• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,134 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

  • ...

Chapter Four: The Devil Wears Tiara

In the attic of the Canterlot High School library, Sunset Shimmer was just starting to stir in her sleep as she let out a loud exaggerating yawn, blinking her eyes open. She smiled warmly as she looked down to see Toby sleeping, curled up in a fetal position against her, as his chest rose and fell gently with each slow breath. She gently used her hand to soothingly rub along his back and leaned down to give him a tender kiss on the top of his head.

Such a sweet little boy he is. I just don’t’ understand why such a cruel person hurt a precious child such as Toby, especially if that person is his own father? A sigh of frustration escaped her lips. At least Twilight Sparkle and her friends have given him a home.

She leaned her head close to his, whispering softly into his ear. “Toby, it’s time to wake up little buddy.” She continued to stroke along his back, hearing a little yawn escape the little boy’s lips. He blinked his eyes open as he looked up at her with squinted eyes. “Good morning sleepy head, did you sleep okay last night?” She let out a little giggle and ruffled at his hair.

He reached up to rub as his eyes. “Yes I did Sunset Shimmer. I enjoyed our sleepover.” He let out a little blush and giggled.

Sunset let out a little giggle of her own as she reached over him to get his eye glass case. She opened it, carefully took his glasses out so not to break them, and very gently placed them on his face. “There you go buddy, now you can see better.” She ruffled his hair once again as she stretched out her arms. “I enjoyed our little sleepover too Toby. I know what, before school opens, would you like to go and try to see if the portal is opened?”

He looked up at her with a bright, hopeful smile. “Yes Sunset Shimmer, I’d like that.” He let out another yawn as he stretched out his arms, and carefully swung his legs over the pile of books they used as a bed, sitting on the edge.

Sunset carefully climbed off the book bed, walked over to him, and crouched down to his level. “Is something wrong Toby?” She reached her hand toward him and rubbed at his shoulder, giving him a warm smile.

He looked up into her eyes with a little smile, letting out a soft smile. “Well no, but it’s just I hope the portal is opened. I miss my home, I miss my family.” He lowered his head to look at the floor.

Sunset frowned a little, but continued to rub at his shoulder, tracing it down his arm, and placed his small hand in hers, holding it between both of hers, and rubbed it. “Listen to me buddy, I promise that you’ll get back home to your family as long as you have me.” She gave him a reassuring smile and wink.

He smiled softly at her and wrapped his little arms around her neck, laying his head on her shoulder. “Thank you Sunset Shimmer.” He let out a sigh of happiness.

Sunset felt tears sting her eyes as she hugged him warmly, wrapping her arms around his small form, and rubbed up and down his back soothingly. She turned her head to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek “You are very welcome Toby.” They held each other in the embrace for a while longer before breaking it. She stood back up and took Toby’s hand into hers as he stood up, and both walked downstairs.

As they arrived in the lobby, the lights were off, and no one was around. Toby looked up at Sunset with a look of curiosity, yet nervousness at the same time. “Sunset, how are we going to get out with the doors still locked?”

Sunset chuckled as she reached into a pocket of her leather jacket, pulling out a bobby pin. She ruffled at his hair playfully. “Ever since I started staying here, I had to find me something to unlock the door with.” She gave him a warm smile as she walked up to the door, placed the bobby pin into the key hole, and jiggled it around until a click was heard.

She gave Toby a soft smirk. “See there buddy, easy as pie.” She put the bobby pin back into her jacket pocket and reached out to take his hand into hers. “Now let’s go see if that portal is open.” He smiled up at her, nodding his head, and they both exited the library as Sunset made sure to lock the door back.

When they got outside of the school, they approached the stallion statue which was also the portal back to Equestria. They stopped in front of it and Toby looked up at Sunset Shimmer with a hopeful smile. “I can’t wait to see my family again Sunset.”

She gave him a warm smile. “I know you can’t buddy, and I can’t wait to see Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia again so I can thank Twilight and apologize to Princess Celestia.” They nodded at each other and reached out their hands to touch the face of the statue’s pedestal.

However when their hands touched the surface, they didn’t go through, but only touched granite. Toby’s face suddenly went pale as he walked up closer to the pedestal letting go of Sunset’s hand and placed both of his over the flat surface. He rubbed all over it, but discovered he couldn’t go through it, and it was just solid.

His lips started quivering as he let out a heavy sigh. “No…” He spoke just above a whisper. He balled his little hands into fists and started beating on the hard stone surface. “NO!” He cried out and collapsed to his knees, lowering his head. He started to shake with sobs, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sunset immediately walked up to him, bent down to his level, and wrapped her arms protectively around the crying child. She pulled him close to her, laying her chin on top of his head as she felt him shake with sobs against her. She hugged him tight, rubbing up and down his side soothingly, and making soft shushing sounds into his hair.

While she was holding Toby, trying her hardest to comfort him, the sound of high heels clacking against the concrete could be heard. “Oh… My…God… Why don’t you two just get a room?” Sunset Shimmer looked up to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with smirks on their faces. “What’s the baby crying about this time, he wet the bed?” The two snobbish teens shared a delightfully sinister laugh with each.

They high fived each other as Silver Spoon smirked proudly. “That…was…like, so good, Diamond!” She chuckled and looked down at the crying child.

