• Member Since 10th Jan, 2013

Toothless the Night Fury

Fire-breathing dragon with a passion for reading, writing, and editing. Avatar by CosmicSpectrumm

Pending For Review 5 stories
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Total Words: 11,398
Estimated Reading: 45 minutes



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A plot against the Royal Council of Regents foiled. A mysterious villain defeated. His most loyal lieutenant turned double agent. This is the life of Tempest Shadow.

For her actions in stopping the Storm King, Tempest may very well be called a hero. But her past crimes need an answer not only for Equestria, but for herself. She continues to wrestle with her purpose and her disability now that her servitude to her former master has ended. Tired of her struggles, Tempest Shadow seems content to resign herself to whatever fate the Equestrian intelligence apparatus deems fit.

Twilight Sparkle has other ideas.

Chapters (1)

(Featured on Fimfiction 10/22/17-10/25/17! Thanks so much!) You can find reviews for this story here, and here!

(Historian's/Spoiler Note: This story includes characters and situations from My Little Pony: The Movie, and takes place during said movie.)

Four by hundreds of hooves, they march in dreary lockstep towards their cages, to serve their fate as beasts of burden. From all over the nation they came to this place in the name of friendship, but now their colors are struck and their ears drooped; scorching sulfur invading their nostrils as heavy chains bear them into capitulation.

Tempest Shadow, commander of the armies of the north and mistress of her own name, has subdued the capital of the largest nation in the known world without a single casualty on either side. She has bested three of the four legendary alicorns in combat, and chased away the last. Every obstacle in her way has been found wanting...save for one.

This is a story of the pillar that would not fall.

Story Specific Cover Art by: Ranch

Chapters (2)