The Colours of Dusk
by Gallifrey
Chapter Two
There Will be Cake
My dearest Dusk Shine,
Surely you jest! I have every confidence that you will be able to deftly handle her in all manners, my student. You talk as though this is just another assignment, or a task to be tolerated. Let me remind you that she is a full grown mare and not another research project! From what Luna is telling me now, she appears to be very interested in meeting you and is greatly looking forward to spending time with you. She's very friendly and promises not to bite! I hope this helps to assuage your fears.
Best wishes and the warmest regards,
Dusk heaved out a heavy sigh as he read the letter over his breakfast of pineapple rings. It was hardly a day to be in a sighing mood, the rising summer sun was blazing brightly through the open windows, casting a sparkling gleam on all the crockery piled in the kitchen sink, belying their true dirtiness.
"Good news?" asked Spike through a mouthful of cereal from across the table.
Dusk rubbed his temples and sighed again.
"Guess not?"
A cool breeze from the windows rolled over Dusk, sending a shiver down his spine, though he was unsure whether it was just a shiver of trepidation.
"It's... alright. I'm still not really looking forward to this, I'm so useless with girls! You should see me when I'm on a night out with the guys–" Dusk blanched. Looking up, he saw the eager expression on Spike's face. "Correction, you should never see me when I'm on a night out with the guys."
Spike disappointedly returned to his breakfast while Dusk's mind ticked away. He thought of his five friends, and one in particular stood out as the kind of stallion to turn to in such dire situations. He was handsome, charming, and always a hit with the ladies. Through many alcohol fuzzled memories, Dusk hazily recalled the time he had acted as wingcolt for him, and... well, that had been a bit of a disaster... He shook his head violently to dispel the painful memories. He had decided.
"Spike!" Dusk declared, "I'm going to see Elusive!"
It might have been a blip in the space-time continuum, a slip of the pencil on a cosmological scale where the Creator forgot to carry the one. It also might have been Rainbow Blitz tearing through the skies like a bull through tissue paper. But, in the end, what's the difference?
The stallion felt as though he were lord of all he surveyed, looking down on Ponyville, and around at the little woods, streams, fields and orchards. Although this wasn't strictly true, he was certainly a force to be reckoned with in the skies, and the tales of his mastery of his domain would be written into the annals of history, no doubt by Dusk Shine.
Dusk Shine.
The simple thought of the humble, bookish stallion brought Rainbow's bravado and confidence crashing to the ground. His wings, lacking energy all of a sudden, ground to a halt and Blitz glided down onto a cloud over Ponyville and flumped upon it.
Dusk Shine.
Blitz, by all rights, ought to have grown used to the thought by now, it had been over six months. Blitz liked Dusk. A lot. He liked to think he did a good job of hiding it, and he did to Dusk at least, who was the most romantically blind pony you could ever hope to meet. A war raged in his body, between heart and mind, a war that so far his mind was winning, if only out of fear.
"I can't let him know," he mumbled into the cloud. "He's too good a friend to risk losing."
A counterargument began to form a retaliation, but he was distracted by the very pony that was causing him such grief.
Walking nimbly through the lively streets of Ponyville was Dusk Shine. His gorgeous mane and tail shimmering like the stars in the sunlight. His well groomed coat equally shiny and glossy. And his plot, oh Celestia, that plot. Blitz shook his head forcibly, deterring the amorous thoughts that were congealing in his mind.
"Stop being an idiot, you're only making it worse for yourself."
Eventually struggling through his internal demons, he realised just how hungry he felt. Waiting for Dusk to disappear around a corner, he fluttered out from his cloud down to Sugar Cube Corner.
Dusk cantered through the vibrant streets of Ponyville, weaving through the crowds of colourful ponies, the cheerful chattering faded into a tranquil silence as Dusk daydreamed while he walked. Upon passing the town hall, it chimed loudly, scaring a few birds from its roof. Glancing up, Dusk saw that it was half past ten, which gave him one and a half hours before Dawn was due to arrive: plenty of time.
A bell tinkled merrily when Dusk opened the door to Elusive's shop. The rich display of brightly coloured suits and dresses hit his eyes like a fabulous tsunami, and through the vibrancy was a white stallion with his eyes closed, languidly kicked back in a chair behind his desk, a cup of coffee at his side. He didn't appear to have heard the bell.