A scowl of anger pursed across Sunset’s lip, but she tried to remain calm so not to scare Toby. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, and then exhaled deeply, opening her eyes back up. She looked up at the two with her brows furrowed with anger. “This isn’t the time now Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.” She kept Toby in her arms.

The two snickered. “Aww…how come Shimmy? Does the baby need to be changed?” Diamond Tiara taunted, letting out a chuckle along with Silver Spoon.

Sunset snarled as she carefully placed a hand on the side of Toby’s head. “What is the deal with you two prissy snobs? This child hasn’t done anything to either one of you, and you broke his glasses, made him cry, and terrorized him.” She looked down to see Toby had his had buried into her neck.

Diamond Tiara huffed. “The little dweeb needs to know that Silver Spoon and I run this school, and that his place is below us.” She looked over at Silver Spoon giving her a smirk, and then shrugged her shoulders. “And besides Miss Goody Two Shoes of a sudden, you remember how it was when you were in charge of this school. You had every miserable little toe rag like him grovel at your feet, obey your every command, and always cowered to you as soon as you stepped through the doors.”

Silver Spoon nodded and snickered. She crossed her arms looking down at Sunset Shimmer. “Yeah… whatever happened to you Sunset? You have gotten so soft by making friends with the other students, helping walk the babies to kindergarten, and especially showing little bugs like him around school.”

Sunset carefully stood up, gently taking Toby’s hand into hers, and helped him up. She stood in front of him as she glared at the two. “I learned my lesson and I’ve made some awesome friend.” She looked down at Toby with a warm smile as he reached up with an arm to wipe at his tears. “So I suggest that if you don’t leave this dear child alone, that you two are going to have a big problem on your hands with me and my friends.” She stepped forward towards the two, stomping her boot against the pavement, causing the two to take a step back.

They both huffed and flicked their hair back. They walked past the two as Diamond Tiara got close to Sunset’s face, nose to nose. “This isn’t over yet, Shimmer.” She turned her gaze down at the little boy behind Sunset, crouching down to eye level with him. “And as for you dweeb, if you dare try to do anything to me or Silver Spoon, I promise to make you pay.” She poked between his eyes tauntingly as she stood back up with a chuckle. “C’mon Silver, let’s get away from these losers.” They high fived each other and walked off.

Sunset shook her head in disgust and turned to crouch down to look at Toby, rubbing at his shoulder gently. “Are you okay Toby? Don’t listen to them, they are just full out of hot air.” She let out a little chuckle and gave him a warm assuring smile.

He gave a light smile, sniffling, and wiped at his tears with his arm. “I---I’m sorry Sunset for being a baby. I want to be brave for my Momma and Mommy, but I’m just acting like a coward to those two.” He felt tears roll down his cheeks.

Sunset frowned and immediately pulled Toby in for a hug, and rubbed up and down his back. “Shh… don’t talk like that little buddy…shh.” She gently pulled him back, holding his shoulders, and looked into his eyes. “You’re not a coward Toby, you’re a very brave little boy for coming here all by yourself. Those two are just jealous of the kindness that you show to everybody.” She gave him a warm smile and wiped away the few remaining tears from his cheeks.

She took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply. “Now listen to me buddy. I promise that we’ll get you back home, okay?” She rubbed at his cheek and he gave her a soft smile and nod. “Good. Now let’s go get you some school supplies.” She gave him a warm smile and stroked at his hair before standing up and took his hand into hers. They stepped onto the sidewalk and made their way to the local general store.

As they approached the general store, Toby looked up at Sunset curiously. “Sunset, how I’m I going to buy my school supplies? I don’t have any money.” He frowned up at her.

She looked down at him with a warm smile and ruffled his hair playfully. “Don’t’ worry little buddy, I’ll pay for your supplies, okay Toby?” He looked up at her and nodded as they walked in.

Sunset retrieved a shopping cart as Toby followed beside her. She looked down at him with a warm smile. “First, we got to get you a book bag.” She led the way to an aisle occupied with book bags on each side. She patted his back “Choose whichever one you want Toby.” He gave her a nod as he carefully scanned through the collection of backpacks.

He looked at all of them until he came upon a red one with a black flame design on the front. He grabbed it and showed Sunset Shimmer. “Is this one okay Sunset? I don’t want you have to spend too much on me.” He gave her a small smile.

“That is a very cool looking backpack little buddy. Of course it’s okay with me. I told you to choose whichever backpack you wanted and I would pay for it, so don’t worry about it, okay?” She gave him a warm smile and gently took the backpack to put in the cart.

The next aisle they arrived had the essentials for school such as pencils, pens, crayons, glue, etc. Sunset picked up a box of crayons to place in the cart. She looked down at Toby “By his laid back demeanor, I’m sure Mr. Discord wouldn’t mind you coloring at times in his class.” She let out a soft giggle.

Toby nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right Sunset. Mr. Discord does seem like a fun teacher. I just hope I can be fun too.” He gave a little smile.

Sunset rubbed at his shoulder “You are very fun to hang out with Toby, and I know that Mr. Discord’s class is going to love you being there.” She gave him a wink as she got two sticks of glue and a pack of number two pencils. “Since this is a four pack, I’ll take two, and you take two, okay buddy?” He looked up at her and nodded.

