• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 5,375 Views, 250 Comments

OTR: Haven Station - The King of Hearts

Twilight and her friends are invited to spend a week at a new resort, 'Haven Station.' However, the unknown ponies that invited them, have a much more nefarious intention for the group of friends. Will they be able to escape?

  • ...



Walking through the darkness, the three approached the spa, under the cover of trees in the main park.

Alex felt incredibly uncomfortable. He was used to sneaking, breaking into places, and maybe even getting into fights. But, when he has a split version of himself following him while he does them, things tend to get a bit awkward... Dax had a nasty tendency to throw out dirty jokes, and be a general, all-around, douche. And that is why Alex was sure that he couldn’t possibly be a part of him. He was a nice, polite guy. Sure, sometimes he could act a bit inappropriate… But nowhere near the level that Dax operated on.

“Hey, Dash!” Dax whispered to her, giggling to himself as they snuck through a group of bushes, “Have you ever had a shocker?”

“A what?” Dash asked.

“It’s when—“

“That doesn’t work here,” Alex said, cutting him off, look at your hands.

Stopping, and inspecting his hoof, Dax frowned.

“No fingers, buddy,” Alex said, looking away from his doppelganger.

“What’s a… shocker?” Dash asked.

Leaning over, Alex whispered in her ear.

“Ugh!” Dash said, recoiling, “That’s nasty! How would that even work?”

“It does better on earth girls,” Alex shrugged.

“Yeah, well… I hope I never—“

“Ugh…” Dax said, stopping dead.

“What’s wrong?” Dash asked, turning to him.

“That magic… It’s happening again,” Dax said, falling down on his front legs.

“I can’t feel it,” Alex said.

“Neither can I…” Dash said, leaning down, making sure he was okay.

Shaking his head, Dax stood up, “Let’s just find the source of this already, I’m sick of feeling like shit.”

Following a line of foliage, they reached the side of the spa, and stopped to make a proper game plan.

“We should look in the windows,” Alex suggested, “We might be able to see somepony we know, or catch a glimpse of something.”

“That’s what I was thinking!” Dax said, mock-surprised, “It’s like we’re sames!”

Alex rolled his eyes, and took off, “Everypony check a side, I’ll do this one, Dash, you check the back, Dax, you look on the side opposite this. Don’t check out the front side… We’d be too obvious.”

Nodding, they each flew off to their designated place. Something that surprised Alex a bit. He had expected Dax to be a smart ass.

Flying up, Alex checked the rows and rows of windows, hoping to see some kind… Anything. But, inside was office space. Each floor, from top to bottom, save the first couple, were all empty cubicles.

Squinting, he saw something move on the far end of the floor he was looking into. It was remarkably close to the windows…

But, then he saw it. It was Dax. And he had pressed his lips to the glass, opened his mouth, and puffed out his cheeks, all the while waving to Alex.

“That idiot,” Alex said, flapping up, to the roof and landing, waiting for the others two to catch up.

Quickly, Dax wound up on the roof with them, and Dash followed.

“Did you guys see anything?” Alex asked them.

“Nope,” Dash said, “It looked like a perfectly normal building to me.”

“I saw you!” Dax said, “Did you see me?”

“I did,” Alex said, “And do you know how dirty those windows probably are?”

“I’m a manifestation of your consciousness,” Dax said, “I’ll live with a bit of window grime.”

“So…” What do we do now?” Dash asked.

“We can storm the front!” Dax suggested eagerly.

“With that huge door?” Alex asked, “We’d need a massive blast to get that out of the way.”

“It’s a good thing you have me!” Dax said, knocking on his horn with his hoof.

“Nononono,” Alex said, shaking his head, “We don’t even know that anypony is in danger, so let’s not go destroying anything yet.”

“What do we do then?” Dax asked impatiently.

“Let’s sneak in to the upper level,” Dash suggested, “We can work our way down from there.”

“Good idea, babe!” Dax said, trotting over to the ledge of the roof, “Come on, let’s go!”

“You’re like a child,” Alex said, annoyed.

“You’re like a grandfather,” Dax retorted, “We even out, now let’s go.”

Flying off the roof, the three moved down to the first window on the way down and stopped for a moment.

“How do we get in?” Dash asked.

“I think I can teleport us in,” Alex said, about to start casting a spell.

“No!” Dax cut him off, “Let me do it!”

Alex and Dash watched expectantly as Dax pressed his horn against the glass, and sent some kind of pulse into it.

For a moment, it didn’t look like anything had happened, but then, in an instant; the glass turned to sand, and fell into a pile on the floor of the building.

“I know,” Dax nodded, “Incredible, need to tell me, thanks!”

“Let’s spread out,” Alex said, gesturing to himself, “Try to find the stairwell.”

Again, the three headed off to the corners of the floor they arrived on, looking for some kind of way to head downstairs. But, to each of their surprises, they couldn’t find anything. In fact, the entire floor was empty. It had dividers. That was it. No chairs, plants, desks… It was just dividers.

Meeting in the center of the floor, where the dividers left a large circle around some circular building supports, where they assumed some chairs should have been.

“This is weird…” Alex said, “Did you guys see anything over there?”

Dash shook her head, “Nothing at all.”

“No stairs for me,” Dax said, “Nothing at all, for that matter…”

“What’s up with this place?” Alex asked.

“It’s just here in case anypony flies by,” Dax said, “It’s a background piece.”

“Why would they build such a high building then?” Dash asked, “Why not just build a small one?”

Suddenly, the floor dipped, and started to separate as the three flew themselves off the ground, to keep from falling.

