The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,369 stories
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It's that time... that's right everypony! I~t's ME TIME!

"You are a PRINCESS now. And don't you forget it! Why, if I had a tiara like that, I'd sleep with the thing EVERY night!"

(The feels~! it BURNS!) Art by the talented Neontrees642. You shall be missed!

Pick Your Flavor.

"Hey, Diamond. Wasn't she supposed to be our friend?"

Inquisitive Diamond and the Clockwork Mare

"Innovation and Marketin. ZE MAGICKS!"

Ponyville Drift/Initial P

Diamond and Silvy taking Babs out through the town

DT corning AB

"Here, take mine. I don't eat strawberry anyway." Two scoops of friendship beats one any day.

Diamond's in the Snow/Chance Meeting.

"I..I*sniffle*I don't have f-feelin*cries*"

Silver Spoon's secret stash of shippy artwork and fanfics. Shipping fillies, it's her fetish.

The True face of evil...? Who knew it was so cute @_@ "Look at her... talking to my SweetieBloomaloo like that... that hussy! Those shiny blank flanks are MINE!" *Silver Spoon backs away slowly*

"Hey, Dee. I got this awesome idea for us to win this competition and get our pick for this summer's field trip!"

"That was genius Silver Spoon." | "Diamond... How did tricking them into selling chocolates for us turn into a petting zoo?" | "Exactly!"

"Lyra... why am I here?"

"Well, that escalated quickly"

"And that's how Ponyville was made. NOW KISSU!

"And then she was all, "Hands?" can you BELIEVE that? haha"

"I mare'd the buck up, now I"m gonna tear you up!" - One does not simply make Diamond's BPFF cry.

Team Captian Diamond Tiara, driving her forced on her team "Filly Five" to the nationals.

"Diamond, I said BEDTIME. No more talking and laughing. Bed. Now." *continues in even lower whispers sharing stories and giggling through the night*

"Shhh~ she's sleeping."

Good night everypony/everyone. Hope you enjoyed your diamondbetus this day. See you next time!


Group Admin

2079732 Thankies. It was a joy to put together. <3

2079742 This makes me wonder when the next chapter of Mudpony's Diamond and Snails fic will update. CLIFFHANGERS!

I think that leash would be more effective if it was red. :trollestia: Red string of fate, and all...

Group Admin

2080102 Those are very sweet. Who's the artist? That's some really good stuff.

2080547 I haven't been able to track down the artist. I found the images on derpibooru, but no artist has claimed ownership yet.

Group Admin
Group Admin

2081925 I linked to it on the "Diamond and Silver Spoon" compilation, but didn't make an actual thread there. Been meaning to for weeks but thought I had read that only certain mods were allowed to posts those. So, figured I'd put this together since it's been a long time coming. I only posted a fraction of my favorites. Believe it or not there are still plenty of a'dawwible Diamond pics still out there.

I didn't post her League of Legends one here since that's more, as Rainbow Dash would say, "Radical" and "Awesome" and this is more of a "CUTE" section and didn't want any points deducted from my overall Cuteness total. But, for those that are fans of League of Legends, far be it from me to deprive you of one of the best ones this artist has put out in that series of crossovers:

But I guess I should of posted the obvious one too. Magical Girls, Filly Rangers, super 5 way transformational and giant robot pic from the Diamond Refinery's #2 art cover! xD

Though I've gotten a few complaints over how "weird" the cover is, I at least think it is gloriously cute. Diamond Tiara as Cure Black and Scootaloo as Cure Sunny? We even got Filly Rangers in it with a giant robot. Who says little girls can't like giant robots!

Group Admin

And to Meghan McCarthy and Diamond's amazingly talented VA, Chantel Strand, whose voiced a good fair of my childhood stuff (hey, Dragon Tales was AMAZING. Don't judge me! xD) I'd just like to say, in the case you're viewing these that we really appreciate the work you all put into the show and these characters.

Thanks for sticking it out with the show so long, and here's hoping #1 recurring antagonist gets a song this coming season! :D

Saw this recently and had to share it: cuddly goodness featuring Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Apple Bloom!

Looks like somepony has a cast, but I can't tell who...

Group Admin

Diamond can even make changelings cool!

Group Admin

2104373 Love it! The artist actually just released the colored version to that one not long ago, too.

Group Admin

Princess Tiara's cuteceniara

"I really need to stop letting them do this to me..."

I sense shenanigans incoming.

Group Admin

The Masks We Wear

That is just asking to be a coverart.

Group Admin

Yup. Looks like a great cover for a sad fic. And speaking of covers, got mine for The Bestest Kind...

Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

2466122 When a CMC is involved, it always ends in tree sap. :pinkiehappy:

"I always knew Santa was real!"

She told everypony in class she didn't believe in Santa. Santa wasn't real. Only babies believe in Santa. Yet, she leaves out cookies and milk every year.

Group Admin


When a CMC is involved, it always ends in tree sap. :pinkiehappy:

Don't remind me. There's a reason why my guide for how to be me has how to remove tree sap...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

"My Little Spore: Friendship is Evolution"

"Mary had a little Sue, Little Sue, Little Sue..." Alternate text: "Hey, Twilight. Do you...SPARKLE?" :pinkiecrazy:

"Crystal Empire here we_"

I don't know if it is relevant with this group
but here you go, diamondbloom EqG style

Group Admin

2628830 Those two are always relevant. Long as pics are PG and cute/you think is worth sharing, it's okay. That one is very cute btw, thanks for sharing!

Sometimes I like to caption pony pics. It's fun.

Um, yes? Did you forget to link something?


Okay, I officially don't like that image site. The images on it aren't embeddable. Just corrected the post with a copy of the picture in question.


I see it now. It's adorable!

This should be a thing!

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

If not Snails, then perhaps..?

"Please. I don't, like, have time for your stupidity today."


Well, I was too happy today anyway...


Yeah, I saw it and knew I had to post it...


While I didn't draw this picture, I did color it...


This one also colored by me... (but not drawn by me)


3204488 Nice.
Someone do her as a Breezie.

Seeing a Diamond Tiara Breezie would make my life complete!

3296573 - I like it! Mr Rich needs more love too. He's a good guy! It's nice to see a businessman who isn't evil.


Agreed, though it clashes a bit with Cubic Zirconia, at least, as far as I've gotten. I needed him to be hated for the story, but he could use some love, too...

I wonder if the dog in Diamond's bag would carry over to Equestria?



S-U-G-A-R, jump into your racing car...


This is my new favorite vector in the history of vectors.

...who would Vanellope be, though? Scootaloo?

I think Twist fits the misfit role a little better, but maybe I'm biased...

Fad started by Zippoorwill: carrying around a little dog.

Now I want to see an EqG Zippoorwill.

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