"Yes, the red velvet," Elusive mumbled in a half doze, "just tie it there would you?"
Dusk stood patiently, awkwardly scratching a hoof against the pristine floor. Elusive cracked open an eye as he went to take a sip of his drink, and spat it straight out again upon sight of his visitor.
"Dusk!" he stammered, losing his usually calm and suave composure as he flailed like a beluga trying to haul himself out of his undignified and frankly revealing position."Ahem! How may I assist you this fine morning, my friend?"
"I need a favour," said Dusk meekly.
"I'm always happy to help a friend who requires my talents," he said happily. "What do you need? I can whip up anything you like after all. No, don't tell me, Spike spilled tea on one of your suits again did he?"
"Not exactly, it's more, uh, personal than that..."
Dusk's tone of voice interested Elusive. He was dancing around something important, he could tell that much. Grinning inwardly, he decided to have a little fun. At his friend's expense of course.
"Are you sure this is something you should be telling me and not a doctor?" muttered the alabaster unicorn conspiratorially.
"What?! No!" sighed Dusk, putting a hoof to his face.
"Then what?" asked Elusive, teasing the answer out of the tormented stallion.
"I need help with girls," Dusk blurted.
Elusive's ears swivelled like two radar dishes onto the purple pony, and his eyes lit up. The proverbial cat was out of the bag.
"Ooh hoo hoo! What's this? Our little Duskie is getting about is he? Who's the lucky mare? Is she nice? Do I know her?"
"Of course she's nice, what am I saying, you are a stallion of fine taste after all."
"Elusive– ... am I really?"
"Why didn't you let me know sooner? I mean, as one of your dear friends, I would have thought–"
"Elusive!" Dusk barked.
"Huh? Yes, my good man?"
"I-It's not like that! I got a letter from the Princess telling me that Luna's own personal student will be visiting Ponyville today, she's staying at the library with me, and I have no idea what to do!"
Elusive's expression slid from one of surprise to one of gentle sympathy. He knew what was going to happen, he could see it. Two intelligent ponies staying in such close company together, it was like it was straight from a story! If anything, he felt a few jabs of envy, but swiftly brushed them off. He drew up a chair beside him and invited Dusk to take a seat. He indicated to the coffee pot, but Dusk politely declined, caffeine would do no favours right now.
"Dusk," began the unicorn, taking a drink, "I've known you for a long time, and I can say you have everything you need already."
"'Lucy, you know how awkward I am around new ponies in general, especially girls," said Dusk miserably, looking pleadingly into his friend's bright blue eyes. "How do you make it look so easy?"
"So easy?" he said, waving a dismissive hoof. "A simple old stallion like me? Dusk, this will sound ever so cliché and repetitive, but you only have to be yourself. Least-ways, a charming pony such as you should have no problem."
"But, it can't be that simple!"
Elusive considered his next words carefully.
"The short of it is that you think too much about things," he said as tactfully as only Elusive could be. "If you try too hard to be yourself, you come across as fake, it's silly I know, but that's how ponies are. Take a few breaths and relax. I believe I know an old Canternese proverb for such matters: if you shine too bright, don't be surprised when others are burned."
Taking Elusive's zen advice immediately, he inhaled deeply, feeling better already.
"I just want to make a good first impression," he mumbled to his hooves.
"Don't we all," said the unicorn sagely. "I say, do you know anything of this mysterious mare?"
"Celestia says that her name is Dawn Star, and she's apparently very friendly. I also have a picture."
At the word 'picture,' Elusive sat up like a rocket, curiosity piqued. Whisking his glasses off the counter, he observed the picture as a jeweller might a fine diamond.
"Dusk... she's gorgeous! You're a very lucky fellow."
Something clicked in Dusk's head.
"Oh, no no no, I uh, don't have any intention to... ah, she's just staying at mine, we won't be–"
Elusive was impervious to Dusk's babbling, still disappointed that he didn't get to this stunning mare before Dusk did.
Still, he thought, I'm a stallion of honour, and it would not do to even think about pursuing her myself. And goodness gracious, that stallion needs to lose his virginity some day.
"I wish you the very best of luck," Elusive said stoically, ceasing Dusk's inane chatter. "You just have to be confident, but not overbearing. You're Dusk Shine, you can overcome any challenge!"
Dusk nodded, feeling more confident already with the pep talk.
"Oh I have just had the best idea! Wait here a second!"
