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Read It Later · 4:45am Nov 9th, 2017

Read It Later


Eh, I’ll just read it later · 2:44am Jul 22nd, 2019

It came to me that I have a lot of stories I put in my read it later list. So I decided to look and see just how many words are there all together.

150 million words.

The estimated time to read it if I read literally nonstop?

60 weeks.


Report Erie · 191 views · #Read it later

5.82 million words and counting, New One-Shots in the Process · 5:14pm Sep 18th, 2015

A million words knocked off my Read For Later list in a month. It's actually more than that, since I keep adding more and more every time I see something to read :fluttercry:

A couple of One-Shots I have planned and partially worked on:

What if, upon hearing about the events of Lesson Zero, Trixie decided for a more subtle revenge upon Twilight Sparkle and her friends?


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Read It Later Reviews #73 – A Mark of Appeal · 4:48am Mar 24th, 2017

Two Thursdays ago, I read Eternal.

Last Thursday, I finished my latest story, A Thousand Roses, and got it ready for editing.

Today, I decide to tackle another longfic, this time one I had not previously read – Estee’s A Mark of Appeal.

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how well do you know my reading habits? · 4:23pm Oct 25th, 2017

I’m gonna hold a little competition based on my read it later shelf

I’m gonna make it public, and you guys need to make an unlisted shelf of the ones on it you’d think I’m still interested in and send it to me.
I will be doing the same. The person with the closest to mine will get a request of their choice (meaning a story request, art request, something for me to change my pfp to, etc) (no nsfw tho)

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Read It Later Reviews #83 – Administrative Angel, No Recipe for Perfection, Princess Twilight Sparkle the Bearded, Lootspheres, A Bird in the Dryer · 11:02pm Jan 25th, 2018

Is that... light?

I apologize for my long absence; for the last few months I wandered out into dark caves and buried myself there. I had no reason for doing so; I simply did. It is not that I lost interest, or found something more interesting to do; indeed, there was little to do in the dark.

I just hid. From what?

Myself, perhaps?

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Read It Later Reviews #87 – Bangception, Now Hiring, Princess Day, Broken Record, Pear and Back Again · 8:17pm Apr 27th, 2020

While I was working on some new reviews, I went through my old files and realized I’d started a bunch of review sets that I’d never finished. These were all destined for various different review sets, but I never ended up publishing any of them because they were all in sets of 1-3 stories. I wrote some of these as far back as 2018.

But hey, better late than never, right?

Today’s stories:

Bangception by Estee
Now Hiring by Miss-Cyan

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Read It Later Reviews #90 – The Land of the Dead, The Third Wheel, Courtesans, The Trixie Clause, The Sum of Our Parts · 1:39am May 18th, 2020

Ninety is a nice, round number, and the nineties were a rather nice decade.

In this set, I started reading GaP Jaxie’s The Third Wheel, a series of five AU fics set in the same world, plus I read a smattering of other stories.

Today’s stories:

The Land of the Dead by GaPJaxie
The Third Wheel by GaPJaxie
Courtesans by GaPJaxie
The Trixie Clause by TCC56
The Sum of Our Parts by Aquaman

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Read It Later Reviews #88 – Sharing the Night, Counting Crows, Proof of Concept, Applejack’s Hearts and Hooves Day Hullabaloo, Of Orchards and Obituaries · 3:48am May 8th, 2020

Seems like a good day for some reviews!

Today’s stories:

Sharing the Night by Cast-Iron Caryatid
Counting Crows by VashTheStampede
Proof of Concept by Estee
Applejack’s Hearts and Hooves Day Hullabaloo by Tumbleweed
Of Orchards and Obituaries by Tumbleweed

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Read It Later Reviews #89 – All The Good Things, Simulations, The Banach-Tarski Dragon, Foreign Thoughts, Ponies All The Way Down · 5:52pm May 9th, 2020

I actually wrote this the same day as I finished up Read It Later Reviews #88. It’s been a long time since I actually got ahead on review sets. It’s crazy! What’s next, me actually publishing another story?

Today’s stories:

All Good Things by Coronet the Lesser
Simulations by Monochromatic
The Banach-Tarski Dragon by CCC
Foreign Thoughts by GAPJaxie
Ponies All The Way Down by ObabScribbler

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Read It Later Reviews #30 – A Diamond and a Tether, Night Rose, Happy Hour, Quiet Contemplation, Fixing the Stud · 6:54pm Sep 13th, 2015

A Diamond and a Tether has been on my to-read list for a long time now, and I finally got around to reading it and wondered why I hadn’t done so before.

