And with that he turned off the lights and closed the door. Today has been one crazy day. I mean its not everyday that we find a girl from another world. I still don't want to believe it, but what if it is really someone from Equestria? Do all those HiE-fics have some truth to 'em? But what if she isn't? He shook his head, clearing some of the doubt. Either way, Nick is right, tomorrow is going to be interesting... He thought while going down the stairs.

Meanwhile Lyra begins to get comfortable in her bed. "Man, I can't believe it I actually saw humans in person. and they are just like I envisioned them to be. I cant wait to tell everyone what I saw. I cannot wait to see what the human world is actually like." She let out a yawn. "Tomorrow is going to be awesome."

She drifted off into a pleasant sleep, dreams of tomorrow's events filling her head.

Comments ( 1 )

Wait. If a pony like Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash went through the mirror, their human selves would disappear. Is that your theory? I highly doubt that.

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