
Viewing 81 - 100 of 239 results

Wow, I have a social life? · 7:48am Jan 20th, 2019

Things that I've done just in the past couple of days of not paying mind to anything on this site:

  • Watched a local concert for a band that my sister's friend's older brother is in. This is literally the first time I've ever gone to a concert, even if it was just in a basement.
  • Watched two movies and finally began watching "The Man in the High Castle", a series I've been wanting to watch for quite some time now
  • Was productive

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Next chapter of Pony-Me coming soon! · 7:45am Jul 8th, 2018

Status update (7-8-2018_1)~~~

Outtakes has a chapter ready to be published, but will be held back until Pony-Me's chapter is complete.

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Here's the Pony-Me OC Special's prologue so far: · 6:37am Dec 19th, 2018

Not done with it yet, but I'd like a bit of feedback from you guys on how it's going so far.

Elizabeth Waters stifled a yawn, glancing up from her computer’s monitor, then at the digital clock hanging on the wall.

“Hm.” She snorted, folding her arms, “Lunch break already.”

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>tmw you write one of the final scenes of your story even though you aren't even close to halfway done with the rest of it · 8:07am Feb 14th, 2021

haha lol
at least i have a good idea of how Pony-Me's gonna be ending now


Looking back, looking forward. (Don't worry I'm not leaving) · 3:57am Jul 3rd, 2022

It's been a little while since I've done much self-reflection about my time here, hasn't it?

First of all, man. That's an old blog lol. Second off, this is also partly going to be an update blog of sorts where I ramble about stuff I'm gonna be doing.

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A bit of history on where Pony-Me was originally planned to go, and how it evolved over time. · 8:49am Dec 23rd, 2018

So. It's 12:41 AM, and I'm not tired at all right now. I've got some soft orchestral music looping in the background, and I already wrote my usual pile of horsewords into Pony-Me's in-progress chapter. Heck, I even got a few more unread chapters knocked off my tracking list. So what now?

Well, about Pony-Me. It's got quite a few versions of its narrative.

Let's turn back time a bit, shall we?

Pony-Me 1.0

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Just a little statement on story updates. · 5:35am Jan 15th, 2019

That is to say, we're on the home-stretch now.

What I mean is, Pony-Me is in its final planned story arc and doesn't have very many chapters remaining before it reaches its ultimate end. The current chapter has been in the works for over a month, and while things started off slow initially, just within the past week I've doubled the length twice. It's already become the longest-ever chapter in the story, with still more content to follow.

It's been a long journey for Lisa.

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When you realize that there's a giant plothole in the story that you've been writing for over a year and that plothole stretches all the way back to the earliest chapters... · 11:27pm Feb 7th, 2019


So, y'know Timothy from Pony-Me, right?

Yeah, he supposedly entered the simulation as a toddler, but the problem with that is that in order to match his description relative to Lisa, he'd actually be roughly around 11 years old by the time he enters, thus bumping his age post-simulation to his early 20s, reducing the age gap with Lisa by nearly half a decade.



This is fine.

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Hrm. · 5:40am Nov 4th, 2019

So it appears that the original fiction spinoff of Pony-Me has diverged so much from Pony-Me itself as far as original fiction lore that the only things I can carry between the two without change now are the characters. Even then, Lisa and Samantha are a bit different from Pony-Me. Ok, for Samantha she's pretty much been rewritten from the ground-up.

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Proposed plot idea for OC special · 7:28am Dec 11th, 2018

Yes, I'm still working on it. I'd like to pitch a plot.

The eight characters are some of the first to be connected to the simulations following its initial release, and once connected, encounter each other once again and begin to build up the world around them.

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Next Pony-Me chapter coming on Friday! · 5:30am Apr 9th, 2019

...Or... I guess, however long it's gonna take to get more than one prereader to get around to signing off on the longest chapter I've ever written...

Shoutout to Doggyshakespeare and Babroniedad for helping so much from the second half of the story all the way until now!


Work has begun on Pony-Me's final epilogue. · 6:51am Jun 4th, 2019

Though it hasn't been published yet, I now consider the final chapter to be complete. The epilogue serves largely as a collection of "snapshots" into the future beyond the final chapter, and will come complete with the full collection of the story's chapter name subnarrative.

AS always, thank you for reading, and as of the more recent chapters, certainly thanks for waiting so long. Never stop reading. :twilightsmile:


Want some looming threats linking all the way back to Pony-Me? · 7:07am Jan 31st, 2020

EInto Equestria
What do you do when the line between simulation and reality blurs? You put the headset on, of course.
TheMajorTechie · 11k words  ·  27  6 · 657 views

'Cause we've got some looming threats right over in chapter 5. Something to do with Timothy. :raritywink:


What would y'all prefer? · 7:09am Mar 4th, 2019

Longest chapter ever of Pony-Me, or two separate chapters roughly 3-4k words in length?

'Cause holy crap have the chapters been getting long lately.

Also, anybody want an AMA with a character from the story? I could arrange for one sometime.


Pony-Me: Now in a (slightly redacted) free-to-download e-book! · 8:40am Jul 2nd, 2019

I took the time to copy over the main chapters (excluding bonus chapters, alternate endings, fan-written chapters, authors notes, etc) and export the entire thing into an epub format.

From there, I exported the ebook to Microsoft Word through Calibre to do some post-processing fixes to the thing, including tidying up the cover and layout, and resizing certain text elements to better fit on the page. One quick export back through Calibre, and the ebook was finished!

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Report TheMajorTechie · 329 views · #pony-me #ebook #free #epub

Splitting off My Own Reality as an AU of Pony-Me · 7:49am Feb 3rd, 2019

Yeah, it's an AU of an AU that strips away all the pony that made the original AU an AU of MLP in the first place. Confused yet?

Yeah, me too.

Anyways, I'm writing a new Universal Framework document with loose ties to MLP. I've already expanded upon Lisa's backstory to include more than just "Lisa's parents died and she's sad so she made the simulations."

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actually, i think ima just update as the chapters come like i did with Pony-Me. · 8:23am Dec 15th, 2019

Never really been all that good at sticking to a strict update schedule, anyways. And I'd much prefer being able to post as I go instead of having a massive number of chapters piling up behind the scenes.

Ao, I'll just update whenever I finish writing another chapter, just like old times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When you get that one-two punch of writing a chapter that explores your favorite characters in-depth as a leadup to a chapter when you finally get to knock over the tower of cards you've been piecing together: · 7:17am Jan 6th, 2020

( •_•)>⌐■-■

It's time. :moustache:

btw this is all in the original fiction so just ignore this if you want


Hit a milestone today. · 8:04am Apr 9th, 2020

Hit that sweet 45678 words in the original fiction adaptation. :raritywink:
There's really not much left of the story to write at this point, to be honest. This is one of the final chapters, and though it's only really long enough to be considered a novella/light novel, I'm perfectly fine with that.

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Have a major plot addition to Pony-Me over the 2017 story. · 8:05am May 7th, 2021

The OG Pony-Me ain't got subplot like what I've kicked off in tonight's chapter! This is one of the big parts of what came to fruition after I said that this reboot was gonna combine both the original Pony-Me and the concepts from its failed sequel, Into Equestria.

EPony-Me™: Rebooted
What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on. A rewrite of 2017's Pony-Me.
TheMajorTechie · 26k words  ·  133  10 · 2.1k views

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 239 results