So many things are so easy to do in retrospect, and yet, we let months elapse before we do them.

In totally unrelated news, I’ve been working on editing Mistletrapped, sprucing up the last couple chapters before I ship them off to my editors.

Today’s stories:

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Read It Later Reviews #86 – Bitter/Sweet, The Virgin Princess, Rusty Scissors, The Book of Might Have Beens, We’re Eggspecting! · 10:45pm May 21st, 2019

Howdy folks! It’s been a few weeks since I last did one of these. My last set of Read It Later reviews was published on May 8th, so it’s been almost two weeks since then!

Yes, 13 days. Only 13 days. It’s crazy though, because it feels like it’s been more than a year!

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Read It Later Reviews #15 – Those Who Live Forever, A Tea Party, A Long Night, How to Handle a Rope, Twilight Sparkle Plays With Dolls · 11:59pm Mar 28th, 2015


Read It Later Reviews #81 – Salting Snails; Philomeanie; Dictated, Not Read; Veneer; The Prisoner of Zebra · 10:21pm Oct 27th, 2017

According to my computer, I finished this review set all the way back on September 10th. I had thought I had posted it for some reason, but apparently, I never did.


Today’s stories:

Salting Snails by Bats
Philomeanie by Skywriter
Dictated, Not Read by Device Heretic
Veneer by Trick Question
The Prisoner of Zebra by Tumbleweed

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Read It Later Reviews #75 – I Do, Delayed Reaction, Princesses Can’t Cook, Pony Up A Tree, Permanent Record · 11:52pm May 30th, 2017

Howdy folks! It has been far too long since I did one of these. Sort of been avoiding a lot of blog posts because spoilers, like an idiot. I just need to catch up on stuff.

And generally being useless.

Sometimes, when I’m feeling like I’m being a useless lump, I just decide to do something.

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Read It Later Reviews #59 – The Color of Promises, Somepony’s Daughter, If You Came To Conquer, Inexcusable, You Too Will Deteriorate · 5:44pm Nov 3rd, 2016

I’ve been on a roll lately. I feel increasingly reinvigorated as I do more actually productive things that result in actually meaningful results. Going through pony stories again on a regular basis is nice, and I’m looking forward to watching the rest of the season 6 episodes I’ve been missing.

But first, more reviews!

Today’s stories:

The Color of Promises by Deathscar
Somepony’s Daughter by bookplayer
If You Came to Conquer by cleverpun

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Read It Later Reviews #24 – Vermillion, More Than Muscle, The Best Day of the Year, Injuring Eternity, The Tutelage of Star Swirl · 12:03am Aug 6th, 2015

This set of reviews is 100% courtesy of the Royal Guard queue.

Today’s stories:

Vermillion by JLB
More Than Muscle by Level Dasher
The Best Day of the Year by Ekserata
Injuring Eternity by Monochrome
The Tutelage of Star Swirl by Moose Mage

by JLB
Sad, Dark, Creepypasta
6,125 words

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Read It Later Reviews #49 – Harissa, Shining Armor’s Amour’s Armour, Rainbow Reflections, A Total Eclipse of the Fun, The Gathering · 11:15pm May 24th, 2016

This was actually supposed to be Read It Later Reviews #50, but I just posted a Read It Now set yesterday and then Bad Horse came out with a story a day later. As this set had an empty space it in, Read It Later #49 got bumped down the line. So this set actually contains four older stories, plus Bad Horse’s new one.

I’m cheating a bit. Deal with it. :rainbowdetermined2:

Today’s stories:

Harissa by Orbiting Kettle

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Read It Later Reviews #85 – One More Shot, Red Meat, You and Her, When They Found Common Ground, A Bridge to Somewhere · 9:41pm May 8th, 2018

There are times when you realize you’re just wasting your time doing things that don’t matter, not only to anyone else, but also to yourself.

That you can be doing so much more.

I have these realizations constantly. And yet, so often, they are Ignored Epiphanies, and I go on, doing the same thing, even though not even I like it.

Playing a game I don’t enjoy to completion.

Arguing with people on Reddit.

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Read It Later Reviews #71 – While Their Name’s Still Spoken, Infernal Machines, A Short Story by Twilight Sparkle, Reciprocity, Playing the Scales · 7:39pm Mar 12th, 2017

Instead of working on A Thousand Roses yesterday, I ended up reading a number of additional stories off of my high priority Read It Sooner list, as well as re-reading a couple of older stories that I read before I started doing reviews.

I really need to get to work on finishing up my story… but I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy the experience of reading many of these works.

Today’s stories:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 86 results