Finally Sunset led Toby to the aisle with the lunchboxes and he spotted one that he immediately went straight to. It was an all-white lunchbox with a shimmery metallic rose design with a green stem, adorned with thorns, and the flower part was a bright pink. Tears started to sting Toby’s eyes as he grabbed for the lunchbox and held it in his hands carefully.

Sunset noticed this and pushed the cart with her up to the little boy. She walked up and crouched down beside him holding the back of the lunchbox with her hand. “What’s wrong sweetie? Don’t you like this lunchbox?” She used her other hand to gently rub at his back soothingly.

His lips started to quiver. “N---no it’s not that Sunset.” He sniffled as he allowed a single tear to roll down his cheek, which Sunset gently wiped away with a finger. “The pink rose was always my Mommy’s favorite color of rose.” He clenched his eyes shut to try and stop his tears. He opened them and looked at Sunset with a hopeful, tearful smile.

Sunset smiled warmly at him and stroked at his hair. “If you like that lunchbox buddy, then we’ll get.” She gave him a warm smile as she let him carry the lunchbox.

The final item they retrieved was a rectangular container with a snappable lid to keep his crayons, glue, and pencils in. After getting all of the supplies that Toby would need for school, Sunset led Toby to the check-out lane to purchase them. The cashier gave the two a warm smile “Hello, did you find everything you needed?”

Sunset and Toby both nodded returning the smile. “Yes, ma’am.” Sunset replied as she pulled out her wallet. After the cashier rung up each item, the total came out to forty dollars even and Sunset paid the amount with a warm smile.

Bidding a good day to the cashier, the two exited the general store and made their way back to the school. While walking, Toby looked up at Sunset Shimmer with a frown. “Sunset, I’m sorry that it cost that much for my supplies. Somehow, I’ll pay you back, I pro…” He was gently cut off as Sunset placed her index finger against his lips.

She crouched down and held him gently by the shoulders. “Like I’ve told you Toby, don’t worry about it. That is what friends are for, always being there for each other.” She gave him a warm smile. “In fact, not only can I be your friend Toby, if you would like, I could be like your big sister.” She let out a little giggle.

He looked into her eyes with a soft smile. “Really, Sunset? I can call you my big sister?” She gave him a nod as he wrapped his little arms around her neck and she wrapped her arms around him.

After breaking the hug, Sunset stood back up, and took his hand into hers. “Now let’s get to school, shall we?” She ruffled at his hair with the other hand as he let out a small laugh and nodded.

Back at the Crystal Empire

Fluttershy laid next Rainbow Dash, as they decided to take a nap upon the hilltop she flew to out of a fit of anger and sorrow. She carefully opened her eyes, letting out a soft yawn. She wore a frown as the thought of her baby boy still being gone tore at her heart.

I sure do hope he’s okay. I know I agreed to let him go on his own so he can be a brave boy, but now I’m regretting it, because there is no telling what dangers might be in that other world just waiting to harm my precious little one.

She let out a heavy sigh as she turned to see Rainbow lying on her side, her back facing her. A soft smile crept across her face as she watched her fellow Pegasus’ chest rise and fall. She used a hoof to gently nudge at her and whispered. “Rainbow Dash…let’s get back to the castle before everypony starts to worry about us…Rainbow Dash.”

A loud, exaggerated yawn could be heard as Rainbow Dash rolled over onto her front, stretching out her wings. She blinked her eyes open groggily as an “Eek!” escaped Fluttershy’s lips, causing the cyan mare to jump.

“What…what?” She shot up into the air, and then looked down to see Fluttershy with her hoof up against her mouth. “Jeez Flutters, what’s the big deal scaring me like that, and why are you looking at me like that for?” She lowered onto the ground looking at the timid yellow mare curiously.

Suddenly, Fluttershy started to sputter against her hoof, trying to hold in her laughter. Rainbow used a hoof of her own to rub at the back of her head, but when she did, she felt that her mane didn’t’ feel right. She felt knots along her head “W---what happened to my mane? It’s all knotty.” She felt all over her head as a panicked look etched on her face. She turned to gallop over to the creek they slept near and looked to see her reflection.

“AHH!” she screamed as her once mullet-styled mane was now sets of skittley cornrows leading from the top of her scalp to her neck. Her eyes grew wide and her pupils became the size of pinpricks. From behind, Fluttershy couldn’t hold her laughter in any longer and fell onto her back, giggling hysterically. Rainbow snarled, turned back toward Fluttershy, and trotted toward her until she stood over her. “Do you think this is funny?!” She looked down at Fluttershy with a quirked eyebrow.

Fluttershy squinted her eyes from giggling so much as she shook excitedly. “I---I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but you look so funny with your mane like that.” She rolled over onto her stomach and stood up. “We better get back to the castle Rainbow, and maybe the princesses will know what’s wrong.”

Rainbow nodded in agreement. “I hope so Flutters. I can’t live with my mane looking like rainbow colored licorice.” She let out a heavy sigh as both of them hovered into the air and flew toward the castle.

Aboard the Friendship Express

“Passengers of the Friendship Express, we have arrived at our destination, the Crystal Empire." The voice of the train conductor spoke over the intercom.

