Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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As the title says, are there any pairings that you wish would just, you know, go into hibernation for a while?

If there is one pairing I'm, personally, absolutely sick of seeing it's Sunlight, and it's the reason that I wish that FimFiction had customizable pairing tags. It's even worse if it's surprise Sunlight, like if you follow a fic because it looks like it's one ship only to go "surprise!" and pull out Sunlight instead.

I get where you're coming from. The paring I'm starting to get sick of is Flutterdash. Mostly because of how predictable it is and how badly the two characters clash most of the time. It gets even worse when the writer gets ship happy and a bunch of random ships come out of nowhere that serve no real point to the story.

I can’t stand Fluttercord. Mostly because I hate Discord, I loved him as a villain, but once he was reformed all he did was annoy the ponies, create problems, and haphazardly fix them. Although, I don’t mind them being friends, I genuinely like the idea of Shy helping him become a better individual, but that is as far as that relationship should go.

I also hate Soarin x Rainbow Dash, but I can’t think of a reason why, I just don’t care for that pairing.

Fluttershy/Discord and Twlight/Luna.

Sunlight is done so painfully to death it's become a turn-off when I see it on a fic. It's gotten to the point where I'll read Sunsetx? pairings just for the novelty of seeing something else.

Author Interviewer


Y'all need to get better at shipping, Sunlight is excellent. >:V

Mostly Appledash and Flutterdash. For Appledash, the two are so similar, and I don't really see them moving beyond friends. For Flutterdash, they're too different, and, again, I just don't see them beyond being friends.

A few others:

Any ship involving Big Mac or Shining Armor.

Comment posted by Kegworth deleted Apr 17th, 2020

FlutterMac because I have an irrational hatred for the couple.
AppleDash because of a combination of oversaturation and I just can't see how they could work as a couple.

Octascratch :/ it can be done well but literally the only thing they have in common is music... that alone does not a couple make, y'all. Too often there's no explanation as to why they're together or why they have good chemistry and it just boggles my mind that people are still so into it


TIf I Only Had a Heart
Loneliness makes strange bedfellows, and Sunset Shimmer's may be the strangest of all. A graying researcher with a halcyon childhood, she flees on a night train beside the partner she can only protect by never seeing again. But can she truly let go?
WishyWish · 12k words  ·  44  2 · 1.3k views

Sunset X Smooze.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks like that. Seriously, look through the short story descriptions in the Sunlight group and tell me without opening any of them what the differences are.

If you want an example of a "surprise Sunlight" fic, you don't get it much more (seemingly) blatantly than in Sparky Selene: Professional Pornstar. Now, keep in mind that I haven't re-read it recently, so I might get some things wrong. Basically, going by the cover art and most of the story, you would think it was building up to Twidagio, only for it to pull out Sunlight right at the end. Now, while that may have always been the original intended ending, the fic ends so abruptly that it doesn't have time to set it up properly. Because most of the story takes place in Miami, several states away from Canterlot, so Sunset isn't physically there for most of it, so the chemistry to have it make sense wasn't there.


Also I always down-vote any story that even does so little as to mention it in passing.

That's absolutely ridiculous. I don't like the ship either, but it's not down-vote worthy to degrade someone's hard work like that over a passing mention. It's not like it's genuinely repulsive content like incest or underage/adult ickiness. If I downvoted stories because they used ideas even marginally different from my own, I'd have probably been banned and have downvoted every story on the.
It's incredibly good. Wishy is a pretty underrated author when it comes to their SFW stuff. While I do like SunLight, it's often pretty oversaturated. Rarity/Sunset is a really good underrated pair.

TOn Neutral Ground
After their date gets cut short by friends, Sunset and Rarity have a talk about where their relationship is going.
RadiantBeam · 3.1k words  ·  173  13 · 4.5k views
TOne Night in Buckkok
Rarity and Sunset go on a very important trip.
stillinbeta · 6.6k words  ·  173  24 · 2.8k views

Anything AppleDash. Just no. Also, Spike x Anypony. Again, just no. SunLight, when done well, is actually alright, it's just not usually done well. No TwiLestia, it's just wrong on so many levels. CMC x any colt. Just doesn't work for me. Any human/anon x anypony. I don't think I need to explain why. It's never done well and is usually just clop. Also, it just feels too wrong on too many levels. Also, OC's that aren't unnamed background ponies with any of the Mane 7. I dislike OC's in pretty much any fandom. Especially if that OC is a central character in the story. I'm not here for your power fantasy/wish fulfillment, I'm here to read about ponies. Oh, and Flashlight which I forgot about due to Flash Sentry being a worthless blight on the series and PinkieCheese because, no offense to Weird Al who's a bucking legend and one of my all time favorite artists ever, but I ship TwiPie so his existence puts us at direct odds with each other.

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