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hamcon #1 · Mar 9th, 2013 · · 1 ·

I don't know why, but ever since I began to think of this couple, I have been liking it more and more. But my question is, would you people read it?

771714 Sounds hawt.

Only if Blueblood wears a wifebeater and has a 5 o clock shadow will I read... goes well with his personality

771714 HISSSSS BURN IT BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!:rainbowwild:

Alright, with serious face on, any ship is a good ship as long as it's done well. We'll see when you release it.

Actually I remember one fic I read had this as a subplot but the author had to give Blueblood quite a bit of characterization before it worked.
I'll see if I can find the fic later when I have some more time.

I incest upon it

Okay, the first problem with any Blueblood romance is Blueblood himself. He's a bit of a prick in canon. If you want to ship him, first you have to gut his canon personality and turn it into something usable. 99.9% of the time its easier to just do without him. I have only seen this done in a way that completely made me satisfied once. It was the Avengers crossover with Mac as Thor, and Blueblood played our Tony Stark. It was a perfect choice for him, so much so that I was actually very happy to see Rarity fall in love with him.

I know I've read at least two somewhere around here. It's al alright ship, although I'm always a little bit dubious about using Blueblood for anything. I find Blueblood is like Trixie that way, in that you have to heavily fabricate a redemption and situation to fall for someone and be attractive in the least to another pony.
Not that I'm against crackshipping; I'm guilty of it myself... And Twilight and Blueblood both harken from Canterlot, so it's not as strained as, say, a Gilda X Applejack fic. I'm neutral on the matter, I guess. It all depends on how well Blueblood is written, and whether or not he can realistically stop being such an ass all the time.

It could work I suppose. But you'd have to make BB less of a douche-bag as far as the characterization is concerned. Maybe you could have them meet in Canterlot somehow, as part of a prank from Trollestia? This isn't the strangest shipping ever, hell I'm shipping Hoity-Toity with Trixie and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the first (if not the first) person to do so. :twilightoops:


That is

The return of of princess nightmare moon ( I believe)

Doesn't seem like a very likely combination. The revulsion the two would have for each other would have to be far, far outweighed by mindless, overwhelming physical attraction-- Oh hell, just do it, then. :pinkiegasp:

771733 Ha! Well that was unexpected. :rainbowlaugh:

On the surface, it is an extremely unlikely pairing, but I have seen some fics do it well. Granted, they make the douchebaggery an act, rather than a personality quirk, but seeing as the two of them grew up in the same city, likely encountering each other as foals in the palace, it's not all that farfetched. :twilightsmile:

I don't hate it because it interferes with any of my OTPs… but because I REALLY hate Blueblood:twilightangry2:

I've been trying to remember the name after my search failed.


You are welcome :P

There is also a sequal now :)

771725 Dude, you did not just John McClain that guy, did you?

It can be done well. Particularly if you make his behavior at the Gala an act, he drives mares away because he only has eyes for Twilight. Or he simply is nicer around Twilight because he doesn't view her as 'just another noble pony seeking to become a Princess'

You could have it where Blueblood is assigned as Princess Twilight's new assistant in dealing with Royal matters and he slowly becomes a better pony, falling in love at the same time.

Basically there is a lot of potential, so I'd give it a shot. It's also very easy to do poorly, so you'd have to wow me immediately or I'd stop reading.

Or you could turn it around and make him pursue her now that she's a princess. :twilightoops:

Been working on a couple of these fics myself though I'll be playing around with Blueblood's character a bit

Because they're both from Canterlot, important (one way or another), and there's still no proof Twilight isn't technically a noble, there's an endless number of ways you can have the two interact, and an endless number of reasons for Blueblood to suddenly decide he likes her.

Blueblood is also pretty much a blank slate for personality; all we know is he's a complete wimp about "commoner" stuff and an ass, and since that was only at the gala there are plenty of ways to explain it. The Best Night Ever is a good example of how to make him more sympathetic in general. Arranged Disaster is a wonderful example of how to cram the two together; he's not exactly sympathetic, but it's easy to see the possibility for romance there; it's the best Twilight/Blueblood story out there I can think of (shame it appears to have been cancelled after the opening chapters).

I think the pairing has a lot of potential, and requires a lot less contrivance than a lot of other pairings. Blueblood in general has great potential as a character because he's in a vaguely defined position and we have only see a single snapshot of his personality.

Alicorn Twilight is, for example, a great excuse for him to be suddenly interested, though there's no reason the story can't be set prior to Twilicorn.

It doesn't matter whether Twilight is of 'noble' birth or not; she has a very, very close connection to both princesses, especially Celestia; She's the Element of Magic; and she is very clearly destined to become even more important to Equestia as time goes on. Any noble worth their inbred genes would do just about anything they could get away with to attach themselves to Twilight simply for the potential influence they could wield through her.

The question becomes: Do they get the hots for each other and boink endlessly despite their inevitable disdain of each other (they are pretty much polar opposites), or do they drop entirely OoC and 'fall in love'. There are other more devious and/or accidental ways to put them together, but emotionally and intellectually those two things are pretty much your only options.

I've seen a few that worked pretty well, so I've got a soft spot for the pairing. Still, Blueblood's tricky, since what little we have of him from canon shows him as a total flankhole. (Admittedly, Rarity seemed like she was gold-digging to me, but still.)


Depends entirely on how Blueblood's character is handled. If he's still a jerk I'd only read a comedy fic with him.

Eh, it could maybe work, everyone else has pretty much listed everything that would go into making it shippable.

If they are both done well, particularly Blueblood, I can see myself enjoying such a fic.

For me, it'd depend on how well it was written and the route it takes.

Could see it being quite a fun yarn if BB suddenly realizes he's head over hooves in love and now has to try and woe someone while fighting his nature. But I wouldn't be as interested in a story that starts him out OOC, not being a jerk, and all that, as then he isn't Blueblood.

Not buying it, myself. Everything we've seen of Blueblood points to him being an ass. So either he'd have to be written as entirely OOC to make him sympathetic, or you'd end up writing a 'nice girl dates douchebag because she thinks she can't do better' story, which is just depressing.

Well tbh, based on the actual personality depicted of Blueblood in the show, I honestly don't see how anypony, especially one with such admireable traits as twilight has:twilightoops:, could ever find him to be a suitable match; :ajsmug:although if it was possible for her to change Blueblood through some extensive plot concept, it may work perhaps? my opinion: I dont think it would work, but who knows :raritywink:

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