The Writers' Group 9,328 members · 56,809 stories
Comments ( 66 )
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Damn you, Ty. I'm having a nice, cosy little hiatus here, and you're throwing delicious, wonderful prompts at me! You tricky trickster! :twilightsmile:

What's in the box?!
What if it's an embarassing snapshot of me at the Christmas party!

That sure was a fun prompt. :3

560647 What can I say? I'm in a good mood today.

560655 That's probably the christmas spirit. :twilightsmile:

560668 Maybe I'll get done one today, too. Let's see what I can manage with 550 words.

560583 Alright, got mine in!

560833 Why thank you!:twilightsmile:

560721 Finished. It's become a bit of a sensual ficlet, but I hope it still manages to amuse enough. :twilightsmile:


I can't do funny but I can do heartwarming. :twilightblush:

I'll most definitely try, sice I want to get more into writig again, but not riht now, since I have no access to my external keyboard, and I hate typing with this one. Also, merry christmas~

Written and posted. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I think you can tell that I've been on a classic sci fi kick in the time I've been away from the forum... :twilightblush:

Feels very much like an exploration log of a SCP. =o

I have to say, I enjoyed those prompts. While "1) Scootaloo asks Dash some ‘Sisterly’ questions" brought to mind a rerun of The Facts of Life, I think that "2) What’s in the box?" takes the cake in my mind.

For what is in the box? My mind trembles at the possibilities. Toys? Solid Snake? A monster? The meaning of life? Food? :derpyderp1:


This is almost becoming a case of "Schroedinger's Box". The box is empty and full at the same time...



Although I can't imagine him being to capable of obtaining pets when he... "talks" like that. Would scare most animals away, I reckon.

YES! I did one! I feel included!! :pinkiecrazy:


I think I kinda combined prompt 2 and 5 into one. Also, I'm beginning to think that every group challange thingy I write tends to end up the same. Next time I'll do something different, hopefully.

585553 If it's any consolation, I enjoyed it.

Mine is in, Read it and Weep! No really, when you read it you will cry because it is an epic poem that will rock the very foundations of your soul. Not really, it's a jumbled up mess of everything except the kitchen sink, so laughing is imminent!

you can't put 42 in a box!


What if you had 42 different boxes? Or just 21 large ones? :twistnerd:

585553 That's good to hear. I was beginning to fear I was the only one who chose prompt five.

is that my own poorly written comedy i smell????
why yes, yes it is.


May I enter, seeing as how I'm new and a bit confused. I need support. Writing is fun, but kinda hard when I don't understand things.

What is it you don't understand?


I'm just a very confused writer sometimes. Currently, I'm not understanding this challenge much.

Do you want to come to irc, like, right now? We might be able to help better there.

I have no idea what you just said, but it sounds fun. sure

Follow these instructions.

Don't bother with registering right now, this one time doesn't give or take.


Sounds like a lot of fun! I just submitted.

Hah. Not a one person submitted something for Prompt 1. Wonder if I should do it...

Behold the pure, holy, undiluted, unrestrained, concentrated, condensed, carbonated amazing!


Hi! Im new to this. What a "Prompt" and how do you submit your answer? please answer! :heart:

1. In the original post, you will find 5 story ideas.
2. Pick one.
3. Write a story based on that idea, and make the story at most 550 words long.
4. Post it here.
5. ???
6. Profit.

how do we enter?

Comment posted by Candlelight deleted Jan 9th, 2013

Took me a while to think of something for this one but I've finally submitted. :pinkiehappy:

Here is a submission for the writers group January write-off. Two weeks late but I wasn't told I had to submit it here.

2) What’s in the box?

Princess stared at the box perched upon her desk, a sense of nervousness filling her. it had been a long time since she had last done this, over a thousand years in fact. Before it had always filled her with a giddy sense of anticipation for the act that would follow, but now she felt somewhat sick with nervousness. She felt out of practice.

Gingerly she lifted a hoof towards the boxes lid, almost fearful of the objects contained within. Upon contact she drew her hoof away as if burned, no she was not ready for this. She'd only been back for a year and she was still not at full strength. With a sigh she turned her head away from the box and stared out the window of her empty bedroom, and into the black void of the nights sky. Nopony was around to see, she'd have utter privacy she reasoned.

It was a fun activity, she could not comprehend why she was so needlessly apprehensive about it, in fact along ago it had been one of her favorite pastimes on the cold and lonely winter nights such as this. 'what else do i have to do this night, sit and be bored' luna mused, and it was true, she had no work to complete, nor hobbies to pursue. So why couldn't she open the damn box and just get it over with. Why was she procrastination over such a fun nighttime activity when there was literally nothing else to do!

Stealing herself she turned back to the box and forced herself to open it, gazing at it's contents she levitated and dumped them onto her writing desk, still somewhat apprehensive yet at the same time resigned to the fact that she had to do it now that they were out. Putting on her reading glasses she began to read the fan-mail.
"alright let us see here..." Levitating a green letter signed to the princess of the night herself, Luna cut open the letter and gazed at it's contents with a small smile.

Dear princess Luna
I want Princess Celestia to ferment vegetables in her lower intestines so I can listen to her cry as her stomach gurgles and inflates with gas

"...What the Fu-"

I'm sorry to post in this thead again, but are there any news on this project?
I just would like to knew when you were planning to publish the collaboration story. :twilightsmile:

880006 Okay then. Do you already know when that one will take place? :twilightsmile:

882747 No problem, it's not far away at all. :twilightsmile:

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