
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Fluttercheer Updates: "Letters to Cozy Glow, "Dreamwalker Dash" and Friend Situation · 6:01pm May 4th, 2019

So, here is a little update on the situation..... My friend is back, sort of. I'm not explaining the long of it now, but we went through a bizarre misunderstanding where each of us thought the other has blocked them on Discord. Which happened because I did block her for one second when I thought she wouldn't return, then lifted the block again immediately cause I couldn't give up. But that nuked her from my friendlist and she only accepts private messages from friends, so I thought she has

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Radio Silence..... and what it means · 1:51pm Aug 24th, 2019

Nothing too bad, thankfully. Just the usual. I'm not wasting too much breath or thoughts now that I finally left it behind me but, to answer the questions you will have, it's a horrible thing for your depressed mind when you start feeling good, have a plan, a small catastrophe threatens that plan and throws you right into the next depressed fit that incapacitates you for another week.

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Back from a Convention Weekend (with a cold) · 12:03pm Sep 6th, 2019

I can't write much right now, but I wanted to inform you that I'm back from a con, which is the reason why I didn't write anything last weekend and the days after it. Three days of convention, then sorting and placing the ponyloot I bought (which ripped a huge hole in my budget for next month already, but it was worth it).

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Dentist Update: Some Good News · 12:20am Sep 3rd, 2023

There is some good news now. I've been at a first dentist appointment on Tuesday to get a preliminary examination and when the exact tooth that causes the problem was identified, it turned out that it's not a wisdom tooth (or molar, like they are also called, thank you pony author whose vocabulary is bigger than mine), but the second-to-last tooth on the upper right side. Which means, that the tooth doesn't have to go out. :yay:

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"Foal of the Moment" Update: One of Equestria's Youngest Heroes in the Spotlight! · 4:28pm Oct 25th, 2019

In the light of recent events, I have gone and updated the "Foal of the Moment" section on my userpage.
Hyper Sonic, our big hero who spoke up for Equestria's future, mobilized forces against Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis and flew into battle with the pegasi of Equestria, is now included in it and takes over for Kettle Corn, the previously spotlit filly!

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My productivity MIGHT be a little impaired in the next few weeks..... · 2:35pm Aug 25th, 2023

I was at the dentist yesterday. Because of a particular, severe pain in the entire right half of my mouth. I thought of something rather benevolent as the cause, but as it is the case so often, reality is much worse. It turned out that my upper-right wisdom tooth is making problems. It caused a huge, blue swelling on my gums right next to it and that is where the pain comes from. According to the dentist I saw yesterday, the only way to fix this is to get the tooth removed. How's that for a six

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Fluttercheer News: Stories about Silverstream, Nightmare Night, The Weak Start of Tempest Shadow's Journey, Addressing my Ko-fi page situation, Derpibooru Author Tag + Userlink and "Fluttercheer's Word of Wisdom" · 11:11pm Sep 25th, 2018

As a few of you have probably noticed, I am finally back in the writing business proper since Sunday, after three months of basically zero output courtesy of depressions that let my writing tempo slow down to a crawl. I have finally released a new story that I had promised for a long time now (I will talk more about this one below, for those of you who wonder about the

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My first "Foal of the Moment" update! · 3:44pm Aug 7th, 2019

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results