The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,826 stories
Comments ( 62 )
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Group Admin

Effective today (Jan. 26, 2020) Foalcon stories will no longer be accepted and all foalcon stories currently in the group have been removed. Also, all M rated stories must be put in the "Submit M Rated Stories Here" folder so that we can filter out any foalcon stories submitted. Other types of M rated stories will still be approved.....anything except stories involving minors and sex! Stories where the characters are age progressed to 18+ are still fine.

Also, no foalcon groups may be promoted either. I and the other admin that is most active have discussed things and I feel that this is for the best.

Group Admin

Okay, makes sense.

It's fair, however to peak my curiosity: Why the change now? What prompted this revision of rules?

Group Admin


I am no fan of foal-con and neither is the other most active admin so we decided to make the change. It is likely something I should have done the moment I created this group but it didn't cross my mind until recently. Sorry if this disappoints you any.

Nah, I don´t even know too much about it. Just another rule to put up, I know.

Group Admin


Some people are into fillies and colts engaging in sexual activities but I simply don't think this is the place for it anymore.

Oh no! I'm not upset at all. In fact I' a way relieved.

Group Admin


I'm glad you are. I never knew how much foalcon was actually put in here and when I saw that there were 17 foalcon stories in here I actually got a sick feeling in my stomach....nopony should be writing about the young ones engaging in such activities. Now stories where the characters are age progressed to 18+ are still fine.

Group Admin


I am glad to see that I do have some folks who like this decision. If people want that kind of stuff, there are other groups to find it and submit it.

Yeah. Like putting up a wedding dress in a ´general goods´ store. It could happen, but just doesn´t make any sense.

Group Admin


Yeah it wouldn't make sense. I honestly wish the foalcon would be kept exclusively to the foalcon groups but some people simply don't care.

Okay, also did you like or dislike my comment? Just asking. By the way, I liked your comment.

Group Admin


I liked it. There always seems to be someone who goes and leaves dislikes on people's comments around here. I wouldn't worry about it, probably just a troll who thinks that dislikes will bother us.

Okay. The only time they aren´t a troll while on there is on the story Please Downvote! Yes, that´s an actual thing.

Group Admin


Oh I've read that one. It is quite entertaining....although I upvoted it just to get a raise out of them!

It pretty much has a 100% rating.

7127522 This is a decision, I can get behind. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


I know a lot of people downvoted it but when they were begging for a downvote, I couldn't resist upvoting it.


Thanks. i figured it was all for the best.

Okay! Also it´s a pretty interesting sight to see if you do esc+reset+power button all at the same time, turn your computer off, then turn it back on again. It´s worth trying. Just something cool I found on the internet.:derpytongue2:

Group Admin


Reset? I didn't even know there was a reset button on a computer....I've never seen it.

I meant reload! it looks like an arrow in a circle.

Group Admin


Oh, ok. I may try it but once I get my new computer, which should be tomorrow if FedEx is on time, I won't be doing anything like that with it.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

I didn’t even know it was allowed to begin with

I, for one, wholeheartedly endorse this decision.

Okay. Seems cool. Just hope they don´t do something like this:

Group Admin


Yeah, it is. There are entire groups dedicated for it....groups that the shameless promotion group are either heavily restricting or prohibiting promotions on entirely. I never really paid much attention to it until I made this decision and removed 17 foalcon stories from the mature folder today.

Thanks and by the way, I absolutely adore that trilogy of yours starring the Legion of Doom! I have reread them all probably a dozen times or so.

Yeah let's hope not. I ordered it through HP. I had also ordered a mouse and they just left it out there in front of my door. Luckily a signature is required for the laptop so I doubt they'll be throwing it around unless the delivery driver is a jerk and they just threw it at me after I sign for it! :scootangel:

Group Admin


I decided to put it in my "read it later" folder. I have a lot to do and when my new laptop arrives and I have a fully functional keyboard.......I'm having to use a keyboard that plugs into it right now, I will resume working on a story involving Colgate as a freedom fighter and Twilight becoming a tyrant 30 years from now.....after Twi takes power.

