The Sci-Fi Ponies 2,083 members · 1,820 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Hey everyone!
So, I was just wondering if there is any fanfic that takes Equestria setting and puts it in a open, sci-fi, space environment? (Yeah, stupid question I know.) Yeah, I'm a new brony so I just want to peak my head in and see if there is any good stories I missed?

Thanks! Have a great day!

Like at least a hundred fics here?

In all seriousness, browse the folders in this group, read the stories' summaries and look at their ratings.


in the process of becoming one ...

Twelfth Equestriad Interview.

There is a side story, "Audience Reaction," which is more a little comedy about Spike and Rarity in the same future setting.

5007548 I recommend searching Voidrunner in the search bar, It's a fantastic sci-fi story imo.

Best sci-fi ponies-in-space fic on this site, hands down. Most badass ending I've ever read.

If it's just aliens you want then Stardust is your friend.

The best sci-fi I've read on this site, and some of the best I've read period is "Days of Wasp and Spider" and it's sequel "Final Solution".

The story starts out by introducing us to a world populated by characters and races we know from the show (no humans), but in situations so alien that for several chapters you're left wondering if you're even reading about MLP.
Until you finally realize that you're reading a prequel to the show.
And that you know exactly where this story has to end.
And just knowing that keeps you reading each new chapter with white knuckles on your mouse anxious to see what happens next.

The author has managed to craft the only true hard sci-fi about the series I've ever read. Lots of authors (myself included) play with sci-fi concepts, but this... he explains how magic works down to a physics and chemistry level. He explains where all the races came from in the first place and how the sun can be moved across the sky in the show. And that glaring spotlight of total realism turns a cute kids show into a story with very real stakes.

Give it a try; if you liked "A Fire Apon the Deep" you'll love this.

i have two sci-fi stories. star trek into equestria part 1 of 2
and star trek into equestria part 2 of 2
nopony has commented on the second. i need them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'course if you dont want to, then thats okay too, i am a very agreeable person.

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