Filthy Rich, who was napping in one of the train’s single compartments awoken to the voice, climbed out of the bed he was sleeping in, and stretched out his legs. He let out an exaggerated yawn and trotted over to the bunk which Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slept.

He pulled back the curtain to see his daughter sleeping on the top bunk as Silver Spoon took the bottom. He reached a hoof up to gently nudge at her “Diamond honey, it’s time to wake up, we’re here.” He reached up to nuzzle at her cheek.

Diamond Tiara blinked her eyes open, letting out a soft yawn, and looked into the eyes of her father. “Hi, daddy. We’re here?” She blinked once again, a look of confusion crept across her face until she realized they were at the Crystal Empire. “We’re here!” She said excitedly rolling out of bed, but unfortunately landed on the floor with a thud.

Filthy Rich gasped and helped her up with a hoof. “Oh dear, are you okay princess?” He asked worriedly as Diamond stood up, shaking her head loose of the cobwebs, and looked up at him, nodding.

She then turned to wake Silver Spoon up, but noticed that she was wearing her tiara. She used a hoof to gently nudge at her friend. “Silver Spoon, wake up, we’re here at the Crystal Empire.” She spoke, confused of how her tiara had ended up on Silver’s head.

Silver Spoon blinked her eyes open, letting out a big yawn. Diamond Tiara helped put her glasses on. “Oh, thanks Diamond.” She climbed out of her bed and stretched out her legs.

Diamond smirked at Silver Spoon “Silver, if you wanted to wear my tiara, all you had to do was ask, and not just take it from me.” She let out a giggle.

Silver Spoon looked at her confused. “What are you talking about Diamond? I never took your tiara off last night.” Diamond pointed a hoof at the top of Silver’s head. She tilted her eyes back and noticed the tiara. “Hmm…that is funny, I don’t remember putting it on.” She reached up to take off, but as she pulled it, it gripped her mane, causing her to yelp in pain. “Ow! It’s stuck.” She tried to pull it again, but it kept gripping locks of her mane.

Diamond Tiara looked confused. “Here Silver, let me try it.” She reached up with both fore hooves, grasping the tiara on each side, and started to pull. With each pull, it wouldn’t budge, causing Diamond to keep tugging Silver’s mane with it.

“Ow! Diamond, please stop pulling! I can’t take anymore!” Diamond stopped as Silver reached up with her hooves to rub at the sides and top of her head to try and soothe the pain. “It’s like it is sewn on there, but how in Equestria is that possible?”

Both Filthy Rich and Diamond shrugged their shoulders. Filthy tilted his head back and forth, examining the tiara “I don’t know what is wrong with it dear, but we’ll ask the prince and princesses if they can figure out anything. For now, let’s get off the train and make our way to the castle.” The two fillies nodded in agreement as the three gathered their luggage and exited the train.

At the castle

Pinkie was starting to stir in her sleep as she felt herself being lifted up in the air. Her eyes shot open as she turned to see that her flank was floating in midair by a pair of three balloons.

Hey! Who tied balloons to me? I bet it was Rainbow Dash. That silly willy Pegasus. She let out a giggle, but suddenly she gasped in surprise to notice that the balloons lifting her were actually the balloons of her cutie mark. What?! How could my cutie mark come to life? Her astonishment was short lived as the balloons all of a sudden started to slowly deflate one by one.

After each of them deflated , Pinkie’s flank fell to the ground with a thud and she just shook her head. Well that was fun while it lasted, but how did that happen? She reached a hoof up to rub at her head.

Canterlot High School

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was chatting with each other at their lockers when Featherweight came walking up to them. Diamond smirked. “Well hello Feathy. Did you bring some juicy news for me, I hope?” She rubbed her hands together slyly.

“Y---yes I did Diamond Tiara. B---but I still don’t feel good about you messing with a kid younger than you.” He lowered his head, feeling ashamed for going through with this plan of Diamond Tiara’s.

She let out a giggle, placed a finger under his chin, and raised his head up to look into his eyes. “Aw… don’t be like that, Feathy. You know you love doing favors for me.” She gave him a smirk and used her hand to up his chin, and rubbed at his cheek with her thumb. “Now be a good boy and show me what you've collected for me.”

He let out a heavy sigh and pulled out his cell phone. He scrolled through it until he got to the pictures tab and started to show Diamond Tiara each of the destinations Toby and the others went to around school. As he scrolled through the pictures, Diamond’s mischievous grin grew wider and wider.

After he got done showing the last picture, Diamond patted Featherweight on the top of his head. “Good Feathy. That is what I like to see. Now you can go until I’m ready for you to do me another favor, okay?” He nodded with a beet red blush on his cheeks as he walked off.

The two girls snickered as Diamond smirked at Silver Spoon. “Come along Silver, I believe we have some planning to do.” Silver Spoon nodded in agreement as they walked off to their class.

Outside Room E207

Sunset Shimmer stood with Toby outside his classroom before the class bell rang. She gave him a warm smile. “I will come by and get you when lunch arrives. Okay, buddy?” She ruffled his hair.

He smiled up at her, nodding his head. “Okay Sunset Shimmer.” She patted his back as he turned and walked into his class.

Sunset smiled warmly at the little boy as she made sure he got in okay and sat at his desk before leaving to go to her class.

