• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
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I have no idea what I'm doing

More Blog Posts9

  • 213 weeks
    Personal Thoughts of this Commissioned Art Piece.

    Evening lads, I was hoping if anyone could give me their thoughts on this art piece I commissioned that was made by JodTheCod, here's the link to the original thread if you're interested.

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    6 comments · 344 views
  • 220 weeks
    I Sleep... Real Sh-

    Boss: "Hey, we're cutting hours for the entirety of next week, you're one of those people"


    Boss: "But you get paid leave"


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    8 comments · 350 views
  • 222 weeks
    Motivation for Writing

    "Remember, a scene a day keeps the heresy away! :twilightsmile:" - Is pretty much how I motivate myself to write for three four stories.

    1 comments · 268 views
  • 224 weeks
    "What does it mean to be a...Pony?"

    "What does it mean to be a... Pony. Ever since I discovered the truth about myself, I often questioned my very existence. Am I a real Pony? Or am I just a false being; an artificially created construct given the false reality of life inside a metal hollow shell I call a body... What does it mean... to be a... Pony?"

    A line I came up with while discussing a story with my artist.

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  • 225 weeks
    A General Update

    At the time of writing this, the local time is 4:53 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

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Personal Thoughts of this Commissioned Art Piece. · 11:33am Jun 20th, 2020

Evening lads, I was hoping if anyone could give me their thoughts on this art piece I commissioned that was made by JodTheCod, here's the link to the original thread if you're interested.

If you’re able, I would like you to imagine yourself entering this room with this guy sitting upon his throne with the alicorn sisters doing cute things.

What would you feel when looking at the trio? What sort of experience are you feeling when seeing this?

Your opinions will help me grasp a better view of Apollyon from your perspective as the subjects rather than me being limited by my own, thus helping me write future chapters.

I hope I have better luck of getting comments here rather than the other places I've tried to get thoughts from. So far I only have four but its better than nothing I guess. Your contribution shall be noted.

Comments ( 6 )

A ruler that while kind and loving, but still must see to the needs of the state. At night he grows tired, but is willing to play a while with the two little sisters he promised to protect.

I love this.

It is soo colorful

Ah, brings a tear to my eye mate.

A mage king, perhaps kind and gentle, a little on the opulent side if anything. Incredibly adorable fillies.
I would feel comfortable approaching this gentleman if anything

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