• Member Since 5th Aug, 2016

Genocidal Pacifist

I'm a very violent calm person.

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This story is a sequel to Of Magic and Machines

When I was a child, I was told stories of many things. From stories of a girl with fire like hair that overcame numerous obstacles and hardships with friends to that of a warrior who fought against monsters with swords and sorcery. Back then, I took these as stories that were merely for entertainment... but over time, I began to learn that these stories were actually true. Especially when I learned that some of the heroes of those stories were from my own family.

My name is Naoto. Naoto Kurogane Nocte. Me and my two siblings live with Sunset Shimmer in Canterlot City. For the most part, life has been... well, not exactly easy considering the fact that trouble always seems to find me wherever I go. But ever since the day of my sibling's graduation, things around town have been getting much weirder.

As my senior year approaches, a run in with a stranger leads to the unexpected happening. Unknowingly though, this also places a target on my back. Strange incidents are beginning to happen not just on campus, but also around town. Old enemies from Sunset's past are beginning to re-emerge while new threats lurk in the shadows.

Fortunately... I don't have to face them alone.

The Third entry in the Nocte Trilogy. The first two entries being 'Swords, Sorcery and Shenanigans' and 'Of Magic and Machines'. This takes place a LONG time after the events covered in the second book, so I recommend reading both of them to understand the characters in the story.

Credits to Everything shown. I do not own MLP or any of the characters that are referenced in this story (Trust me, there are a LOT and two many for me to recall at this very moment). This is also a way of me saying thank you to all of my readers and to those who helped me reach over 500 followers. It's because of you guys and you checking out my stories that you make this possible. This took about half a year or more of planning and it's thanks to you guys that I can finally let you see what's next in the series.

Also, a big thanks to the creative mind that is Brony Parasite. He helps in a big way for this story as my co-author, so I want to make sure that he gets recognized for this too.

Chapters (3)

Ben and Nate awaken in the city of Maretropolis, a bustling futuristic city the likes of which they had only witnessed in fiction, where they've become Megaman and Protoman. Two scientists by the name of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer aid them as they adjust to this new place.

A collab between me and my friends Azure and Brony Parasite. Been in the works for over a year now. Any feedback will be appreciated

Chapters (3)