Elusive zipped off and returned a few seconds later with a large orange flower.
"Give her this when you meet her! I've enchanted it so that it never wilts!"
"W-Won't that kinda give the wrong impression?"
"I shouldn't think so..." he began with furrowed brows. "Hmmm, maybe you're right." He took the flower back and procured a blue one instead. "Orange was so two seasons ago."
Dusk Shine absently played with a pebble under his hoof, and the temporal panther of twelve o'clock was creeping up on him whether he liked it or not.. Sitting on a bench at the smoky train station, the unicorn watched ponies arriving and departing, saying their hellos and goodbyes in turn over the hissing of the great steam engines; Dusk saw a certain beautiful poetry in that; even if their voices mingled into obscurity, as all voices will. Smiling grimly, he took a few calming breaths to banish his anxiety and kicked the little pebble off the platform. He caught sight of his nervous reflection in a window and he ran a hoof through his mane.
Ten to twelve.
He closed his eyes and breathed again, however, when he opened them, his vision was a wall of bright pink.
"Heya Duskie!"
Dusk yelped and recoiled, slamming his back into the metal seat. Grunting in pain, he looked up to see the ever smiling face of Bubble Berry.
"Argh! Berry, what in Celestia's glorious name are you doing here?!" he all but demanded, rubbing his back.
"Seeing what you were doing round here, duh! Is somepony special coming to town?" he asked enthusiastically, dancing on his hooves. "Or are you going away?" It was frightening how quickly his mood could change from ecstatic to morose.
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," assured Dusk, putting a big smile back on his friend's face. "But somepony is coming."
"Ooooh! Who is it?! Will I like them? Will they like me? What's the flower for? Are you hungry? I'm hungry."
The slew of questions was starting to erode at Dusk's nerves.
"You'll meet her in due course, but Berry, in all seriousness, can you give me some space while I meet her? I mean, I really wouldn't like to mess this up. Why don't you go to Sugar Cube or something, 'cause you're hungry and all."
Realisation struck Bubble Berry like a custard pie to the face.
"Oh. Ohhh! I getcha," he said with a knowing wink. "You want some time alone, it's only natural! I'll be in Sugar Cube then, see ya around!"
As Berry bounded off, Dusk wondered how Berry knew that he'd even be here. He watched his pink friend's cotton candy tail disappear around a corner, filing the thought away into a section of his mind that was devoted entirely to Berry's peculiarities. In fact, Dusk's mind was so preoccupied that he didn't notice the steam train rolling into the station, belching thick, grey smoke across the platform. Nor did he notice the ponies disembarking and walking past. He felt a small tap on his shoulder and he turned around to be trapped face to face with a certain white mare with bright blue eyes. Dusk felt his brain freeze up.
"H-Hello? Are you Mr Shine?" she asked uncertainly. She glanced around but there was no other pony waiting on the platform.
"Mr Shine... me..." he murmured, his brain desperately trying to kick itself into action. "Yes! Yes I am, call me Dusk," he said, standing up and shaking her hoof as his mind clunked into gear "You must be Dawn Star?"
"The one and only! I checked," she replied, returning the hoof shake and eliciting a small chuckle from Dusk. "Um, couldn't give me a hoof with my luggage could you?" she asked, indicating to the seven bulging bags and cases that had accompanied her. "I couldn't help noticing you have a horn."
At this, Dusk started and instinctively drew his forelegs together to hide himself. Noticing his motion, a smile curled Dawn's lips.
"I merely meant you were a unicorn, don't worry," she said, trying not to laugh as his cheeks turned an adorable shade of red. Dusk nodded, not trusting himself to speak as he levitated Dawn's luggage for her. "I say, what's that?" she asked curiously, pointing at his sides.
"Oh, this?" he said, drawing out the flower Elusive had given him. "It's a Dragon Bell, I believe they only grow in forest glades around here, consider it a... um... w-welcome to Ponyville gift," he stammered, offering it to her.
"Celestia did say I didn't bite, right? I asked her to put that in," said Dawn, finding his nervousness endearing. She sniffed the flower, taking in its honeyed tones as they began trotting through Ponyville to Dusk's home. "Thank you, this is lovely."
Butterflies are peculiar creatures, if nothing else, they are the sole cause of all hurricanes and storms. But one particular butterfly was more intent upon Dawn's flower than trying to end the world. It fluttered down from the air to land on its sky blue petals. Coming to a halt, Dawn eyed it closely, tilting her head as ponies carried on their way around her, one or two giving her funny looks.