Inside Room E207

Toby walked in as he watched Mr. Discord writing math problems on the blackboard. He turned to greet the child. “Well HELLO, my good Sir.” He stopped writing on the blackboard and walked around to the front of his desk, motioning for Toby to come closer. He looked toward the class “Class, I would like to introduce you all to a new student who will be joining us.”

Half of the class held their heads up with their hands while the other half were asleep. “This is Toby Mason, and he will help liven up our class with his time here.” A sly smile crept across Mr. Discord’s face.

“Hello Toby.” The student greeted him altogether in a monotone, glumly manner.

Toby lifted a hand up to wave at them. “Hi everyone.” He greeted everyone with a much more happy and fun tone, but they all let out a tired groan.

Mr. Discord patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry my lad, they are just fuddy duddies anyway.” He let out a chuckle. “You may go take your seat Toby, and try to solve these few math problems I have written up on the board.”

Toby looked up and nodded. “Yes Sir.” He smiled softly and went to take a sit at a desk that was vacant in the front row. He retrieved a pencil from his pencil case and placed his backpack by his desk on the floor. He looked up to see Mr. Discord finished writing the last remaining math equations on the bored.

Oh, multiplication! I like multiplication. A small smile crept across his face as he folded his hands on his desk and listened to Mr. Discord.

As soon as Mr. Discord finished writing the last math problem down, he slammed the piece of chalk down and spun on his heel to face the class. “Voila!” He said proudly, earning a light giggle from Toby who was the only student that laughed. Mr. Discord bowed his head. “Thank you, my lad.” He looked up at the rest of the class. “Hmm… tough crowd, tough crowd.”

He cleared his throat. “Now who would like to come up here to solve these problems, hmm?” He looked around the class with an expectant smile, but none of the students were paying that much attention.

Toby looked around at his classmates either asleep or just conversing with one another. He swallowed deeply as he slowly raised his hand. Mr. Discord took notice, but squinted his eyes in a sly way toward the child, raising a finger to let him know to wait just one second. He gave a sly grin as he cleared his throat again.

“Alright, let’s try this. The first one to volunteer to come up here to the board will have no homework for the whole week.” He threw up his arms to the side, smiling brightly.

Suddenly the whole class raised their hands. “Oh! me, Mr. Discord! No me Mr. Discord I’ll be happy to answer!” The class started to get his attention to choose them.

He placed his hand under his chin, placing an index finger on his cheek in a thinking manner, and squinted his eyes as he scanned the classroom. “Hmm… this is going to be a hard choice.” He let out a heavy sigh as he eyed Toby. “Mr. Mason, come on up my lad and take a shot.”

“Awh!” The whole class grunted in unison.

Toby carefully got up from his desk and approached the blackboard. Mr. Discord placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly down at him. “Just do your best Toby and amaze us with your mathematical expertise.” He stepped back and sat on the edge of his desk.

Toby looked up, giving a nod. “Yes Sir.” He grabbed a piece of chalk and focused on the math problems.

1. 5x5= 25 2. 6x8= 48 3. 15x3= 45 4. 10x5+4-6=49.

Toby slowly placed the piece of chalk down and turned to Mr. Discord with a hopeful smile. Mr. Discord grinned slyly and clapped his hands together. “Bravo Toby! Very good job, you correctly solved every math problem.” He patted the boy on the shoulder and turned to the class. “Class! Give him a round of applause!”

The class exhaustedly clapped their hands.

Mr. Discord smiled down at Toby. “For your participation Toby, you have no homework for the whole week.” This earned him a loud whine of annoyance from the rest of the class. “Now hold on a minute, boys and girls, you didn’t let me finish.” He cleared his throat. “For young Mr. Mason’s ability to answer all of the math problems correctly, you’ve all earned a week without homework.” This earned a thunderous cheer from the students who showed a sudden burst of enthusiasm.

Toby laughed as he smiled up at Mr. Discord. “You may go take your seat now, my lad.” Toby nodded and walked back to his seat.

After the class calmed down, Mr. Discord continued with his lesson. Toby paid attention intently as did the other students in the class. Toby smiled proudly to himself that he was becoming more brave just by walking up the front of the class.

Soon enough the class bell rang for the students to go outside and enjoy recess. “Alright class, I’ll see you all when you return, and we shall finish with a pop quiz!” As usual they all whined with the exception of Toby. Mr. Discord pouted. “Oh poo, you didn’t let me finish yet again.” He face palmed himself as he took in a deep breath, and then exhaled deeply. “I was going to say after the pop quiz, I would treat you all next week with a trip to the Sugarcube Corner for ice cream!” He folded his arms with a sly grin.

“Yay!” the class shouted happily as they ran out of the classroom to go outside.

As Toby approached the door to exit Mr. Discord spoke up. “Mr. Mason?”

Toby turned around and looked up at him. “Yes Sir?”

Mr. Discord walked up to the child and crouched down to his eye level. “You did an exceptional job today young man, and you should be proud of yourself. Most third graders I’ve taught usually get nervous to walk up to the front of the class like that, but you did a wonderful job.” He patted Toby on the shoulder.

Toby smiled softly. “Thank you Sir. Math is my favorite subject and I like multiplication the best.” He let out a little giggle.

