• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012


I write pony words that people seem to like. I also review fics and draw purty pictures, apperently. I'm an older fan of MLP, so expect a lot of 80's references.

Quarenreads 2020 3 stories
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Total Words: 1,002
Estimated Reading: 4 minutes



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The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them, that was something nopony disputed. The second worst thing is that they will leave you, or so a certain mare thinks. Princess Celestia struggles to cope with both of these thoughts when she sends Twilight Sparkle to Ponyville.

An expanded version of my first submission to the Twilestia collab. My prompt was 'Chariot'. Preread by Cynewulf. Cover art is by Plainoasis. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)