• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I have no idea what I'm doing

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Found 2 stories in 17ms

Total Words: 89,274
Estimated Reading: 5 hours


This story is a sequel to Voices of the Father

Alone, this Human will raise his daughters to be the caretakers of the New World. They will become his legacy as the lives of mortals wither and die. But for now, the drama of the World today will challenge them to their limits.

Let the struggles of this totally normal family BEGIN!

Cover Art by: JodTheCod

Chapters (14)

The Nightmare is gone and Luna's return has been welcomed by everypony but there is someone else that was alerted by her return. Someone that has been gone for a long, long time... and now, her past has come back to haunt her.

Cover Art by: JodTheCod

Chapters (1)