Mr. Discord smiled warmly. “Well, that’s what I like to hear from my students.” He chuckled softly. “Now you go on outside and have fun.” Toby nodded, waved goodbye to Mr. Discord, and walked out of the classroom to go outside.


As Toby walked outside, he immediately looked in awe at the vast playground he saw. It appeared to be just like the park back in Equestria, just with chain length fence surrounding the perimeter. There were three swing sets positioned on the left and right sides of the playground, and one in the center. There was a tether-ball area, a slide, a full basketball court, and plenty of oak trees to sit at.

He saw a vacant tree and decided to walk over to it to take a seat. He sat down carefully at the base of the tree, right underneath the shade, and looked out at the crowded playground. As he sat there he could feel tears start to sting his eyes, but he resisted in letting them shed. He quietly closed his eyes and drifted off into his thoughts.

I’m starting to like it here, but I still miss my home so much. I miss Momma, and how she would hold me to comfort me if I got scared or sad. I miss my aunties, my big sisters, Silver Spoon, and all my other friends. I hope they’re all okay.

“Hey dweeb, wake up!” He was suddenly cut off from his thoughts as he opened his eyes and looked up to see a girl looming over him, staring daggers at him with steel blue eyes.

For a third grader she had an athletic figure with the same hued skin as Toby and had light brown wavy hair. She wore black boots that just came above her ankles, black jeans with a studded belt, a white t-shirt top with a black griffon silhouette in the center, and a black leather jacket with a spiked collar.

“You’re that nerd who answered all of those math questions in Discord’s class aren’t you?” She leaned her head down to his, glaring into his eyes, causing him to shake under her stare.

He swallowed nervously, but nodded. “Y-y-yes I am. W-who are you?”

She grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him up, standing him up against the tree. He stood just under her chin as she stared at him. “My name is Matilda, and I run the third grade. You see dork, my sister Gilda, she runs the upper classes, and she taught me everything I know.” She chuckled as she patted at his cheek roughly. “So you think you are smart don’t you, you little nerd?” She breathed heavily against his face, causing him to tremble harder.

He turned his head from her. “P-p-please Matilda, don’t hurt me. I don’t want any trouble.” He begged with a whimper.

She let out a chuckle and mocked Toby’s pleading voice. “Oh, p-p-please don’t hurt me! Gosh….you truly are a baby. Beating you up is going to be too easy.” She balled up her free hand into a fist, feeling the little boy shaking in the grasp of her hand around his collar.

Toby clenched his eyes shut, feeling his tears finally row down his cheeks, afraid of the incoming blow.

“Hey Matilda, stop right now!” a voice yelled from a distance and Toby carefully opened his eyes. Matilda released her grip on him and he fell to the ground at the base of the tree, letting out a small cry of pain, clenching his eyes shut.

The girl who spoke out had a light yellow hue to her skin, lavender eyes, and light golden hair that reached down to her shoulder blades. She wore a powdered blue t-shirt with a pink heart in the center and white collar, tanned shorts that reached just to the top of her knees, and a pair of powdered blue shoes.

She pulled Matilda back and stood over Toby protectively. “Why don’t you go pick on someone your own size and leave the kid alone, Matilda?” She stood eye level with the bully, not backing down an inch.

“Why you… you…” Matilda let out a frustrated grunt and stomped off back to the playground.

“That’s what I thought.” The girl mouthed as she turned to look at the scared child before her. She crouched down, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, which caused him to flinch a little. “Hey, hey, it’s okay sweetie. She’s gone.”

Toby opened his eyes to see the girl who saved him giving him a warm smile. She offered him her hand, and he kindly accepted it as she helped him up onto his feet. He gave her a soft smile “T-thank you for saving me.” He gave her a gentle hug, wrapping his arms lightly around her neck.

Her heart melted at the gesture as she carefully wrapped her arms around his back. “Well, you are welcome little guy. That Matilda is just your run of the mill bully. I’ve had a few run-ins with her of my own.” She rubbed at his back soothingly before breaking the hug and looked down at him with a warm smile. He stood just below her chin as well. “My name is Noi. What’s your name?” She asked softly.

Toby could vaguely remember that name, and the way the girl looked. Every season she would go door to door, trying to sell cookies to raise money for the Filly Scouts. Fluttershy would always buy at least a dozen boxes of Tagalongs, as they were both her's and Toby's favorite.

“My name’s Toby. It is nice to meet you Noi.” He gave her a soft smile in return.

“Well it’s nice to meet you as well, Toby. Would you like to be friends with me?” She gave a bright, hopeful smile.

Toby nodded and looked up at her with a soft smile. “I would like that, Noi.” They both let out a little giggle as Noi took Toby’s hand into hers and led the way over to a vacant swing set. They each sat on a swing giving each other a warm smile and decided to swing until it came time for lunch.


Toby and Noi walked into the cafeteria together as Noi looked around for a table they could sit at. “Hey Toby, if it’s okay, I’m going to go find us a table to sit at. That is if you would like to sit with me?”

Toby looked up and nodded. “Okay Noi. Can I go tell my other friends first so they don’t worry about me?” She nodded as she walked off to find them a table and Toby went to go find Sunset Shimmer and the others.

“Hey there! Toby, over here buddy!” Toby heard Sunset as he looked to see her waving her hand and motioning him over. He carefully passed some students who were blocking the aisle as he approached Sunset and the others.