"I can't say I've ever seen one of these before," she said quietly, taking in its iridescent royal blue wings flecked with white speckles. "Does Ponyville have its own endemic ecosystem or something?"
"I don't know, I don't think anyone's really looked into it," Dusk replied. "But I do know that it's called a Shimmer Skipper."
"Shimmer Skipper," said Dawn, rolling the name over her tongue, "that's a fun name to say."
"Oh, you think so too!" said Dusk enthusiastially. "No-one else agrees... with... me... uh oh."
Dusk looked over the top of Dawn's head and realised they were stood directly outside Sugar Cube Corner. The domain of Bubble Berry. Dusk was quite sure that Dawn didn't need to experience the pink pony just yet.
"What is it?" asked Dawn, thoroughly confused, looking about.
"Hmmm? Nothing," lied the stallion convincingly, "let's get you to the library and unpack, eh?"
Dawn took a step forward, but it was too late, the door to the renowned café burst open to unleash the fizzing cascade of energy that took the physical form of Berry.
"Heeellooooo! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" he squealed eagerly.
Dusk, accepting his fate, covered his eyes as Berry whipped out a one colt band set from nowhere and serenaded Dawn with the traditional 'Welcome to Ponyville' song. Dawn, taken by surprise, sat stunned as streamers and confetti fell all around her. Dusk, also taken by surprise, was now covered in a thick layer of dripping cake mix.
"What d'ya think?" asked Berry, bouncing up and down. "Was that fun or was that fun?!"
"The butterfly..." said Dawn sadly, watching it fly away into the distance, presumably to start a hurricane somewhere by flapping its wings. "A pity, I rather liked it," she lamented.
Dusk meanwhile squelched his way over to the pink stallion.
"Berry, what the hell are you playing at?" growled Dusk, out of Dawn's earshot. "I asked you to give us some space, and now look at me! What kind of first impression is this?!"
"That you're fun, sticky and taste like cake mix?" said the stallion suggestively while taking a lick of Dusk's neck. "Mmmmm!"
Dusk was quite thankful no-one could see his ferocious blush through the mixture as Berry zipped back into the shop. Dawn turned to Dusk and her mouth fell open.
"Well... at least the luggage is alright."
"Yup, gotta stay positive in dire situations after all. Which happen surprisingly often with me" said Dusk wearily, shaking off some of the sticky residue.
"Okay, Berry said I gotta see this so what's–" The familiar scratchy voice of Rainbow Blitz floated through the door. He stopped dead upon the sight of Dusk before him. "–going on?"
Blitz began shaking, his face becoming more and more contorted.
"Something funny, Blitz?" asked Dusk dryly.
Not being able to hold it in, Blitz collapsed and started rolling around in mirth. Berry came back out and promptly joined him. Dusk had to content himself with wishing a swift and painful death upon them both.
"Dawn," he began flatly, "may I introduce you to to the absolute bundle of fun that is Bubble Berry and my good friend Rainbow Blitz. No prizes for guessing which is which."
"What?!" yelped Blitz, his laughter sublimating into the aether. His eyes flashed from Dusk to Dawn like he was watching a tennis match.
"You two, this is Dawn, she's a student of Princess Luna and is staying with me for a bit."
"Staying with you?" said Blitz in a slightly strangled voice, it felt like he had swallowed a bucket of ice water that was now settling in his stomach. Dawn's eyes narrowed slightly at Blitz's sudden change of behaviour. She may have only just met him, but nopony flipped from raucous laughter to fear that rapidly. She made a mental note to keep an eye out for possible future occurrences, she also made a note reminding her that it was none of her business.
"Well yes, she's gotta stay somewhere," said Dusk matter-of-factly and obliviously.
"O-Of course," Blitz mumbled, his bombastic attitude noticeably lacking.
Frowning, Dusk decided to concentrate on the bigger matters at hoof.
"Well, it was nice seeing you both, but I hear my shower calling. More shouting, really."
"'Kay Duskie, see ya around!" yelled Berry as Blitz merely raised a heavy hoof in farewell, all manner of terrible thoughts were swimming in his head like sharks. Dawn and Dusk trotted and squelched away respectively, leaving the two stallions behind. Berry wasn't always the most observant of ponies, but he always knew when a friend was feeling down. Slinking closer to Blitz like a concerned weasel, he noticed Blitz's face looked rather strained, Berry tentatively struck up conversation. "You okay, Blitzie?"
