Humanized Ponies! 3,473 members · 5,606 stories
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I just read this and found it was locked so I decided to post my own opinion here as well. I am really hoping this turns out to be a joke. But if it's not, I will join Nekosama321 in his understandable defense. I say we fight. FIght for our deserved freedom on this site. Fight for our right to write any pony story we want. We are living in the United States of America and our stories shouldn't be limited by dumb rules. To quote one of my favorite movies, "We will not go silently into the night. We will not vanish without a fight!" and I will abide by these words. In the thread mentioned above, Nekosama321 was getiing people together to send in as many humanized fics as we can come Wednesday if it is not revealed as a joke. I will join him in this. I hope you all will too.
And to those of you who can see where our new administration could ban all of us, think back to another great movie. When a group had made a decision but a character ignored it. It was right to ignore it. So let us do the same here. Let us fight for our freedom to write the humanized fics we want. We should not be opressed by others like us.
So I will join Nekosama321 and all who follow him because I refuse to sit and wait for the end of human fics to come.
If this turns out to be a joke, Ignore this post. But until then, Join me in the fight for our stories. The fight to promote our imagination in any way we can.

836684I'm from Canada(eh) But I fully agree with this

Are you forgetting about the other people in other countries that go on Fimfic?

What if I was in the UK?

I can understand about this whole fight back thing, but I just wanted to point out that America isn't the only place with internet.


It is a joke. That's why the other ones were locked, and why this one will be soon enough.

Yeah, does the 1st of April tell you anything?

You guys are all gullible idiots. Sorry to say, but it's the truth.

Group Admin

I'm sure that once today is over this whole little problem/prank will blow over and everyone will forget about it. If there was a real threat to Humanized stories group then I'd receive a few messages from the admins seeing how I am the group founder.

Just like Wanderer D, they'd surely tell me to stop accepting stories or something along the lines of that.

836699 I apologize if I offended you.

836711>>836761>>836785 I recognize what day it is, but do you think that all things like this must be a ? And did you not read the details pertained about If this is a joke? I would prefer if you would read carefully before posting things like that.
836786 I don't speak or read Spanish.

836823 It's POULTRON! His fucking job here is to piss everyone off!

836832 I'm sorry I had no knowledge of the occupations of the users of this site. I have obviously done something wrong by existing incorrectly. Is there any way you could ever forgive me?:ajbemused: I would rather not be commented to in such a rude manner. I understand what you mean, but please do not comment to me as if I were a complete moron who had done something exactly like this before.
836835 I've seen and experienced weirder. I'd rather be prepared if this is not a joke, (because there is a possibility however small),than unprepared.

I say everyone that has HiE, Humanized, or Anthro fics on their page makes sure you have a back-up of those stories and get ready to vacate the site if the shit really does hit the fan. And by that I mean if he really does start banning human fics. If this is a joke, GOOD ONE POULTRON!! If this isn't then I have the same thing to say to him as last time... STOP BEING A FUCKING CHILD!!! THEY ARE FUCKING STORIES, AND A LOT OF THEM ARE GOOD ONES, TOO. This is a site for people who want to post stories related to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. And in all actuality CLOP (pure clop/no story) is far worse for the site.

836823 Fine. Keep believing that this is may actually be serious. Here's a fork - hope your words taste delicious.

836711 836761 836785 Have any of you heard of the saying "Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Ya that's what's happening here. If it isn't a joke everyone's ready. If it is a joke IT ISN'T A GOOD ONE.

I love how much this has divided the fandom. This guy's good at playing people.

Though if he was to cut something, I'd ask him to cut the fetish stories from the site. The fact that I had to see "The Great and Bountiful Trixie" in the featured box for 3 days solid is enough to get anyone irked.

837000 May logic and general knowledge on how to maintain a fanbase on your site that figures this will never happen prevail.
The Emperor protects.

836986 Are you trying to tell me that there is absolutely 0% chance that this will happen? Because if I am reading this correctly, then you must have some sort of power to see into the future. There is a small chance that it will happen. Small, but there. If you continue to say you can see into the future, then I would suggest you refer to Invisible Blade here because his point is the one I've been trying to make by commenting on my own thread.
837000 Thank you for enhancing my point.

837072 When you've lived the life I have you learn to both believe what you are told, and take it with a grain of salt. I do not believe or disbelieve something until it has been PROVEN either way. Until then it is best to be prepared for anything and everything.

836870 I just think people are taking Poultron a bit too seriously. I mean, he is the silliest mod on this site IMHO. So until the shit hits the fan, I'm going to live in doubt.

837184 But by the time that happens, will you be prepared for it (if it happens)?

Another one is added to this cause! WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!


837870 And because of that is everything that seems bad a joke? You must be prepared for the worst, even if it is unlikely. It's still possible.

Honestly, a large part of me thinks it's a joke. Cause you know... april fools, but a small part of me is worried that poultron's serious. From what I hear, he's a joker, but that's pretty much been, like, two people. so... I don't know.

It has to be a joke but it doesn't stop my heart freezing with fear at the very idea.

Screw IT all! Toga Party! Toga Toga!

As I thought. It was just knighty and his poor sense of humor.

Yeppers. Had it figured out the instant it was posted. Like usual, it's not happening.


Not just because you got trolled, but also because you said you'd never give us up.:pinkiehappy:

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