• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,134 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

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Chapter 13: Toby's Shocking Discovery/A New Devious Plan

Making her way through the streets of Canterlot City, Spitfire looked over at Toby as he looked out at the window and sighed heavily. She could sense that he didn’t’ want to be taken to the orphanage, but she felt she was doing the right thing. Soon they would arrive at their destination as she would pull onto a long driveway paved with gravel and on each side were several oak trees shading the pathway.

As they approached the establishment, Toby looked out of his window, and although he was upset at being brought to this place, he couldn’t help but look in wonder at the orphanage. The main building was made of brick and had a triangular roof. On one side was a playground with a swing set, monkey bars, slide, and a jungle gym. On the opposite side was a fenced in tennis court which included a track surrounding it and two basketball hoops on each side of the court.

Spitfire drove into a reserved parking space for her and looked over at Toby to see him looking in awe at the place. She gave a soft smile as she put the car in park and reached out to touch at his shoulder gently “Well big guy, we’re here.” She patted at his back as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of her side of the car.

Toby sighed heavily I hope big sister Sunset and the others will be able to get me out of here. I want to get back home to Momma and my aunties. He unbuckled his own seatbelt and stepped out of the car and looked to see that there were young kids playing with each other on the playground. He turned to look at the court and saw some teenagers playing a game of tennis and others running laps around the track.

He walked toward Spitfire as she held out her hand “Don’t worry Mr. Mason, you’ll enjoy it here. We just got to get you signed in and assign you a room, and then you’ll be all set.” She gave him a warm smile as he placed his hand in hers and they entered the building.

As they walked along the polished, tiled floor of the main lobby there were some adults who walking by who would smiled warmly down at Toby. He would return the smile as some of them looked familiar to him as his friends in this world; the adults appeared to be like those of Equestria. Soon they were stopped by a man who reached out to shake Spitfire’s hand to greet her.

The man’s flesh had a sky blue hue to it as he had spiked hair that was a darker shade of blue, and his eyes were an olive green. He wore a warm smile on his face as he spoke “Good evening Counselor Spitfire, what are you up to at this time of day?” He looked down to see Toby standing beside her and smiled warmly “Oh, and who might you be big guy?” He crouched down and ruffled the boy’s hair gently.

Spitfire smiled at the interaction “Counselor Soarin this is Toby Mason, he is that child that I told you I got a call about.” Soarin stood back up and nodded in understanding as Spitfire looked down at Toby “Toby, this is Counselor Soarin’, he is the co-operator of the orphanage. If you have any problems or questions while you’re here, you can come to either one of us, okay?” She stroked his hair to straighten it out.

He looked up and nodded “Yes Ma’am,” he responded in his usual respectful and polite tone. He then looked up at Soarin’ “It’s nice to meet you Mister Soarin.” He reached out his small hand offering it to the man.

Soarin gave a warm smile and took Toby’s hand into his and shook it gently. He gave the boy a nod “Well, it is great to meet you too Toby. As Spitfire said, if you have any problems or just would like to talk, you can come to one of us.” He gave Toby a wink, and then looked at Spitfire “Well, I’ll see you two around later, I’m going to go and bring the other kids in before it gets too dark outside.” He waved at the two then walked off.

Spitfire held Toby’s hand in hers again and walked toward her office. As they entered, Toby noticed a few pictures hung on the wall of Spitfire with the kids of the orphanage, which put a smile on his face she must really care about the kids here, because they all look so happy.

“Take a seat right here in front of my desk Toby. I just got to sign a form to indicate that you’ll be staying with us for a little while until your guardian shows up, okay?” She gave him a warm smile as he nodded to her. She pulled out a clipboard with a single form attached to it and started to write on it “After I finish with this, I will get you a warm blanket and pillow, and then I’ll show you to the room you’ll staying.”

It took only a few minutes for Spitfire to fill out the register form. She got up from her desk, walked over to a steel filing cabinet and placed the form into a folder that red “Non-permanent” on the tab. Finally, she walked over to a wooden dresser and pulled out a soft, warm, sky blue wool blanket and a fluffy white pillow.

She tucked both under her arm and reached out to take Toby’s hand “Are you ready buddy to go see the room you’ll be staying in?” She asked with a warm smile.

Reluctantly, Toby took her hand “Yes Miss Spitfire.” He climbed out of the office chair and followed her as she exited the office.

While they were walking along the hallway, Toby noticed that each of the doors on either side had a letter of the alphabet on it. He looked at them curiously hmm… that is interesting. I wonder why all the rooms are labeled by the alphabet? His thoughts were interrupted as him and Spitfire would soon stop in front of a door with the letter H above it.

“Alright Mr. Mason this is your room, but I wanted to tell you also that you will be sharing it with another kid. Don’t worry though she is real nice and you might be surprised to know that she goes to the same school as you do. She is real kind too and I’m sure she won’t mind helping show you around if you would like.” Spitfire gave him a reassuring smile as she opened the door.

The two walked in as Toby looked around the room. It was a homely looking room with the walls painted with a warm white color, a polished oak wooden floor same as the hallway, and there were two beds on each side with a dresser in between. He could see there was a girl with her back turned to them dressed in a pair of pink wool socks and a soft, warm, and light evening gown.

Spitfire spoke up softly so not to spook her “Good evening dear, I have a guest here that is going to be your roommate for the time being. Would you like to meet him?” She smiled warmly at the girl then back down at Toby.

The girl started to turn around slowly “Sure Miss Spitfire, it’s always to meet the new kids that come.” The voice that escaped the lips of the girl sounded familiar to Toby, and caused him to look curiously. “Hello and welcome to… “She turned to face the boy and gasped “Toby?!”

Toby gasped as well as he looked at the girl surprisingly “Noi?!”

At the Canterlot Communal Park, Sunset Shimmer and the girls were enjoying a laugh with each other when Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle came running into the park. They were panting heavily as looks of panic washed over their faces. Each of them yelled out “Applejack… Rarity… Rainbow Dash!”

The gang turned to see the three running up to them, heaving in and out. Rainbow Dash chuckled and walked over, patting Scootaloo on the back “Hey there squirt, where’s the fire?” She ruffled the girl’s head.

Applejack looked at her sister curiously, quirking an eyebrow “Yea sugarcubes, you’re all running around like a bunch of wild cattle.” This earned a laugh from everyone else, but Sunset noticed that Toby wasn’t with them.

She looked concerned and asked in a worried tone “Girls, where is Toby?” She looked around frantically, thinking that he might be hiding, but couldn’t see him. The others looked around worriedly, not seeing the little boy.

After catching her breath, Applebloom spoke up “Well, when we were enjoying our ice cream together, this woman came in wanting to talk to Toby at first.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and spoke up next “She said her name was Counselor Spitfire and that she operated the city orphanage.” She folded her arms “She took Toby with her, because he was with young people like us and not a legal guardian.”

Scootaloo kicked at the ground in frustration “Yeah, that witch just took him without us trying to convince her not to. We told her that his guardian was at the park and we would show her, but she didn’t want to listen.” She grunted and huffed.

Rainbow placed a hand on the orange fleshed girl’s shoulder “Easy there sport, Spitfire isn’t all that bad.” She gave a soft smirk toward Scootaloo.

“What do you mean Rainbow?” Rarity asked curiously “Do you know this brute of a woman who would just snatch up our sweet little darling?”

“Yeah Dashy, this Spitfire sound like a real meanie mean pants if she would take our sweet little cupcake without letting the girls show her that he does have a guardian.” Pinkie spoke with a frown.

Rainbow held up her hand at the two “Don’t worry, I do know Spitfire, and she is a real cool and awesome person. She does operate the city orphanage, but she cares for the kids there a whole lot.” She crossed her arms “I go there at times to play basketball or run track with the kids. They are very happy there.”

“That sounds good and all Rainbow Dash, but Toby doesn’t belong there, he isn’t an orphan.” Sunset Shimmer spoke with a concerned tone. She placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot “We got to figure out how to get him out of there.”

“Um… well… I have an idea if you would like to hear it.” Fluttershy spoke up softly as she looked at the others. They nodded toward her for her to continue “Well… um… how about I or Sunset tell Miss Spitfire that we are his legal guardian?”

The others looked at each with soft smiled but Applejack spoke up “That is a great idea sugarcube, but ya know that ya will have to have some sort of proof that he is yours, don’t ya?”

Suddenly everyone became crestfallen as Sunset nodded “You have a point there Applejack.” She reached up and rubbed at her forehead “Well, I have one other idea and Fluttershy it involves you.”

Fluttershy squeaked “Umm… me? O-of course… I’ll do whatever I can to help get Toby out of the orphanage. What do you have in mind Sunset?”

Sunset gave a smirk “Follow me girls, I think this would work with all us, but we got to discuss it first.” The others nodded in agreement and everyone started to walk away from the park, unaware that they were being watched.

Behind a big oak tree a few feet away where the gang stood, hid Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon turned to Diamond with a panicked look on her face “Uh, Diamond this doesn’t look good. What if they ruin your plan to keep that little runt out of our hair for good?”

Diamond simply smirked and laughed. Silver looked at her curiously “Diamond, what’s so funny? Aren’t you worried that they will get Toby out and then he will get in our way again?”

Diamond placed a hand on Silver’s shoulder “Relax Silver, those dummies aren’t going to be the ones to adopt that little turd, but I am.” She snickered as her smirk grew into a wicked grin.

Silver’s jaw dropped “What do you mean Diamond? Do you mean…” She was silenced as Diamond placed a finger against her lips.

“Just watch my dear wicked little friend, just watch.” She snickered and pulled out her diamond encrusted i-phone. She pressed at the dial pad and ringing could be heard on the other side “Hello, Daddy this is your precious little sugar plum.” She giggled “Well Daddy, how would you feel about me maybe wanting a little brother?”

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: Diamond wanting to get her daddy to adopt toby as her little brother? Will the girls get there in time to get him before that happens?