Badass Twilight = Total Domination 4,275 members · 1,245 stories
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Can I please get a list of Twilight's flaws.

Close minded at times
Can be blinded by the urge to learn
Not that physical strong when not alicorn
(Side note this around base season one twilight in some ways)

She certainly seems to have some sort of anxiety disorder. Her hero-worship of Celestia could also be considered a flaw too, depending on the situation. Depending on when in the series you look, one could also say poor social skills and inability to notice/interpret nonverbal social cues

If we are sticking to purely canon she also lacks much in the way of combat magic knowledge which I still find makes little sense all things considered. Other than a basic stun and destruction beam we don't see any sign she knows combat spells.

She also suffers from an issue of feeling she isn't quite worthy despite all her accomplishments. We see this a few times throughout the series not least in where she is certain Celestia will see her as flawed and punish her for it.

iisaw #5 · Aug 31st, 2017 · · 1 ·

She's a bit of a class bigot, having been born into a noble Canterlot family. She's gotten better over the years, though.

Georg #6 · Aug 31st, 2017 · · 2 ·

Has a tendency to use magic to solve problems that don't need magic to solve.
Has a blind spot about the above when lecturing Starlight Glimmer, who has it worse.
She constantly hops around between overprepared and underprepared, i.e. will prepare for known problems to an extreme, then go jumping into the Everfree Forest to hunt down a mad goddess with only a vague hint of what it takes to stop her.


“Hey, Spike, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your take on the girls?” Seville leaned up against the counter and waited, wondering if Spike would ‘spill the dirt’ on his friends. Not that he wanted actual dirt, he was just consumed with a burning curiousity to know more about Twilight and her friends.

Scrubbing at a plate, a look of intense concentration appeared on Spike’s face. “Well,” he began, sounding almost hesitant, “they’re all terrible at being the Elements of Harmony that they are supposed to be.” The dragon’s face took on a peculiar expression. “But maybe that’s the point.”

Eyebrow arching, Seville found this intriguing. “Go on…”

“Twilight started out as a mentally stunted shut-in with intense tunnel vision. She could only see ahead towards some end goal, and her first group of friends were more or less study buddies that she forgot about when she no longer needed them for study. For the longest time, she even took me for granted.” Spike paused for a moment and concentrated while scrubbing a plate with a brush.
- Foalsitting Follies Cha 14 by kudzuhaiku

She also has sever OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) so everything g has to be scheduled and kept in order else she has issues such as Lesson Zero.

And speaking of Lesson Zero she is drastically unhinged and wouldn't take much to tip her over the edge.

Has a major pension for mind control based magic as well for some reason (of going mature could call it a repressed fetish)

Not use to being thought highly of? Aka low confidence

Group Admin

She tends to blow things out of proportion.

She honestly has so fucking many negative traits and flaws is mind boggling.
As stated above she has flaws that directly contradict one another yet at the same time are simultaneously active side by side.

Aside from that she also has an associative disorder.
She claims to be a scientist but is instead actively using magic and so on at nearly every interval. She really only does scientific things as the butt of a joke from the writers. Such as her taking readings of Pinkie's brain waves when she is 4th wall character. Or when she interacts with her future self that used magic to come back in time to see her then yells in her face that she's not scientifically possible when she can fucking teleport on a whim.

Have to aruge there don't forget magic is part of there world meaning it would be a key part of their science

She's obsessed with lists.

Another thing: She is probably the least phisically fit of the Mane6, Fluttershy aside.

6089960 Yeah, but magic is something that exist in her world. To her, it is just a different color of science.

Are we talking about the same pony that can run marathons. She is probably as fit as Pinkie Pie at least with only the trained, natural athletes can beat. So maybe not in the top 2, but in the top 3 to 4.
Besides, here some real weakness outside of speculations since we don't know if Twilight is from a noble family before ascending/related to one that married into royalty.
OCD, crippling social issues, lack of stability, need of approval, Asperger, paranoia, anxiety issues, trust and forgiveness issues (too trusting and forgiving), and natural combat ability she actively tries to deny. She is the one that jumps to conflict she cannot plan ahead to solve and fix, but wants to be a pacifist, so possibly denial.

6091177 We do not know how long the Running of the Leaves is. And she was 5º, despite optimizing her pace. She also mentions she had never run a race before.

I would also like to point out that Pinkie is not somepony I am willing to rate in fitness. She just do what Pinkies do. :pinkiehappy:

Okay, maybe not the best example. So instead I point out Twilight did fly full speed from Canterlot to Ponyville with Spike, flew to Cloudsdale on a daily bases with Rainbow Dash, as well hike up mountains with full backpacks when she was a unicorn. So she isn't unfit, just not as fit as an athlete that train beyond the norm like Rainbow Dash and Applejack does.

As for Pinkie Pie, didn't see keep up with Rainbow Dash for brief moments of time, and lift boulders that would weight at least five tons. Granted, none of the Mane 6 are unfit, and can be quite physical if need be. I mean Fluttershy wrestle with a bear, and she the weakest physically of the group.

Okay, finally! I have been trying to remember this for hours!

Another flaw of Twilight is her morality. She is a paragon of magic, pure unbridred power...not kindness, generosity, optimism, honesty or loyaty. While she is generally a good pony, the right situation may bend her morals. Example, extracted from Eakin's fantastic Hard Reset:

“It’s because she’s better than you, Chrysalis. You wouldn’t understand but she’d never kill a helpless prisoner, even one as disgusting as you. Because it’s wrong. That’s strength, not weakness,” I say. I don’t know why I bother. Something like her could never wrap their mind around that idea.

“Last I checked, my species wasn’t the one well on their way to being lunch, so maybe you don’t know as much about strength as you think. Why don’t you go find where your pretty pony princess teleported off to?”

Maybe I should. Celestia needs me now more than ever. Before I leave though, there’s one more thing I need to say.

“Hey, Chrysalis?”

“What now?”

“I’m not better than you.”


It’s actually a little disappointing that the cacophony of the spell in these tight quarters means I’ll never know if she had time to scream or not. All I know is that when I’m done there’s nothing left of the changeling queen. Or the chains. The wall isn’t looking so hot either.

Severely off topic, but what is with the RWBY ads on almost every site I go to? Forum and fanfiction, that is. Is RoosterTeeth really that desperate? Not making enough money from old Red v. Blue fans? Jesus Christ, it's annoying as hell.




Tnds to think more by the book and logic

Makes way too many lists

Way too modest for her own good

Forgets her own strength and tries to hold ack when facing another pony

Can get too scared aout her own faults

Flaw number 1: She purple.
Flaw number 2: her eyes are too close together.
Flaw number 3: She's been secretly dead this entire time.

Stickler for rules
Panic attacks
Liar and manipulator
Over thinker
Sometimes has a holier than thou attitude
Arrogant in things she's confident in.

Naive to the point of being a Horrible Judge of Character.

Inability to say no to Celestia or call Celestia out on her shit.

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