
Viewing 101 - 120 of 498 results

So, the finale today... · 3:00am Nov 29th, 2015


season 5. · 5:06pm Apr 4th, 2015

Well, I had to miss the premiere of Season 5 because of my job. But, how was it?

And no, I don't mind spoilers.


S5E22: What About Discord? · 8:19pm Nov 7th, 2015

Meh. Really felt like a filler, this one, and I can't help noticing that its writer was Neal Dusedau, whose previous work was on the teleplay for "Princess Spike". It probably doesn't help that Bob Ross isn't a big pop-culture phenomenon in the UK. (I don't think we even got his show on British TV back in the day.) I felt sorry for Twilight, especially as I've been in her position here, and it's not at all enjoyable. I actually felt her friends (and Discord) were being

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S5E17: Brotherhooves Social · 7:38pm Oct 3rd, 2015

Time is short (because of UK PonyCon looming), so this will be a short one, and I'll leave the spoilery waffle for Louder Yay in a day or two's time. This was a pretty weird episode, but in the end it was well worth it. It was great to see an Apple Family ep that (mostly) didn't involve Applejack; not that I have anything against AJ, but she's not everything. Big Mac got to talk a whole lot (in a way...) and we got a really interesting look at his character for the first time. There was

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"Amending Fences" reaction · 8:47pm Jul 4th, 2015

Right in the feelz. That's the phrase I'd use to describe this one ^^

I really dig MA Larson's writing. Most of the episodes he's written for MLP have been enjoyable (say what you will about Slice of Life, I like it, same goes for Ponyville Confidential ^^). I don't get why he sometimes gets a bad wrap, unless the critics are being facetious. Anywho...

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Season 5 Final · 6:33pm Nov 28th, 2015

Well looks like the villains all got there victories... Though it was Erased out of existence. Or is it? :pinkiecrazy:

Well to be fair I had thought they where going too Retcon something with time travel or at the very least show us a timeline of events for the last five seasons.

Oh well what do anyone else think?


Site Post » S5E24 - The Mane Attraction · 4:15pm Nov 21st, 2015

An old friend of Applejack's has become a huge pop star and Applejack fears that the singer's manager does not have her best interests at heart.


S5E18: Raiders of the Lost Mark · 6:12pm Oct 12th, 2015

I had a wonderful time at UK PonyCon, and it rekindled a lot of the sheer happiness and feeling of, well, family that this fandom has given me.* I'm too tired to write a long review of the episode, and tbh I was thinking of skipping it this time. But I can't really, now, can I? True, there are flaws with the episode's pacing. True, the cutie marks don't look quite "organic" enough. True, there's a question now about what to do with Diamond Tiara's character. True, there's some doubt

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S5E11: Party Pooped · 11:27pm Jun 27th, 2015

Well, that was... odd. Not in the way that "Slice of Life" was odd, but odd nevertheless. A new writer (Nick Confalone) seemed to throw a lot of ideas at a wall and wait to see which ones stuck, then when none of them fell off he said, "Stuff it, I'll use the lot" -- and did just that. I liked seeing Twilight do something she hasn't done for a while (and I mostly believed why she was doing it, too). I thought Pinkie was interesting in this, though some of the other Mane Sixers

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NEW EPISODE FINALLY · 4:02pm Jun 13th, 2015


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S5E12: Amending Fences · 4:25pm Jul 4th, 2015

This was actually pretty great. M. A. Larson gave us "Slice of Life" the other week, but proved here that he's still more than capable of writing excellent MLP:FiM episodes of the traditional type. It's a shame there wasn't room for a song, as it's been ages now since we've had one (well, seven episodes), but other than the equally traditional slightly rushed ending, I can't find much to complain about. The flashbacks worked, Pinkie worked... everything worked, really. Maybe not quite a

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S5E10: Princess Spike · 7:41pm Jun 20th, 2015

It was everything I expected from a Spike episode. Which means that I can already remember almost nothing about. In fact, it was a nothing episode. Not particularly terrible, and a few cute Twilight moments (the book cuddling!), but by no means a classic. How many Spike eps have we had now? And still nothing I'd want to go back and watch just for the fun of it. Also, this was another mediocre episode with multiple writing credits. For the most part, doing that doesn't seem to work very well. ★★


Episode 13 · 10:49pm Jul 11th, 2015

Okay, wow. That was a really great episode! I loved it. I'm looking forward to the next episode. Hopefully will be a better episode. though it'll be pretty hard to top it. It was almost as good as season 4 finale in my opinion.


Uh, wat · 4:54am Dec 19th, 2015

Was watching season 5 and then...



Review to episode 17 · 6:58pm Oct 7th, 2015

I liked it, full of emotion it was a great episode, not to mention we got to see Big Mac speak complete sentences without being in rage mode.


Season 5 Episode 14-18 Review: Flipping My S#%^! · 2:43pm Oct 21st, 2015

Warning: excessive use of swearing and foul language beyond this point

Viewer discretion is advised


I… I fucked up…

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S5E20: Hearthbreakers · 8:33pm Oct 24th, 2015

A "Christmas" episode in October? Okay then. It was a rather strange episode, and occasionally a bit disjointed, but reasonably heart(hs)warming. Actually, it had similarities to "Hearth's Warming Eve" itself from back in S2. A few interesting bits of worldbuilding and new characters, but not an episode you need to concentrate too intensely on. It might turn out to be ideal for Boxing Day, actually. ★★★

A few more thoughts, with spoilers, past the break.

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Site Post » S5E23 - The Hooffields and McColts · 11:18am Nov 15th, 2015

Princess Twilight and Fluttershy are called by the map to settle a dispute between two feuding families who can't even remember why they are fighting.

This is what I get for having a messed up sleep cycle....apologies! I thought I was getting better at this :(


S5E24: The Mane Attraction · 11:58pm Nov 21st, 2015

Not bad, and made a solid farewell episode for AKR. One of the songs (the penultimate one that was previewed months back) was outstanding, the others were okay. Wasn't nearly as much of a fan of the modern-style one as many people seem to be. Having "Rara" not referring to Rarity is going to confuse me now every time I read a certain type of fanfic. Story felt like it was trying to fit too much into 22 minutes minus whatever the songs took up. Svengallop was one of the dullest "villains"

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S5E21: Scare Master · 7:21pm Oct 31st, 2015

A Fluttershy episode that, for the most part, didn't do anything new. In fact, it was heading straight for a two-star rating until near the end, despite Applejack and Big Mac. (I was not a fan of Granny Smith in this: never mind Angel, she was worse.) The final few minutes were very nice, with a moral that I approve of. And of course it's a Fluttershy episode, and she gets extra points just for being Fluttershy. So it should have been an easy three. However, the really scared one now is

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 498 results