
Viewing 21 - 40 of 79 results

The end, and the begining · 7:01am Mar 10th, 2018


Song for ch. 12 · 3:17am Mar 8th, 2018

I made a little WIP video for the song I wrote from Twilight's POV in the penultimate chapter.Enjoy if you'd like.

Also be sure to have a look at my previous blog post. I'd really like some input on it if you can. :)

Have an awesome day and look forward to my series finale dropping soon.



Twilight Sparkle being done with Discord: a Trilogy :P · 7:49am Nov 8th, 2015

In DiH news, still working on it for NaNo. Hit 15k yesterday and I'd say about 5k of that is stuff I can use.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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Faust · 3:22pm Apr 7th, 2016

Have any of you ever heard of the old German legend of a man named Faust and his deal with a demon, along with its poor consequences that followed it like a lame pup? It is one of my favorite tales, and I plan to adapt it... with an interesting twist to it.

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What I would do differently · 6:09am Mar 7th, 2018

Well, seeing as this entire little series of mine has taken a good amount of time for me to actually finish (nearly seven years, what!?) I think I can say with a good amount of confidence that I have improved as a writer since that ship-feels-fueled night back in 2011 just after Return of Harmony part II aired, when I wrote the first scene that would become part of the first chapter of aPS.

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So, NaNo's going on · 6:12pm Nov 5th, 2017

And as is my yearly tradition, I'm working on both my pony stuff and my original works. I am currently at a little over 11k words, hoping to get to 12k tonight. This will - with hope - get me to a point where ch 9 will be ready to go, because as I've mentioned ch. 10 is ready to go, but I should think that y'all might like to read them in order.

Just bear in mind that there might be an eensy bit more of a wait after those two go up.

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Having some difficulties · 6:00pm Nov 24th, 2019

I'm sorry for the gap in content. I'll be honest, it's been harder to get used to my new living situation than I thought. Not having my friends and my close family nearby has been... hard. Been dealing with problems at my new job, as well as a bit of a relapse on some old vices. Tried plowing through it with a can do attitude, but it's just been a lot. I feel creatively dry.

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Dealing with failure/A name change for my most recent fic/some inner working of Piquo · 11:56am Jul 31st, 2015

So. I've come to a conclusion. My stories will never be popular on this site. My most recent story was an experiment on a duel story, that is two stories told with one set of words. Depending on how you read it changes which story you are reading.

Was it a perfect story?
Was it a decent story?
I'd say it was decent and when people checked it out they liked it.

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Chapter 2(3?) up · 4:09am Aug 25th, 2016

Again it's the solo way again, and I'm not as happy with it as I could be, but here y'all are. Another chapter for you to enjoy (I hope).

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SSSS #3 · 1:57am Aug 9th, 2017

Maybe I should call them S4? Sx4?

Anyway, here is a dumb and completely non-canon scene I wrote when I needed to write words and couldn't think of what to do next during NaNo '13.

The moral of the story? Keep writing, I guess. Even when all you can come up with is silly stuff like this. When all else fails, just copy a scene from a movie or tv show :P



One Year (A very personal long ranty blog that you should skip unless you want a diary entry or something) · 5:36pm Apr 4th, 2019

*WARNING*: This as-promised post is a long discussion about personal issues, phobias, mental health, and trauma. Feel free to skip this one if you’re not up for that! :)

I have thought long and hard about writing this post, and now I finally get to. I knew it would be hard but… not this hard. So, here we go:

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Dealing with Dipshits/ Refuting Retardation · 7:38pm Jun 13th, 2016

I normally wouldn't want to go and do this, but stupidity of this magnitude needs to be shared. I also want to archive this somewhere before this guy goes and tries to delete his comments. I don't want people to dogpile on him, and as such I will only give out the link when asked. I'm an asshole, I don't try to deny it, But I don't need backup, and I can easily hold my own on the internet. It's just that you only meet a person this stupid once in your lifetime. This is going to be a long post,

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UPDATES! · 6:00am Oct 26th, 2015

Hey y'all, I just wanna keep you in the loop. My pal/collaborator who is also my main PR has been super busy lately and not been able to look at my in-progress chapters. I've been doing my best to keep a steady dedication to just sitting down and writing, and also to being a better partner in my joint ventures with him.

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Personal News · 11:51pm Dec 25th, 2019

A lovely start to a holiday season. I woke up waaaaay too early for my tastes and had a stomachache to boot. On top of that, nose is stuffed up. A friend of mine, Layton put it best, the season that keeps on giving. The sleep medication I take? It's beginning to fail on me, and I wake up at way too early hours, even when I take it an hour before I go to bed. Needless to say, this is not desirable. I think it's time to make a doctor's appointment come January. Swallow my pride, and all that.

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NaNoWriMo update (halfway there! ) · 3:14pm Nov 19th, 2015

Fun fact: I have written about 5,200 words of my NaNo stories this year on my phone. :P




Well, I guess you're still here · 7:26am Aug 4th, 2015

It's nice to know y'all still enjoy my Sympathy Series. I was kinda worried since I got so many dislikes right off the bat, and I'm not used to that. Iunno if I was just lucky back when I posted aPS and DD or if the fandom's just changed in the intrevening time, but I don't remember getting any downvotes for them until they'd been out for at least a week.

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How My Christmas Eve Is Going · 3:06am Dec 25th, 2022

It's shit. It's really just shit.

And of course, I'm sure my stupid escapades of disobeying my parents is what's causing this because God isn't happy with me, and so now my parents are talking to my sister about how she shouldn't be proud of her goodness because it's vain and it'll condemn her and I'm getting fucking sick of it, why am I always the catalyst?

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Sympathy Series Side stories #2 · 7:33am Aug 1st, 2017


Reader Survey · 6:08am Jul 20th, 2017

Hey y'all,

As I am writing the latter half of DiH (which you might be pleased to hear may have more chapters than previously advertised) I wanted to pose a few questions to those of you that feel like answering. It might help me to make DiH even better than I hope it will be:

1) In your opinion, are there any promises made or questions asked so far in DiH (or in my previous works) that you feel haven't been addressed/fulfilled/answered? If so, what are they?

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A proposition for the new chapter · 9:15pm Jul 26th, 2017

Okay y'all, ch. 6 is ready to go (at least I think so). It was still done the solo way, so I hope I didn't overlook anything.

My question to you is: Were I to post it tonight, would you be willing to wait until all the rest of the chapters are done before seeing the rest? I still have about two months to get them done until my deadline of Oct.6, but I'd love to have them all ready to go so I could release them more regularly for y'all.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 79 results