Ponyboots are historical fact. · 1:24am Aug 27th, 2018
Thank you Vinland and archeologists. Field schools are so cool.
Also Aquaman is doing cool shit. People less ill than me have been linking all over. Why aren't you following them?
Thank you Vinland and archeologists. Field schools are so cool.
Also Aquaman is doing cool shit. People less ill than me have been linking all over. Why aren't you following them?
Ah, the irony of it all.
The DC superhero who's typically seen as a lame joke by the majority of modern culture (thanks a lot, Super Friends - and thanks a lot too, Big Bang Theory ) actually has the damn best movie of any DC hero in a long, long time.
My favorite part was when he claimed the golden DINGLEHOPPER!!
Welp, running a bit behind on this one. Anyway, I have a pretty good idea what recommendation I'm going to give this one already, but let's see how it changes as I review it, shall we? Oh, and I added some footnotes because why not?
And here we have number one of the Outside Insight contest and my personal top pic!
Posts will go back to their weekly updates after this. Phew!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand spoilers.
I've had a couple people ask for a list of every title in the inventory survey, so I figured it'd be a good idea to throw it up for reference, until Aquaman publishes the official bookstore catalog sometime next month.
Friendly reminder that the prices listed here were (hopefully close) estimates and are subject to change.
The Purloined Pony by Chris
Lost Time by bookplayer
So last weekend was an... odd weekend for the DCEU. The Hollywood rumor-mill would have you believe it was disastrous, but honestly there was only one bit of actually worrisome news, and even that was a rumor. So let's run down the list.
As some of you may have heard, Aquaman is trying to make the last BronyCon especially special by organizing a bookstore of community fan-fiction in the vendor hall. I can't imagine how much effort it's going to take to organize it, so I applaud him for being willing to undertake such a massive effort.
If you want to read more about the project, here are a couple of his blogs on the subject.
Summary: After finishing her portion of the day's harvest in record time, Applejack heads home early to check on how Apple Bloom's doing alone in their house. What she discovers once she gets there shocks her right to her core, and what happens afterwards changes the way she sees her little sister forever.
Original fic can be found here:
Awesome episode today, I think, no spoilers in this blog tho, because... Bronycon Panels!
“Has it seemed quiet around here lately?” Rarity asked.
Alright, it's high time I did another Top Shelf blog. These are always tricky to do because I haven't read these recently, and on rereads I always find I've forgotten a lot of important things, the sorts of things I need to remember for these blogs. That's why I was so lazy on "If Horses Had Gods" and pretty much just copy/pasted my story comments. So let's go with the easiest one I have left to do, since the others are both HUGE. This one I can at least skim through to remind myself of what's
Everfree Northwest 2019 was quite the con. Some highlights:
Hey, guys! Remember when I said in my last blog?
Hence, why some of you guys probably noticed me jotting stuff down onto a piece of paper. That was a regular occurrence in Quills and Sofas when I couldn't think of anywhere else I needed to be or anything else that I had to do at the moment, and was subsequently busy letting my idle hands be the devil's playthings.
Ever have one of those days where you get home from work and don't want to do anything? That was me yesterday. It is now apparent that I am going to hate Mondays, and probably Thursdays too. upon getting home, I focused on writing and being lazy and, as a result, completely neglected that it was Monday. So yeah, have some late reviews.
Stories for This Week:
Another day, another five more reviews new stories. Glad to see another thing from Aquaman; I've been meaning to read more of his stuff for a while now, even if he does talk to fish.
Today’s stories:
Rainbow Splash by Estee
A Most Irregular Tea Party by Present Perfect
Language Barrier by Aquaman
Back Off by Summer Dancer
Cant by Rambling Writer