He stood at the edge of their table as he gave them all a warm smile “Hi everyone.”

“Hello Toby.” They greeted him in unison.

“C’mon little buddy. I saved you a seat.” Sunset Shimmer gave him a warm smile, but noticed that he lowered his head a bit. She reached up to rub at his shoulder “What’s wrong Toby?” A look of concern rose on each of their faces.

He let out a heavy sigh. “Sunset…girls, please don’t be mad, but would it be okay if I maybe sat with a friend of mine that I met during recess?” He gave them a little hopeful smile.

“Is that all darling?” Rarity asked with a warm smile. “Of course you can dear, there’s no reason for us to be mad at you for that.”

“Yeah sugarcube, if ya would like to go sit with your friend, that is alright with us.” Applejack nodded, tipping her hat to him.

“Aw… my little bestest friend has a girlfriend!” Pinkie Pie beamed with excitement, earning a giggle from everyone.

Toby giggled happily, but shook his head softly. “She isn’t my girlfriend Pinkie, she is just a friend who saved me from a bully at recess.”

They all gasped as Fluttershy spoke up. “Oh my sweetie, who was it?” She gave him a sad smile.

“Her name is Matilda, and she called me a dweeb, nerd, and dork for answering all of the math problems in Mr. Discord’s class.” He frowned as he sniffled. “She also pushed me up against a tree I was sitting at during recess, and was about to punch me, but Noi came and stopped her.” He pointed his finger at Noi who was sitting across the cafeteria and she waved at him and the girls, earning a wave herself.

“Oh, I KNOW who Matilda is. She's the sister of that no good, pushy, and obnoxious junior, Gilda.” Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. “She always had a big ego, even bigger than mine, and always looked down at others for not being as athletically gifted as her like she always wants to point out.”

“You are right Rainbow darling. That Gilda is indeed a ruffian, and a poor excuse for a role model for the younger ladies of this school.” Rarity huffed and flicked her hair back.

Sunset shook her head disapprovingly, but looked at Toby with a sincere smile. “Well, next time Matilda or her sister try to mess with you again Toby, you come to one of us, and we’ll take care of them, okay?”

They nodded in agreement.

"Yeah...." Rainbow Dash said, balling one fist up, and hitting it against her other open hand. "I owe Gilda a nice beating from WAY back...." she snickered.

He smiled at them all. “Thank you girls, I’ll see you later though.” He gave them a wave, but before he walked off, Sunset gently grabbed his hand.

“Wait buddy.” She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a dollar bill. “Here you go Toby. Why don’t you get you and your friend one of those big cookies and a carton of milk for each of you?” She handed him the bill and gave him a warm smile.

He returned the smile. “Thank you Sunset, I’ll talk to you later. Bye everyone.” He waved at them.

“Bye Toby.” They said altogether, returning the wave.

After purchasing a big cookie and two cartons of milk, Toby walked over to the table Noi was sitting at. “Hi Noi. I got us a cookie to share. I hope that is okay.” He took a seat across from her.

“Of course, Toby. That’s fine with me. Thank you, sweetheart....ya know, I still don't think this cookie is as good as the Girl Scout ones I sell, but they're still really good, and, well....REALLY big, as you can see. So, it should fill us up.” She gave him a warm smile as he broke the cookie in half and gave Noi her milk.

“You’re welcome, Noi. You sell Girl Scout cookies?” Noi nodded, taking a big bite out of the Godzilla-sized cookie. "I love those! Guess I'll have to buy some sometime." He returned the smile as the two started to enjoy their lunch together.

After school

Sunset Shimmer picked Toby up from his class and they both exited the school. As they walked along the sidewalk, Sunset smiled warmly down at him as he looked up at her with a curious expression. “Where are we going to stay at for tonight, Sunset?”

She let out a light chuckle. “Don’t worry buddy, you’ll see.” She gave him a warm smile as they continued to walk.

After a few minutes, they arrived at an apartment building and entered. Sunset led Toby onto an elevator and pressed the number five button. She looked down at the child. “Rainbow Dash lives here Toby, and I’m sure she won’t mind having us as company. You see, she isn’t very involved with her parents, so she lives on her own.” Toby frowned at the news as the elevator arrived at it’s destination.

The two stepped off and Sunset led Toby to room 12E, knocking on the door. Toby looked up with a light smile at Sunset, and she returned it, ruffling his hair.

The door opened to reveal the cyan toned girl who wore a smile on her face. She looked at Sunset, and then down at Toby. “Hey there guys. What brings you two here?” She asked as she stepped aside to let them in. “Come on in.” She smiled at the two and rubbed at Toby’s head playfully as he entered.

Toby looked up at her with a soft smile, and then started looking around her apartment. All four walls were painted a cyan blue and there were designs of her cutie mark and different types of sports balls that decorated the interior of her home. A large deep blue sofa sat in the middle of the den as Sunset and Toby took a seat on it while Rainbow took a seat on a rainbow colored beanbag, lying back in it.

Sunset held Toby’s hand in her lap as she took in a deep breath, exhaling deeply. She looked at Rainbow with a hopeful smile. “Well Rainbow, we were wondering if maybe we could stay with you for tonight, maybe for a while.”

