
Viewing 1 - 20 of 138 results

Gilda · 7:05pm Sep 3rd, 2019

Report IDontWatchMLP · 214 views · #Gilda

Whose Fault Is It Anyway: S1E5 Gilda · 2:21pm Jul 15th, 2015

The antagonists in this show tend to invite weirdly persistent debates. All the way into season 5, there're still arguments about whether Gilda, in fact, did anything wrong. Any conversation about it dissolves into madness. Let's try to bring a little order, an' tally up the arguments for each side. Whose fault is it? Note: Any argument that somehow involves The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone doesn't count. This is only about Griffon the Brush-Off. No fanon, either.

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I’ve just realized something..... · 4:35am Apr 13th, 2019

My Gilda Stories Suck.

A Lot.

Looking back on them with what I’ve learned about writing since then the more I’ve realized how problematic they are.

The stories jump around all over the place, Gilda is too far removed from the established characters, I was too focused on trying to place the series in the real world, and I closed off so many story opportunities just to make Gilda more of a woobie.

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Report MJP · 245 views · #Gilda

Signal Boost: Shrink Laureate's The Best and The Worst · 1:18pm Mar 17th, 2022

Shrink Laureate finished his contribution to that crackship contest: The Best and The Worst

Of course I'd have a soft spot for it, it's a Gilda story.

But it's also a Zephyr Breeze story.



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Have a Gilda · 8:36pm Feb 9th, 2016


Inazuma Strikes Again · 6:43pm Jul 10th, 2016

So I've finished moving to Colorado a few months ago, it was an annoying trip to say the least. I'm not exactly happy being here again what with all the terrible memories I have from the last time I lived in this state. I've had internet for a while now but I didn't want to announce my return until after I got into the swing of things at home and caught up on all the updates of the stories I follow. But don't think I haven't been doing anything at all. I've been working on rough drafts for new

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CATCHPHRASES!!!!!!! (weekly update 11-7-16) · 4:10pm Nov 8th, 2016

so sorry I didnt post an update yesterday, I frogot to take my meds and it honestly went away from me.

so, updates, I am currently just brainstorming and developing ideas fro my "magic road trip" fic, lol, right now I am writing a chapter of a story for a fellow writer, Highlord Langslock, and after that I'm gpnna do a Giildash fic (as friends) and other stories surrounding a(nother) school dance, lol

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Report MJP · 433 views · #Catchphrases #Gilda #Shipping

Chapter four art is UP! · 9:13pm May 25th, 2022

got it all figured out!

the art piece is now in the chapter "Chasing options"

but for those that just wanna see it with out re-reading, here it is:


A Sequel to Good Trooper Gilda · 4:34pm Sep 22nd, 2019

So, I've been absent without leave for over half a year. I'd be making my amends before a court martial except... looks around... I don't seem to have joined any military service. Ha! Slipped by on a technicality!

But I have recently been getting back on the tiger, and as a result, I actually have some words to go along with ChristheBlue's nifty new cover art he worked up for me:

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ART FOR CHAPTER TWO!!!!! · 8:53pm Nov 3rd, 2020

finally got some art done for chapter two of my story

"Lovely Little Letters"

Go check it out!

Report Backlash91 · 338 views · #gilda #gabby #romance #art

Gilda Through The Looking Glass · 7:00am Jul 8th, 2018

This is in answer to everyone asking/complaining about why Gilda and Sunset don't just abscond through the portal, but before I get into my in-story reasons let me acknowledge something.

Yes, this is clearly and obviously the easiest way to wrap up the story. Of course it is. From a meta-perspective where the characters are just words on paper and don't have any feelings or emotions of their own and are not characters at all, yes, this would end every issue neatly.

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Report I-A-M · 649 views · #Spoilers #Gilda #Sunset #Tropes

The Griffon, The Student and The Nightmare · 10:59pm Jul 12th, 2020

Started out as a request. Definitely presented some challenges I’ve never felt with but a good learning experience. Cheers!


Ficken finally! Spike is screwed is UPDATED! · 5:48pm Apr 30th, 2017

That's right fokes, Spike Is Screwed is finally updated.

Don't hold back on reading it, or commenting.


IT'S STORY TIME!!! (weekly update 11/14/15) · 3:49pm Nov 15th, 2016

so, sorry if I haven't uploaded a story in a while, I've been distracted recently after a friend showed me power rangers (RPM is the best and I will fight anyone on that) but I promise to at least start on my next story today (I may be distracted and lazy, but i'm not Rocky DeSantos distracted and lazy, ok, I'll stop), I can promise you it will involve Gilda once again, and it will be the 'another fall formal" thing i was talking about in my last blogs.

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Report MJP · 393 views · #Gilda #Power Rangers

Apology to all for making you wait. · 5:32am Jun 7th, 2016

Sorry for not getting to what i need to do for the stories of mine. As much as I want to get to them I honestly can't. Really I can't quite literally. My laptop that I use to do so many things is out of commotion due to an over load thanks to Overwatch when I was playing the beta. Things were failing to respond soon my entire screen was doing the same. I thought hard shutdown would help, but it didn't. A system file went corrupt therefore missing from the computer comprehension. I was going to

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Report Geoice · 606 views · #Spike #Gilda #shipping

I'm Baaaack · 1:31pm May 24th, 2017

hey, sorry for disappearing, I had school and conventions and road trips and the like, but I'm back and in the time I've been gone I've thought a lot about continuity and where I want my stories to go

Ok, so first of all I'm not doing my EQG/PR: Dino Charge crossover since I missed the window of the recent PR movie, so it's on hold, for now

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Report MJP · 411 views · #Equestria Girls #Gilda

Act 1 done · 6:56am Jul 27th, 2018

With the resolution of Sunset’s decision about the portal and her growth as a person, choosing the difficult path of resolving her issues by facing them head-on, and he subsequent, ahem, happy ending, I hereby proclaim Act 1 of Featherfall complete.

That means the kid gloves come off and now I really get to knuckle down and start fucking with these girls.

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Report I-A-M · 415 views · #Gilda #Sunset #Progression

ART FOR CHAPTER THREE!!! · 1:17am Dec 2nd, 2021

I got more art done for LOVELY LITTLE LETTERS!

you can find it at the bottom of the chapter~

you can also find it here:

done by the amazing ELICITIE. go five her a watch!


Gilda & the Gang · 5:33am Sep 1st, 2021

So, I've started my 50th story about a group of griffons who kidnap younger griffs and train them into fighters. The young six are going to save them and while I don't want to give too much away, I was originally wanting Gilda to have a major role in the story. It's quite the thing I've been going back and forth on. For one, I've had planned something special for the griffon for a long time, on the other I'm

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Report PonyPixel · 152 views · #Gilda #special #griffon #plan

Anon-A-Frame · 8:51pm Jan 27th, 2020

The Main 5 believe Sunset and three girls' little sisters didn't have anything to do with it. A couple of people had a really bad time with Sunset. They hacked people's phones and planed an ambushed. They also framed 2 of Sunset's friends.

Report Apricot Heart · 162 views · #Gilda #Sunset #CMC
Viewing 1 - 20 of 138 results