
Viewing 1 - 20 of 73 results

update from tartarus · 4:35pm Sep 24th, 2017

HEYA! here is me, with more news from hell, I have been without internet for two months now, and there are no signs of the company making anything about it :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, I just wasted a considerable amount of money to use the mbs for my cellphone, and after finishing my studies and thesis stuff I decided to use some of the remaining megas in here, AKA, new short clop fic(that I had locked in my archives for way too long) is on the way.

See ya all next time.


Waking up · 3:50am May 3rd, 2020

Okay, So you go to bed at regular time, maybe little earlier or later than usual, doesn't matter. Maybe you see dreams too, those are always nice. But then, at some point, you wake up too early. It's not even past 6:00 yet, on a Sunday morning. And you get that feeling. Despite of how much you may need a few more hours of sleep, your brain simply won't let you. It feels like your brain are going with a speed of light, thinking something completely meaningless. No matter how hard you try, you

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Report Shimmering Thunder · 188 views · #Waking #up

Well, it begins again... · 6:41am Jul 30th, 2017

Waking Nightmares begins anew...

God help me...


Mwap · 1:39am Mar 27th, 2017

Seriously. This should be my profile pic :P In short, I want to apologize for how unproductive I've been... am. I don't know how much you guys really care... it's just that I have so little stories, but so many more ideas! I can't bring myself to write much.

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For Which He Stands · 6:00pm Jun 4th, 2016

So I wrote a little story in the aftermath of the new Captain America controversy. I personally don't like the concepts behind the new comic line but Free Speech is part of the values the character is supposed to represent so I suggested to people that if they did not like the idea of Captain America being a member of Hydra, that they just don't buy the blasted comic book!

The issue that caused all the controversy and Death Threats even? (!) Sold out and went into second printing.

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Report FoalsHalf · 511 views · #Wake Up!

Finale as it relates to Waking Nightmares *potential spoilers* · 2:07am Oct 13th, 2019

FUCK the 'Discord is Grogar' twist. NON-CANON TO WAKING NIGHTMARES. SUCH a waste of a character. I am SO damn disappointed.

Okay. Grogar exists in Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart and is alive. But he never gathered a Legion of Doom, Chryssi, Tirek, and Cozy remaining independent villains.

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You know, I had high hopes for this year. Had. · 1:38am Jan 9th, 2017

Eight days. Eight. Motherfucking. Days. You're already slipping, humanity. Maybe it really is too late for us all. . .

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Last Night/This Morning · 2:21pm Mar 26th, 2017

Me: *stays up til 3 am drinking pop and re-playing Skyrim* NO REGRETS!!! IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!

(10:00 am Sunday)

Me:....*falls out of bed in a heap of exhaustion and low energy*...I regret nothing still...*rolls over on a Rainbow Dash figure and a 3DS*...except that...*rubs stomach in pain*


Things I am considering for a Waking Nightmares rewrite · 7:40pm Jul 17th, 2017

The truth about Waking Nightmares... that I'm burned out on it. I'm sorry. I just... don't like my work on it anymore. Looking back, I am just less and less happy with the story. Too many references, too many things just stitched in as new seasons cropped up... I started this story back in SEASON FRICKIN' TWO. It's cobbled together, a mishmash of this and that and the other thing... I just don't like it anymore.

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Look closer · 8:20pm Jul 8th, 2016


Hey look, an update · 10:42pm Sep 30th, 2019

I remember updates...

I remember being able to complete chapters on a regular basis...

Good times...


Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart updated · 4:51pm Aug 31st, 2017

Another 'getting to know you' type chapter. I hope you enjoy.


Background Series Part 3 · 11:00am Dec 31st, 2020

Hello! Welcome to the third part of my background series! Like the first two parts, there will be spoilers up to the current posted parts as of the posting of this blog entry, in this case, Part 1 of Chapter Three.

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Magic Lives updated · 12:40am Oct 1st, 2015

And my Patreon obligations for this month are lived up to. Maybe if I write shorter chapters, I'll be able to get them out quicker... *shrugs*

Anywho. Enjoy.


Background Series Part 1 · 7:59am Nov 12th, 2020

Hello there! This is going to be the first post in a series discussing how I developed my story. The update posts are all well and good for discussing the finished product, but there's actually quite a few things that are different already in the finished work you've been seeing so far than was originally planned.

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Status update: Waking Night · 12:10am Jun 6th, 2016

First off, for those of you who've been following my Eclipseverse stories, I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The next update will be coming soon, and it will be a pretty good-sized one as I've been working on multiple chapters. The reason I haven't been releasing them immediately upon completion is because my last chapter ended on something of a cliffhanger, but the next one was going to be primarily another bit of character-building, so I didn't want to make it feel like I was stringing

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Virus · 5:24pm Jul 16th, 2016

Got a bad virus causing headaches, working on getting some writing done. Was at the ER last night they gave me some meds to knock me out. Now i'm waiting for them to get out of my system.

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Chapter 3 Part 9 Up(Jan 22nd)/Background Series Part 4 · 11:36pm Jan 23rd, 2021

If you have not seen it already, Chapter Three Part Nine was posted Friday afternoon. Forgot to post a blog about it, whoops. That marks the end of Chapter Three, so if you were waiting on that to read it, you should be good.

So since I did I thought I would combine this with my next bit of background information on the story. Spoilers ahead for the entirety of Chapter Three. If you have not read it yet, viewer discretion is advised. 

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Background Series Part 2 · 7:35am Dec 5th, 2020

Hello all! Welcome to my second part of my background series into Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake, where you get some insight into my writing process. Today's post will focus primarily around the formation of Chapter One, and the influence this would have on the story moving forward. As such, there will be many spoilers, mostly unmarked. The ones that will be marked are those for Chapter Two and onward. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Waking Nightmares updated · 8:19pm Jun 6th, 2016

Well, it happened. Finally did an update to Waking Nightmares. Sorry that took longer than expected.

Things to expect from me this month:
A new chapter of Waking Nightmares: Magic Lives
A new chapter of Reform School

Also, I want everyone's opinion on this idea for a First Contact story: Ponies break the barrier between universes with intent to make first contact with another species. Unfortunately, their portal opens right in the middle of the primary headquarters of G.I. Joe...

Viewing 1 - 20 of 73 results