
Viewing 201 - 220 of 716 results

Blatant LOPE Ripoff tenth. Or Where is Everybody? · 5:00am Dec 27th, 2016

I woke up early. Much earlier than usual. It's currently the earlier hours of the afternoon for June third, but it feels much longer than it usually is, likely on account that something woke me up around one AM.

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Na na na na na na na na fad-man! · 10:35pm Dec 9th, 2015


Blatant LOPE Ripoff Fourteen (Where is Everybody?) · 4:30am Jan 18th, 2017

Seventh of June, Monday. That day we all dread. More specifically that day of the week none of us liked. It doesn't matter now, I guess. I should leave my worries behind. But I kind of wish my brother, my mother, my favorite cousin, and next door neighbor were here.

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Happy International Day of Human Space Flight! · 12:03pm Apr 12th, 2016

Today is the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space.

On April 12th, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to enter space, opening a new era for the whole humanity.

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First story coming soon. · 4:29pm Apr 6th, 2017

Juelst a light slice of life tale to start out, hopefully will be up soon. Once up I am ooen for suggestions and ideas.

Been reading some of the game crossovers. ... wonder if any authors want to collaborate...


"Cracks In Our Reflections" has started! · 7:41am Feb 18th, 2016

Hey there everybody! Incase you missed it, or have just stumbled across my account by happenstance, my first fanfic for the site, titled "Cracks In Our Reflections," has officially started! I've been planning this fic for a good while, and I look forward to working on something fanfiction related again, after a near 2 year long break from posting. At the time of writing this, it's still in the approval process, but hopefully by the time most people read this, it'll be up and readable.

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Here's a question for you all · 4:12am Aug 25th, 2019

But, since we're in the final season of the show, and the finale is coming closer week after week...

What was your introduction to FiM? And what was the first episode that you watched?

I'm pretty curious to know, honestly.

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First Story: Coming Soon! · 11:26am Jan 31st, 2016

Hi everyone!

My first story is going to be coming by the end of the week and that's a Pinkie Promise! :pinkiesmile:
It's going to be a short story to get used to writing Fanfiction here, and soon I plan on making a multi-chaptered story!

Hope you all enjoy my first story as much as I'll enjoy writing it, see you when it's out everyone! :twilightsmile:


Where is Everybody? fourty. · 6:10am Oct 28th, 2017

Sixth and presumably final day here in this strange, illustration like land. That weird queen, princess, or whatever is not one who seems to be dishonest to her word. She sent us back to the apple farm with a very special procession. The info is back again, and this time I took it with far more dignity than I did the first. In fact we all did.

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My first blog, chapter 1 help, and various other things. · 8:05am Mar 20th, 2016

I'm going to be honest with everyone who will read this blog; I don't like posting garbage online. I like what I say to have a purpose, to make people think. However, it doesn't always work out that way and I wind up posting some stupid shit that winds up pissing people off or teased or what-have-you. Getting teased, trolled, and having the stuff you post online criticized is fine. After all, that is how you learn and grow as, well, anything. Whether an artist, a writer, a game designer/maker,

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Where is Everybody? twenty four · 10:30pm Mar 12th, 2017

Saturday the Seventeenth of June. Naturally we should all feel depressed. The situation never becomes less undesirable, but you can't consistently be sad anymore than you can be eternally blissful. The sentient mind doesn't work that way. I feel much better than ever physically. I should be more spry. I'm not. Maybe I should remove that there bracelet. Maybe I might ride me bicycle. There have been less effective ways to get up than literally getting up. I feel less and less inclined

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Where is Everybody? thirty five. · 5:31pm Sep 24th, 2017

I woke up feeling very well rested the following morning. Early enough to see the break of dawn. I cannot recall the last time I watched the sunrise, though I had to be more careful now, since my eyes are more sensitive than they've ever been. Seeing that sun rise above the illustration like mountains with identical patterns, yet rich texture was like something from a dream. Or a painting.

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Thinking about writing. · 4:11am Dec 14th, 2016

As it says, I've had a few ideas every now and again, there's one I've thought of more and it would be a longer one.

I would have Clop stories, clean stories, and plenty of romance, would maybe take a suggestion if i liked it.

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1st Chapter done!!!!!!! · 8:46pm Apr 27th, 2020

SO I have completed my first chapter but I cannot publish the story yet due to the Story NOT YET containing anything MLP related so when this story goes up it will come with Minimum 2 chapters (maybe more tho if I get into the zone)
But otherwise I am very happy with how the 1st chapter game out. I am definitely looking forward to getting the second chapter out and being able to publish the story :D


The first paragraphs of my stories · 12:09am Feb 9th, 2019

The first few sentences are very important. They can spell the difference between the reader getting hooked and the reading closing the tab, never to come back to it. I'm hoping some of these will hook you.

Here are introductions from my stories arranged from the most to the least favorite ones:

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Where is Everybody? twenty seven · 12:59pm Apr 27th, 2017

N/A. No. Nothing exciting has happened on the twentieth, save the weird dream I had the evening before. Much like Anthony's, an elegant lady in a very regal looking cerulean dress, silver shoes, silver crown with sapphires, and mannerisms that command respect was at its core. No doubt we were looking at a diplomatic mare/woman with loads of experience in leadership, on top of being the most powerful witch this world has ever known. Like before, She was contacting someone from another

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Where is Everybody? thirty three. · 2:51am Sep 18th, 2017

August second. I have had the time of my life, however special that may be. There's not much to live for. Except our in-residents, later neighbors have vanished. I'd like to say it's a good riddance, had it not been for the fact that my drinking buddy and co film appreciator had gone with them. Damn. This is *not* what I had bargained for at all. Sweet's scarlet mess is a minor annoyance compared to having the literal basement dwellers at our door, and demanding the location of the

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It's Alive! · 12:23am Aug 25th, 2018

Well the first chapter of Immortal Wirewolf 2(Short title) is now done. So the plan is it will be divided up into two 'seasons' to better pace then the original version, the first half will focus on Alfreda and Juan exploring their characters, and the second will delve a little into Jack, while the rest will focus on the forth member, who will remain unnamed now, but for those that read(and disliked for some) Alfreda and Cell's Further Wandering's, that's about three guess to who it is. For

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A Big Step For Me · 5:28am Apr 25th, 2020

Greetings, all!

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My First Time Playing a Gibson Firebird - I've never been more confused by a guitar in my life · 2:44pm Feb 19th, 2020

I played a Firebird today. Not very well, mind you. I...I've never been more confused by a guitar than I have today.

The one I played was beautiful as anything you'd want in a guitar. It was cherry red, where you could see the wood grain, which made it so appealing you could consider it as erotic as your wife or girlfriend wearing lingerie on Valentine's Day. Then I played it, which is where my confusion came in.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 716 results