Friendship Games Deleted Scenes Thoughts (minor spoilers) · 8:45pm Oct 15th, 2015
So, there are four deleted scenes on the Friendship Games DVD that lay out a dropped character arc from an ealier draft of the script.
So, there are four deleted scenes on the Friendship Games DVD that lay out a dropped character arc from an ealier draft of the script.
I'm told that very, very little was cut from the Discovery family version of Friendship Games, so I've started work on the Letter.
Long-time readers will know that the EG letters are a bit more of a doozy than episodes, so not sure if it'll be out soon, or after the DVD release in two weeks.
It.... was... surprisingly good! The animation seemed a bit better, especially with the magic, and seeing the character development was enjoyable (the Elements displaying their qualities in a way that didn't seem contrived was a nice touch). Seeing teen girls actually acting like teen girls? Yup. And, man, that villain! I didn't think a completely human villain in a EG movie would work, but she pulled it off. And speaking of pulling things off, am I wrong for thinking she's hot? I have a thing
Haha, I was just talking about this, wasn't I?
I just watched the new Friendship Games trailer here and I have to admit being stoked. Sci-Twi presents a way to fall in love with Twilight Sparkle all over again. (Cuz while I never made a big deal about Twilicorn, I have to admit that the event stopped me from identifying with her as much as I originally did.)
I know I am!
Join the official fanclub!!!!!!
This is not a group about my fanfiction, I would never be able to do that, it's about the third movie!
It looks like so many new exciting characters are being ignore and nobod's Just join! Yay!
That..was....AWESOME!!!! Brand new 10 minute sneak peek hath arrived, and it's a doozy!
Here's just the song part...
So... I was thinking about whether we'll have a post-credits 'stinger' to Friendship Games, the same way we did with Rainbow Rocks> What might it be...?
As the last chord of Right There in Front of Me fades, the picture changes from the Hasbro Studios logo to a GREEN FOREST as far as the eye can see. The POV sweeps over it towards a cluster of modern-looking BUILDINGS.
A K Yearling
Well I have to say, the movie was awesome, sure like many other reviews have said there were things they could have done better, but we must remember this is a show for little kids, even with our inclusion into the fandom, though one thing, XD MIDNIGHT SPARKLE! What is all of your opinions on this incarnation of Twilight Sparkle?
Shout Factory fucked up AGAIN.
The DVD? It's out there. Wide circulation.
The BD? Backordered EVERYWHERE.
If you've somehow lucked into it, congratulations.
On a related note: I'm not getting out to go shopping today for various reasons, so I won't have this one today. I expect to pick it up later in the week. I''ll post a blog commenting on extras and deleted scenes and stuff as soon as I do have it.
Just got finished watch the friendship games I don't know if it sad that I can relate to Twilight so much in this.
Don't hate me, but this is my favorite of the 3 movies
It was different, but in a good way.
A list of things I'm catching/paying attention to on repeat viewings:
- Dean Cadance doesn't have the crown-shaped cowlick Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna have.
- Spike was playing with the same blue rope-bone toy the other Spike was playing with near the end of Rainbow Rocks.
- Twilight's birthday is apparently a few weeks after the Friendship Games. (I might need to do something with that...)
- Midnight Sparkle's horn is a CHANGELING horn.
So during a long afternoon of thunderstorms, I've been entertaining myself by extruding that stinger from Friendship Games into Seinfeldian conversations between the Rainbooms and the two Twilights.
Fun fact: 80% of my fanfic ideas come from me talking to myself in bed while trying to sleep/sick/watching the weather be bad.
Anyway, I had a thought, which I may or may not do something with at some point, but I wanted to share it regardless:
​Well, just watched Friendship Games with Brady.
Overall, I consider it to be the weakest of the trilogy, plot-wise and music-wise, but there are certainly enough individual moments to make it worthwhile, and more or less is an enjoyable ride.
Good god this movie went way beyond my expectations. Lets start off at the first thing I loved about it, the way that they showed the Human Twilight. I felt like a real time loop of her not knowing about friendship like in the first episode of Season 1, and no I don't count the first Equestria girls movie saying its also similar (Lets never talk about it).
I am very upset right now because computer. ;_; All I feel like doing is riffing on this weird-ass movie.
So, today Discovery Family ran about 10 minutes of the movie, including one song.
Excitement is increasing!
Also, going by the promos for the movie that began running today, it looks like the DFC premiere of Friendship Games will be in the evening on the 26th, not in the morning.
No new shorts were premiered during the Sneak Peek. but Short #5 was posted to the MLP Facebook page today. You can watch it on EqD or check it out in the comments below.