• Published 10th Jul 2013
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OTR: Haven Station - The King of Hearts

Twilight and her friends are invited to spend a week at a new resort, 'Haven Station.' However, the unknown ponies that invited them, have a much more nefarious intention for the group of friends. Will they be able to escape?

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Haven Station: Prelude

The air was refreshing as Twilight and all of her friends exited the train car, stepping into Canterlot, the Royal city of Equestria. They had been asked here by Princess Celestia, regarding some form of good will mission. They had been informed very little, and were somewhat anxious to learn what they were to do.

“What do you think the Princess wants to send us?” Spike asked anypony who would listen.

“For the millionth time, Spike,” Twilight sighed, annoyed, “I don’t know.”

“I hope it’s to some kind of party!” Pinkie shouted, rather characteristically of her.

“Somehow I doubt that,” Rainbow Dash laughed, stepping closer to Alex as he also exited the train, “But we can always keep our hooves crossed!”

“Hooves crossed?” Twilight asked, not understanding the meaning, “What does that even mean?”

“It’s an expression from my world,” Alex explained, “I say it sometimes, even though nopony here uses it… Dash just caught on.”

“Crossing hooves is good luck on earth?” Twilight inquired, looking back to him.

“Well, not quite,” Alex laughed, “It’s crossing FINGERS… I’d ask Spike to demonstrate, but… Well, he’s a pony now.”

Laughing, Twilight looked forward and smiled, “It’s nice to be home like this.”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy spoke up, “I keep forgetting that you’re from Canterlot.”

“Yup,” She smiled, “The house I grew up in is just down that road.”

Everypony followed her hoof, and looked down the road she was gesturing to. They weren’t really sure what they were looking for, but all pretended they saw it, so they wouldn’t be the odd pony out.

“It’s a lovely house,” Alex nodded, “An eight out of ten, if you ask me.”

“I just love the roof, dear,” Rarity agreed.

“Me too!” Applejack nodded rapidly, afraid she had missed it.

Twilight just shook her head as they continued up the main street toward Canterlot Castle. The house was WELL out of view.

“What else don’t we know about you?” Dash asked.

“Ah’d like tuh hear a few things, mah-self!” Applejack agreed.

Twilight scratched her head, what else didn’t her friends know about her? She was pretty open most of the time… Had she mentioned that her brother was the Captain of the Royal guard? Maybe not.

“I told you guys that my brother was the Captain of the Royal guard, right?” Twilight asked, looking back to them.

“What?!” Everypony shouted at once.

“Oh, did I forget to tell you guys that?” She asked, “Well, it’s true! My brother is—“

“You have a brother?!” They all said again.

“What?” Twilight asked, “You guys didn’t know that?”

“You’ve never mentioned him!” Pinkie said, “I wanna meet him!”

“Me too!” Applejack agreed, “Ah just might take a pass at ‘em!”

“Woah!” Twilight said, turning around, “Hoofs off!”

“Dang!” Pinkie added, “So much for my plan to ask him out.”

“Wha-“ Twilight began.

“I guess I’ll keep it in my pants, Twilight.” Fluttershy giggled, as the whole crowd erupted in laughter.

Well, the whole crowd MINUS Twilight.

Finally reaching the gates, the girls were greeted with two lines of Royal guards with a carpet between them, at the end of which, stood a white stallion, with a dually blue colored mane.

“Shining Armor!” Twilight called, running down the carpet.

“Twily!” He called, running toward her himself.

The two embraced, smiling happily.

“It’s been so long!” She said, still in the hug.

“Too long,” He smiled, pulling away from her, and looking behind her, “These must be your friends!”

They all smiled and waved.

“Good lookin’ colt,” Applejack whispered to Rarity.

She simply nodded in reply.

“I hope Twilight hasn’t made me sound TOO bad when she’s talked about me before,” He joked with them.

“Actually, Twilight hasn’t—” Alex began, before Dash nudged him in the side.