"I dunno Berry," he said lamely, sitting on his haunches, looking up to the infinite blue skies, letting the warm sunlight dapple his face. Silence fell between the two. Berry shifted restlessly, wishing Blitz would talk some more. "Berry, do you think I'm an idiot?"
The pink stallion was rather thrown off by this question.
"No... should I?"
"Probably," said Blitz with a humourless laugh. "Love is the domain of fools, at least, that's what Dusk always says..."
His eyes widened fearfully, he hadn't intended to say that.
"Waaait a minute," said Berry slowly, putting the pieces together in his head. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Maybe," he mumbled to his hooves. Why was he embarrassed? He was supposed to be the coolest pony in Equestria for goodness' sake.
"Hey, it's natural," said Berry kindly, pulling Blitz's head up with a hoof. "She is very pretty after all."
Blitz couldn't help but think they might be talking about two different things at this point. He gave Berry a deadpan look.
"Berry, you've known me for years, you know I'm gay, don't you?"
"Well, I don't recall ever having to turn you down, so I guess it slipped my mind!," giggled the pink pony. "So that must mean... you like Duskie!"
Blitz lunged forward and clamped Berry's jaw together.
"Don't go shouting it to the whole town!" he hissed, looking around, lest anyone heard him. The only ponies in sight were two blobs in the distance that were Dusk's sexy behind and Dawn's much less interesting behind. Sighing with relief, he let go of Berry, and was struck with one of those rarest of things, a good idea. A smile crept over his face as he looked slyly over at his pink friend, who had been distracted by a pretty flower, and was batting it back and forth in his hooves. "You like fun, don'tcha Berry." It wasn't a question.
"Fun?" said Berry, ears perking up.
"I have an idea, and I'm gonna need your help."
"Ooh! If it's fun, count me in!"
"Then follow me, my friend," said Blitz, striding into Sugar Cube Corner. This was perfect! He was gonna find out what was going on (or not) between Dusk and Dawn, and they'd be none the wiser!
Despite his valiant efforts, Dusk had not managed to shake off most of the cake mix. It had become one with his mane and coat, so he was now technically a pony/cake hybrid. And while potentially delicious, he also looked ridiculous, a fact not lost on passers by, who were openly laughing at him. Dawn meanwhile seemed totally unphased and unabashed by the conspicuousness of her companion who was sticking out like a sore thumb over the edge of a precarious cliff.
"Why is it always me?" grumbled the unicorn angrily as they made towards the Library. The birds were twittering merrily in the young trees around them, he wished they'd shut up.
Dawn, in all honesty, had rather enjoyed the surprise introduction to Berry and Blitz, even if it interrupted her study of the butterfly. It was refreshing to meet such lively ponies sometimes, though she was also glad she wasn't staying with them instead of Dusk, that would have been a bit too much.
"Are all your friends that... rambunctious?" she asked tentatively. Dusk snorted, sending bits of cake mix everywhere.
"Thankfully, no. I apologise for their behaviour by the way. Those two are nothing but trouble, especially when they're together... I should swap their manes around, to teach them a lesson." Dusk was about to wonder into the logistics and whether he could get away with it when Dawn interrupted his thoughts.
"Oh you don't have to at my expense," she said suddenly. "It was a much more interesting introduction than some boring formalities over a coffee or something."
"Y-You think so?" asked Dusk through a layer of sugary goodness. He mentally crossed off her meeting Elusive over a coffee.
"Suuure! You think just because I'm an intellectual it means everything has to be neat and ordered in my life?"
Dusk's blush was once again mercifully hidden by the cake.
"No!" he exclaimed abruptly. "I mean, no. I just didn't think you'd apprectiate, well–" He gestured to his body. "The chaos, shall we say."
"Well, I'm sure you don't appreciate it, and I don't blame you. But I found it all very interesting. It's much better for ponies to act naturally around one another than trying to be something they're not in order to impress."
Dusk swallowed this particular sugar lump of wisdom and found it to be most agreeable. Perhaps this whole visiting business would be more simple than he thought. Looking up, he saw the familiar form of the library up ahead.
