
Viewing 181 - 200 of 1,743 results

My random thoughts on My Little Pony: A New Generation · 11:20pm Oct 24th, 2021

Well this is late.

After having more than enough time to think on it (as well as catch a break from life :ajsleepy:) I can safely say that My Little Pony: A New Generation was great! :pinkiehappy: And here are my random thoughts:

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Jongojiverse Equestria Girls Chapter Update · 4:13am Jan 17th, 2016

After a strenuous three days (or so, I lost count :applejackconfused:), I have updated the fic with a new chapter.

Based on this current progress, it may be a while before I get to work on Other Visits.


Guess who may be alive at the moment? · 12:27am Apr 21st, 2017

ME! That's who.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to say to all of you who have followed me over the years. I still don't know what to say to the people who look at my stories. Especially this one.

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Twilight's Mistake · 2:05am Oct 21st, 2017

This was the moment... when Twilight knew... she f***ed up...


Because I know a lot of you like Fluttershy... · 11:30pm Sep 28th, 2015


Season 8 starts on March 24th! · 6:32pm Feb 8th, 2018

Just a heads-up, guys, the Season 8 premiere has officially been announced to air on March 24th.

Also, don't forget, Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship is coming on February 17th!

Also also, please check out my story Night Boat To Somnambula! It's recently been updated!


Casey's new friend · 5:35pm Oct 18th, 2017

"So, if you're dating the princess of friendship, does that make you the prince of friendship?" (Grubber)

"... well, no, not exactly... " (Casey)

"Then what happens if someone else becomes the prince of friendship?" (Grubber)

"That's not going to happen as long as Twilight and I are together..." (Casey)

"So does that mean you are a prince? How come you don't have a crown or wings or anything?" (Grubber)

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So Pony Life finally premiered on Treehouse... · 8:55pm Jun 21st, 2020

...And it's a pretty fun spin-off from what we've gotten so far. It's not groundbreaking but it's not supposed to be. It's just a simple harmless show with plenty of energy for children. It's nice to see the MLP franchise remember its target audience and go back to its slice-of-life routes rather than pander to bronies with things that plagued Friendship is Magic's later seasons.

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2010 - 2019) · 3:20pm Oct 13th, 2019

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (October 10, 2010 - October 12, 2019)

Rest in peace.

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Wedding Planning - Part 1 · 7:30pm Oct 23rd, 2017

Takes place in the distant future

After setting down his half-empty glass of Coke, Jack said, “So… you’re asking me… for wedding advice... why?”

“Well, you did help me pick out the ring the last time that I was here,” replied Casey, who was drinking a glass of water. “And, speaking of that, aren’t you married to Sunset yet? Cause my ring wasn’t the only-”

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Throwback Thursday · 4:29pm Aug 22nd, 2019

I noticed there was someone doing a song of the day so I've decided to do a throwback Thursday by posting a blog with a link to a my Little pony Video from the fandom. This video is a favorite of mine as well as the series.

Let me know what you'd like to see next tbt and I'll blog that one. I'll blog the First one first then the second if I get many comments, if I don't get any comments I'll still post.


My Little Pony Make Your Mark chapter 2 · 10:22am Sep 26th, 2022

The series has finally came back after the first episode going to watch the whole episodes and not spoiling it for everyone and hopefully nobody out there until half of the people watch it and I will give my opinion about this so see you then


So, I just wanted to say thank you My Little Pony. (goodbye My Little Pony) · 11:29am Nov 18th, 2019

So I just watched the final episode of my little pony, and holy crap was that a deep-touching moment. In that final epilogue episode, everything fromt he series was encapsulated, and it was literally so mindblowing to me I needed a good while to just think about what I just saw and resolve everything mentally. I wanted to give the show, my companion of nine years, a small sendoff of my own, by saying to the (likely very few reading this) the ways I am grateful to the creators of this show, and

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Story Problems · 4:05pm Oct 12th, 2015

Hey fellow brony's and pegasisters, I'm sorry I haven't posted episode 4 yet, but a problem has come up. Due to episode 4 being too repetitive of episode 1, 2, and 3, I've decided to push "Magic Trouble" back a few episodes to episode six or somewhere in that region, so I need to find a new plot for episode 4, and so far, nothing has been come up. I'm thinking of possibly doing a CMC based episode, but the plot is unknow as of now.

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Future Chapters · 9:37pm Apr 13th, 2020

Hey guys, I just want to drop this post here to say stuff.

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Series finale anniversary · 2:47am Oct 13th, 2020

Another happy anniversary to MLP! This time to the series finale of the show, The Last Problem. Seems to me that while the story of the Mane Six has come to an end, the future is just the beginning for Equestria's next generation. Once again, though I haven't watched the entirety of the show, I'm glad that I got to experience it when I gave it shot and I'm still thankful for all of its lessons about friendship and life. As a bonus, here's a preview to a chapter of my post-MLP story. I hope you

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Ironic is ironic · 7:10pm Oct 6th, 2018

I post my first story here and I get two favs, one follow, 66 views, and three thumbs down. I hope I get comments to see what people like or dislike about it. I know the piece is unorthodox as there isn't much MLP boxing fanfiction on here. I will try to change that slightly. Don't worry, I do mroe than boxing. I actually had an idea involving my MLP humans. Either way, thank you for your support.


Welcome to Horsing around:The attempt at an MLP blog by a complete new write fren. #2 Story updates and more! · 2:40pm Aug 6th, 2022

To those who care to read (all three of you), I have tried to release a chapter a day. If you read the description of the story, I mentioned 'mini' fan fiction. To elaborate further, while these aren't self-contained, some stories won't be connected to a greater plot. I have a loosely based thread of ideas and stories, but for the sake of time and to put me on a somewhat organized path, the current 'plan' is this.

1. Finish 'A little trust goes a long way.'

2. ????

3. Profit.

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The Legend of Gold Osburn · 5:00pm Jul 18th, 2019

Gold is a legend that's been passed down to generations some believe that he is a god that cannot die or the name is passed down to generations as well as the legend says about him he also have titles like protector, guardian, hero through time and space there is always one guild that surrounded around him Hero For Hire Guild of course that is for another time you can only find gold in certain locations muesli bars and rich places but occasionally running around with his team of 4

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Update: We might be going on hiatus soon. · 2:15pm Sep 17th, 2022

Both me and my co-author are dealing with IRL issues that will most certainly conflict with the schedule of the current main fic. However, I will try to post independent content and short stories at the very least. But I would prepare for things to slow down in the coming weeks and around October going into November.

Viewing 181 - 200 of 1,743 results