“She’s made you out to be LOVELY,” Rarity laughed nervously.

“Good to hear,” He smiled, “Come on, I’ll take you all to the Princess.”

Following his lead, the nine of them walked up the grand staircase in the lobby of the castle, and walked through two of the biggest doors any of them had seen. Through them, was another lobby sort-of room, with several chairs, for ponies that were waiting their turns to speak with Luna or Celestia.

Walking through the large archway, they entered the throne room, a place that filled Twilight with nostalgia, even though she had spent almost every day here a year ago.

“Wow...” Rarity said quietly, “It’s so… extravagant.”

“You can say that again!” Applejack agreed, never having seen such a beautifully decorated and purely colored room before. It was a little overwhelming.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia smiled, “It’s good to see you, and your friends again!”

“Princess,” Twilight smiled, “It’s great to see you too.”

“Wonderful,” She smiled, “And how is everypony else doing?”

The group all called their answers at once, giving her a pretty good understanding of their general happiness at the moment.

“I’m very happy to hear that,” She said, “Now, on to the matter at hoof.”

“Yes, Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I have personally been asked to invite the Bearers of The Elements of Harmony, to a resort on the edge of Equestrian territory, where you all will all be staying for a week, as guests.” Celestia explained.

“Guests of whom?” Rarity asked.

“A group of ponies that separated from Equestria many years ago, rejecting me as their ruler,” Celestia explained, “However, with the passage of time, they have come to accept that there is no reason that there should be any animosity between our people.”

“I remember reading about them!” Twilight spoke up, “There were quite a few of them, if I recall.”

Celestia nodded, “They have made themselves their own society that was built on democracy, something I have nothing but respect for.”

“And… They want to pamper US as a sign of peace?” Alex asked.

“Indeed,” Celestia nodded, “After hearing of your heroics, in defeating Night Mare Moon, they wanted to thank you themselves.”

“Well, I know I’m down!” Alex laughed.

“Me too!” Spike agreed.

“I’ll bet we’ll have so much fun!” Pinkie smiled.

“Where are we being sent, exactly?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a resort called Haven Station,” Celestia said, “It’s beyond the badlands to the south.”

Twilight cocked her head, “I’ve never heard of a ‘Haven Station,’ before.”

“It’s only just finished construction,” Celestia explained, “They plan on using it to get tourists, and get some money into their economy.”

“What kind of stuff does this ‘Resort’ have?” Dash asked.

“Let me see…” Celestia said, levitating the pamphlet up to her face, “There are shopping malls, several pools, an entire athletic center, massage parlors, a zoo, restaurants, movie theaters, a video arcade, and one of the largest libraries in Equestria.”

Everypony was slack-jawed.

“Well…” Rarity breathlessly, “I don’t mind missing out on Photo Finish now…”

“It sounds quite enticing…” Celestia admitted, giggling at the girls reactions, “I’ll have to book a time to stay there myself.”

“Sounds good to me!” Dash laughed, “When do we leave?”

“You all brought your belongings I hope?” Celestia asked.

“We left them on the train… But yeah,” Twilight said.

“Perfect, Shining Armor,” Celestia gestured, as he stepped forward, “Please have their bags moved from the Ponyville express, to the new line.”

“Right away, your majesty,” He bowed, “Walking out of the room.”

“New line?” Twilight asked, “You built a whole new railway just to go there?”

“Of course not,” Celestia laughed, “The new track merges with the present one, we just built the new one to hold the new, faster train.”

“Fast train?” Applejack asked, “Sounds excitin’!”

“I’m sure it will be,” Celestia smiled, “It moves over three times faster than the one you arrived on.”

“Well, the badlands are well beyond Appleoosa, right?” Twilight surmised, “So we probably NEED a fast ride.”

“It would be a four day trip otherwise,” Celestia explained, “Now, it’s only a little over one.”

“We’ll be past Appaloosa real quick then?” Applejack asked, “Ah hope they don’t mind me missin’ out on my trip there…”

“After your trip, you could always stop in,” Celestia offered, “We’re simply on a schedule for tomorrow, so we wouldn’t have time.”

“Of course, Princess!” Applejack smiled, “Thank ya’ kindly!”

“Now, if everypony would follow me,” Celestia said, standing up, “I’ll take you to the bullet train.”


“Woah…” Dash said in awe, looking at their sleek, silver transportation.

“It looks so… new,” Fluttershy said, almost blinded by the reflecting sunlight, “I wonder how it looks inside.”

“Only one way to find out,” Celestia smiled.

All stepping aboard, they were surprised to see a rather normal looking interior… It was almost a complete copy of the usual trains they would ride in.

“I expected more… shiny-ness.” Alex said, “This is pretty standard issue.”

“Sorry to let you down,” Celestia laughed, “But at least you know nothing was sacrificed.”

“Here… Are the… Bags… Your M-Majesty.” Shining Armor panted, having all the massive bags levitated around him.

“Wonderful,” Celestia said, taking one bag at a time, and placing it next to each individual bed, until they were all placed, “I guess you’re all ready to go now, yes?”

“I guess so,” Twilight said, “I was kinda hoping to spend some more time with you and Shining Armor…”

“I’d love for that myself,” Celestia admitted, “But we have a very tight schedule to keep. I promise, when you get back, we can spend as much time together as you please.”

Sighing, Twilight nodded and smiled, “I guess I can live with that.”

“I promise,” Shining spoke up, “You won’t be missing me when you’re being massaged, or reading in that massive library.”

“I guess that’s true,” Twilight giggled, as the train whistles sounded.

“Well, that’s our cue,” Celestia said, stepping beside her Captain, next to the door, “I hope you all enjoy your stay there.”

“I’m sure we will!” Rarity laughed.

“Thanks for giving us the chance to go!” Pinkie smiled.

“It’s no trouble,” Celestia smiled, as she stepped out the door, “Enjoy the trip.”

“I’ll see you in a week big brother!” Twilight said, as the metal doors closed, separating them from the Princess and Shining Armor.

Everypony chatted idly as they all moved to the seats Celestia had placed their luggage next to, and settled down.

“Is everypony comfortable?” The conductor asked, walking from the front of the car.

“Sure am!” Alex said, as everypony else followed suit.

“Great,” He said, “We’ll be departing soon, and I’ll have to ask that you all buckle into your seats.”

“Buckle in?” Spike asked, looking to is side, and seeing a seatbelt attached to his chair.

“This train gets goin’ pretty fast,” The Conductor explained, “You just need to stay buckled, until we’re up to speed.”

Generally accepting his explanation, everypony sat down, and attached their buckles. The conductor walked out of the room, and roared the engine to life. It didn’t sound like your usual steam engine. It had more of a ‘humming’ sound to it. It was much quieter, but somehow felt stronger.

“Alright everypony!” the Conductor called over the PA system, “Hold on tight! Next stop, Haven Station!”

The train kicked to life, and rapidly accelerated to top speed, forcing everypony backward into their seats.

“W-why do we need th-these seatbelts?” Alex stammered, shouting over the now deafening humming coming from the engine, unbuckling himself and pushing it away, “I don’t think I’m going anywhere without it!”

Suddenly the train lurched, and rapid decelerated, throwing everypony forward into their seat belts, and sending Alex flying into the wall at the other end of the train car, followed by him falling on his back, facing upward.

“Sounds like somepony took off their belt!” The conductor laughed over the PA, “You’re free to walk around the cabin now.”

Everypony got up, and quickly ran to Alex to make sure he was okay.

“Are you okay?!” Dash asked.

Alex laughed embarrassedly, coughing in pain, “Boy, did I just pick a patch of Oopsie Daisies.”
