First Blog Post · 9:39pm Feb 28th, 2020
I figured out how you work this thing! Joy!
So yeah, It’s been a while since I posted anything, story or blog wise. So like many people 2016 wasn’t quite so good to me or my fam for a large part of it and some of the stuff that went down during July through December made things kind of crazy. Part of it was that during the fall, my Grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. It wasn’t anything too serious, stage one stomach cancer and he was able to get operated on without any complications. The only frustrating part was that his rehab time
Heeeey, guys!
You guys are probably asking, "Da fak?!" 'cause you see my username is no longer "Dashie14". Sorry?
Thats it. Ive peaked. My 117th Blogpost on the release date of Halo infinite.
My Whole fimfic career has led up to this one moment.
Now… Lets go finish the fight properly this time, shall we?
And lets send em out, with a Bang.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Note: This image is from my DeviantArt profile. If you want to check it out, here's the link:
Seems a little worrying. I hope this site does not go down under. Know of places where I can port my stories over to just in case? I seen some other blogpost seems good.
Let's just hope Knighty pulls through.
Hello, this is my first post on this website. I do not know what kind of thing to "blog" about, or what to disclose. It is quite curious to be on a website like this. I love that I can write in a colour, so excuse me if that is not proper for this forum. I hope to have fun here, and share my writing of the pony world, if I ever do get around to it.
Came back from eating dinner to finally notice that I only need to do ten problems of my choice off the worksheet, not the entire worksheet.
Well, it's a good thing I already did eight problems.
Still, though.
Hey, everyone! Long time no see, aye? Let's cut to the chase, shall we?
I'm annoyed with this website!
No one freakin' comments on my story, The restrictions are dumb, and people think they are professional editors. They're not.
Yoyoyo Home slices.
It's me, a disappointment.
I decided to give a little update to my fans and fellow Fimfiction writers.
First off: I have decided to say screw formalities and open up to ya'll. Should anyone want to, PM me if you want you're OC to be in my stories cause why not?
Secondly: I have made a new story as a (Possibly over-ambitious) spin off to my most popular fic of all time. Feel free to check it out, and if you want to help contribute to it, give me a PM lol.
As a new user, I browse around and find something I can read before I even try to write. That's why I tend to take a look at the groups I'm in to find some (I mainly look at "I Just Want a Comment", but I'll also check out the others). I like to make comments on my overall thoughts of what I read as well. So yeah, stiiiilllll adjusting.
Note: I do also read stories with many chapters, however I most likely won't comment on them.
Just a bit of an update on the lesser literary side of my life.
Finally secured a job in my new location. It's still part time, but it's close by, and the pay and benifits are significantly better than my last gig. So, that's at least a little bit of weight of my mind. Hoping to have more on the writing front soon
Jessica Wu was thinking about Andrew Vader again. Andrew was an intuitive lover with skinny lips and feathery abs.
Jessica walked over to the window and reflected on her quiet surroundings. She had always loved derelict Upper Boggington with its panicky, purring parks. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel ecstatic.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the an intuitive figure of Andrew Vader.
I'm sorry for the gap in content. I'll be honest, it's been harder to get used to my new living situation than I thought. Not having my friends and my close family nearby has been... hard. Been dealing with problems at my new job, as well as a bit of a relapse on some old vices. Tried plowing through it with a can do attitude, but it's just been a lot. I feel creatively dry.
Dusts the spaces and profile off
Well Good Morning Everypony,
I hope you're all taking care of each other, and staying safe, healthy and happy. I know I've said it a few times in the past so no worries if you don't believe me (Life has a damn way of blocking stuff I'd like to do). I'm coming back with a hard project that I'm currently working on and will be posting in bits and chunks for the next little while.
I'm not done following people, but the site made me stop at 99. Now what?
Edit: I found out why. You can't follow an excessive amount of people.
Hey, guys!
You "Fire and Lightning" fans will be happy about the following information:
1. I am not cancelling "Fire and Lightning"! You kinda already knew that, but whatevs.