The Colours of Dusk
by Gallifrey
Edited by Reevsie
thatman helped (a bit)
Chapter One
Dusk and Dawn
Amber flames burned lazily in the grate, suffusing the air with a soft golden warmth. The fire briefly licked up and hissed as yet another scrunched up piece of parchment was tossed angrily into its waiting jaws from the writing desk, followed by a groan.
Dusk Shine stared intently at the fresh sheet of parchment before him, as if daring it to challenge him as its previous brothers had. Every attempt he made to write a reply was futile, the words stubbornly refusing to string together. As a stallion of learning: reading and writing were Dusk's forte, or so he had thought, but today he'd received a letter so stressful that it put him at an utter loss of what to write. Okay, that wasn't strictly true, he knew exactly what he wanted to write, he just didn't know how to phrase it so he wouldn't be spending the next five years stranded on the Moon.
Silence reigned over the room, broken only by the irritable sniffs of the stallion occupying it, his ears twitching in annoyance every time the fire dared to utter so much as a crackle. The bands of tension that Dusk was emanating into the air were almost tangible; Spike could sense it from two rooms away and knew better than to interrupt, leaving Dusk to his contemplation, or rather, the lack of it.
His brain was jammed, or so he reasoned. So many thoughts were bouncing around in his skull, battling for dominance, that it was impractical to even try to write. The poor stallion had tried everything to induce mental clarity: meditation, reading, having a nice long bath, he even had a shot or two of Applejack's best whiskey, but nothing was working.
"This is ludicrous," he grumbled, playing with the half empty bottle of spirits in front of him. "How can Celestia possibly expect me to do this?"
He glanced to his left at the innocent looking letter that was causing him all this trouble. It was innocent in roughly the same fashion that a bear looks beguiling and handsome until you see it maul a deer to death. Picking it up, he scanned the elegant, curvy words for an eighth time, just to make octuply sure that what he had read was correct, and it wasn't just his mind playing a cruel joke.
My most faithful student,
As you are perhaps not aware, my sister has recently taken a student under her wing as I had with you. I have neglected you ever meeting her, for which I apologise. I don't recall even telling you anything about her, forgive me. Her name is Dawn Star and she's a delightfully charming character who you'll get along with like a house on fire. I've found a little time to arrange for her to visit Ponyville from Seaddle, in the hope for you both to get to know each other and share your brilliant minds, and that it will do you both good. She's spending the night en route here in Canterlot and will be departing for Ponyville tomorrow morning. If I do say so myself, she is available, my student, so you might want to get to know each other a little more if you catch my meaning. Just keeping your best interests at heart you understand. Returning to topic, she'll be staying for two weeks so please help her feel welcome and introduce her to your friends, and I'm sure you'll have a blast. In more ways than one.
With warmest regards,
Your friend and mentor,
To be super sure, Dusk read it yet again, and then let his head hit the desk with a dull thump.
Why? Just... why?
Enclosed was a photograph of Dawn herself. A smiling white earth pony with wavy golden hair and inquisitive blue eyes looked at him, the smile seemed almost mocking now.
"She can't be serious. I never talk to– to girls! I-I'm not cut out for it, that's more Applejack's or Elusive's job."
He thought momentarily of just dumping her on one of them for the duration, but swiftly dismissed it. No matter how awkward he may be, he was still a gentlecolt at heart.
Clutching his head in frustration, he hesitantly raised his quill and set it into the inkwell.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Having made quite sure what you sent me was indeed correct, I've decided that although I'm used to you setting me challenging tasks, I can't help but feel this one takes the proverbial biscuit. Are you sure I'm up to this? I mean, you know, for wont of a better word, how reclusive I can be, is this really the wisest decision? Still, I will graciously accept this assignment, if a little reluctantly. I've heard that mares often get in the way with work, though I hope this doesn't ring true, I still have a lot of research to be getting on with.
Your faithful student
Dusk Shine
Narrowing his eyes, Dusk gave his letter a critical once over, and breathed a relieved sigh when he found what he had written to be adequate.
"Spike!" he yelled.
There came a yelp and a small thump, as if something had been dropped on the kitchen floor, then a clattering of claws as the little dragon dutifully answered the call, flinging the living room door open.
"Yes?" he asked simply, trying his best not to look guilty.
Dusk leaned down from his seat and put a hoof on Spike's cheek, eyes suspicious.
"You've been eating ice cream again haven't you?" he said sternly, looking at the melted residue that was now on his hoof.
"M-maybe," admitted Spike, hanging his head low.
"Spike, what have I told you? Only at weekends! It'll do you no good."
"But you eat ice cream every day!" Spike complained.
"Yes, but I'm older than you and I need it. My job is very stressful," Dusk countered.
"But that's not–"
"Look, this is beside the point," said Dusk, surreptitiously licking his hoof, "I need you to send this letter for me."
"I– fine..." he grumbled.
Pressing a stamp to the parchment, Dusk sealed the letter and passed it to Spike, who sent it on its way.
"What's it about?" he asked, wondering what had got the stallion worked up this time.
"We've got company."
"And, done!"
Her reading glasses flashed in the grey moonlight, betraying the eager glint that her eyes also harboured. The frantic scratching of a quill echoed around the dark and spacious bedchamber as a young ivory coloured mare added the finishing touches to what was surely a very engaging essay on tree biology. Stretching demurely, Dawn Star neatly placed the quill into its holder and folded up her parchment, putting it into her bag.