They all stared down in awe as each floor below them opened up successively; until it reached what they assumed was the ground level, or perhaps the basement.

"That's... new." Alex muttered.

“Should we fly down there?” Dash asked quietly, looking at the large hole below her.

“No…” Dax said, surprising them both, “If that opened up, chances are that someone opened did it, and they would probably see us coming.”

“So… what do we do?” Dash asked.

“Know a spell that’d make us invisible for a REALLY long time?” Alex asked hopefully.

Dax shook his head, “Nothing comes to mind...”

Suddenly, a series of electric bolts started sparking their way up the large metal supports surrounding them, rapidly approaching them.

“Get out of the way!” Dax shouted, flying into Dash, knocking her and Alex out of the air, on to the ground away from the hole.

The electricity fired past them, and into the sky. Dissipating instantly, leaving a black smoke in it’s place, across the floors.

“Here’s our chance!” Dash said, pointing to the exhaust caused by the energy, “Let’s fly down in that!”

Neither Alex or Dax liked the sound of that, but, decided to go for it since neither of them wanted to be the one that let her down.

Running ahead, and diving in, Dash vanished.

Looking to each other, they sighed unhappily at the same time.

“Alex… In case we don’t make it…” Dax said as he savagely kissed Alex.

“Mph—Gah!” Alex shouted, pushing him off, “W-what the—“

‘I love you.” Dax mouthed, before smirking, and jumping into the smoke.


Shaking his head, Alex decided to forget that happened, and followed behind them into the pit.


Landing on the bottom floor, Dash looked up through the now disappearing smoke, trying to make out Alex or Dax. Unfortunately, the roof above her, suddenly snapped shut, separating her from the other two.

Fighting the urge to shout, Dash looked around the room, trying to find a place to get to since all her firepower was now gone, and the smoke she had used for cover was now gone, leaving her in complete darkness… But she could sense that she wasn’t the only one in this room.

“Hey Dashie!” Pinkie said from outside the smoke.

“P-Pinkie Pie?” Dash asked, shocked from her sudden appearance.

“Hey, sugar cube!” Applejack said, from behind her.

“It’s great to have you here,” Spike said from her side.

“You simply MUST have the spa treatment, dear,” Rarity added from her other side.

“I was so relaxing…” Fluttershy finished, standing directly in front of her.

“I knew it!” Dash shouted, “There IS something wrong with this place!”

“Yes there is.” A deep voice said from behind Fluttershy, “Something very wrong.”

“Alpha…” Dash said quietly, immediately feeling bad for Twilight, “You scumbag…”

Nodding, he smiled, “I was surprised to see two of you… I had to adjust my plans.”

“And what does that mean?” She asked, a large scowl forming on her face.

“It means that you aren’t going to be having the spa treatment… Yet.”


“Damn it…” Dax growled, his magic entirely failing him, “How could I be so stupid?!”

Dax tried in vain to cast a spell to blast through the multiple floors below him and see if Dash was okay, but was unable. This place had some kind of anti-magic field. One that overpowered both the Doctors, and The Wonderbolts stadium. He had no power here. And if he had to guess, neither did Alex.

They had all been separated from each other when the floors closed off.

“Freeze!” A pony clothed completely in armor shouted.

Looking up, Dax saw that he was surrounded. At least fifteen ponies stood around him.

“You’re coming downstairs!” One barked.

“You know,” Dax said, “I think I’ll pass.”

Suddenly rushing one of them that hadn’t been as ready as all the others were, Dax knocked him over and rushed past him toward the windows.

Extending his hoof, he started to fly, and closed his eyes.



Looking up, Dax was surprised to see Alex doing exactly what he just had. The two looked to each other, nodded, and continued flying as fast as they could away from the station.

After five minutes of flying through the night, they finally reached a place, well out of range from whoever had just attacked them.

“What happened?!” Alex demanded, “Where’s Rainbow Dash?!”

“I lost her in the separation…” Dax said, “And I don’t know If you noticed, but there was an anti-magic field in that building.”

“I noticed!” Alex spat, “I thought you were immune to that stuff!”

“Not this one,” Dax said, “It’s the strongest I’ve ever experienced.”

“Fuu… Gh… Crap!” Alex shouted, opting for friendlier language.

“I’m not happy either,” Dax said, “But we’re going to get her back.”

“You’re damn right we are,” Alex said, “Even if it means that we destroy that entire building.”

“Finally, some common ground.” Dax smiled.

“Whether you’re me or not… We’re going to tear them apart,” Alex promised, “We’re going to—“

Suddenly, the station lit up, like a giant beacon in the desert.

“Attention, Alex…” A voice said, booming outward, “Please return to the station, you’ve missed your spa treatment.”

Alex and Dax both growled, once they realized that the voice belonged to Alpha.

Hearing a loud sigh, the voice then continued, “Could all available guards please go retrieve Miss Twilight Sparkle from her room?”

“Twilight is still safe?” Dax asked.

“We have to get to her, now!” Alex said.

Nodding to each other, they took off once again, this time toward the hotel they were staying at. Alpha wasn’t going to have any more of their friends tonight.


Frowning, Alpha walked away from the propped up mic in front of him and sighed.

He had made a bad decision, taking that girl out for dinner. It was making him feel poorly about his actions, and wish that he could take them all back. This left him with two choices. His loyalty to a mare he had just met a few days prior, or his loyalty to his brothers and sisters.

It was no contest.

Forgetting his brief interactions with Twilight, Alpha readied himself for the rest of the night. His plan has only just begun.
