The Writeoff Association 936 members · 686 stories
Comments ( 443 )
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Group Admin

Event overview | Review spreadsheet

Please refrain from saying anything that might compromise your anonymity. Doing so is grounds for disqualification. It's recommended you do dummy reviews of your own stories should it otherwise be easy to deduce which you wrote.

I've just pushed a very big update to the server, so don't panic too much if things aren't working.

(Notification emails failed to send out, so I need to look into that.)

I'm intending to have discussion posts on the website for this event. If that comes to pass, this thread will be locked to prevent fragmenting the discussion.

Group Contributor

It begins.


Quill Scratch
Group Contributor


I'm intending to have discussion posts on the website for this event.

Group Contributor

And so it-

Wait, you're telling me someone has already said that? Fine, I'll say something else...

Chub dislikes smoke! (On an unrelated note, looking forwards to this!)

The Letter J
Group Contributor

I just got a notification email, so I guess whatever you did to fix it worked.

I'm not going to make any promises, but since I wasn't able to participate in the last ponyfic round, I might try extra hard to make this the first general round where I actually submit something.

Group Contributor

I was so tempted to put in XCOM for a prompt, except it would break the rules. Although it would be cool. But against the rules.
(I did get the notification email)

Group Admin

Yeah I fixed the email problem and resent them.

Baal Bunny
Group Contributor


Once again this time around, I've got my most recent Pony thing I'm expanding, so I doubt I'll be able to pitch in...


Cosmic Cowboy
Group Contributor

First general fiction round!

Where would this on-site discussion place be, exactly?

Group Contributor

I think I remember Roger saying in the Skype chat that they were gonna be on story pages when voting started, so I don't think they're going to appear until that part actually starts.

EDIT: Here's a GDoc with the relevant Skype conversation if you want to read it and have a better understanding of the comments system.

Group Contributor

5057166 I updated my comment with a GDocs link to the relevant Skype logs, if you (or anyone else, for that matter) would like to read it. Might help everyone hit the ground running when comments do start up. Or at least not totally break our legs when we hit the ground :v

Group Admin

Well, looks interesting. I've already committed to sitting out the next two rounds, so y'all enjoy your minifics. :twilightsmile:

(I might read a slate, but I'm not going to review unless I have something specific to say, because that's where all my time goes down the drain.)

Group Contributor

Heyo. The writing time fits nicely within the weekend, so it looks like I'll be joining as well.

Ah, who am I kidding. I'd attempt to join even if it was on a Monday. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

It's not ready yet. When it is, the /event/<id> page will have the merged event thread, and /story/<id> have the story's thread.


1st: what about messages on multiple stories?

Jumping replies to a story's post to the story thread hints to the user that you should split those posts up.

2nd: what about messages about no story, like glue and or free chitchat?

Those go in the event's thread.

Group Contributor

5056649 Is it possible to delete aliases that I've created?
I've made the alias "John Cena" and I realized of how much of a terrible mistake it was.

Cosmic Cowboy
Group Contributor

Shouldn't we be able to vote for prompts at this point? Or am I just stupid?

Group Contributor

I think since we only get 24 hours to write, the submissions/voting process is timed so that we can start writing on Saturday morning.

... For those of us in the Mountain Time Zone, anyhoo.

Group Contributor


so I doubt I'll be able to pitch in...

Some sort of pitch in… pediment Mike? :B

Group Admin

The prompt voting page has a countdown on it.

Living with your mistakes is the only way you'll learn.

Group Contributor




Founders: Horizon, CiG

Group Contributor

Are you saying this because you're too lazy right now to add in a removal feature, or do you just want to see me suffer?

Group Admin

Uh... both? :twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor

Alright, alright. But, what if I've also already made the alias "RodgerDodger is a PooFace"?
Surely you have to add in a removal feature for that.

Group Contributor

Oh, whoops. I meant "RogerDodger is a PooFace". Though, it's not like it matters, since I've created both variations already.

Baal Bunny
Group Contributor


More like:

An aversion to hot tar in any of its various forms. :scootangel:


Group Contributor

Yeah, I concur, it's a bit tacky…

The Letter J
Group Contributor

Is this the first time no one has submitted "Ot" as a prompt since it first showed up?

The Cyan Recluse
Group Contributor

Hmmmm. There seems to be a really good batch of prompts this time around. I really like most of them.

Mind you, I have no idea what I'd write for any of them, but they all sound pretty good...

Vic Fontaine
Group Contributor

This might sound silly (probably does), but I can remember being pretty intimidated by trying to write my first fanfic. But original? It wholly terrifies me, and I don't know why. :applejackconfused:

5059925 Don't feel silly champ. I'm sure that's a lot of people myself included. I keep writing for these and chickening by not submitting them lol

As I've learned so far. That first one can be very difficult but if you manage to break over it they start to flow like clockwork.

Group Contributor

On the contrary! You don't have to stick on ponies. You can write about bugbears, albatrosses, dinosaurs, fish, black holes or, mind you, even humans! :B

Group Admin

Uh, Roger ... where did the overall scoreboard go? The one that CiG finally just conquered? Now there's two top-level scoreboards, one for General (where CiG was already winning) and one for MLP (where, despite last round's faceplant, I'm still ahead by like 20 points).

I realize he's got a Second-Place Curse to maintain, but this is getting kind of ridiculous. He passed me fair and square. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

... though, on second thought, maybe I ought to advocate for this change. That way, I get to cause 5058737 even more existential despair by continuing to have a Johnny on top of the scoreboard instead of a Spike.


Group Admin

I don't want to have people burning themselves out trying to enter literally everything to get on top of that scoreboard.

Quill Scratch
Group Contributor

Thank Got that phase is finally over.

Group Admin

Fair enough. I can get behind that general principle.

Is it possible, though, to have a scoreboard view covering (All Genres) + (Short Story) and one covering (All Genres) + (Minific)? That used to be possible, but now it forces a sort by genre before choosing length.

Group Contributor

Gott sei dank, meinen Sie!

Group Contributor

Uh? Is there anypony out there?

Group Contributor


We're all busily beavering away at our stories.

... presumably. :unsuresweetie:

The Cyan Recluse
Group Contributor

Hmmmm.. "End of the Line" huh? So very, very, very many possibilities... Which to go with? :applejackconfused:

Group Contributor


Silence of the lambs?

Group Contributor

Bozzah! Let's go! (I still kinda wish "Replacement Parts" would have won, but yeah...)

Also, six-way tie for second place, and "The Prompt that Matches Your Preexisting Story Idea" is one of them? One of these days, a prompt like that is going to win. :facehoof:

Group Admin

5061686 inb4 Metallica fanfic :heart:

Group Contributor


"The Prompt that Matches Your Preexisting Story Idea"

Had the perfect idea for that one, gosh darnit!

Group Contributor

Published! I feel really, really good about this one. If nothing else, it was a fun story to write.

Hoping that I can get another in before the deadline. :twilightsmile:

Emotional Flight
Group Contributor

In the two hours of free time I managed to wrangle during these twenty four hours, I actually wrote something - and even though I had plenty of ideas for the prompt before hand, since I submitted it, I ended up using none of them. :ajsleepy:

I am very surprised.

The Cyan Recluse
Group Contributor

I have plenty of time to write this weekend! And tons of ideas!

So.. why have I absolutely failed to write anything yet? :derpyderp1:

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