So... where to begin?
I have promised you guys that I would be releasing an MLP x Apex Legends fic for sometime. Good news, it comes out SEPTEMBER 8TH!!! That's right, my slow brain finally got up and nearly finished it. Bit of editing touches are in order but beside that it is set for release!
For the next 24 hours ish as of writing this, over on Humble Bundle.
Personally one of those that loved the idea of a 'Heavy Metal Zelda with an awesome car,' only to burn out on the not exactly riveting 'third-person Battlezone 98 light' segments.
Still, say what else you want about it, but there's no other game quite like it, and free's free.
Oh, and worth it for the face-meltingly awesome voice-cast. That too.
My immediate reactions while watching. Warning: Spoilers ahead
Is it just me or does the animation during the intro song look really cheap? I guess the other intro song animations were heavily stylized too, but at least they showcased the characters. The bus looks static and boring. The song itself sounds good, though.
Sunlight shipping fuel at 5:56.
“Gonna be nice gettin' away from that kinda stuff.” Oh Applejack, why must you tempt fate?
Before I get started, know that I have watched this movie three times prior to writing this review. Also, if you've not watched the movie for yourself, be aware that this contains major spoilers. You've been warned.
Right now, at time of writing, I've got the client for Legends of Equestria on my hard drive. (I've got to go through a myriad of security warnings to actually update it, though-- be warned!). I plan to join the game's anniversary party.
[Scene opens on a room within the Castle of Friendship, in particular on Incarlsistency and Sam-Listens-To-Carl's-Problems. Both are seated in crystal chairs with their eyes going wonky and hollow while they drool from one corner of their mouths. Pan over slightly to reveal Spike already cleaning up the mess they're making and Twilight Sparkle blowing off her horn. She suddenly perks up to the camera and turns to it.]
The Humane Five, Sunset and Sci-Twi all get Elements of Harmony
Midnight Sparkle has less screen time than Godzilla in the reboot
That's all you really need to know
Let's get the second thing done first. My next story (working title: The Flutters and the Fluffles) is underway. I've begun writing it out and I should have it published before the month is out.
Better late then never, I always say! Spoiler warning for those who want to keep it secret!
I was thinking about making a displaced of He who meddles. Who is the leader of the hive of the necrophages. I don't know if I'll do this or not but for now I'm just playing with the idea.
.... I actually liked it.
Pinkie Pie was especially great.
What was with the ending though?!?!
Ring Ring Ring Ring
Heya Sunset
Oh hey Dusty; whats up?
Just calling
Calling to what?
To see if you'd pick up the phone
To what?
To say that I FUCKING CALLED IT!!!
Ugh your really still on about that?
What I Do?
You didn't protect your waifu...
So while watching the Party with the Ponies marathon on DFC today, I realized something about Filthy Rich, and why his human counterpart being a sleazy real estate tycoon actually makes sense.
In "Where The Apple Lies", we see that Granny Smith being (a) his most valuable business associate and (b) being legitimately intimidating keeps Filthy Rich honest.