I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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So, we hateses Equestria Daily, don't we precious? We hateses it.

Then why the fuck is everyone here obsessing on it?

There are plenty of alternate ponyfic aggregators and recommendation sites that go underused because everyone here is frantically F5ing EqD, blogging about rejection letters, and jerking their hate boners.

So let's try gathering a list of some alternatives.

The Tartarus Project - Focuses on the grim and gory side of the fandom. I found out about them when they plugged one of my stories, so you know they've got good taste a website. They also do art/music/whatever posts.

Equestria After Dark - The porn pone site. You probably already knew about them, but, ah, whatever. If you're one of the few who didn't, but felt you needed another source for tales of erotic whorse, then there it is. Also do art/videos/whatever posts.

I know you've got more, please recommend.


1286600 Fanfiction.net.

And deviantart if you're feeling lucky.

1286600 Furaffinity.net if you're don't mind looking for diamonds in the rough.

You guys know who is mostly on fanfiction.net? Horny female teenagers, with an lack of intelligence, they're just like:
1. Who needs character developement?
2. Who needs good chapters?
3. Romance
4. Romance
5. Romance
6. Romance
7. ???
8. No Profit.

Oh, and you can actually see, from the short description, who is an boy/man on fanfiction, example:
"how will this effected the team, and what secerts" "this takes place 2 mouths" "haven't wrote in the while so I met be". I think this is one of the best descriptions, there are worse, that ignore a shitsack of mistakes. That's why I'm not touching the piece of crap called fanfiction! (Maybe for some REALLY good fics, but they are an Rarity!)

I feel like i wrote too much...

Neither of those is really an alternative to EQD: they're content hosting sites, not spotlights/quality aggregators.

Same deal.

Fimfiction's own Orient Express Explorers was designed to be this sort of thing, but I think Bad Horse has said that he didn't really manage it enough for it to take off. Seattle's Angels is the same deal (minus Bad Horse).

1286672 yeah whateva

u wanna fuckin' fite m8? :pinkiecrazy: i'll rek u, i swear on me mum

1286738 What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVP matches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic dungeon. I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. You are nothing to me but just a lvl 12 gnome hunter. I will pwn the fuck out of you with Arcane Missiles the likes of which has never been seen before on Azeroth AND Outland, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over raid? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my guild of mages and shamans across The Eastern Kingdoms and your character is being targeted right now so you better prepare for the ownage, n00b. The Arcane Barrage that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your character. You’re fucking pwn’d, n00b. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my secondary talent tree. Not only am I extensively trained in Arcane magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Fire magic and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable neckbeard off the face of Azeroth, you little faggot. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re getting debuffed, you goddamnn00b. I will shit Dragon’s Breath all over you and you will burn in it. You’re fucking pwn’d, faggot.

Equestria gaming


E-Everfree Network (a lesser evil).




Hate boner for EQD? Sure... but less about butthurt and more about my personal dislike of the general attitude and hypocrisy of the website and its figureheads and its regulars.

1286899 I shoulda warned him about my l33t skillz.


h8 boners just rape
only thru universal love can we have consensual buttsex

Regi, you can do the best 12 year old youtuber dialogue....

If those idiots could only be as creative as you when it comes to comparing Internet penises.


Pony Fiction Archive.


>not realising its copypasta
>clearly a faggot.


So what if we want to host attention brought to a SFW work fic that EQD still won't take?

Why be productive when you can be destructive?

Most of the replies here are providing alternative fanfiction websites. Actually one of the primary reasons I hate EqD is precisely because of all the fanfiction. EqD claims to be a "news" website for bronies/ponyfans/whatever. And when I want information, aka NEWS on the present goings-on around a topic concerning its media, events, and updates, I go to a website or other media source that provides easy access to NEWS about that topic.

I don't want to have to dig through mounds of ridiculous femshipping fanfiction, or scroll tediously down past the irrelevant and often borderline-provocative "drawfriend" garbage just to read a new episode's synopsis. I'd prefer not to sample any of the shitty-quality "brony music" that is far too prevalent in their community while reading interviews with show animators, and I do not want to be forced to see any more unnecessary worship of that obnoxious and hideously overrated wizard-hatted bitch when the only thing that I want is to get quick and accessible updates about a simple topic!

Simply put, I say fuck the fanfiction. Fuck EqD feature stories and fuck your prereader, because when I want to read shitty ponyfics I'll go to a website that was built to present shitty ponyfics. When I want NEWS, I'll go to a website that was built to present news and current events, and gives me what I went there for.

I'll go to Derpy Hooves News.

Thank you.


I agree with you there. Millions of people of the brony fandom put EQD as the golden statue on a pedestal. And I don't like statues on pedestals to be worshipped.

You seem to be implying this group is remotely successful at either?


Or he can just press the "giant" button labeled "News" they have.


I can't even remember the last time I put my internet gloves on to touch that place. I wouldn't be surprised if they added that after I left. Regardless, Sethisto and the rest of the community keep me at bay anyway.

I'm done, man. I'm fuckin' done. I can't do it anymore, bro.

That's been there since the first time I went on EqD, in May. Of 2011.

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