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I'm in a real philosophizing mood this morning, so I figured i'd read some famous quotes and ended on famous last words by people. What are some of yours? What does it mean? What would you say if you knew you were on your deathbed?

All is straw.

-Thomas Aquinas

Let me die in the old uniform in which I fought my battles for freedom, May God forgive me for putting on another.

-Benedict Arnold

I just wish I had time for one more bowl of chili. Adios, compadres.

-Kit Carson

It's very beautiful over there.

-Thomas Edison

Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries'!

-James French (executed via electric chair)

I will see you tomorrow, if God wills it. Amen.

-Pope John Paul II

This is a hell of a way to die...

-General George S. Patton (After fighting in wars his whole life, he died in a car accident shortly after WW2)

Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.

-Pancho Villa

1655165 Well I know what I'd say

"Oh by the way I left a million pounds under the-"


Aw shi-

-Most common statement (said in a complete flat and/or resigned way) made by USAF pilots when they crash.

EDIT: this has been proven true when the black boxes where studied by the AABs.


"Hold my beer."

1655165 I would say

who are you people?

Well, that's just lovely

Can't die without trolling one final time, eh?

Well, now I know what not to say if I crash.

1655165 I'd probably die from being eaten alive by a hoard of ravenous clown-zombies.

My last words would be "Tell my wife...SHE'S A BITCH!"


"Fuck it, I'm out"

Common last quote of a 4chan user when something even more disturbing is posted.

1. Don't put Arnold, Villa, or French on there. They don't deserve remembrance.
2. Patton said that about a day before he died, when he found out he'd never walk again. His last words are unknown since he died when no one was in the room. And he died before the war was over.

"I am thinking of earlier times."

Generalfeldmarschall der Panzertruppe Erwin von Rommel

Kiss me, Hardy.

Lord Viscount Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, upon learning he had won the battle of Trafalgar. Coincidentally, since his lungs were filling with blood from a gunshot wound, they were also his last words, despite British propaganda that says otherwise.

I'll make sure to engrave that on your tombstone

i won't have any last words because im going to live forever
but i think you should have included these last words

"I am just going outside and may be some time."

-Lawrence Oates

"What a helluva way to die, gory gory, what a helluva way to die..."

What a helluva way to die...

You're missing a few...

What fucking iceberg?

Edward Smith, Captain of RMS Titanic

What the fuck was that!?!?!?!

The Mayor of Hiroshima

Where the fuck did all these Indians come from?

Gen. George Custer

Fuck you! I have SkittlesĀ®

Treyvon Martin

One of the more...sentimental ones.

ā€œWhy do you drink that stuff, Ozzy? One of these days itā€™s gonna kill you.ā€

-Randy Rhoads (Hours before he died in a plane crash)

I play way too much Team Fortress 2, so mine would probably be "MEDIC!"





That Spy's a bloody MEDIC!

- Demoman, shortly before being backstabbed





I am fully cha- AAH!

- Meemdick

"Applaud my friends, the comedy is over."
-Ludwig van Beethoven
"Kill me, else you are a murderer."
-Franz Kafka
"Go away, I'm alright."
- HG Wells


Play Mozart in memory of meā€” and I will hear you.

-Fredric Chopin

You too, my child?

-Julius Caesar

The play is over, applaud!

-Augustus Caesar


Huh, very funny bitch. VERY FUNNY!

-Vernita Green 'Kill Bill Vol. 1'

Ooh! What does this button do?

Group Contributor


I have been and always shall be your friend. Live long and prosper.


It was.... fun. Oh my......

-James T. Kirk



Death is that state in which one exists only in the memories of others.

-Tasha Yar (prerecorded eulogy)


Remember kids, don't try this at home.

Hi, I'm derp, and this is Jackass.


You too, my child?

Not at all what the line translates to...
Et tu, Brute? Translates to, "Even you, Brutus?" Or if one wants to be particularly poetic, since Brute translates to Dull, Stupid in Latin, so... "And you, stupid?"

Now, when I am to die, I want something so absurd, that people will ponder it for all time. I'm currently thinking something like...
"I left the cat with the french toast..."
Or perhaps,
"Tell my ma it was me..."

Tenno Heika Banzai

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony God's blessing, but because I am slowly bleeding to death. All over my fedora, too."

That's actually a mistake. Et tu, Brute? was only taken from Shakespeare's play Caesar. Theses were caeser's real last words.


Perhaps-in another world-I could have called you...friend.

The needs of the many...outweigh...the needs of the few...or the one. I am...and always shall be...your friend. Live long...and...prosper.

1655851 Really now? Where pray tell did you read that? I was under the assumption that he died near silently, after covering over his face, so that none of them could see him die...

Group Admin

I'd want my last words to be:

I hope you enjoyed this list of interesting last words.

I imagine his last words were
"Ouch" "Aaaahhhh"

I hope my last words will end up as "Live long and prosper."

My last words, huh?

I think I'd want to go out with a pun. Just hope I have the time to make a good one.

Albert Einstein's last words were spoken in German to a nurse who spoke only English, as such they were sadly lost.

1656214 Quoting the same article:

There is no reliable evidence that Caesar ever spoke the words, [...] Suetonius himself claims Caesar said nothing as he died. Plutarch also reports that Caesar said nothing and merely pulled his toga over his head when he saw Brutus among the conspirators.

Most of the interpretations point towards my quote, but it's still the closest there is. It's the same as Patton's that he said to his nurse; he died in the night and no one knows his true final words, but those are the last recorded. It doesn't excuse that yours was taken strictly from a play and Caesar was known to have not said the line.

1656244 It's all up to speculation my friend, none of us will ever know... :pinkiesmile:


Acclaimed writer Roald Dahl, dying in hospital, said to his family, "You know, I'm not frightened. It's just that I will miss you all so much." He then appeared to fall unconscious, and it was decided to give him a lethal dose of morphine to ease his passing. But when the nurse injected him, he opened his eyes and muttered "Ow, fuck!" And those were his last words.

I'd want my last words to be...

Tell the Space Goblins I'm gonna miss next week's meeting.

'Tis well. I die hard, but I am not afraid to go.

-George Washington

Shazbot. Nanu nanu.

-Bon Scott

I have not told half of what I saw.

-Marco Polo

If you do, you deserve a medal for being ridiculous to the last minute

I read that he died writing a paper that ended with unfinished words.

Citater fra...

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