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So recently the Disney Channel has been promoting the series finale for "Shake it Up", which ends tomorrow after a 3-season run. Eh, it lasted longer than 65 episodes, at least. The promos tell us that Cece gets amnesia and can't seem to remember her BFF, Rocky, who spends the majority of the thing crying and begging her friend to "Come back". The announcers tease us with stuff like, "Will these two friends remain together, or is this the end?"

< 30 minute episode
< earlier episode this season establishes these two still know each other as adults
< It's the :twilightblush:ing Disney Channel
Overall impression:

But it DID get me thinking; when OUR show finale comes about- and there's no escaping the fact that the time for that will come- what note do you want our generation to end on? What would you want to see in the final episodes of MLP?

Do the friends go their seperate ways? Does somepony fall in love? Do we jump to the future to see how everypony is doing? Will Derpy be there? Discuss!

When bronies stop offering a source of revenue, that is when MLP will end. I doubt it will be stopped on any sort of good note with this truth.

2132179 The CMC should earn their cutie marks as a final point. It's an odd thing, but the characters as they are cease being an interesting writing tool to the story once they have their cutie marks, but I'd feel bad if they never got them. Beyond that? I just hope it doesn't drag on for ten seasons and jump the shark horribly.

Shake It Up is still on? I thought that was cancelled ages ago. Maybe I'm thinking of some other show:trixieshiftleft:


Bittersweet, optimally. Definitely leave some loose ends. I want the show to last a little bit beyond the final episode.


It'll end, whether bronies remain or not. I still refuse to believe that the fandom has THAT much gravitas without some numbers.


I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about Dr. Who, but I get the impression that its fandom is many times that of our own.

Well, the newest version of Doctor Who has been running since 2005, and yes, it does have a larger fandom. But if you look at the statistics, we actually DO have quite a pull on the show continuing.


What are the statistics? I'm pretty curious.

I would have to track them down. I posted them a while back on a brony news site that I kind of work at still. It was about three or four months ago.

Didn't we already have it? Twilight became an alicorn princess and had a big coronation ceremony and everything! All it was lacking was a montage of the Mane Six going off on their individual lives, raising children, getting older, etc.

Granted, the show is still going on, but the finale already happened. Maybe they wanted to get it out of the way so the show wouldn't end without one?

I personally think it's best not to imagine when the last episode will happen. It will be quite sad but that wouldn't end the fandom. It might be a while though because they would be making quite a bit of money. And when the final episodes do come out.....they better be damn freakin awesome!

I wanted the series to end with the CMC getting their cutie marks, RBD becoming a Wonderbolt, and Twilight becoming an ali--


2132179 What, the show end? No, it's never going to happen! *sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALALAAAAA.


With what Meghan said about being so proud of the season finale, I'm worried it might be ending this season.

2132179 I know that a time will come when MLP FiM needs to finish but I tend to not think about that. Like you don't think about when or how will you die.:applecry:

Let's hope that it'll be like The Simpson, running for 25 seasons.

I'd rather it not, The Simpsons has started to lose its touch. MLP would do the same after that many seasons.

2132926 Yea, same with Spongebob. It kinda sucks. I believe they'll probably give us a 5th or 6th season, but not much more than that.

Even if the series does end, the fandom is too deeply rooted into society to be forgotten. We'd still be bronies. We'd still write fanfiction and make art. We'd still make fan animations and other fan media.

I think Hasbro will develop a spin-off show, so they can continue the story to an extent. Because think about it: Hasbro owns the My Little Pony franchise, one of the biggest female children's franchise. It's been going strong for decades. With the added help of bronies, it has become one of the biggest and most recognizable franchises in modern times, for a toy line, anyways. Of course, they would probably want to continue selling these ponies until they aren't a source of revenue. To keep the fans slightly happy, they will most likely develop a new show, maybe set in the same universe as Equestria, or perhaps a new world, with a new set of characters and stuff.

So, in other words, there will probably be a new show in the future; It just probably won't be the same as the current generation.

2132179 I actually want it to end after it's been doing consistently well for a while. I want to end on a high note, not when the series has been drawn out for longer than it needs to be. Look at Seinfeld; Jerry Seinfeld purposely ended the show when it had great ratings, and now reruns of it are on all the time. People still love it. The shows that go out with everyone wanting more are remembered more fondly and their legacy usually lasts longer. Everyone sits around saying "Man, [insert show here] was amazing! I wish it was still on!" as opposed to "Wow, [insert show here] really sucked. I'm glad it's gone." Which would you rather be saying about MLP?

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