Okay. Are you on an old computer, or a tablet/phone?
Just wondering.


I absolutely adore that trilogy of yours starring the Legion of Doom! I have reread them all probably a dozen times or so.

Sorry, but I think you've got the wrong author.

Group Admin


My laptop is only a couple years old but they keyboard is going all to hell on it......probably because of all the typing I do.

Oh yes, it is Jade Ring that did that trilogy.....sorry, I got the two of you confused.

Group Admin


Yep so this one will wind up being a backup.

New Rule Concerning Foalcon:

Don't Do Foalcon!
What in all that is decent and holy is wrong with you?

Now this is a decision that I support full heartily. You did the right thing, StormLuna.

Group Admin


If only people wouldn't do foalcon. I was shocked when I was removing them yesterday. They accounted for over 10% of the stories in the mature folder.

Thanks for the support on this.


If only people wouldn't do foalcon. I was shocked when I was removing them yesterday. They accounted for over 10% of the stories in the mature folder.

There are a lot of things here on Fimfiction that harm my ability to not despise the human species: foalcon, foal rape, incest, incest rape, snuff stories, snuff rape stories, rape and dismemberment stories... I could go on for several pages of a list.

And the fact that I even COULD go on for several pages of a list makes me seriously wonder if we are all already in hell right now.

What is wrong indeed with boys, it's always boys people anyway?

And I am behind this rule 100%

Group Admin


Yeah the human species can be rather unpleasant at times. There are probably some works of mine that you wouldn't like (dismemberment, extreme gore, female x female incest, torture porn as some call it). I take it your thoughts on the human species is what inspires your conversion bureau fics....a way to purify humans by turning them into ponies?

Group Admin


Thanks. I figured it was all for the is something I should have done back on day one. To keep it out of here, that is why M rated stories must now be submitted for approval.


a way to purify humans by turning them into ponies?

Yeah, could be. Or at least a way to let the dark and cruel bits fall away, leaving only the parts of Mankind that are compassionate and held up as the best of humanity. A way to exorcise our demons while leaving our better angels to thrive inside us.

Also, I just wanted to explore what a non-evil species would even be like. Just to see it. Just to have a glimpse of what it would be like if humanity was actually what it likes to tell itself it is.

Group Admin


When it comes to humanity, I wonder if it would even be possible to purify it....well in fiction anything is possible but in reality, I don't see humanity being able to truly be cleansed into something as pure as the ponies of FiM.

7127522 This rule reminds me of how Winnie the Pooh is banned in China because it makes the leader sick to his stomach.

Same here. You have a consensual fetish and age of consent fetish and you're forcing your fetishes on everypony else just because you have the power to do so.

PS. I hate censorship.

I don't see any ban on rapefics here.

7214705 You have a point. I may have jumped a gun a bit.

7214603 Are you down with rape?

Group Admin


I am not down with rape but foalcon is simply something I despise. I'm not going to censor everything and disallow a lot of stories, only foalcon is prohibited.

It's obvious that you're into this idea against foalcon, and having written 113 stories shows your experience on working with these characters. So I strongly have the need to ask...


These are fictional characters of an imaginary world, puppets being manipulated by a combination of words to paint a vague image for one's understanding that means nothing at the end of the day. In reality, it's bad, but kids do stupid things and stick their noses into places they shouldn't or decide to go 'all the way' with each other all the time. Fiction, on the other hand, is just nonsense of one's ability to tell an engaging story.

I could say that these characters are over 18, but still have them go to school, play recess, and have naptime. I could also say that naptime involves some under the cover fun, but it's not foalcon because the statement 'over 18' has been made. Even if we flip it around where we make ponies like Scootaloo and Rumble to be adults, people who are into foalcon would just ignore the stated evidence of adulthood and envision them as teenagers anyways.

So I ask, as a writer who's pulled the actions for these characters for more than 100 stories, why do you find the need to defend against foalcon? Sure, you don't like it, but who said you need to view it the way the writer has it written (let alone read it at all)?

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