"Oh wow," said Dawn in awe, "I didn't know it was possible to live in a tree!"
"I guess in Seaddle, trees in themselves are a rarity," Dusk remarked.
The wistful look on Dawn's face told him all he needed to know about the concrete jungle. He opened the door and held it for her as she and her luggage entered the library.
Dawn's eyes were burning with such awe and interest, Dusk was genuinely worried sparks might fly out. She took in the thousands of books, old and new, big and small, popular and forgotten. She inhaled deeply the intoxicating scent of knowledge as she trotted around the entrance hall, her head twisting in all directions as she drank in her surroundings. Spike wandered in on the scene from the kitchen, seeing Dawn sniffing books, he gave Dusk a look that plainly said 'she's nuts,' and continued with his business before Dusk could give him a reprimanding glare.
"L-Let me show you to your room," said the stallion from the bottom of the stairs, not used to having ponies so interested in his library. "Then I'm gonna have a much needed shower."
Dawn however didn't appear to have heard him. She was apparently engrossed in a book about Equestrian history.
She really loves her books, thought Dusk. Of course, there was nothing wrong with that. A healthy literary appetite was to be commended, but she seemed to really love the books.
I wonder if her cutie mark is book related? Dusk surreptitiously craned his neck to glance at Dawn's flank.
I just wanna look at her cutie mark, I'm not staring at her butt, I just wanna–
"Enjoying the view?" sang an amused voice.
"I... was just looking at your cutie mark," said Dusk in an unnaturally calm voice, wishing he could just sink through the floor and never be seen again. Why did cutie marks have to be in such a stupid place?
"You silly boys and your... hormones," she said, giggling.
"No! Honestly, I swear to–"
"Celestia told me about you," she said deviously, heaving the book back onto the shelf. Dusk's froze to the spot, he knew what Celestia was like. "She told me you were the most harmless stallion I'd ever meet. Don't worry! You're too easy to tease, Dusk Shine."
"What," deadpanned the stallion, his heart beating was beating as erratically as Ringhoof Starr in his chest, unsure whether to be panicking or not. "What did Celestia actually say?"
"That you don't hold that much interest in mares... or stallions. She sounded disappointed to tell the truth."
Dusk breathed an internal sigh of relief.
"Right. Okay... I think... Anyway! I think your cutie mark suits you well."
Dawn turned to look at the open book that was imprinted on her flank.
"I think so too," she smiled.
"Right, I really need that shower," said Dusk, leaving Dawn to her exploration of the library. Might have to make it a cold one.
R63 shippings are a rare sight on this site. It's nice to see another one.
Thank you!
And I know right? I wish there were more of them, I love R63 way too much haha.
2671418 Yeah, and the few that are here most of the time are even that good - often they seem to run too much on clichés. It would be great if you managed to avoid that here.
whoo a good R63 fic
Makes it much more fun. 
Hehe, I always write Celestia with a little Molly in her.
Mmm, tis true. Kinda works with R63 Mane 6 as well. And I love that Dawn seems to be the opposite of Dusk in many respects as well; very open, forthright, and has no shame.
I can't wait to see where you take this, I'm already a fan of Dawn but Blitz is who I came into this story rooting for. I do like how you've written Dusk and his oblivious nature while not making him seem like an idiot.
Keenly spotted. Thanks for pointing it out.
May thine writings continue in our knowledgable world.
Hey, look! It's the same guy who wrote "The Doctor Dances!" I'll put this on my read later list and do just that!
I like this story.
Please write another chapter I love this so far I could just hug poor rainbowblitz poor guy he doesn't deserve the cold shoulder and dusk deserves an icy shower for not noticing or caring much about how rainbow said what he said!!
I like this. And I'm glad you reformatted it.
I recognize your name and style from somewhere...
Interesting read, these kinds of things are rare and therefore interesting.
Twidash AND M/M?~
You win the everything sir, just take it.
"...There re-ally w a s a... cake" -GLaDOS
Gay r63 shipping?
Count me in.
Seems cute so far, there are precious few good m/m romances on the site.
You don't happen to read Terry Pratchett do you? He influences me a lot.
I really like where this is going. The snide writing and dialogue is pretty well done, it feels realistic. Hope to see some legitimate tension between having to choose either Dawn or Blitz (assuming that's where this is heading), instead of plain old 100% straight or gay dichotomy.
Was re-reading this chapter when I noticed this: