
Viewing 1 - 20 of 242 results

When's the Last Time You Wrote a Good Story? · 12:42am Jan 10th, 2020

For years now I've felt the best of my writing is behind me, as my ADHD, depression, and anxiety plus general personal shittyness have continued to keep me barely functioning and certainly not thriving. I look back and I used to actually sometimes write good stories. I've always written shitfics, but it used to be I'd write more than just shitfics. Now it seems that's all I can write. And it makes me sad.

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IWAM 2: On Hold · 9:52pm Feb 17th, 2016

I know, I know. I said I would post IWAM: Til Death Do You Part in January, sadly I've gotten Writer's Block again. :ajsleepy: This leaves me without the ability to write the things to be needed. I've planned lots of things this year and IWAM 2 is number one priority on that list. So I planned this month I'll get my writing all straighten out and cure my Writer's Block and I will not rest till I have that story done! Now I leave you with stories coming soon.

IWAM: Til' Death Do You Part

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Writers Block · 8:37pm Jul 22nd, 2015

Dear Blog,

I actually have completely run out of fanfic ideas. I have been working working really hard on my novel so I haven't had time to do anything for ages! If anyone has any ideas about what I should do, please comment.


This'll be my last update for while · 11:33pm Jan 6th, 2016

due to writers block I will be taking a break of writing my story


The two different kinds of writer's block. · 11:30pm Sep 3rd, 2020

Hello again! Here I am, writing blogs instead of chapters for my stories, even though I really want to be writing chapters. This is because of more than just college, I'm also going through a sort of writer's block, but not the kind most people are familiar with, more on that in a bit.

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Halfway there · 3:07am Jun 24th, 2019

I just need at least 500 more words to finish my next GoT chapter but i've hit a snag what with my family preparing to go to disney and fishing season coming up. If anyone's available, please gimme a hand.


holy heck i think im getting rusty at horsewords · 2:24am Dec 17th, 2019

I'm trying to write another chapter for Into Equestria at the moment, but where I'm now easily able to write 1k+ words in a single writing session for the original fiction, fanfiction-wise I've been struggling to write more than a handful of paragraphs. :facehoof:

At least I've got some already-written chapters lined up for publishing in case if things like this happen.


Writer's block · 7:11am Jul 24th, 2019

The story I've been trying to do right now I have stumbled and stop so many times so now I have writer's block which is fantastic I hate myself I thought when I went on an adventure that I'll get some more inspiration I guess not hopefully I can release this soon I want to try my best though


Mining the Writer's block · 3:44pm Oct 13th, 2015

As of late, between work, life and all-the-in-between, I have ran head first into a problem.

Writers block, correction Writer's Block mountain and it has been very hard to scale over as of late. I can only guess that I have been stuck because of the intense amount of stress going on in life as well being tired all the time. one would only think that I have busted my brain to an inoperable point.

But I have to ask folks, how does one get over writers block?

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On the Implications of Parallel Blockages · 5:06pm Oct 28th, 2020

As many of you probably noticed, On the Implications of Parallel Worlds missed a scheduled update yesterday. Sorry I forgot to make this blog post then instead of today- I got sidetracked. It happens infuriatingly often.

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Report computerneek · 340 views · #writers block

Writer's Block · 4:28pm Sep 30th, 2020

I’m having some writer’s block and was wondering something.

Is it better to wait until I have more ideas, or should I just try to get something out? I really don’t want to just have a bunch of filler in my stories on here, but in all honesty, I’d like to start on yet another story. Tons of them are just there, and I may never actually finish them. Thank you for your time.


I Feel Personally Attacked. · 6:26am Jul 12th, 2020

Replace drawing with writing obviously.


Help? · 10:18pm Apr 25th, 2017

I need help with this big block that's been preventing me from progressing with my "Not Wonderbolts Material After All" story. Is there anyone who can lend a hand?

Report Autismo555 · 399 views · #writer's block

Writer's block (again) · 3:39pm Jun 19th, 2016

So, I'm thinking of doing either another Shining Armour fic, or a sequel to "Eating Out" involving Rumble packing on the pounds with Blossomforth's help. Unfortunately, the creative well is running a little dry at the moment, so it might be a while before I get either of those out. Just thought I should keep you guys in the loop.

Report Shamrock95 · 389 views · #writer's block

Fanfic update 2 · 3:28am Jan 5th, 2016

I am about 297 words into the first chapter. Looks like it's going to be a while, because I've been on 297 for about a day and a half now and cannot think of anything else.


WRITER'S BLOCK SUCKS!!! · 4:00am Nov 24th, 2016

So, I've currently got very bad writer's block. I want to continue most of my stories but I don't have any good ideas to keep it rolling. I was wondering if anypony out there would be willing to give me some interesting ideas for some of my chapters. You'll be credited if I put your idea into the story of your choosing. To anypony that gives ideas thanks, even though I expect no ponies ideas as I'm a very small writer.


Argh · 12:09pm Jul 8th, 2015

Right now I'm feeling the weird (kinda-) opposite of writer's block, like several partial ideas are all trying to escape my head at the same time and are just stuck flailing limply at each other.

Can I just throw some ideas out there and ask which ones you think deserve a hand getting through that door?

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Writing Problems · 7:22am Dec 17th, 2017

Hey Guys, sorry there hasn't been an update to either of my stories in a while. I'm having really bad Writer's Block and haven't been able to write anything worth reading for a while. I know the source of the problem, yet I'm not able to fix it. I am one of those writers that cannot submit or write anything unless they know exactly what they are wanting to write and know that people will like it (mostly). I might not be updating anything else for a while again. So if that happens, you'll

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Now to the funfact of writer's block... · 7:23pm Dec 14th, 2015

I was wondering how to make this Wastelands idea pop as it came across my eyes in a veil. I want to rewrite the chapter or rather instill how unstable Dissociative Identity Disorder really is. I made him to seem a bit crazy(no offense to any with the disorder) and I feel as if I can't make it plain enough... I'm scared this story is hated and that my progress and want to continue is in vain... So if you guys have any names for a pony with red crystalline magic specialization shoot them my

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Report Th3D4rk0n3 · 252 views · #writer's block

I want to fire my muse · 6:36am Jun 19th, 2020

I have come to the conclusion that my muse, if it were a person and not an arbitrary literary device giving some measure of personification to the concept of inspiration, would be that obnoxious co-worker who constantly stirs up trouble in the office, wastes time, pranks incessantly, and is generally a lazy schmuck, yet who can't be fired, no matter how much the boss wants to, because he's literally essential to the company functioning.

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Report Antiquarian · 428 views · #Writer's Block
Viewing 1 - 20 of 242 results