Dawn had many other such bags, seven in fact, all fit to bursting with books, paper, quills, bathing products, nice smelling perfumes, and some other trivial and forgetful items like money and train tickets. After double checking that they were all accounted for, Dawn glanced up at the clock in the dark room, and was surprised to find that it had passed eleven o'clock.
Yawning, the mare stood up and meandered wearily to the bathroom to prepare for bed.
"Gracious, you do look a mess," she mumbled to her reflection with a smile, peering at her fuzzy golden mane and weary sky blue eyes. She picked up an old looking hairbrush off the basin and her nose wrinkled a little when she noticed that there were several long blue and purple hairs tangled into it. Setting it back down, she rummaged through her bags until she found her own hairbrush, which had never known such horrors as tangled hair. After her mane was back to its long, flowing splendour, she set to work brushing her teeth. She began to fall into a bit of a daze, thinking about the next two weeks with this mysterious stallion with such imposing notoriety. She had seen the stained glass of the Royal Hall many a time and remembered noticing a small angular Dusk Shine forever immortalised in its panes. She'd also heard many tales about him these last few years, but struggled to believe any of them.
I wonder what he's like? she mused. I wonder what Ponyville is like?
Dawn had always loved travelling, even from a young age. She smiled to the mirror as she recalled the time she had boarded a train to central Manehatten as a foal, and the subsequent hysteria of her parents... the police eventually found her snoozing in a science museum. It amused her that she had been so adventurous even then.
As such, the trip to Ponyville was all very exciting to the young mare, even though she had an annoying little niggle at the back of her mind.
What if he doesn't like me?
A knock at the door startled Dawn out of her reverie.
"Hewwo?" she called with a mouth full of bubbly toothpaste.
Dawn heard the door open as she rinsed her mouth and sat upon her bed. She was not at all surprised with the new arrival, in fact, she'd been expecting her.
"Good evening," said the calm, low voice of Princess Luna, a bowl of pudding floating in front of her. "I trust you are all ready for tomorrow morning?"
"As always, Princess," said Dawn with a hint of pride at her organisational skills.
Luna looked the alabaster earth pony up and down critically.
"Is there anything that is troubling you?" she asked.
Dawn considered this for a moment, before answering:
"What is this Dusk Shine like?”
“I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you if it weren’t for him, I know that much,” said Luna, looking slightly uncomfortable at bringing up her past.
“Yes, but what’s he like?” she insisted, curiosity getting the better of her.
Luna cast her mind back to the few occasions she’d actually shared with the stallion.
“You’d do better asking ‘Tia,” she concluded, “but from what I’ve gathered, he’s a very kind, caring and honourable pony as you could ever wish to meet. He’s not bad looking either,” she added with a wink.
“I see, I guess it’s only to be expected from Celestia’s personal student," she said dryly.
“It’s also expected from my personal student,” said Luna pointedly, “requirements that she fulfils admirably if I might add.”
Dawn’s cheeks blushed silver in the moonlight.
"He sounds like a nice enough guy," said Dawn, getting into the bed proper and throwing her head into the pillow, catching a faint hint of lavender as she did so.
"You'll find out first hand tomorrow morning," said Luna amiably, drawing the curtains around her with her magic. "Goodnight, Dawn, I'll send some pleasant dreams your way tonight."
"Thank you, Princess," said Dawn sleepily, closing her eyes and drifting soundly to sleep.
Lit only by candlelight, Princess Celestia was reading a well-read book in her bed whilst munching on a hovering banana. The royal bedchambers were by matter of course a lucrative affair: oval shaped and large, featuring a snow white bed, cupboards full of accumulated possessions, and shelves with many a curious celestial instrument. A bedroom often reflects its inhabitant's personality, as such, Celestia's room was a calm and collected affair, bathed in serenity and peace, until Luna comes bounding in.
"Hellooo, sister!" she said playfully, jumping on the end of the bed and disturbing Celestia.
Celestia's magenta eyes appeared over the top of the book like the sun rising over the horizon.
"Do you like bananas?" she asked simply.
"Not really," said Luna.
"A pity, I was going to offer you one," she said, pointing at her banana bag. Luna looked puzzled, but shook it off.
"I was going to ask you how Dusk Shine has taken the news of my student visiting him."
Celestia opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a materialising letter that arrived with a little pop onto her head.
"Ah, a conveniently timed response from Dusk," she said. "That was fast."
Celestia broke the seal began to chuckle as she read the letter.
"Something amusing, 'Tia?"
"Aha, I think that my faithful student might have met his greatest challenge yet," said Celestia with a wide grin.
I'm finding this entertaining so far. I like how it seems to be Molestia as well, manipulating her student.
On to the next chapter! (On a random note, we need an emote with Luna thrusting her hoof out as if to say 'onwards!')
*sitting here
Oh boy, this can only end well
You went there.
I approve.
As does Soraka.
Can't wait to read the rest.
Write on,
For some reason, the male-version of Twilight just... clicks better with me. It's not gender-biased, it's just that my behavior almost mirrors Dusk Shine... almost exactly.
Anyway, nice job here and enough of my blabbering. Faved and liked.
I find myself wondering if Spike has a thing for Elusive... and also realising I wouldn't really have an issue with that.
banana bag, that video is hilarious
So far this story has made me chuckle i definately like it especially the part where Tia was hinting at what she hoped for Dusk and Dawn. XD Good Job so far