
Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results

The Armada Trilogy · 5:49pm Mar 5th, 2018

It has been confirmed that there will be two more stories after The Lieutenant!

The Armada Trilogy

This will consist of the following stories:
Volume I- The Lieutenant
Volume II- Untitled sequel (starting late 2018)
Volume III- Untitled story (2019)

These will be written alongside my other stories.

Have a nice day and I hope this is what you all wanted!



The Discord Trilogy · 3:16am Jan 25th, 2018

EDiscord the Writer
When Discord takes over the MLP Writer's Room, everything turns topsy turvy and it's up to Lauren Faust herself to stop him.
Creativa-Artly01 · 2.4k words · 607 views
EDiscord Returns to the Desk
When Discord returns to the real world once again after 100 years, he tries to take over the show once again.
Creativa-Artly01 · 3.6k words · 347 views
EDiscord Kidnaps John De Lancie
Discord kidnaps his voice actor. Chaos ensues.
Creativa-Artly01 · 1.8k words  ·  16  4 · 1.2k views

... and finally... · 10:45pm Apr 25th, 2016

So, I know that I might've said that the "Screw Space!!!/Screw Time!!!" series was gonna be a trilogy, but technically, I had been planning out the entire thing to land back on Bootsy Slickmane's story, Tirek and the Tuber. That being said, the final story in the trilogy won't be a full story, but as a short story down below.


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More delays · 3:39pm Dec 18th, 2018

I wanted to apologize for the delays in updates to "Consequences." It's been difficult these last couple of weeks. Between holiday madness, issues I'm having with my employer, car trouble, and being sick for the last two weeks, my energy levels have been shot to the point that I get home, stare at my computer and just don't feel like writing or doing much of anything else.

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So what's the ETA on the Bastion thing? · 9:14pm Nov 6th, 2021

First story: finished, may need one or two lines tweaked to tie it all in to the bigger picture.

Second story: in its seventh or eighth re-write, this time only from chapter 4-ish onward, though.

Third story: outlined, most of the big scenes are done in the concept stage.

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Caverns & Cutie Marks Trilogy Announcement · 7:06am May 23rd, 2021

Greetings~! I know we’ve been quiet for over a year since the finale of ‘Caverns & Cutie Marks: High School, High Stakes’, but we’re back~! With the end of the Caverns & Cutie Marks trilogy started way back in the before times of 2014. We’ve just finished writing the whole damn story tonight and will start the Editing Pass(tm) next week with the loose intention of starting weekly uploads sometime within a month or two. Maybe earlier (or later), depending on how much we cringe at the early

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Which trilogy do you prefer? · 12:51am Feb 19th, 2021


Three years · 3:59pm Feb 26th, 2020

So it hit me yesterday that it's been three years since I posted the first chapter of "Repercussions."

That's kind of mind-blowing. I'm not entirely happy I haven't been able to update "Consequences" as frequently as I'd like and I apologize to those of you who have been with this story since the beginning and to all the new readers who discover the trilogy every time I update.

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Another Consequences Update · 4:50am Feb 3rd, 2021

As of today, Consequences is approximately 95% complete. I still have some bridging scenes to write and figure out how to end the closing scene, but yeah, the end is in sight.

Hope you're all ready.


Okay... · 4:57am Jan 2nd, 2020

So, gang, December was a massive pile of suck. Bills piled up, depression kicked in, the goddamn holidays. So yeah, my productivity went to shit.

But, I did get some shit done, and I figured if I can get that shit done, I can get back to trying to do daily updates on Consequences.

I can't guarantee it'll be good. I can't guarantee it'll all gel together initially.

But it'll get posted. It'll get updated. And most importantly...

It will get finished.

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This week's Consequences updates · 2:40pm Jul 25th, 2018

Just a quick heads up.

There will be updates to Consequences this Thursday and Friday (July 26-27). However, there will not be updates on Saturday and Sunday (July 28-29). I have another non-fic project I need to get moving on and I need the weekend to do it right.

Just wanted to let everyone know.


We Apologize for the Delay · 2:31pm Jun 8th, 2020

So, I'm going on vacation this week and while I plan on taking my computer with me and working on Consequences during that time, the next couple of days are going to be taken up with things I need to do before I leave, so there's going to be a hiatus on updates while I deal with all of that. I'm hoping to have a new chapter up on Friday. I'm sorry to keep you all in suspense, but take some comfort in the fact that if I had stuck to my original plan... you'd be in just as much suspense.

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Ranking the Guys Night and SugarMac Trilogies (From Worst to Best) · 5:23pm Oct 8th, 2019

People often refer to "Owl's Well That Ends Well", "Dragon Quest", and "Spike At Your Service" as part of an unholy trilogy or trio of episodes. So I think it's nice to look at some trilogies that are actually you know.... good. The Guys Night Trilogy refers to the three episodes centered on Spike, Big Macintosh, and Discord, while the SugarMac Trilogy refers to the three episodes focusing on the SugarMac relationship. Since both trilogies ultimately share two episodes there really is no point

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Since When Trilogy · 1:37am Nov 22nd, 2022

Greetings and salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This was a refreshing change from my previous post, it's the Since When Trilogy. In these three one-shots, Spike shows his friends his personal life of doing hobbies. I gotta admit these were pretty funny to read given none of them knew about it from the start. These were pretty good of a read. This just shows people have lives outside of their love ones and that they have their own hobbies. Aside from some grammatical errors,

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Consequences will continue later this week. · 4:02am Jun 23rd, 2020

I ran into a snag in terms of planning out the next chapter. Hoping to have it up by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience.


Consequences update · 4:16am Jan 12th, 2021

So yeah, I've been stuck for a while with Consequences. The main reason being I HATE writing action sequences. And everyone seems to be expecting some big epic brawl to close things out and frankly, the idea just makes me tired.

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Are you ready? · 12:05pm Oct 9th, 2018

So, now that I've gotten Subtofuge out of the way after far too long, it's time to get back on track.

I hope you're ready.

Consequences resumes on Thursday.


Consequences update delayed to Friday · 10:14pm Oct 11th, 2018

Sorry, guys. I had an exhausting day today and I just can't get anything written that isn't crap. We'll try again tomorrow.


Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy · 2:15am Jul 10th, 2017


Holy crap... · 7:30pm Apr 5th, 2018

I don't think anyone would care but...

This and Medievil coming out?! I'm such a happy glob of ice and nightmares.

Oh, and in the process of writing things. Might release something in the near or distant future. I dunno... Later.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results