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So, my sister told me a story about a friend of hers who had never heard of deviled eggs growing up. The kicker, he had eaten deviled eggs before, but growing up, his grandmother didn't call them deviled eggs, she called them angel eggs. Specifically because, "The devil has no place in my kitchen!" XD I mean really. I'm not really a religious person myself, so I would just call them deviled eggs. And then there was this Christian-led protest against an album called Jazz-is Christ, and the protestors were chanting, "God hates jazz!" And IIRC, God loves everyone, so I don't understand why he would hate a genre of music.

I know exactly what you're talking about. I knew a woman who wouldn't call devil's food cake devil's food cake, she'd call it God's food cake. Of course I still remember the paranoia of the Satanic panic.

7551382 I've never heard of deviled eggs. What is that?

And if God loves everyone, why does he hate the Devil?

Apparently there was a rebellion in heaven before the creation of the world where God and Satan had a falling out according to the story but were never really given Satan's side of the story on why 1/3 of the angels rebelled. It was said that Satan was jealous of Jesus once he saw him but we were never really given anything other than that.

Well I'm Christian... Well protestant, but Christian as well, and I like Jazz, but I can explain why they say about it. One belief is about everything we said not just God will listen but the devil as well, so people use the names to not bring the interests of the devil. Some people takes it to the extreme, people who doesn't like to use the therms like that it would be the best just ignore it. People often uses a translate version of the word or the scientific name to not bring the anger of the devotes...But usually it's just stenght their faith.

When it comes about Jazz is Christ... Well that's a bit of messed up because people intented to make sound in comparrison of the name itself to the belives of the entire religion... I like many of jazz and blues and even I know that was a messed up proposition, but people tends to ignores it and let them believe in what they believe.

Just in case you're serious, deviled eggs are when you take hard-boiled eggs, remove the yolks and mash them while adding mustard and pepper, and then filling the part of the egg where the yolk used to be with the mashed mixture

And as for the second part, IDK, but Satanism isn't anything like what the Church makes it sound like. The main belief of Satanism is that God denied man knowledge by telling Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit, and that Lucifer gave man the knowledge that God denied them

As a Christian and a Fan of My Little Pony, What can you say about this Jehovah's Witness video about magic?

And I understand why some Christians would be offended by the title of the album. One of the biggest rules in Christianity, protestant or Catholic, is never use the lord's name in vain. That's part of where the term 'Judas priest" came from, it's a way to express anger or shock without using the lord's name in vain

Do you want to know something about not my religion but the culture of my country? Jehova's witness receive the same treatment of having a door blast on their faces...

Usually I find them kinda annoying, specially after knowing a friend of mine was a former Jehova's witness and he told me that their religion is like a mafia or cult and it's messed up... Like brainwash and stuff

Oh trust me, the rule of screaming Oh my God and Thank God is used all the time. Say his name in vain could mean in another way.
Trust me. It's difficult to not say it. We actually focus on more not cussing using his name


You and me both.

As a Christian myself and growing up in a Christian household, I do believe people take it way too far. They take the smallest things that don't matter and make such a big deal out of it. My step dad is very homophobic and hated anything that involve demons and ghosts. He knew I was a huge fan of horror but told me I wasn't allowed to watch horror films because it open the door for the devil and demons to get in.

Not to mention that he literally tried to get me and my brother to stop using our imagination because he felt like the things we were doing/playing were demonic. I'm not even exaggerating. He literally tried to forbid me and my brother from using our imagination. It wasn't until I got older when I realized it wasn't about God. it was about power. The cold, very strict Christianity household, they use God to justify their cruelty. It was never about God.

For me, I believe in God and Jesus and I am a Christian but I don't like how Christianity has been portrayed. I don't question God. I question Christians.

Well from the way I learn, I have to love even the people who is my enemies and heck, even my uncle is homosexual and I treat him as a great part of my family, he is a great guy, and Jesus always walked to find the sinners and help the ones who needed forgive, the only time he irates is the hipocrotes. Me as Christian I will pray for your father to understand trully the love of why Christ save us, even the sinners.

But the only thing I hate is horror, but that's personal to me, because I don't feel right after watch it. I kinda understand the concept, but imagination is always important King David was the one who created some of the most beautiful songs on Psalms.

When my dad mentioned that band with the name "Judas priest," I thought he was having me on.

Did you tell your stepdad this or did you move on?

The irony of the Jazz story there is that Jazz developed from the Blues and Gospel, which in turn developed from African American worship music.

Yeah...some religious people are weird. One I once knew claimed Thomas the Tank Engine was a demon because he was a machine with a face, and demonic creatures that belch smoke are mentioned in the Bible. Ironically, Thomas and his friends are characters created by an English vicar, and Christian themes are deftly woven into the stories without turning them into sermons.

I like religious people, but they don't always like me. First few week in college there were fliers up for an event to come have a root beer and talk about religion. I love root beer and spirited discussion, so I was all up for that. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I thought it was. Everyone just wanted to talk about how god was the best thing ever and you should listen to everything he says no matter what. I didn't even really say anything to contradict them, I just didn't agree with them with every fiber of my being right away and suddenly the mood turned.
Learned three things that day:
1. People who claim to love everything in gods kingdom because it is his will and thus the world is perfect and we love everything, and really easy to get mad.
2. It's not even that I really like getting them mad, (although that's part of it) I just can't help but to keep making them mad by pointing out holes in their every argument.
3. It is really hard to convince a cop that a room full of bible and cross clucking true believers were the ones to throw the first (and most of all the rest) of the punches in a fight, (especially since they were the only ones who looked like they had been in a fight). But all I can say about that, thank god for cameras.
Like I said, I actually like religious people. They've decided they want to follow a faith that tells them to be nice to everything. That's cool. But when one decides to use their faith to draw arbitrary battle lines, like naming something after the devil is not ok, and it starts to affect how you interact with people negatively, then there's a problem.

My step dad knows what he did was wrong and he knows what he put us through and how much damage he did but he'll never admit it. He'll never admit his wrong doings and he will act like he was the all perfect saint that everyone on the outside thinks he is. He will preach and talk all nice and well to you but behind closed doors he'll be verbally abusive and controlling. His first wife move to Florida and put a restraining order on him cuz that was the only way she could get away. Even when my mom tried to leave and break up with him he would always follow us. The cops never did anything

Well by his own logic that means he is a sinner as well. He cannot divorce and marry with another woman, because that would be treated as adultery, and people who judges the others while having a deep sin on his back is like treat as hipocrisy, and trust me, while many people who despise the others and think God will receive then with arms wide open, these people Jesus himself will say he doesn't know them... Sorry about yout mother and you dude.


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end. For they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
- C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock

That's what it all comes down to in the end, from what I've experienced. It's never really about God, or deities; it's about the power that comes from invoking their name. From deluding yourself into believing you're doing His will, or that your crimes are justifiable.

And it's not just God either; race and diversity has been used to justify bullying and harassment, because the harassers claim their victims are 'racists' who don't appreciate those of different races or orientations.

If someone can use a noble and just cause to justify being cruel towards others, it seems like they'll do it. Regardless of how that cause might actually feel about them.

In regards to your stepfather, I'm sorry he put you through that, and I really hope the restraining order worked. You shouldn't have people like that in your life; the only way to really beat them is to not let them have any power over you. Get them out of your life and make sure they stay out.

7551390 I've never eaten it, but it sounds delicious.

7551387 It makes me wonder, if God is so good, why would 1/3 of the angels rebell?

There's an outsider in every society that starts something and gains a mass following when they do it.

7551433 People haven't even rebelled against Hitler, and he was the worst. I doubt angels rebelled against God just for lols. There must have been a reason. What do you think the reason was?

Because the nature of envy and ultimate power is always something that can make any person to rebel.

Do not misunderstand goodness with pushness...
Sometimes people gets pushed because they are too good and thends to be abused.


his grandmother didn't call them deviled eggs, she called them angel eggs. Specifically because, "The devil has no place in my kitchen!"

Technically, they could count as angel eggs, considering the devil and a good portion of his demonic followers were fallen angels. :twilightsmile:

But yeah, that is kind of ridiculous.
Sheesh, your step-dad sounds like a narcissist. And we all know Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins (especially if that pride is motivated by self-righteousness).
Yeah, I really hate people who do bad things and claim it's in His will. When people think of "thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain", they usually think you're not allowed to use His name like a swear word (which, to be fair, you're not allowed to do that either). Clearly, they fail to grasp that the actual meaning of that commandment is you are not allowed to say God approves of whatever unholy act you are committing.

I don't know. Lust for power? Overzealous envy?

The religious people who openly complain about things like the name of something are often those who use religion as am excuse, from my experience. Not because they believe that much in said religion. I could be wrong but that is my experience with it.

But as an unreligious person myself, i can't help but gind it funny when they do

7551449 7551461 Even if you are right, you're still missing something.

One does not attack the other if there's no chance of winning.

And if the attack on God really did occur, there must have been a chance of God getting defeated. And what if God lost that fight? What would the world look like in that case? Coincidentally, it would look exactly like it looks now. A Book of LIes would be written by the Lord of Lies who won the fight. People would get deceived, and the world would be a shitty place.

So, if you were to remove the lies from the Book of Lies, you'd end up with something like this:

Devil created a perfect world and wanted to take care of it along with his angels. But God was jealous and plotted against Him. This event is also described in the Bible.

The one thing that the Bible fails to mention is that one does not attack if he has no chance of winning. We know, however, that the attack did take place. God, the Lord of Lies, therefore, must have believed he could win. And win he did.

God cast the Creator to the depths of Hell and took over his throne.

Not wanting all of the creation rebelling against him, God used his power of lies and wrote the Bible to cover up the truth. He vilified the true creator.

However, if you read the Bible carefully, you can see through his lies. God could not hide his wicked nature. Many of his detestable deeds are evident. He even flooded the whole planet at one point. The good creator would never do that.

God will do anything to turn you from the true creator, but you don't have to listen to the Lord of Lies or believe his Book of Lies. You could turn to your true creator, instead. You could open your heart to Him. Accept the Dark Lord and Saviour. Pledge your soul to Him and be saved.

And eat deviled eggs because they sure sound delicious.

I remember when I was a kid, and more religious, I didn't like putting my hands together when I wasn't praying. I felt like if I talked with my hands together when there was nothing to pray for I was abusing the prayer hotline or something lol

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