Rainbow placed a finger up to her chin in a thinking manner, but smiled brightly. “That… sounds…. so….AWESOME!” She spoke excitedly. “Having a couple roommates should be fun. I can understand your situation Sunset, you being a...you know, and coming from....you also know. But Toby, why do you need a place to stay?” She asked as softly as she could.

Toby looked up at Sunset and she gave him a reassuring nod as she reached her hand up to rub at his back while holding his hand in her other hand in her lap. He took in a deep breath, and then exhaled deeply as he looked at Rainbow looking at him attentively. “Well Rainbow Dash, it all started when I made a wish two years ago to live in a new home and live with a new family who would love me.” He started his tale.

After explaining his story to Rainbow Dash, Toby couldn’t help himself by allowing fresh tears to roll down his cheek, as Sunset placed her hand comfortably on his shoulder, bringing him close to her, and laying her cheek against the top of his head.

Rainbow had a mixed look of shock yet sympathy for the little boy as she carefully got up from her beanbag and walked over to the two. She crouched down to the floor, sitting on her knees, as she reached her hand up to rub at the child’s shoulder. “Aw…jeez little guy, you’ve had it rough, haven’t you?” He looked at her with teary eyes, giving her a simple nod, unable to speak through his light sobs.

Rainbow Dash held his free hand in hers. “Listen Toby, I promise. Me, Sunset Shimmer, and the rest of our friends are going to help you get back home, okay buddy?”

He sniffled as he looked at her with a tearful smile. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I guess I’ll have to tell the others though, won't I?” He let out a small yawn.

Rainbow and Sunset shared a light chuckle. “Yes you will Toby, but not right now. It looks like someone is sleepy.” Rainbow reached up with her hand and playfully rubbed at the top of his head, ruffling his hair. She carefully stood up and looked at Sunset. “If you two would like, this sofa folds out into a bed and I have plenty of blankets and pillows for you to have.”

Sunset nodded as Rainbow walked off to get the pillows and blanket. Sunset turned to see Toby asleep, and curled up on the cushion of the sofa, laying his head gently in her lap. She smiled warmly as she lightly stroked at his hair and lent down to give him a tender kiss on the cheek.

She softly whispered into his ear “Sweet dreams Toby.” She smiled warmly as she carefully lifted him up into her arms, cradling him while she waited for Rainbow to return.

I promise my little buddy....my little brother....that you will see your family again.

Back at the Crystal Empire.....

Twilight was in the throne room of the Crystal Palace along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor, as the group were discussing the strange events that had been happening ever since Toby had went through the portal. They were trying to figure out what to do to try and slow the process down until they were interrupted.

“Princess Celestia!” A group of five voices were heard as Pinkie Pie came bouncing in, followed in tow by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich, and Silver Spoon.

“Greeting my little po…” Princess Celestia cut herself off when she saw Rainbow Dash’s mane and Pinkie’s deflated cutie mark. “Oh my, it seems like it’s getting worse each minute.”

“What Princess Celestia? What happened to my mane? I look like some pony placed licorice on my head.” Rainbow grunted.

“And look at my tiara.” Diamond spoke up as she reached up to grab at her tiara to pull off Silver Spoon’s head only to earn a yelp of pain from Silver Spoon. “It’s stuck to her head, and every time I try to pull it off, it only pulls her mane, causing her more pain.” A frown crept across Diamond Tiara’s face.

Pinkie Pie had a frown on her face as well and her mane and tail were both straight. “And now my cutie mark makes it seem like my love for parties has run out of air.” She lifted the deflated balloons with a forehoof.

Celestia looked at Luna with deep concern as Luna took in a deep breath, and then exhaled deeply. She took a step forward as she looked at the five with a sad smile. “My dear friends, it appears that when our young nephew went through the portal, it disrupted the balance of magic, in turn causing such drastic and odd occurrences to happen.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Princess Luna, quirking an eyebrow. “So, you're saying that this happening to my mane, Pinkie’s cutie mark suddenly coming to life and deflating, and Diamond Tiara’s tiara being stuck to Silver Spoon’s head is all the kid’s fault?!”

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t you dare blame this on my precious baby boy!” Fluttershy scolded the cyan mare. “Toby didn’t know anything would happen and we didn’t either.” A frown formed on her lips.

Rainbow made an awkward smile and rubbed the back of her head. “Jeez…I’m sorry Flutters. It’s just that I don’t like my mane being like this. It’s really uncool.” She let out a heavy sigh.

“Just calm yourselves, my little ponies.” Celestia spoke up. “Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and myself are doing our best to figure out a way to either slow the process of these changes down, or a solution for this problem. Right now, let us just try and relax, and just let time take it’s course. I’m sure our young nephew will return soon, and everything will be back to normal.” Every pony nodded in understanding.

However, Fluttershy lowered her head, closing her eyes softly, and let out a heavy sigh.

I miss you, my precious little one. Just be brave, Toby. And come back home safe.

Author's Note:

fred2266: "Yea, mon. Meet Jamaican Rainbow Dash, mon. She gonna drink'a dah Red Stripe and party with Kofi Kingston! Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, come-on, ya'll, it's BOBSLED TIME!"

Mine: Now since Rainbow Dash knows Toby's story, past, and how he ending up in her world, the question is how will the others take it? :twilightoops: