• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,134 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

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Chapter 11: Diamond Tiara's Revenge

The Crystal Empire

To get away from the castle for a while, Fluttershy decided to take a stroll through the streets of the empire. Crystal ponies would greet her with a simple nod of their head or a wave of their hoof and Fluttershy would return. However, although doing her best to show kindness to other ponies, thoughts of Toby ran through her head.

I hope Toby is safe and sound wherever he is. I know the others want me to stop worrying and allow him to grow up, but he is my precious little one and he’s been through so much that one as young as he shouldn’t go through. Yet, he did ask me if he could go alone and for that I’m very proud of him. I just hope he comes back home safely.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips and not paying much attention to where she was going, she accidentally bumped into some pony. She shook her head “O---Oh, I’m so sorry…. Big Mac?” she looked up to see the red stallion with a nervous smile on his muzzle.

“Eeyup.” He replied as he scratched the back of his neck.

“Um… what are you doing here… if you don’t mind me asking?” Fluttershy asked but shook her head quickly “Um… I mean it’s good to see you Big Mac… but what brought you all the way to the Crystal Empire? Aren’t you supposed to be watching over Sweet Apple Acres?” She gave him a look of curiosity.

“Eeyup, but ah had to come and be here for Toby… and you.” His red cheeks became even redder as he blushed.

A surprised expression washed over Fluttershy’s face “Um… well, thank you Big Mac.” She turned her head to the side and blushed, but then looked at him curiously “Um… I understand why you came for Toby… but… um… how come did you come here for me?” She asked softly.

This caused Big Mac to bite his lower lip nervously, but he took in a deep breath and exhaled “Well Miss Fluttershy ya are my son’s mother and ah can’t imagine what all this is doing to ya. So ah decided to come and be here by your side along with our family and friends when he returns.” He smiled proudly.

Fluttershy gave him a warm smile “Thank you Big Mac, I truly appreciate that.” She placed a hoof under her chin and looked at him curiously “Um… Big Mac… would you like to trot with me for a little while… um… if that is okay with you?”

Big Mac nodded and replied with a simple “Eeyup.”

The two smiled at each other and Big Mac joined Fluttershy as they continued to trot through the empire.

Neighagra Falls…

After treading through much of the forest area of Equestria, Ahuizotl came upon the refreshing waters and plunged his head in the cool spring to get a drink. He lifted his head back up with a look of anger on his face and he started to growl. The thought of being away from his temple, his guards, his hoard of treasure, and his precious pet cat was driving him crazy.

Arrgh… wait until I get my big paws on that poor excuse for a treasure hunter Daring Do! I’m going to enjoy watching her suffer when I have her in one of my traps. However, how can I capture her without any loyal guards of mine and where is my dear Bootsy at?

He stood up from the stream and started to make his way onward until he heard a voice.

“Alright young ones, the first thing you got to learn about treasure hunting is to always have a keen eye. You never know what will be hiding in the smallest of places or tallest of trees.”

A sly smile crept across his muzzle as he could decipher the voice belonging to Daring Do. He rubbed his paws together meticulously and quickly hid behind some bushes. This is too perfect, once Daring Do is in position, I will nab her and show her my wrath. He let out a light snicker.

This is so cool. We get to hang out with the greatest adventurer ever, Daring Do! Scootaloo thought as she hovered above the group. A beaming smile spread across her face “Keen eye, got it Miss Do!”

“Ah wonder if there is any secret treasure at Sweet Apple Acres.” Applebloom placed a hoof under her chin “Ah am gunna have to use this keen eye that ya speak of Miss Do. There’s no telling what Sweet Apple Acres could be hiding.” She let out a light-hearted chuckle.

“This is so exciting!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she leaped a bit off the ground as her horn sparked “Just think of it girls, we could possibly get our cutie marks in treasure hunting!” She beamed from ear to ear.

“Yah we could call ourselves…” Applebloom spoke up then looked at her fellow crusaders as they said in unison “The Cutie Mark Treasure Hunters!” They all let out a laugh.

Their trademark yell caused Daring Do to wince and snap her head around “Shh… the next thing you got to learn is to be silent. You never know what danger may be lurking or what creatures might inhabit the place you are exploring. So my fillies, please try to calm down.” The crusaders smiled nervously and nodded.

Spike was following behind as he had his own thoughts running through his mind. He looked down at the ground and kicked a rock I wonder what Twilight has to talk to me about. I hope she isn’t too mad at me for taking the fillies with me to the Crystal Empire. I meant no harm in it, and especially my little nephew was kidnapped by that no good excuse for a queen. He sighed heavily.

Trailing even further back were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara trotted daintily along the ground, scrunching her face now and then “Ugh… I should’ve worn my rain boots if I knew it was going to be this dirty out here. Silver, when we get back to the castle, remind me to take a nice long bath… huh, Silver Spoon?” She looked over at her friend and noticed that Silver Spoon had her head facing the ground.

Oh Toby, my dear little sweetie pie, I sure do miss you. I hope you’re safe and that you are treated right by the human versions of your family and friends. Silver Spoon sighed heavily as her thoughts were cut off by a hoof on her shoulder. She turned to look at the deeply worried face of Diamond Tiara.

“Silver Spoon, what’s wrong? You look like some pony trotted over your favorite dress.” Diamond Tiara gave her friend frown. She looked deep into her eyes “You miss Toby, don’t you?” Silver sadly nodded, but Diamond gave her a reassuring smile “Don’t worry Silver Spoon, I’m sure Toby is safe where he is and I know he’ll be back soon. You just got to stay strong for him while he is gone.”

Silver gave a little smile “I sure do hope so Diamond. He is such a sweetheart that is just breaks my heart to see him go through another hardship in his life. Yet, I do support that fact that he wants to be brave and do this all on his own, but I just want him back home safely. When he does return, I’m going to wrap him up in my forelegs and hug him close.” Her smile grew a little wider as she blushed.

“That’s what I like to hear Silver.” Diamond smiled proudly at her friend “Now let’s go catch up to the others.

Behind the bushes Ahuizotl was anxiously awaiting for Daring Do to get closer. He licked his lips in anticipation that’s it Daring Do, just a little bit closer and… WHAT?! A princess is with Daring Do? He looked to see the fillies and baby dragon but Silver Spoon stuck out to him as she still had Diamond Tiara’s tiara stuck to her head. A sly grin grew across his muzzle I do need a queen by my side to help rule my temple of subjects. He snickered as he remained quiet.

Daring Do lowered her head looking back and forth until she spotted something glittering under a set of bushes away from Ahuizotl. Daring Do smirked proudly “Aha… here we go my young explorers, come take a gander at this.” She waved for the fillies and baby dragon over with a hoof. She peered closer at the glittering object but sighed “Never mind young ones, it’s just a…. “She was cut off as a scream was heard.

The group turned to see Silver Spoon in the grasp of Ahuizotl. The jackal cackled as he held the wriggling gray filly under his arm “Well, well, well we meet once again Daring Do and it looks like you have some friends with you.” He smirked as he looked at Silver Spoon “And this one so happens to be a princess and I could need a royal pony to help rule my temple. How does that sound little girl?” He mockingly pointed a finger at Silver Spoon.

“Let me go you big blue mutt! I would never rule with such a foul beast like and I’m not even a princess you big goof. This tiara belongs to my friend and it’s stuck to my head!” She squealed as she shook her legs frantically.

Daring Do stood in a fighting stance and narrowed her eyes at the jackal “Let her go Ahuizotl! Your problems are with me not her or any of these young ones.” She snarled as her lips pursed with anger.

Ahuizotl simply laughed at Daring’s anger and looked at the wriggling filly under his arm “Princess or not, you’re coming with me and be my queen!” He turned to walk away when Daring zoomed forward and kicked in him the back with her forelegs, causing him to stumble a few feet, but still clutching Silver Spoon in his grip.

“I said let her go Ahuizotl!” Daring Do shouted.

Ahuizotl turned around and used his free paw to back hand Daring Do. She fell with a thud and the fillies and baby dragon rushed to her side “Miss Do, are you alright?” They asked in unison.

The jackal stood there laughing “It looks like this time Daring Do that I have the upper hand. Now if you excuse me, I got to take my queen to my temple so we shall rule together.” He cackled as he held the wriggling Silver Spoon tightly in his arm.

“No… Let me go you big ugly beast! Some pony help!” She yelled.

“Hold still you little brat! We’ll be at your new home shortly.” He smirked as he looked at the fallen Daring Do and the others “For now Daring Do, this is where our paths must come to an end. Tata for no…. Ah!” Out of nowhere, Ahuizotl was struck hard, causing him to drop Silver Spoon.

“Not so fast bub!” Ahuizotl with the others turned attention to the owner of the voice.

Before them a few feet away stood a unicorn stallion. He had a deep red coat with a fiery mane and tail. For his attire he wore a vest the same fiery red, some cool red sunglasses, and upon his head he wore a Stetson hat the same as Applejack. His cutie mark was that of a fireball.

He stood ready to fight Ahuizotl “You heard me mutt, you won’t be going anywhere with that filly.” A sly smile crept across his muzzle as he watched Silver Spoon gallop over to her friends.

Ahuizotl growled and fell on all fours “You’re going to pay for that you little nuisance!” He scratched at the ground and charged.

The mysterious stallion stood ready and charged his horn. He licked at his lips “I warned you, but I guess I’m just going to have to show you that I’m serious.” He released his magic which was in the form of a fireball and it struck the ground right in front of Ahuizotl. The jackal yelped and scattered backwards causing the group to laugh.

“Ah… so you want to play like…. Hm, what’s that smell?” Ahuizotl sniffed the air “It smells like…. AAH!” He looked down to see the tip of his tail on fire. He yelped louder and wagged his tail frantically to get the fire to go out.

Daring Do looked back at the fillies and baby dragon as she regained her composure. She whispered “Alright young ones just stay back.” They nodded as she turned and faced the distracted jackal. She hovered in the air, leaned backwards, and shot forward with her forelegs pointed out in front of her. With full speed and force she struck Ahuizotl in the back.

“AAH!” He screamed as he flew forward landing in a dark cramped space. He wriggled helpless in his trap “Let me out of here you darn ponies!”

“Be quiet you mean meanie pants. No one treats my friends like that and gets away with it.” Pinkie Pie spoke as the others gasped at seeing the pink party pony.

“Pinkie?!” they all asked in unison.

“How in tarnation did ya get here?” Applebloom asked with a look of confusion on her face.

“My pinkie sense was acting weird and it led me here to the forest. I’m glad I came as soon as I could or this big mean doggy would have turned you all into dog chow.” She let out a giggle “But now it’s time to send this bad dog to the pound where he belongs Pinkie Style!” She smirked as she aimed her party cannon up into the air “Alright every pony on the count of 1… 2… 3… Fire!” she lit the fuse and after a few seconds Ahuizotl was blasted out of the cannon with great force.

“AAH! I’ll get you next time Daring Do!” He screamed as he went flying into the horizon.

“Woohoo! Now that is what I call a grand departure.” Daring Do said with a smirk. She turned around “Thank you Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie nodded “No problem Daring Do and every pony.” She unexplainably got rid of her cannon and turned her back to the group “For now, so long!” She waved a hoof and hopped off.

The kids just shook their heads at Pinkie’s randomness as Daring Do rubbed the back of her neck. She looked at the young ones “Uh… how does she do that?”

“She’s just Pinkie,” Spike spoke up with a laugh “You’ll get used to it soon. It takes time.” The others nodded in agreement and Daring Do let out a laugh.

The strange new pony slowly trotted toward Siler Spoon who was still shaking a bit after nearly being kidnapped. He gave her a concerned look “Are you alright Miss?” He asked politely.

Siler Spoon gave him a warm smile as she calmed her shaking “Yes, I’m fine now thanks to you.” She looked at him curiously “Who are you anyway?”

The stallion bowed his head “My name is Firebolt and it is a pleasure to meet you Miss…” He looked at her questioningly.

“Silver Spoon, my name is Silver Spoon and it is nice to meet you Firebolt.” She gave him a warm smile and stretched out her foreleg “And these are all my friends.”

Diamond gave a nod of her head “My name is Diamond Tiara and thank you Firbolt for saving my friend that big brute.” She looked at Silver Spoon with a tearful expression “I don’t know what I would do without her.” Silver Spoon gave her a tearful smile herself and both fillies hugged.

Scootaloo stuck her tongue out “Bleh… cut it with the mushy stuff will you?” She shook her head as she turned to look at Firbolt “Anyways, my name is Scootaloo and I’m the fastest flying filly in all of Equestria, next to the awesome Rainbow Dash!” She smirked proudly “That was so totally cool when you shot that fireball at that mutt!” “She beamed and flapped her wings.

Applebloom shook her head “My name is Applebloom and ah am sure glad ya showed up when ya did. That rotten scoundrel sure was nasty.” She gave him a big smile.

Sweetie Bell bowed her head “It’s great to meet you Firebolt, my name is Sweetie Belle. As my sister Rarity would say, you have a good eye for fashion.” She blushed and let out a giggle.

Spike proudly pointed a claw thumb at himself “My name is Spike, the coolest baby dragon you’d ever meet. Also, I’m the number one assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and that was very impressive what you did with your magic.”

Daring Do smiled at the kids and nodded her head to Firebolt “And my name is Daring Do, great explorer and as the young ones have said, thank you Firebolt for saving Silver Spoon and also my tail. That Ahuizotl can be a serious pain.” She let out a heavy sigh.

Firebolt nodded to every pony and dragon “No need to thank me, just helping those in trouble is what I do.” He smiled proudly.

“Ah have only one question.” Applebloom looked at him curiously “Ah am glad ya showed up to save us, but why was ya all the way out here in Neighagara Falls?”

Firebolt nodded “Well, I happen to just be a regular traveler enjoying the great land of Equestria. I was just trotting through this peaceful area when I heard the commotion so I came to see what was happening. I couldn’t just leave and let that creep kidnap your friend.” He gave Silver Spoon a warm smile “Also, I wanted to come to the Crystal Empire, because I received a letter written by Princess Celestia letting all of Equestria know about the disappearance of the human child Toby Mason. I’d like to meet him, because I never seen a human before.”

“Well, we are on our way back to the Crystal Palace if you would like to come with us.” Daring Do gave him a warm smile.

“WHAT?!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted.

“But Miss Do, we want to continue exploring!” Scootaloo frowned as she hovered in the air.

“Yah, we were having a darn tootin’ good time until that mutt came, but now we can continue since Firebolt chased him away.” Applebloom gave the Pegasus a pleading smile.

Daring Do simply shook her head “I’m sorry my young explorers, but we’ve done enough treasure hunting and enough action for today. Besides how am I going to explain this incident to your family?” The CMC just lowered their heads “Now, now don’t be sad. Maybe we’ll be able to do something fun before I have to return to my own adventure.” The three fillies suddenly beamed with the idea.

Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, and Spike just sighed and shook their heads at the CMC’s anxiousness to continue exploring. Daring Do gave a little laugh and looked at Firebolt “Ready to go comrade?”

Firebolt nodded “Lead the way!” He gave a smile and allowed the group to trot in front of him. He followed behind as they headed back to the empire.

Downtown Canterlot…

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Toby arrived at The Cakes’ Ice Cream Parlor as Toby enjoyed riding on Applebloom’s back. She bent down for him to climb off and turned around “Alright little buddy, what kind of ice cream would ya like to have?” She ruffled his hair and gave him a warm smile.

He returned the smile “I would like a strawberry cone Applebloom, thank you.” He giggled at the head ruffle.

Applebloom nodded “Strawberry it is then. How about ya go sit with Sweetie Belle while me and Scootaloo go get it?”

He nodded “Okay Applebloom.’ He looked up to Sweetie Belle offering her hand as he put his in hers and she led him to a table to sit down.

Sweetie Belle sat down first and patted her lap “Come here you little cutie, you can sit on my lap.” She gave him a warm smile.

He blushed and walked over to her and carefully sat on her lap. He smiled warmly at her “Thank you Sweetie Belle. Are you sure you don’t mind me sitting on your lap though?”

She shook her head and wrapped her arm him to rub along his arm gently “Of course not Toby. You are like our little brother and we care about you.” She giggled and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Scootaloo and Applebloom returned as Applebloom handed Toby his “Here ya go buddy, one strawberry cone.” She gave him a warm smile as he kindly took the ice cream cone. She took a seat beside him and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo took a seat across from them.

While the four were enjoying their sweet treats Scootaloo spoke up “Hey little dude, we heard that those two prissy brat princess, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon has been giving you a very hard time since coming to Canterlot High.” Toby slowly nodded as he ate as his ice cream. Scootaloo reached over and patted his shoulder “Don’t worry Toby, as long as you have us with you, they won’t be bothering you ever again.” She winked at him and smirked.

“Yah buddy, those two can be such a pain to all three of us when they target us, but we can handle it. The way they chose to target ya is just not right Toby, but they won’t be bothering ya anymore.” She gave him a pat on the back.

“We won’t let them two snooty snot balls hurt you any more cutie.” Sweetie Belle rubbed along his arm some more as she ate at her vanilla cone.

He smiled at all three of them “Thank you Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, my big sisters.” He blushed as the three smiled warmly at him and let out a light-hearted laugh.

After they finished their ice cream Applebloom couldn’t help but chuckle as she saw there was still some strawberry ice cream over Toby’s mouth. She looked at him with a big smile “Hold on little buddy, before ya get up, ya got some ice cream on your mouth.” Toby blushed as she pulled out a napkin from her pocket “Here Toby, let me clean that off for ya.” She reached over and wiped at the corners of his mouth.

He giggled and smiled at her “Thank you Applebloom.” She gave him a nod.

Sweetie Belle smiled at both of them and kissed him on the forehead “You are such a little sweetie and cutie little brother.” She nuzzled her cheek against his, causing both to blush.

While the four were enjoying their time together a woman walked into the parlor. She wore a navy blue buttoned up jacket with a matching navy blue skirt. She wore knee high black leather boots, a buttoned up white t-shirt under her jacket, and purple tinted glasses. Her hair was bright orange with yellow streaks and her skin had a sun yellow hue. Her eyes were a deep orange and she wore a flame pin on the left side of her jacket.

She looked around the parlor until her eyes fell upon Toby and the three. She pulled out a notepad and flipped a few pages until she came across what appeared to be a description. She looked back and forth the notepad and Toby, and then nodded. That has to be the boy that girl told me about. Hmm… those three with him sure aren’t adults she sighed heavily as she closed her notepad and walked over to the four.

She saw them laughing with one another and cleared her throat “Excuse me young man, by any chance is your name Toby Mason?” She looked down at him, quirking her eyebrow.

Toby looked up at her and then at the three girls nervously. He swallowed deeply “Yes Ma’am, my name is Toby Mason. Is something wrong?” He looked up at her worriedly.

She bent down to his eye level and reached hand up to put on his shoulder softly “No dear, there is nothing wrong at all. My name is Counselor Spitfire and I operate the Canterlot City Orphanage. I’ve been informed by a reliable source that you have no legal guardian, which in turn means that you Mr. Mason are indeed an orphan yourself. Is this true?”

Toby shook his head as he looked into her eyes “No Ma’am, I do have a guardian. She’s just not here right now, she’s at the park.”

Spitfire just sighed “Well, I can’t leave a child without parental supervision.” She looked at the three girls “I’m sorry you three, although you are probably real caring toward Mr. Mason, he cannot be alone without an adult.” She sighed heavily once again and looked at Toby “Mr. Mason, you’re going to have to come with me to the orphanage and maybe have you stay until your guardian does come.” She stood back up and took Toby’s hand into hers “Please come with me Toby.”

“B-but I don’t want to go Ma’am.” He begged as he climbed off Sweetie’s lap.

“I’m sorry son, but rules are rules.” She looked down at him with a little smile “I promise you’ll like it at the orphanage. There are other kids just like you who I believe will like being your friend.”

He turned to the three girls who were following right behind them “Please Miss Spitfire, we can watch after him.” Scootaloo said.

“Yah, he is safe with us and we might not be adults, but we are like his big sisters.” Applebloom looked at the woman.

“Please Miss Spitfire, you got to believe us, he does have a guardian. She’s at the park with her friends while we came out to have some ice cream.” Sweetie Belle looked sadly at Toby who was walking beside Spitfire.

Spitfire arrived at the car and opened the passenger door “Get in Mr. Mason.” With a nod Toby got in as she shut the door. She turned to the girls with a stern expression “That might sound like a nice gesture of your girls to take him out for ice cream, but why is his guardian at the park instead of her and her friends coming along with you four? “ She turned and walked around to the car “Just tell his guardian that he will be at the orphanage, but I would like to have a word with her or him.” She got in the driver’s seat and started the car.

Toby placed his hand up against the window of his side as he frowned at the girls. Spitfire pulled of drove away from the parlor. Applebloom looked at the other two girls “We’ve got to go to the park and tell my sister and the others.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement and the three ran off toward the park.

In an alley behind the ice cream shop stood Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with devilish grins etched on their faces. “Ooh, Diamond that was… like… so clever of you to call the orphanage about that little shrimp being an orphan.” Silver Spoon gushed over Diamond’s latest act.

Diamond laughed “I know Silver and the best part is no one will know who told, because I never gave my name to Miss Spitfire.” The two girls snickered as Diamond’s grin grew wider “That little twerp will think twice about ever showing up at school again or I will do something much more worse to him.” She rubbed her hands in a meticulous manner.

Silver Spoon looked at her curiously “Ooh, what do you have planned if he does come back to school Diamond?”

Diamond snickered “Just wait and see Silver, just you wait and see.” They both shared one more laugh before walking out from behind the alley and onto the streets.

You little runt, you will learn that Diamond Tiara runs Canterlot High School, and those who oppose me shall be dealt with.

Author's Note:

First off I want to thank Hunter reaper for allowing me and giving me permission to use and introduce his OC Firebolt into the story. I hope I done him right Hunter reaper. :twilightblush:

Also, it looks like we found out who Diamond was calling back in the park. :pinkiegasp: Also, when/if he does come back to school, what worse could she have planned? :twilightoops:

I want to apologize to everyone for being extremely late on this chapter. :fluttershysad: